计算机代数可以使用符号算法回答有关部分微分方程的各种问题。但是,在计算机代数中将数据包含在方程式中很少。因此,最近,计算机代数模型与高斯流程(机器学习中的回归模型)相结合,以描述数据下某些微分方程的行为。尽管可以在这种情况下描述多项式边界条件,但我们将这些模型扩展到分析边界条件。此外,我们描述了具有某些分析系数的Weyl代数的gr \ obner和Janet碱基的必要算法。使用这些算法,我们提供了由分析功能界定并适应观察结果的域中无差流流的示例。
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Partial differential equations (PDEs) are important tools to model physical systems, and including them into machine learning models is an important way of incorporating physical knowledge. Given any system of linear PDEs with constant coefficients, we propose a family of Gaussian process (GP) priors, which we call EPGP, such that all realizations are exact solutions of this system. We apply the Ehrenpreis-Palamodov fundamental principle, which works like a non-linear Fourier transform, to construct GP kernels mirroring standard spectral methods for GPs. Our approach can infer probable solutions of linear PDE systems from any data such as noisy measurements, or initial and boundary conditions. Constructing EPGP-priors is algorithmic, generally applicable, and comes with a sparse version (S-EPGP) that learns the relevant spectral frequencies and works better for big data sets. We demonstrate our approach on three families of systems of PDE, the heat equation, wave equation, and Maxwell's equations, where we improve upon the state of the art in computation time and precision, in some experiments by several orders of magnitude.
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Linear partial differential equations (PDEs) are an important, widely applied class of mechanistic models, describing physical processes such as heat transfer, electromagnetism, and wave propagation. In practice, specialized numerical methods based on discretization are used to solve PDEs. They generally use an estimate of the unknown model parameters and, if available, physical measurements for initialization. Such solvers are often embedded into larger scientific models or analyses with a downstream application such that error quantification plays a key role. However, by entirely ignoring parameter and measurement uncertainty, classical PDE solvers may fail to produce consistent estimates of their inherent approximation error. In this work, we approach this problem in a principled fashion by interpreting solving linear PDEs as physics-informed Gaussian process (GP) regression. Our framework is based on a key generalization of a widely-applied theorem for conditioning GPs on a finite number of direct observations to observations made via an arbitrary bounded linear operator. Crucially, this probabilistic viewpoint allows to (1) quantify the inherent discretization error; (2) propagate uncertainty about the model parameters to the solution; and (3) condition on noisy measurements. Demonstrating the strength of this formulation, we prove that it strictly generalizes methods of weighted residuals, a central class of PDE solvers including collocation, finite volume, pseudospectral, and (generalized) Galerkin methods such as finite element and spectral methods. This class can thus be directly equipped with a structured error estimate and the capability to incorporate uncertain model parameters and observations. In summary, our results enable the seamless integration of mechanistic models as modular building blocks into probabilistic models.
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Interacting particle or agent systems that display a rich variety of swarming behaviours are ubiquitous in science and engineering. A fundamental and challenging goal is to understand the link between individual interaction rules and swarming. In this paper, we study the data-driven discovery of a second-order particle swarming model that describes the evolution of $N$ particles in $\mathbb{R}^d$ under radial interactions. We propose a learning approach that models the latent radial interaction function as Gaussian processes, which can simultaneously fulfill two inference goals: one is the nonparametric inference of {the} interaction function with pointwise uncertainty quantification, and the other one is the inference of unknown scalar parameters in the non-collective friction forces of the system. We formulate the learning problem as a statistical inverse problem and provide a detailed analysis of recoverability conditions, establishing that a coercivity condition is sufficient for recoverability. Given data collected from $M$ i.i.d trajectories with independent Gaussian observational noise, we provide a finite-sample analysis, showing that our posterior mean estimator converges in a Reproducing kernel Hilbert space norm, at an optimal rate in $M$ equal to the one in the classical 1-dimensional Kernel Ridge regression. As a byproduct, we show we can obtain a parametric learning rate in $M$ for the posterior marginal variance using $L^{\infty}$ norm, and the rate could also involve $N$ and $L$ (the number of observation time instances for each trajectory), depending on the condition number of the inverse problem. Numerical results on systems that exhibit different swarming behaviors demonstrate efficient learning of our approach from scarce noisy trajectory data.
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本论文主要涉及解决深层(时间)高斯过程(DGP)回归问题的状态空间方法。更具体地,我们代表DGP作为分层组合的随机微分方程(SDES),并且我们通过使用状态空间过滤和平滑方法来解决DGP回归问题。由此产生的状态空间DGP(SS-DGP)模型生成丰富的电视等级,与建模许多不规则信号/功能兼容。此外,由于他们的马尔可道结构,通过使用贝叶斯滤波和平滑方法可以有效地解决SS-DGPS回归问题。本论文的第二次贡献是我们通过使用泰勒力矩膨胀(TME)方法来解决连续离散高斯滤波和平滑问题。这诱导了一类滤波器和SmooThers,其可以渐近地精确地预测随机微分方程(SDES)解决方案的平均值和协方差。此外,TME方法和TME过滤器和SmoOthers兼容模拟SS-DGP并解决其回归问题。最后,本文具有多种状态 - 空间(深)GPS的应用。这些应用主要包括(i)来自部分观察到的轨迹的SDES的未知漂移功能和信号的光谱 - 时间特征估计。
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我们介绍了Hida-Mat'Ern内核的班级,这是整个固定式高斯 - 马尔可夫流程的整个空间的规范家庭协方差。它在垫子内核上延伸,通过允许灵活地构造具有振荡组件的过程。任何固定内核,包括广泛使用的平方指数和光谱混合核,要么直接在该类内,也是适当的渐近限制,展示了该类的一般性。利用其Markovian Nature,我们展示了如何仅使用内核及其衍生物来代表状态空间模型的过程。反过来,这使我们能够更有效地执行高斯工艺推论,并且侧面通常计算负担。我们还表明,除了进一步减少计算复杂性之外,我们还显示了如何利用状态空间表示的特殊属性。
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Physical law learning is the ambiguous attempt at automating the derivation of governing equations with the use of machine learning techniques. The current literature focuses however solely on the development of methods to achieve this goal, and a theoretical foundation is at present missing. This paper shall thus serve as a first step to build a comprehensive theoretical framework for learning physical laws, aiming to provide reliability to according algorithms. One key problem consists in the fact that the governing equations might not be uniquely determined by the given data. We will study this problem in the common situation that a physical law is described by an ordinary or partial differential equation. For various different classes of differential equations, we provide both necessary and sufficient conditions for a function to uniquely determine the differential equation which is governing the phenomenon. We then use our results to devise numerical algorithms to determine whether a function solves a differential equation uniquely. Finally, we provide extensive numerical experiments showing that our algorithms in combination with common approaches for learning physical laws indeed allow to guarantee that a unique governing differential equation is learnt, without assuming any knowledge about the function, thereby ensuring reliability.
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本文通过引入几何深度学习(GDL)框架来构建通用馈电型型模型与可区分的流形几何形状兼容的通用馈电型模型,从而解决了对非欧国人数据进行处理的需求。我们表明,我们的GDL模型可以在受控最大直径的紧凑型组上均匀地近似任何连续目标函数。我们在近似GDL模型的深度上获得了最大直径和上限的曲率依赖性下限。相反,我们发现任何两个非分类紧凑型歧管之间始终都有连续的函数,任何“局部定义”的GDL模型都不能均匀地近似。我们的最后一个主要结果确定了数据依赖性条件,确保实施我们近似的GDL模型破坏了“维度的诅咒”。我们发现,任何“现实世界”(即有限)数据集始终满足我们的状况,相反,如果目标函数平滑,则任何数据集都满足我们的要求。作为应用,我们确认了以下GDL模型的通用近似功能:Ganea等。 (2018)的双波利馈电网络,实施Krishnan等人的体系结构。 (2015年)的深卡尔曼 - 滤波器和深度玛克斯分类器。我们构建了:Meyer等人的SPD-Matrix回归剂的通用扩展/变体。 (2011)和Fletcher(2003)的Procrustean回归剂。在欧几里得的环境中,我们的结果暗示了Kidger和Lyons(2020)的近似定理和Yarotsky和Zhevnerchuk(2019)无估计近似率的数据依赖性版本的定量版本。
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Many applications, such as system identification, classification of time series, direct and inverse problems in partial differential equations, and uncertainty quantification lead to the question of approximation of a non-linear operator between metric spaces $\mathfrak{X}$ and $\mathfrak{Y}$. We study the problem of determining the degree of approximation of such operators on a compact subset $K_\mathfrak{X}\subset \mathfrak{X}$ using a finite amount of information. If $\mathcal{F}: K_\mathfrak{X}\to K_\mathfrak{Y}$, a well established strategy to approximate $\mathcal{F}(F)$ for some $F\in K_\mathfrak{X}$ is to encode $F$ (respectively, $\mathcal{F}(F)$) in terms of a finite number $d$ (repectively $m$) of real numbers. Together with appropriate reconstruction algorithms (decoders), the problem reduces to the approximation of $m$ functions on a compact subset of a high dimensional Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^d$, equivalently, the unit sphere $\mathbb{S}^d$ embedded in $\mathbb{R}^{d+1}$. The problem is challenging because $d$, $m$, as well as the complexity of the approximation on $\mathbb{S}^d$ are all large, and it is necessary to estimate the accuracy keeping track of the inter-dependence of all the approximations involved. In this paper, we establish constructive methods to do this efficiently; i.e., with the constants involved in the estimates on the approximation on $\mathbb{S}^d$ being $\mathcal{O}(d^{1/6})$. We study different smoothness classes for the operators, and also propose a method for approximation of $\mathcal{F}(F)$ using only information in a small neighborhood of $F$, resulting in an effective reduction in the number of parameters involved.
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The polynomial kernels are widely used in machine learning and they are one of the default choices to develop kernel-based classification and regression models. However, they are rarely used and considered in numerical analysis due to their lack of strict positive definiteness. In particular they do not enjoy the usual property of unisolvency for arbitrary point sets, which is one of the key properties used to build kernel-based interpolation methods. This paper is devoted to establish some initial results for the study of these kernels, and their related interpolation algorithms, in the context of approximation theory. We will first prove necessary and sufficient conditions on point sets which guarantee the existence and uniqueness of an interpolant. We will then study the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces (or native spaces) of these kernels and their norms, and provide inclusion relations between spaces corresponding to different kernel parameters. With these spaces at hand, it will be further possible to derive generic error estimates which apply to sufficiently smooth functions, thus escaping the native space. Finally, we will show how to employ an efficient stable algorithm to these kernels to obtain accurate interpolants, and we will test them in some numerical experiment. After this analysis several computational and theoretical aspects remain open, and we will outline possible further research directions in a concluding section. This work builds some bridges between kernel and polynomial interpolation, two topics to which the authors, to different extents, have been introduced under the supervision or through the work of Stefano De Marchi. For this reason, they wish to dedicate this work to him in the occasion of his 60th birthday.
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内核方法是机器学习中最流行的技术之一,使用再现内核希尔伯特空间(RKHS)的属性来解决学习任务。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的数据分析框架,与再现内核Hilbert $ C ^ * $ - 模块(rkhm)和rkhm中的内核嵌入(kme)。由于RKHM包含比RKHS或VVRKHS)的更丰富的信息,因此使用RKHM的分析使我们能够捕获和提取诸如功能数据的结构属性。我们向RKHM展示了rkhm理论的分支,以适用于数据分析,包括代表性定理,以及所提出的KME的注射性和普遍性。我们还显示RKHM概括RKHS和VVRKHS。然后,我们提供采用RKHM和提议的KME对数据分析的具体程序。
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内核Stein差异(KSD)是一种基于内核的广泛使用概率指标之间差异的非参数量度。它通常在用户从候选概率度量中收集的样本集合的情况下使用,并希望将它们与指定的目标概率度量进行比较。 KSD的一个有用属性是,它可以仅从候选度量的样本中计算出来,并且不知道目标度量的正常化常数。 KSD已用于一系列设置,包括合适的测试,参数推断,MCMC输出评估和生成建模。当前KSD方法论的两个主要问题是(i)超出有限维度欧几里得环境之外的适用性以及(ii)缺乏影响KSD性能的清晰度。本文提供了KSD的新频谱表示,这两种补救措施都使KSD适用于希尔伯特(Hilbert)评估数据,并揭示了内核和Stein oterator Choice对KSD的影响。我们通过在许多合成数据实验中对各种高斯和非高斯功能模型进行拟合优度测试来证明所提出的方法的功效。
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