内核Stein差异(KSD)是一种基于内核的广泛使用概率指标之间差异的非参数量度。它通常在用户从候选概率度量中收集的样本集合的情况下使用,并希望将它们与指定的目标概率度量进行比较。 KSD的一个有用属性是,它可以仅从候选度量的样本中计算出来,并且不知道目标度量的正常化常数。 KSD已用于一系列设置,包括合适的测试,参数推断,MCMC输出评估和生成建模。当前KSD方法论的两个主要问题是(i)超出有限维度欧几里得环境之外的适用性以及(ii)缺乏影响KSD性能的清晰度。本文提供了KSD的新频谱表示,这两种补救措施都使KSD适用于希尔伯特(Hilbert)评估数据,并揭示了内核和Stein oterator Choice对KSD的影响。我们通过在许多合成数据实验中对各种高斯和非高斯功能模型进行拟合优度测试来证明所提出的方法的功效。
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广义贝叶斯推理使用损失函数而不是可能性的先前信仰更新,因此可以用于赋予鲁棒性,以防止可能的错误规范的可能性。在这里,我们认为广泛化的贝叶斯推论斯坦坦差异作为损失函数的损失,由应用程序的可能性含有难治性归一化常数。在这种情况下,斯坦因差异来避免归一化恒定的评估,并产生封闭形式或使用标准马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗的通用后出版物。在理论层面上,我们显示了一致性,渐近的正常性和偏见 - 稳健性,突出了这些物业如何受到斯坦因差异的选择。然后,我们提供关于一系列棘手分布的数值实验,包括基于内核的指数家庭模型和非高斯图形模型的应用。
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基于内核的测试提供了一个简单而有效的框架,该框架使用繁殖内核希尔伯特空间的理论设计非参数测试程序。在本文中,我们提出了新的理论工具,可用于在几种数据方案以及许多不同的测试问题中研究基于内核测试的渐近行为。与当前的方法不同,我们的方法避免使用冗长的$ u $和$ v $统计信息扩展并限制定理,该定理通常出现在文献中,并直接与希尔伯特空格上的随机功能合作。因此,我们的框架会导致对内核测试的简单明了的分析,只需要轻度的规律条件。此外,我们表明,通常可以通过证明我们方法所需的规律条件既足够又需要进行必要的规律条件来改进我们的分析。为了说明我们的方法的有效性,我们为有条件的独立性测试问题提供了一项新的内核测试,以及针对已知的基于内核测试的新分析。
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最大平均差异(MMD)(例如内核Stein差异(KSD))已成为广泛应用的中心,包括假设测试,采样器选择,分布近似和变异推断。在每种情况下,这些基于内核的差异度量都需要(i)(i)将目标p与其他概率度量分开,甚至(ii)控制弱收敛到P。在本文中,我们得出了新的足够和必要的条件,以确保(i) (ii)。对于可分开的度量空间上的MMD,我们表征了那些将BOCHNER嵌入量度分开的内核,并引入了简单条件,以将所有措施用无限的内核分开,并控制与有界内核的收敛。我们在$ \ mathbb {r}^d $上使用这些结果来实质性地扩大了KSD分离和收敛控制的已知条件,并开发了已知的第一个KSD,以恰好将弱收敛到P。我们的假设检验,测量和改善样本质量以及用Stein变异梯度下降进行抽样的结果。
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Quantifying the deviation of a probability distribution is challenging when the target distribution is defined by a density with an intractable normalizing constant. The kernel Stein discrepancy (KSD) was proposed to address this problem and has been applied to various tasks including diagnosing approximate MCMC samplers and goodness-of-fit testing for unnormalized statistical models. This article investigates a convergence control property of the diffusion kernel Stein discrepancy (DKSD), an instance of the KSD proposed by Barp et al. (2019). We extend the result of Gorham and Mackey (2017), which showed that the KSD controls the bounded-Lipschitz metric, to functions of polynomial growth. Specifically, we prove that the DKSD controls the integral probability metric defined by a class of pseudo-Lipschitz functions, a polynomial generalization of Lipschitz functions. We also provide practical sufficient conditions on the reproducing kernel for the stated property to hold. In particular, we show that the DKSD detects non-convergence in moments with an appropriate kernel.
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We consider autocovariance operators of a stationary stochastic process on a Polish space that is embedded into a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. We investigate how empirical estimates of these operators converge along realizations of the process under various conditions. In particular, we examine ergodic and strongly mixing processes and obtain several asymptotic results as well as finite sample error bounds. We provide applications of our theory in terms of consistency results for kernel PCA with dependent data and the conditional mean embedding of transition probabilities. Finally, we use our approach to examine the nonparametric estimation of Markov transition operators and highlight how our theory can give a consistency analysis for a large family of spectral analysis methods including kernel-based dynamic mode decomposition.
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内核方法是机器学习中最流行的技术之一,使用再现内核希尔伯特空间(RKHS)的属性来解决学习任务。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的数据分析框架,与再现内核Hilbert $ C ^ * $ - 模块(rkhm)和rkhm中的内核嵌入(kme)。由于RKHM包含比RKHS或VVRKHS)的更丰富的信息,因此使用RKHM的分析使我们能够捕获和提取诸如功能数据的结构属性。我们向RKHM展示了rkhm理论的分支,以适用于数据分析,包括代表性定理,以及所提出的KME的注射性和普遍性。我们还显示RKHM概括RKHS和VVRKHS。然后,我们提供采用RKHM和提议的KME对数据分析的具体程序。
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Classical asymptotic theory for statistical inference usually involves calibrating a statistic by fixing the dimension $d$ while letting the sample size $n$ increase to infinity. Recently, much effort has been dedicated towards understanding how these methods behave in high-dimensional settings, where $d$ and $n$ both increase to infinity together. This often leads to different inference procedures, depending on the assumptions about the dimensionality, leaving the practitioner in a bind: given a dataset with 100 samples in 20 dimensions, should they calibrate by assuming $n \gg d$, or $d/n \approx 0.2$? This paper considers the goal of dimension-agnostic inference; developing methods whose validity does not depend on any assumption on $d$ versus $n$. We introduce an approach that uses variational representations of existing test statistics along with sample splitting and self-normalization to produce a new test statistic with a Gaussian limiting distribution, regardless of how $d$ scales with $n$. The resulting statistic can be viewed as a careful modification of degenerate U-statistics, dropping diagonal blocks and retaining off-diagonal blocks. We exemplify our technique for some classical problems including one-sample mean and covariance testing, and show that our tests have minimax rate-optimal power against appropriate local alternatives. In most settings, our cross U-statistic matches the high-dimensional power of the corresponding (degenerate) U-statistic up to a $\sqrt{2}$ factor.
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本论文主要涉及解决深层(时间)高斯过程(DGP)回归问题的状态空间方法。更具体地,我们代表DGP作为分层组合的随机微分方程(SDES),并且我们通过使用状态空间过滤和平滑方法来解决DGP回归问题。由此产生的状态空间DGP(SS-DGP)模型生成丰富的电视等级,与建模许多不规则信号/功能兼容。此外,由于他们的马尔可道结构,通过使用贝叶斯滤波和平滑方法可以有效地解决SS-DGPS回归问题。本论文的第二次贡献是我们通过使用泰勒力矩膨胀(TME)方法来解决连续离散高斯滤波和平滑问题。这诱导了一类滤波器和SmooThers,其可以渐近地精确地预测随机微分方程(SDES)解决方案的平均值和协方差。此外,TME方法和TME过滤器和SmoOthers兼容模拟SS-DGP并解决其回归问题。最后,本文具有多种状态 - 空间(深)GPS的应用。这些应用主要包括(i)来自部分观察到的轨迹的SDES的未知漂移功能和信号的光谱 - 时间特征估计。
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离散状态空间代表了对统计推断的主要计算挑战,因为归一化常数的计算需要在大型或可能的无限集中进行求和,这可能是不切实际的。本文通过开发适合离散可怜的可能性的新型贝叶斯推理程序来解决这一计算挑战。受到连续数据的最新方法学进步的启发,主要思想是使用离散的Fisher Divergence更新有关模型参数的信念,以代替有问题的棘手的可能性。结果是可以使用标准计算工具(例如Markov Chain Monte Carlo)进行采样的广义后部,从而规避了棘手的归一化常数。分析了广义后验的统计特性,并具有足够的后验一致性和渐近正态性的条件。此外,提出了一种新颖的通用后代校准方法。应用程序在离散空间数据的晶格模型和计数数据的多元模型上介绍,在每种情况下,方法论都以低计算成本促进通用的贝叶斯推断。
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We propose a framework for analyzing and comparing distributions, which we use to construct statistical tests to determine if two samples are drawn from different distributions. Our test statistic is the largest difference in expectations over functions in the unit ball of a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS), and is called the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD). We present two distributionfree tests based on large deviation bounds for the MMD, and a third test based on the asymptotic distribution of this statistic. The MMD can be computed in quadratic time, although efficient linear time approximations are available. Our statistic is an instance of an integral probability metric, and various classical metrics on distributions are obtained when alternative function classes are used in place of an RKHS. We apply our two-sample tests to a variety of problems, including attribute matching for databases using the Hungarian marriage method, where they perform strongly. Excellent performance is also obtained when comparing distributions over graphs, for which these are the first such tests.
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我们将最初在多维扩展和降低多元数据的降低领域发展为功能设置。我们专注于经典缩放和ISOMAP - 在这些领域中起重要作用的原型方法 - 并在功能数据分析的背景下展示它们的使用。在此过程中,我们强调了环境公制扮演的关键作用。
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Interacting particle or agent systems that display a rich variety of swarming behaviours are ubiquitous in science and engineering. A fundamental and challenging goal is to understand the link between individual interaction rules and swarming. In this paper, we study the data-driven discovery of a second-order particle swarming model that describes the evolution of $N$ particles in $\mathbb{R}^d$ under radial interactions. We propose a learning approach that models the latent radial interaction function as Gaussian processes, which can simultaneously fulfill two inference goals: one is the nonparametric inference of {the} interaction function with pointwise uncertainty quantification, and the other one is the inference of unknown scalar parameters in the non-collective friction forces of the system. We formulate the learning problem as a statistical inverse problem and provide a detailed analysis of recoverability conditions, establishing that a coercivity condition is sufficient for recoverability. Given data collected from $M$ i.i.d trajectories with independent Gaussian observational noise, we provide a finite-sample analysis, showing that our posterior mean estimator converges in a Reproducing kernel Hilbert space norm, at an optimal rate in $M$ equal to the one in the classical 1-dimensional Kernel Ridge regression. As a byproduct, we show we can obtain a parametric learning rate in $M$ for the posterior marginal variance using $L^{\infty}$ norm, and the rate could also involve $N$ and $L$ (the number of observation time instances for each trajectory), depending on the condition number of the inverse problem. Numerical results on systems that exhibit different swarming behaviors demonstrate efficient learning of our approach from scarce noisy trajectory data.
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Linear partial differential equations (PDEs) are an important, widely applied class of mechanistic models, describing physical processes such as heat transfer, electromagnetism, and wave propagation. In practice, specialized numerical methods based on discretization are used to solve PDEs. They generally use an estimate of the unknown model parameters and, if available, physical measurements for initialization. Such solvers are often embedded into larger scientific models or analyses with a downstream application such that error quantification plays a key role. However, by entirely ignoring parameter and measurement uncertainty, classical PDE solvers may fail to produce consistent estimates of their inherent approximation error. In this work, we approach this problem in a principled fashion by interpreting solving linear PDEs as physics-informed Gaussian process (GP) regression. Our framework is based on a key generalization of a widely-applied theorem for conditioning GPs on a finite number of direct observations to observations made via an arbitrary bounded linear operator. Crucially, this probabilistic viewpoint allows to (1) quantify the inherent discretization error; (2) propagate uncertainty about the model parameters to the solution; and (3) condition on noisy measurements. Demonstrating the strength of this formulation, we prove that it strictly generalizes methods of weighted residuals, a central class of PDE solvers including collocation, finite volume, pseudospectral, and (generalized) Galerkin methods such as finite element and spectral methods. This class can thus be directly equipped with a structured error estimate and the capability to incorporate uncertain model parameters and observations. In summary, our results enable the seamless integration of mechanistic models as modular building blocks into probabilistic models.
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概率分布之间的差异措施,通常被称为统计距离,在概率理论,统计和机器学习中普遍存在。为了在估计这些距离的距离时,对维度的诅咒,最近的工作已经提出了通过带有高斯内核的卷积在测量的分布中平滑局部不规则性。通过该框架的可扩展性至高维度,我们研究了高斯平滑$ P $ -wassersein距离$ \ mathsf {w} _p ^ {(\ sigma)} $的结构和统计行为,用于任意$ p \ GEQ 1 $。在建立$ \ mathsf {w} _p ^ {(\ sigma)} $的基本度量和拓扑属性之后,我们探索$ \ mathsf {w} _p ^ {(\ sigma)}(\ hat {\ mu} _n,\ mu)$,其中$ \ hat {\ mu} _n $是$ n $独立观察的实证分布$ \ mu $。我们证明$ \ mathsf {w} _p ^ {(\ sigma)} $享受$ n ^ { - 1/2} $的参数经验融合速率,这对比$ n ^ { - 1 / d} $率对于未平滑的$ \ mathsf {w} _p $ why $ d \ geq 3 $。我们的证明依赖于控制$ \ mathsf {w} _p ^ {(\ sigma)} $ by $ p $ th-sting spoollow sobolev restion $ \ mathsf {d} _p ^ {(\ sigma)} $并导出限制$ \ sqrt {n} \,\ mathsf {d} _p ^ {(\ sigma)}(\ hat {\ mu} _n,\ mu)$,适用于所有尺寸$ d $。作为应用程序,我们提供了使用$ \ mathsf {w} _p ^ {(\ sigma)} $的两个样本测试和最小距离估计的渐近保证,使用$ p = 2 $的实验使用$ \ mathsf {d} _2 ^ {(\ sigma)} $。
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我们考虑通过复制内核希尔伯特空间的相关协方差操作员对概率分布进行分析。我们表明,冯·诺伊曼(Von Neumann)的熵和这些操作员的相对熵与香农熵和相对熵的通常概念密切相关,并具有许多特性。它们与来自概率分布的各种口径的有效估计算法结合在一起。我们还考虑了产品空间,并表明对于张量产品内核,我们可以定义互信息和联合熵的概念,然后可以完美地表征独立性,但只能部分条件独立。我们最终展示了这些新的相对熵概念如何导致对数分区函数的新上限,这些函数可以与变异推理方法中的凸优化一起使用,从而提供了新的概率推理方法家族。
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