Many applications of representation learning, such as privacy preservation, algorithmic fairness, and domain adaptation, desire explicit control over semantic information being discarded. This goal is formulated as satisfying two objectives: maximizing utility for predicting a target attribute while simultaneously being invariant (independent) to a known semantic attribute. Solutions to invariant representation learning (IRepL) problems lead to a trade-off between utility and invariance when they are competing. While existing works study bounds on this trade-off, two questions remain outstanding: 1) What is the exact trade-off between utility and invariance? and 2) What are the encoders (mapping the data to a representation) that achieve the trade-off, and how can we estimate it from training data? This paper addresses these questions for IRepLs in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS)s. Under the assumption that the distribution of a low-dimensional projection of high-dimensional data is approximately normal, we derive a closed-form solution for the global optima of the underlying optimization problem for encoders in RKHSs. This yields closed formulae for a near-optimal trade-off, corresponding optimal representation dimensionality, and the corresponding encoder(s). We also numerically quantify the trade-off on representative problems and compare them to those achieved by baseline IRepL algorithms.
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We introduce the Conditional Independence Regression CovariancE (CIRCE), a measure of conditional independence for multivariate continuous-valued variables. CIRCE applies as a regularizer in settings where we wish to learn neural features $\varphi(X)$ of data $X$ to estimate a target $Y$, while being conditionally independent of a distractor $Z$ given $Y$. Both $Z$ and $Y$ are assumed to be continuous-valued but relatively low dimensional, whereas $X$ and its features may be complex and high dimensional. Relevant settings include domain-invariant learning, fairness, and causal learning. The procedure requires just a single ridge regression from $Y$ to kernelized features of $Z$, which can be done in advance. It is then only necessary to enforce independence of $\varphi(X)$ from residuals of this regression, which is possible with attractive estimation properties and consistency guarantees. By contrast, earlier measures of conditional feature dependence require multiple regressions for each step of feature learning, resulting in more severe bias and variance, and greater computational cost. When sufficiently rich features are used, we establish that CIRCE is zero if and only if $\varphi(X) \perp \!\!\! \perp Z \mid Y$. In experiments, we show superior performance to previous methods on challenging benchmarks, including learning conditionally invariant image features.
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自我监督的表示学习解决辅助预测任务(称为借口任务),而不需要标记数据以学习有用的语义表示。这些借口任务仅使用输入特征,例如预测缺失的图像修补程序,从上下文中恢复图像的颜色通道,或者预测文本中的缺失单词;然而,预测该\ Texit {已知}信息有助于学习对下游预测任务的学习陈述。我们提供利用某些{\ EM重建}借口任务之间的统计连接的机制,以保证学习良好代表性。正式地,我们量化了借口任务的组件之间的近似独立性(标签和潜在变量的条件)允许我们学习可以通过训练在学习表示的顶部的线性层来解决下游任务的表示。我们证明了线性层即使对于复杂的地面真理函数类,也会产生小的近似误差,并且将急剧减少标记的样本复杂性。接下来,我们展示了我们方法的简单修改,导致非线性CCA,类似于流行的Simsiam算法,并显示了非线性CCA的类似保证。
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This paper proposes a novel multivariate definition of statistical dependence using a functional methodology inspired by Alfred R\'enyi. We define a new symmetric and self-adjoint cross density kernel through a recursive bidirectional statistical mapping between conditional densities of continuous random processes, which estimates their statistical dependence. Therefore, the kernel eigenspectrum is proposed as a new multivariate statistical dependence measure, and the formulation requires fewer assumptions about the data generation model than current methods. The measure can also be estimated from realizations. The proposed functional maximum correlation algorithm (FMCA) is applied to a learning architecture with two multivariate neural networks. The FMCA optimal solution is an equilibrium point that estimates the eigenspectrum of the cross density kernel. Preliminary results with synthetic data and medium size image datasets corroborate the theory. Four different strategies of applying the cross density kernel are thoroughly discussed and implemented to show the versatility and stability of the methodology, and it transcends supervised learning. When two random processes are high-dimensional real-world images and white uniform noise, respectively, the algorithm learns a factorial code i.e., the occurrence of a code guarantees that a certain input in the training set was present, which is quite important for feature learning.
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自我监督的学习(SSL)推测,投入和成对的积极关系足以学习有意义的表示。尽管SSL最近达到了一个里程碑:在许多模式下,胜过监督的方法\点,理论基础是有限的,特定于方法的,并且未能向从业者提供原则上的设计指南。在本文中,我们提出了一个统一的框架,这些框架是在光谱歧管学习的掌舵下,以解决这些局限性。通过这项研究的过程,我们将严格证明Vic​​reg,Simclr,Barlowtwins等。对应于诸如Laplacian eigenmaps,多维缩放等方面的同名光谱方法。然后,此统一将使我们能够获得(i)每种方法的闭合形式的最佳表示,(ii)每种方法的线性态度中的封闭形式的最佳网络参数,(iii)在期间使用的成对关系的影响对每个数量和下游任务性能的培训,以及最重要的是,(iv)分别针对全球和局部光谱嵌入方法的对比度和非对抗性方法之间的第一个理论桥梁,暗示了每种方法的益处和限制。例如,(i)如果成对关系与下游任务一致,则可以成功采用任何SSL方法并将恢复监督方法,但是在低数据状态下,Vicreg的不变性超参数应该很高; (ii)如果成对关系与下游任务未对准,则与SIMCLR或BARLOWTWINS相比,具有小型不变性高参数的VICREG。
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Network data are ubiquitous in modern machine learning, with tasks of interest including node classification, node clustering and link prediction. A frequent approach begins by learning an Euclidean embedding of the network, to which algorithms developed for vector-valued data are applied. For large networks, embeddings are learned using stochastic gradient methods where the sub-sampling scheme can be freely chosen. Despite the strong empirical performance of such methods, they are not well understood theoretically. Our work encapsulates representation methods using a subsampling approach, such as node2vec, into a single unifying framework. We prove, under the assumption that the graph is exchangeable, that the distribution of the learned embedding vectors asymptotically decouples. Moreover, we characterize the asymptotic distribution and provided rates of convergence, in terms of the latent parameters, which includes the choice of loss function and the embedding dimension. This provides a theoretical foundation to understand what the embedding vectors represent and how well these methods perform on downstream tasks. Notably, we observe that typically used loss functions may lead to shortcomings, such as a lack of Fisher consistency.
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It is important to guarantee that machine learning algorithms deployed in the real world do not result in unfairness or unintended social consequences. Fair ML has largely focused on the protection of single attributes in the simpler setting where both attributes and target outcomes are binary. However, the practical application in many a real-world problem entails the simultaneous protection of multiple sensitive attributes, which are often not simply binary, but continuous or categorical. To address this more challenging task, we introduce FairCOCCO, a fairness measure built on cross-covariance operators on reproducing kernel Hilbert Spaces. This leads to two practical tools: first, the FairCOCCO Score, a normalised metric that can quantify fairness in settings with single or multiple sensitive attributes of arbitrary type; and second, a subsequent regularisation term that can be incorporated into arbitrary learning objectives to obtain fair predictors. These contributions address crucial gaps in the algorithmic fairness literature, and we empirically demonstrate consistent improvements against state-of-the-art techniques in balancing predictive power and fairness on real-world datasets.
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Classical asymptotic theory for statistical inference usually involves calibrating a statistic by fixing the dimension $d$ while letting the sample size $n$ increase to infinity. Recently, much effort has been dedicated towards understanding how these methods behave in high-dimensional settings, where $d$ and $n$ both increase to infinity together. This often leads to different inference procedures, depending on the assumptions about the dimensionality, leaving the practitioner in a bind: given a dataset with 100 samples in 20 dimensions, should they calibrate by assuming $n \gg d$, or $d/n \approx 0.2$? This paper considers the goal of dimension-agnostic inference; developing methods whose validity does not depend on any assumption on $d$ versus $n$. We introduce an approach that uses variational representations of existing test statistics along with sample splitting and self-normalization to produce a new test statistic with a Gaussian limiting distribution, regardless of how $d$ scales with $n$. The resulting statistic can be viewed as a careful modification of degenerate U-statistics, dropping diagonal blocks and retaining off-diagonal blocks. We exemplify our technique for some classical problems including one-sample mean and covariance testing, and show that our tests have minimax rate-optimal power against appropriate local alternatives. In most settings, our cross U-statistic matches the high-dimensional power of the corresponding (degenerate) U-statistic up to a $\sqrt{2}$ factor.
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确定点过程(DPP)是排斥点模式的统计模型。取样和推理都是DPPS的易用,这是具有负依赖性的模型中的罕见特征,解释了他们在机器学习和空间统计中的普及。已经在有限情况下提出了参数和非参数推断方法,即当点模式生活在有限的地面集中时。在连续的情况下,只有研究参数方法,而DPPS的非参数最大可能性 - 追踪课程运算符的优化问题 - 仍然是一个打开的问题。在本文中,我们表明,这种最大可能性(MLE)问题的受限制版本落入了RKHS中的非负面函数的最新代表定理的范围内。这导致有限的尺寸问题,具有强大的统计关系到原始MLE。此外,我们提出,分析,并展示了解决这个有限尺寸问题的定点算法。最后,我们还提供了对DPP的相关核的受控估计,从而提供更多的解释性。
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在高赌注域中的机器学习工具的实际应用通常被调节为公平,因此预测目标应该满足相对于受保护属性的奇偶校验的一些定量概念。然而,公平性和准确性之间的确切权衡并不完全清楚,即使是对分类问题的基本范式也是如此。在本文中,我们通过在任何公平分类器的群体误差之和中提供较低的界限,在分类设置中表征统计奇偶校验和准确性之间的固有权衡。我们不可能的定理可以被解释为公平的某种不确定性原则:如果基本率不同,那么符合统计奇偶校验的任何公平分类器都必须在至少一个组中产生很大的错误。我们进一步扩展了这一结果,以便在学习公平陈述的角度下给出任何(大约)公平分类者的联合误差的下限。为了表明我们的下限是紧张的,假设Oracle访问贝叶斯(潜在不公平)分类器,我们还构造了一种返回一个随机分类器的算法,这是最佳和公平的。有趣的是,当受保护的属性可以采用超过两个值时,这个下限的扩展不承认分析解决方案。然而,在这种情况下,我们表明,通过解决线性程序,我们可以通过解决我们作为电视 - 重心问题的术语,电视距离的重心问题来有效地计算下限。在上面,我们证明,如果集团明智的贝叶斯最佳分类器是关闭的,那么学习公平的表示导致公平的替代概念,称为准确性奇偶校验,这使得错误率在组之间关闭。最后,我们还在现实世界数据集上进行实验,以确认我们的理论发现。
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We reformulate unsupervised dimension reduction problem (UDR) in the language of tempered distributions, i.e. as a problem of approximating an empirical probability density function by another tempered distribution, supported in a $k$-dimensional subspace. We show that this task is connected with another classical problem of data science -- the sufficient dimension reduction problem (SDR). In fact, an algorithm for the first problem induces an algorithm for the second and vice versa. In order to reduce an optimization problem over distributions to an optimization problem over ordinary functions we introduce a nonnegative penalty function that ``forces'' the support of the model distribution to be $k$-dimensional. Then we present an algorithm for the minimization of the penalized objective, based on the infinite-dimensional low-rank optimization, which we call the alternating scheme. Also, we design an efficient approximate algorithm for a special case of the problem, where the distance between the empirical distribution and the model distribution is measured by Maximum Mean Discrepancy defined by a Mercer kernel of a certain type. We test our methods on four examples (three UDR and one SDR) using synthetic data and standard datasets.
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我们考虑通过复制内核希尔伯特空间的相关协方差操作员对概率分布进行分析。我们表明,冯·诺伊曼(Von Neumann)的熵和这些操作员的相对熵与香农熵和相对熵的通常概念密切相关,并具有许多特性。它们与来自概率分布的各种口径的有效估计算法结合在一起。我们还考虑了产品空间,并表明对于张量产品内核,我们可以定义互信息和联合熵的概念,然后可以完美地表征独立性,但只能部分条件独立。我们最终展示了这些新的相对熵概念如何导致对数分区函数的新上限,这些函数可以与变异推理方法中的凸优化一起使用,从而提供了新的概率推理方法家族。
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切成薄片的相互信息(SMI)定义为在随机变量的一维随机投影之间的平均值(MI)项。它是对经典MI依赖的替代度量,该量子保留了许多特性,但更可扩展到高维度。但是,对SMI本身和其估计率的定量表征取决于环境维度,这对于理解可伸缩性至关重要,仍然晦涩难懂。这项工作将原始的SMI定义扩展到$ K $ -SMI,该定义将预测视为$ k $维二维子空间,并提供了有关其依赖性尺寸的多方面帐户。在2-Wasserstein指标中使用差分熵连续性的新结果,我们对Monte Carlo(MC)基于$ K $ -SMI的估计的错误得出了尖锐的界限,并明确依赖于$ K $和环境维度,揭示了他们与样品数量的相互作用。然后,我们将MC Integrator与神经估计框架相结合,以提供端到端$ K $ -SMI估算器,为此建立了最佳的收敛率。随着尺寸的增长,我们还探索了人口$ k $ -smi的渐近学,从而为高斯近似结果提供了在适当的力矩范围下衰减的残差。我们的理论通过数值实验验证,并适用于切片Infogan,该切片完全提供了$ k $ -smi的可伸缩性问题的全面定量说明,包括SMI作为特殊情况,当$ k = 1 $。
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