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Distantly-Supervised Named Entity Recognition (DS-NER) effectively alleviates the data scarcity problem in NER by automatically generating training samples. Unfortunately, the distant supervision may induce noisy labels, thus undermining the robustness of the learned models and restricting the practical application. To relieve this problem, recent works adopt self-training teacher-student frameworks to gradually refine the training labels and improve the generalization ability of NER models. However, we argue that the performance of the current self-training frameworks for DS-NER is severely underestimated by their plain designs, including both inadequate student learning and coarse-grained teacher updating. Therefore, in this paper, we make the first attempt to alleviate these issues by proposing: (1) adaptive teacher learning comprised of joint training of two teacher-student networks and considering both consistent and inconsistent predictions between two teachers, thus promoting comprehensive student learning. (2) fine-grained student ensemble that updates each fragment of the teacher model with a temporal moving average of the corresponding fragment of the student, which enhances consistent predictions on each model fragment against noise. To verify the effectiveness of our proposed method, we conduct experiments on four DS-NER datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly surpasses previous SOTA methods.
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Although continually extending an existing NMT model to new domains or languages has attracted intensive interest in recent years, the equally valuable problem of continually improving a given NMT model in its domain by leveraging knowledge from an unlimited number of existing NMT models is not explored yet. To facilitate the study, we propose a formal definition for the problem named knowledge accumulation for NMT (KA-NMT) with corresponding datasets and evaluation metrics and develop a novel method for KA-NMT. We investigate a novel knowledge detection algorithm to identify beneficial knowledge from existing models at token level, and propose to learn from beneficial knowledge and learn against other knowledge simultaneously to improve learning efficiency. To alleviate catastrophic forgetting, we further propose to transfer knowledge from previous to current version of the given model. Extensive experiments show that our proposed method significantly and consistently outperforms representative baselines under homogeneous, heterogeneous, and malicious model settings for different language pairs.
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我们考虑了OOD概括的问题,其目标是训练在与训练分布不同的测试分布上表现良好的模型。已知深度学习模型在这种转变上是脆弱的,即使对于略有不同的测试分布,也可能遭受大量精度下降。我们提出了一种基于直觉的新方法 - 愚蠢的方法,即大量丰富特征的对抗性结合应提供鲁棒性。我们的方法仔细提炼了一位强大的老师的知识,该知识使用标准培训学习了几个判别特征,同时使用对抗性培训将其结合在一起。对标准的对抗训练程序进行了修改,以产生可以更好地指导学生的教师。我们评估DAFT在域床框架中的标准基准测试中,并证明DAFT比当前最新的OOD泛化方法取得了重大改进。 DAFT始终超过表现良好的ERM和蒸馏基线高达6%,对于较小的网络而言,其增长率更高。
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Large transformer models can highly improve Answer Sentence Selection (AS2) tasks, but their high computational costs prevent their use in many real-world applications. In this paper, we explore the following research question: How can we make the AS2 models more accurate without significantly increasing their model complexity? To address the question, we propose a Multiple Heads Student architecture (named CERBERUS), an efficient neural network designed to distill an ensemble of large transformers into a single smaller model. CERBERUS consists of two components: a stack of transformer layers that is used to encode inputs, and a set of ranking heads; unlike traditional distillation technique, each of them is trained by distilling a different large transformer architecture in a way that preserves the diversity of the ensemble members. The resulting model captures the knowledge of heterogeneous transformer models by using just a few extra parameters. We show the effectiveness of CERBERUS on three English datasets for AS2; our proposed approach outperforms all single-model distillations we consider, rivaling the state-of-the-art large AS2 models that have 2.7x more parameters and run 2.5x slower. Code for our model is available at https://github.com/amazon-research/wqa-cerberus
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尽管配备的远景和语言预处理(VLP)在过去两年中取得了显着的进展,但它遭受了重大缺点:VLP型号不断增加的尺寸限制了其部署到现实世界的搜索场景(高潜伏期是不可接受的)。为了减轻此问题,我们提出了一种新颖的插件动态对比度蒸馏(DCD)框架,以压缩ITR任务的大型VLP模型。从技术上讲,我们面临以下两个挑战:1)由于GPU内存有限,在处理交叉模式融合功能期间优化了太多的负样本,因此很难直接应用于跨模式任务,因此很难直接应用于跨模式任务。 。 2)从不同的硬样品中静态优化学生网络的效率效率低下,这些样本对蒸馏学习和学生网络优化具有不同的影响。我们试图从两点克服这些挑战。首先,为了实现多模式对比度学习并平衡培训成本和效果,我们建议使用教师网络估算学生的困难样本,使学生吸收了预培训的老师的强大知识,并掌握知识来自硬样品。其次,要从硬样品对学习动态,我们提出动态蒸馏以动态学习不同困难的样本,从更好地平衡知识和学生的自学能力的困难的角度。我们成功地将我们提出的DCD策略应用于两个最先进的视觉语言预处理模型,即vilt和仪表。关于MS-Coco和FlickR30K基准测试的广泛实验显示了我们DCD框架的有效性和效率。令人鼓舞的是,与现有的ITR型号相比,我们可以至少加快推断至少129美元的$ \ times $。
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Zero-shot cross-lingual named entity recognition (NER) aims at transferring knowledge from annotated and rich-resource data in source languages to unlabeled and lean-resource data in target languages. Existing mainstream methods based on the teacher-student distillation framework ignore the rich and complementary information lying in the intermediate layers of pre-trained language models, and domain-invariant information is easily lost during transfer. In this study, a mixture of short-channel distillers (MSD) method is proposed to fully interact the rich hierarchical information in the teacher model and to transfer knowledge to the student model sufficiently and efficiently. Concretely, a multi-channel distillation framework is designed for sufficient information transfer by aggregating multiple distillers as a mixture. Besides, an unsupervised method adopting parallel domain adaptation is proposed to shorten the channels between the teacher and student models to preserve domain-invariant features. Experiments on four datasets across nine languages demonstrate that the proposed method achieves new state-of-the-art performance on zero-shot cross-lingual NER and shows great generalization and compatibility across languages and fields.
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基于蒸馏的压缩网络的性能受蒸馏质量的管辖。大型网络(教师)到较小网络(学生)的次优蒸馏的原因主要归因于给定教师与学生对的学习能力中的差距。虽然很难蒸馏所有教师的知识,但可以在很大程度上控制蒸馏质量以实现更好的性能。我们的实验表明,蒸馏品质主要受教师响应的质量来限制,这反过来又受到其反应中存在相似信息的影响。训练有素的大容量老师在学习细粒度辨别性质的过程中丢失了类别之间的相似性信息。没有相似性信息导致蒸馏过程从一个例子 - 许多阶级学习减少到一个示例 - 一类学习,从而限制了教师的不同知识的流程。由于隐式假设只能蒸馏出灌输所知,而不是仅关注知识蒸馏过程,我们仔细审查了知识序列过程。我们认为,对于给定的教师 - 学生对,通过在训练老师的同时找到批量大小和时代数量之间的甜蜜点,可以提高蒸馏品。我们讨论了找到这种甜蜜点以便更好地蒸馏的步骤。我们还提出了蒸馏假设,以区分知识蒸馏和正则化效果之间的蒸馏过程的行为。我们在三个不同的数据集中进行我们的所有实验。
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知识蒸馏(KD)在将学习表征从大型模型(教师)转移到小型模型(学生)方面表现出非常有希望的能力。但是,随着学生和教师之间的容量差距变得更大,现有的KD方法无法获得更好的结果。我们的工作表明,“先验知识”对KD至关重要,尤其是在应用大型老师时。特别是,我们提出了动态的先验知识(DPK),该知识将教师特征的一部分作为特征蒸馏之前的先验知识。这意味着我们的方法还将教师的功能视为“输入”,而不仅仅是``目标''。此外,我们根据特征差距动态调整训练阶段的先验知识比率,从而引导学生在适当的困难中。为了评估所提出的方法,我们对两个图像分类基准(即CIFAR100和Imagenet)和一个对象检测基准(即MS Coco)进行了广泛的实验。结果表明,在不同的设置下,我们方法在性能方面具有优势。更重要的是,我们的DPK使学生模型的表现与教师模型的表现呈正相关,这意味着我们可以通过应用更大的教师进一步提高学生的准确性。我们的代码将公开用于可重复性。
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Often we wish to transfer representational knowledge from one neural network to another. Examples include distilling a large network into a smaller one, transferring knowledge from one sensory modality to a second, or ensembling a collection of models into a single estimator. Knowledge distillation, the standard approach to these problems, minimizes the KL divergence between the probabilistic outputs of a teacher and student network. We demonstrate that this objective ignores important structural knowledge of the teacher network. This motivates an alternative objective by which we train a student to capture significantly more information in the teacher's representation of the data. We formulate this objective as contrastive learning. Experiments demonstrate that our resulting new objective outperforms knowledge distillation and other cutting-edge distillers on a variety of knowledge transfer tasks, including single model compression, ensemble distillation, and cross-modal transfer. Our method sets a new state-of-the-art in many transfer tasks, and sometimes even outperforms the teacher network when combined with knowledge distillation.
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将最新的变压器模型蒸馏成轻量级的学生模型是降低推理时计算成本的有效方法。学生模型通常是紧凑的变压器,参数较少,而昂贵的操作(例如自我发项)持续存在。因此,对于实时或大量用例,提高的推理速度仍然不令人满意。在本文中,我们旨在通过将教师模型提炼成更大,更稀疏的学生模型来进一步推动推理速度的极限 - 更大的是它们扩展到数十亿个参数;稀疏,大多数模型参数是N-gram嵌入。我们对六个单词文本分类任务的实验表明,这些学生模型平均保留了罗伯塔大师教师表现的97%,同时推理时GPU和CPU的加速速度最高为600倍。进一步的调查表明,我们的管道也有助于句子对分类任务和域泛化设置。
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Knowledge distillation is often used to transfer knowledge from a strong teacher model to a relatively weak student model. Traditional knowledge distillation methods include response-based methods and feature-based methods. Response-based methods are used the most widely but suffer from lower upper limit of model performance, while feature-based methods have constraints on the vocabularies and tokenizers. In this paper, we propose a tokenizer-free method liberal feature-based distillation (LEAD). LEAD aligns the distribution between teacher model and student model, which is effective, extendable, portable and has no requirements on vocabularies, tokenizer, or model architecture. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of LEAD on several widely-used benchmarks, including MS MARCO Passage, TREC Passage 19, TREC Passage 20, MS MARCO Document, TREC Document 19 and TREC Document 20.
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Data Augmentation (DA) is frequently used to automatically provide additional training data without extra human annotation. However, data augmentation may introduce noisy data that impairs training. To guarantee the quality of augmented data, existing methods either assume no noise exists in the augmented data and adopt consistency training or use simple heuristics such as training loss and diversity constraints to filter out ``noisy'' data. However, those filtered examples may still contain useful information, and dropping them completely causes loss of supervision signals. In this paper, based on the assumption that the original dataset is cleaner than the augmented data, we propose an on-the-fly denoising technique for data augmentation that learns from soft augmented labels provided by an organic teacher model trained on the cleaner original data. A simple self-regularization module is applied to force the model prediction to be consistent across two distinct dropouts to further prevent overfitting on noisy labels. Our method can be applied to augmentation techniques in general and can consistently improve the performance on both text classification and question-answering tasks.
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Knowledge distillation (KD) has gained a lot of attention in the field of model compression for edge devices thanks to its effectiveness in compressing large powerful networks into smaller lower-capacity models. Online distillation, in which both the teacher and the student are learning collaboratively, has also gained much interest due to its ability to improve on the performance of the networks involved. The Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence ensures the proper knowledge transfer between the teacher and student. However, most online KD techniques present some bottlenecks under the network capacity gap. By cooperatively and simultaneously training, the models the KL distance becomes incapable of properly minimizing the teacher's and student's distributions. Alongside accuracy, critical edge device applications are in need of well-calibrated compact networks. Confidence calibration provides a sensible way of getting trustworthy predictions. We propose BD-KD: Balancing of Divergences for online Knowledge Distillation. We show that adaptively balancing between the reverse and forward divergences shifts the focus of the training strategy to the compact student network without limiting the teacher network's learning process. We demonstrate that, by performing this balancing design at the level of the student distillation loss, we improve upon both performance accuracy and calibration of the compact student network. We conducted extensive experiments using a variety of network architectures and show improvements on multiple datasets including CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Tiny-ImageNet, and ImageNet. We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach through comprehensive comparisons and ablations with current state-of-the-art online and offline KD techniques.
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Knowledge Distillation (KD) has been extensively used for natural language understanding (NLU) tasks to improve a small model's (a student) generalization by transferring the knowledge from a larger model (a teacher). Although KD methods achieve state-of-the-art performance in numerous settings, they suffer from several problems limiting their performance. It is shown in the literature that the capacity gap between the teacher and the student networks can make KD ineffective. Additionally, existing KD techniques do not mitigate the noise in the teacher's output: modeling the noisy behaviour of the teacher can distract the student from learning more useful features. We propose a new KD method that addresses these problems and facilitates the training compared to previous techniques. Inspired by continuation optimization, we design a training procedure that optimizes the highly non-convex KD objective by starting with the smoothed version of this objective and making it more complex as the training proceeds. Our method (Continuation-KD) achieves state-of-the-art performance across various compact architectures on NLU (GLUE benchmark) and computer vision tasks (CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100).
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