Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are currently among the most widely-used neural networks available and achieve state-of-the-art performance for many problems. While originally applied to computer vision tasks, CNNs work well with any data with a spatial relationship, besides images, and have been applied to different fields. However, recent works have highlighted how CNNs, like other deep learning models, are sensitive to noise injection which can jeopardise their performance. This paper quantifies the numerical uncertainty of the floating point arithmetic inaccuracies of the inference stage of DeepGOPlus, a CNN that predicts protein function, in order to determine its numerical stability. In addition, this paper investigates the possibility to use reduced-precision floating point formats for DeepGOPlus inference to reduce memory consumption and latency. This is achieved with Monte Carlo Arithmetic, a technique that experimentally quantifies floating point operation errors and VPREC, a tool that emulates results with customizable floating point precision formats. Focus is placed on the inference stage as it is the main deliverable of the DeepGOPlus model that will be used across environments and therefore most likely be subjected to the most amount of noise. Furthermore, studies have shown that the inference stage is the part of the model which is most disposed to being scaled down in terms of reduced precision. All in all, it has been found that the numerical uncertainty of the DeepGOPlus CNN is very low at its current numerical precision format, but the model cannot currently be reduced to a lower precision that might render it more lightweight.
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深度神经网络(DNNS)的边缘训练是持续学习的理想目标。但是,这受到训练所需的巨大计算能力的阻碍。硬件近似乘数表明,它们在获得DNN推理加速器中获得资源效率的有效性;但是,使用近似乘数的培训在很大程度上尚未开发。为了通过支持DNN培训的近似乘数来构建有效的资源加速器,需要对不同DNN体系结构和不同近似乘数进行彻底评估。本文介绍了近似值,这是一个开源框架,允许使用模拟近似乘数快速评估DNN训练和推理。近似值与TensorFlow(TF)一样用户友好,仅需要对DNN体系结构的高级描述以及近似乘数的C/C ++功能模型。我们通过使用GPU(AMSIM)上的基于基于LUT的近似浮点(FP)乘数模拟器来提高乘数在乘数级别的模拟速度。近似值利用CUDA并有效地将AMSIM集成到张量库中,以克服商业GPU中的本机硬件近似乘数的缺乏。我们使用近似值来评估使用LENET和RESNETS体系结构的小型和大型数据集(包括Imagenet)的近似乘数的DNN训练的收敛性和准确性。与FP32和BFLOAT16乘数相比,评估表明测试准确性相似的收敛行为和可忽略不计的变化。与训练和推理中基于CPU的近似乘数模拟相比,GPU加速近似值快2500倍以上。基于具有本地硬件乘数的高度优化的闭合源Cudnn/Cublas库,原始张量量仅比近似值快8倍。
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Deep neural networks (DNNs) are currently widely used for many artificial intelligence (AI) applications including computer vision, speech recognition, and robotics. While DNNs deliver state-of-the-art accuracy on many AI tasks, it comes at the cost of high computational complexity. Accordingly, techniques that enable efficient processing of DNNs to improve energy efficiency and throughput without sacrificing application accuracy or increasing hardware cost are critical to the wide deployment of DNNs in AI systems.This article aims to provide a comprehensive tutorial and survey about the recent advances towards the goal of enabling efficient processing of DNNs. Specifically, it will provide an overview of DNNs, discuss various hardware platforms and architectures that support DNNs, and highlight key trends in reducing the computation cost of DNNs either solely via hardware design changes or via joint hardware design and DNN algorithm changes. It will also summarize various development resources that enable researchers and practitioners to quickly get started in this field, and highlight important benchmarking metrics and design considerations that should be used for evaluating the rapidly growing number of DNN hardware designs, optionally including algorithmic co-designs, being proposed in academia and industry.The reader will take away the following concepts from this article: understand the key design considerations for DNNs; be able to evaluate different DNN hardware implementations with benchmarks and comparison metrics; understand the trade-offs between various hardware architectures and platforms; be able to evaluate the utility of various DNN design techniques for efficient processing; and understand recent implementation trends and opportunities.
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There is a growing interest in the use of reduced-precision arithmetic, exacerbated by the recent interest in artificial intelligence, especially with deep learning. Most architectures already provide reduced-precision capabilities (e.g., 8-bit integer, 16-bit floating point). In the context of FPGAs, any number format and bit-width can even be considered.In computer arithmetic, the representation of real numbers is a major issue. Fixed-point (FxP) and floating-point (FlP) are the main options to represent reals, both with their advantages and drawbacks. This chapter presents both FxP and FlP number representations, and draws a fair a comparison between their cost, performance and energy, as well as their impact on accuracy during computations.It is shown that the choice between FxP and FlP is not obvious and strongly depends on the application considered. In some cases, low-precision floating-point arithmetic can be the most effective and provides some benefits over the classical fixed-point choice for energy-constrained applications.
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The International Workshop on Reading Music Systems (WoRMS) is a workshop that tries to connect researchers who develop systems for reading music, such as in the field of Optical Music Recognition, with other researchers and practitioners that could benefit from such systems, like librarians or musicologists. The relevant topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to: Music reading systems; Optical music recognition; Datasets and performance evaluation; Image processing on music scores; Writer identification; Authoring, editing, storing and presentation systems for music scores; Multi-modal systems; Novel input-methods for music to produce written music; Web-based Music Information Retrieval services; Applications and projects; Use-cases related to written music. These are the proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems, held in Alicante on the 23rd of July 2021.
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Alphazero,Leela Chess Zero和Stockfish Nnue革新了计算机国际象棋。本书对此类引擎的技术内部工作进行了完整的介绍。该书分为四个主要章节 - 不包括第1章(简介)和第6章(结论):第2章引入神经网络,涵盖了所有用于构建深层网络的基本构建块,例如Alphazero使用的网络。内容包括感知器,后传播和梯度下降,分类,回归,多层感知器,矢量化技术,卷积网络,挤压网络,挤压和激发网络,完全连接的网络,批处理归一化和横向归一化和跨性线性单位,残留层,剩余层,过度效果和底漆。第3章介绍了用于国际象棋发动机以及Alphazero使用的经典搜索技术。内容包括minimax,alpha-beta搜索和蒙特卡洛树搜索。第4章展示了现代国际象棋发动机的设计。除了开创性的Alphago,Alphago Zero和Alphazero我们涵盖Leela Chess Zero,Fat Fritz,Fat Fritz 2以及有效更新的神经网络(NNUE)以及MAIA。第5章是关于实施微型α。 Shexapawn是国际象棋的简约版本,被用作为此的示例。 Minimax搜索可以解决六ap峰,并产生了监督学习的培训位置。然后,作为比较,实施了类似Alphazero的训练回路,其中通过自我游戏进行训练与强化学习结合在一起。最后,比较了类似α的培训和监督培训。
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Adversarial examples that fool machine learning models, particularly deep neural networks, have been a topic of intense research interest, with attacks and defenses being developed in a tight back-and-forth. Most past defenses are best effort and have been shown to be vulnerable to sophisticated attacks. Recently a set of certified defenses have been introduced, which provide guarantees of robustness to normbounded attacks. However these defenses either do not scale to large datasets or are limited in the types of models they can support. This paper presents the first certified defense that both scales to large networks and datasets (such as Google's Inception network for ImageNet) and applies broadly to arbitrary model types. Our defense, called PixelDP, is based on a novel connection between robustness against adversarial examples and differential privacy, a cryptographically-inspired privacy formalism, that provides a rigorous, generic, and flexible foundation for defense.
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Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are increasingly used as components of larger software systems that need to process complex data, such as images, written texts, audio/video signals. DNN predictions cannot be assumed to be always correct for several reasons, among which the huge input space that is dealt with, the ambiguity of some inputs data, as well as the intrinsic properties of learning algorithms, which can provide only statistical warranties. Hence, developers have to cope with some residual error probability. An architectural pattern commonly adopted to manage failure-prone components is the supervisor, an additional component that can estimate the reliability of the predictions made by untrusted (e.g., DNN) components and can activate an automated healing procedure when these are likely to fail, ensuring that the Deep Learning based System (DLS) does not cause damages, despite its main functionality being suspended. In this paper, we consider DLS that implement a supervisor by means of uncertainty estimation. After overviewing the main approaches to uncertainty estimation and discussing their pros and cons, we motivate the need for a specific empirical assessment method that can deal with the experimental setting in which supervisors are used, where the accuracy of the DNN matters only as long as the supervisor lets the DLS continue to operate. Then we present a large empirical study conducted to compare the alternative approaches to uncertainty estimation. We distilled a set of guidelines for developers that are useful to incorporate a supervisor based on uncertainty monitoring into a DLS.
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Deep learning algorithms have been shown to perform extremely well on many classical machine learning problems. However, recent studies have shown that deep learning, like other machine learning techniques, is vulnerable to adversarial samples: inputs crafted to force a deep neural network (DNN) to provide adversary-selected outputs. Such attacks can seriously undermine the security of the system supported by the DNN, sometimes with devastating consequences. For example, autonomous vehicles can be crashed, illicit or illegal content can bypass content filters, or biometric authentication systems can be manipulated to allow improper access. In this work, we introduce a defensive mechanism called defensive distillation to reduce the effectiveness of adversarial samples on DNNs. We analytically investigate the generalizability and robustness properties granted by the use of defensive distillation when training DNNs. We also empirically study the effectiveness of our defense mechanisms on two DNNs placed in adversarial settings. The study shows that defensive distillation can reduce effectiveness of sample creation from 95% to less than 0.5% on a studied DNN. Such dramatic gains can be explained by the fact that distillation leads gradients used in adversarial sample creation to be reduced by a factor of 10 30 . We also find that distillation increases the average minimum number of features that need to be modified to create adversarial samples by about 800% on one of the DNNs we tested.
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基于惯性数据的人类活动识别(HAR)是从智能手机到超低功率传感器的嵌入式设备上越来越扩散的任务。由于深度学习模型的计算复杂性很高,因此大多数嵌入式HAR系统基于简单且不那么精确的经典机器学习算法。这项工作弥合了在设备上的HAR和深度学习之间的差距,提出了一组有效的一维卷积神经网络(CNN),可在通用微控制器(MCUS)上部署。我们的CNN获得了将超参数优化与子字节和混合精确量化的结合,以在分类结果和记忆职业之间找到良好的权衡。此外,我们还利用自适应推断作为正交优化,以根据处理后的输入来调整运行时的推理复杂性,从而产生更灵活的HAR系统。通过在四个数据集上进行实验,并针对超低功率RISC-V MCU,我们表明(i)我们能够为HAR获得一组丰富的帕累托(Pareto)最佳CNN,以范围超过1个数量级记忆,潜伏期和能耗; (ii)由于自适应推断,我们可以从单个CNN开始得出> 20个运行时操作模式,分类分数的不同程度高达10%,并且推理复杂性超过3倍,并且内存开销有限; (iii)在四个基准中的三个基准中,我们的表现都超过了所有以前的深度学习方法,将记忆占用率降低了100倍以上。获得更好性能(浅层和深度)的少数方法与MCU部署不兼容。 (iv)我们所有的CNN都与推理延迟<16ms的实时式evice Har兼容。他们的记忆职业在0.05-23.17 kb中有所不同,其能源消耗为0.005和61.59 UJ,可在较小的电池供应中进行多年的连续操作。
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量化是在嵌入式系统或手机上部署训练有素的DNN模型时,是最应用的深神经网络(DNN)压缩策略之一。这是由于其对广泛的应用和情况的简单性和适应性,而不是特定的人工智能(AI)加速器和编译器,这些加速器和编译器通常仅用于某些特定的硬件(例如Google Coral Edge TPU)。随着对量化的需求不断增长,确保该策略的可靠性成为一个关键挑战。传统的测试方法收集越来越多的真实数据以进行更好的评估,通常是不切实际的,因为输入空间的尺寸很大,并且原始DNN及其量化的对应物之间的相似性很高。结果,高级评估策略已变得至关重要。在本文中,我们提出了Diverget,这是一个基于搜索的测试框架,用于量化评估。 Diverget定义了变质关系的空间,该空间模拟了输入上的自然扭曲。然后,它最佳地探索了这些关系,以揭示不同算术精度的DNN之间的分歧。我们评估了应用于高光谱遥感图像的最先进的DNN上的Diverget的性能。我们选择了遥感DNN,因为它们越来越多地部署在诸如气候变化研究和天文学之类的关键领域中的边缘(例如,高级无人机)。我们的结果表明,Diverget成功地挑战了已建立的量化技术的鲁棒性,以防止自然变化的数据,并胜过其最新的并发,Diffchaser,其成功率(平均)是四倍。
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We introduce a method to train Quantized Neural Networks (QNNs) -neural networks with extremely low precision (e.g., 1-bit) weights and activations, at run-time. At traintime the quantized weights and activations are used for computing the parameter gradients. During the forward pass, QNNs drastically reduce memory size and accesses, and replace most arithmetic operations with bit-wise operations. As a result, power consumption is expected to be drastically reduced. We trained QNNs over the MNIST, CIFAR-10, SVHN and ImageNet datasets. The resulting QNNs achieve prediction accuracy comparable to their 32-bit counterparts. For example, our quantized version of AlexNet with 1-bit weights and 2-bit activations achieves 51% top-1 accuracy. Moreover, we quantize the parameter gradients to 6-bits as well which enables gradients computation using only bit-wise operation. Quantized recurrent neural networks were tested over the Penn Treebank dataset, and achieved comparable accuracy as their 32-bit counterparts using only 4-bits. Last but not least, we programmed a binary matrix multiplication GPU kernel with which it is possible to run our MNIST QNN 7 times faster than with an unoptimized GPU kernel, without suffering any loss in classification accuracy. The QNN code is available online.
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While machine learning is traditionally a resource intensive task, embedded systems, autonomous navigation, and the vision of the Internet of Things fuel the interest in resource-efficient approaches. These approaches aim for a carefully chosen trade-off between performance and resource consumption in terms of computation and energy. The development of such approaches is among the major challenges in current machine learning research and key to ensure a smooth transition of machine learning technology from a scientific environment with virtually unlimited computing resources into everyday's applications. In this article, we provide an overview of the current state of the art of machine learning techniques facilitating these real-world requirements. In particular, we focus on deep neural networks (DNNs), the predominant machine learning models of the past decade. We give a comprehensive overview of the vast literature that can be mainly split into three non-mutually exclusive categories: (i) quantized neural networks, (ii) network pruning, and (iii) structural efficiency. These techniques can be applied during training or as post-processing, and they are widely used to reduce the computational demands in terms of memory footprint, inference speed, and energy efficiency. We also briefly discuss different concepts of embedded hardware for DNNs and their compatibility with machine learning techniques as well as potential for energy and latency reduction. We substantiate our discussion with experiments on well-known benchmark datasets using compression techniques (quantization, pruning) for a set of resource-constrained embedded systems, such as CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs. The obtained results highlight the difficulty of finding good trade-offs between resource efficiency and predictive performance.
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Training of large-scale deep neural networks is often constrained by the available computational resources. We study the effect of limited precision data representation and computation on neural network training. Within the context of low-precision fixed-point computations, we observe the rounding scheme to play a crucial role in determining the network's behavior during training. Our results show that deep networks can be trained using only 16-bit wide fixed-point number representation when using stochastic rounding, and incur little to no degradation in the classification accuracy. We also demonstrate an energy-efficient hardware accelerator that implements low-precision fixed-point arithmetic with stochastic rounding.
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