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Legged robots pose one of the greatest challenges in robotics. Dynamic and agile maneuvers of animals cannot be imitated by existing methods that are crafted by humans. A compelling alternative is reinforcement learning, which requires minimal craftsmanship and promotes the natural evolution of a control policy. However, so far, reinforcement learning research for legged robots is mainly limited to simulation, and only few and comparably simple examples have been deployed on real systems. The primary reason is that training with real robots, particularly with dynamically balancing systems, is complicated and expensive. In the present work, we report a new method for training a neural network policy in simulation and transferring it to a state-of-the-art legged system, thereby we leverage fast, automated, and cost-effective data generation schemes. The approach is applied to the ANYmal robot, a sophisticated medium-dog-sized quadrupedal system. Using policies trained in simulation, the quadrupedal machine achieves locomotion skills that go beyond what had been achieved with prior methods: ANYmal is capable of precisely and energy-efficiently following high-level body velocity commands, running faster than ever before, and recovering from falling even in complex configurations.
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Sampling-based Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a flexible control framework that can reason about non-smooth dynamics and cost functions. Recently, significant work has focused on the use of machine learning to improve the performance of MPC, often through learning or fine-tuning the dynamics or cost function. In contrast, we focus on learning to optimize more effectively. In other words, to improve the update rule within MPC. We show that this can be particularly useful in sampling-based MPC, where we often wish to minimize the number of samples for computational reasons. Unfortunately, the cost of computational efficiency is a reduction in performance; fewer samples results in noisier updates. We show that we can contend with this noise by learning how to update the control distribution more effectively and make better use of the few samples that we have. Our learned controllers are trained via imitation learning to mimic an expert which has access to substantially more samples. We test the efficacy of our approach on multiple simulated robotics tasks in sample-constrained regimes and demonstrate that our approach can outperform a MPC controller with the same number of samples.
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A key barrier to using reinforcement learning (RL) in many real-world applications is the requirement of a large number of system interactions to learn a good control policy. Off-policy and Offline RL methods have been proposed to reduce the number of interactions with the physical environment by learning control policies from historical data. However, their performances suffer from the lack of exploration and the distributional shifts in trajectories once controllers are updated. Moreover, most RL methods require that all states are directly observed, which is difficult to be attained in many settings. To overcome these challenges, we propose a trajectory generation algorithm, which adaptively generates new trajectories as if the system is being operated and explored under the updated control policies. Motivated by the fundamental lemma for linear systems, assuming sufficient excitation, we generate trajectories from linear combinations of historical trajectories. For linear feedback control, we prove that the algorithm generates trajectories with the exact distribution as if they are sampled from the real system using the updated control policy. In particular, the algorithm extends to systems where the states are not directly observed. Experiments show that the proposed method significantly reduces the number of sampled data needed for RL algorithms.
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策略搜索和模型预测控制〜(MPC)是机器人控制的两个不同范式:策略搜索具有使用经验丰富的数据自动学习复杂策略的强度,而MPC可以使用模型和轨迹优化提供最佳控制性能。开放的研究问题是如何利用并结合两种方法的优势。在这项工作中,我们通过使用策略搜索自动选择MPC的高级决策变量提供答案,这导致了一种新的策略搜索 - 用于模型预测控制框架。具体地,我们将MPC作为参数化控制器配制,其中难以优化的决策变量表示为高级策略。这种制定允许以自我监督的方式优化政策。我们通过专注于敏捷无人机飞行中的具有挑战性的问题来验证这一框架:通过快速的盖茨飞行四轮车。实验表明,我们的控制器在模拟和现实世界中实现了鲁棒和实时的控制性能。拟议的框架提供了合并学习和控制的新视角。
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Drug dosing is an important application of AI, which can be formulated as a Reinforcement Learning (RL) problem. In this paper, we identify two major challenges of using RL for drug dosing: delayed and prolonged effects of administering medications, which break the Markov assumption of the RL framework. We focus on prolongedness and define PAE-POMDP (Prolonged Action Effect-Partially Observable Markov Decision Process), a subclass of POMDPs in which the Markov assumption does not hold specifically due to prolonged effects of actions. Motivated by the pharmacology literature, we propose a simple and effective approach to converting drug dosing PAE-POMDPs into MDPs, enabling the use of the existing RL algorithms to solve such problems. We validate the proposed approach on a toy task, and a challenging glucose control task, for which we devise a clinically-inspired reward function. Our results demonstrate that: (1) the proposed method to restore the Markov assumption leads to significant improvements over a vanilla baseline; (2) the approach is competitive with recurrent policies which may inherently capture the prolonged effect of actions; (3) it is remarkably more time and memory efficient than the recurrent baseline and hence more suitable for real-time dosing control systems; and (4) it exhibits favorable qualitative behavior in our policy analysis.
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We introduce MuJoCo MPC (MJPC), an open-source, interactive application and software framework for real-time predictive control, based on MuJoCo physics. MJPC allows the user to easily author and solve complex robotics tasks, and currently supports three shooting-based planners: derivative-based iLQG and Gradient Descent, and a simple derivative-free method we call Predictive Sampling. Predictive Sampling was designed as an elementary baseline, mostly for its pedagogical value, but turned out to be surprisingly competitive with the more established algorithms. This work does not present algorithmic advances, and instead, prioritises performant algorithms, simple code, and accessibility of model-based methods via intuitive and interactive software. MJPC is available at: github.com/deepmind/mujoco_mpc, a video summary can be viewed at: dpmd.ai/mjpc.
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Learning-enabled control systems have demonstrated impressive empirical performance on challenging control problems in robotics, but this performance comes at the cost of reduced transparency and lack of guarantees on the safety or stability of the learned controllers. In recent years, new techniques have emerged to provide these guarantees by learning certificates alongside control policies -- these certificates provide concise, data-driven proofs that guarantee the safety and stability of the learned control system. These methods not only allow the user to verify the safety of a learned controller but also provide supervision during training, allowing safety and stability requirements to influence the training process itself. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of this rapidly developing field of certificate learning. We hope that this paper will serve as an accessible introduction to the theory and practice of certificate learning, both to those who wish to apply these tools to practical robotics problems and to those who wish to dive more deeply into the theory of learning for control.
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