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嘈杂的标签通常在现实世界数据中找到,这导致深神经网络的性能下降。手动清洁数据是劳动密集型和耗时的。以前的研究主要侧重于加强对嘈杂标签的分类模型,而对嘈杂标签的深度度量学习(DML)的鲁棒性仍然较少。在本文中,通过提出与DML的内存(棱镜)方法提出基于概率排名的实例选择来弥合这一重要差异。棱镜计算清洁标签的概率,并滤除潜在的噪声样本。具体地,我们提出了一种新方法,即Von Mises-Fisher分配相似性(VMF-SIM),通过估计每个数据类的VON MISES-FISHER(VMF)分布来计算这种概率。与现有的平均相似性方法(AVGSIM)相比,除了平均相似度之外,VMF-SIM还考虑每个类的方差。通过这种设计,所提出的方法可以应对挑战的DML情况,其中大多数样本是嘈杂的。在合成和现实世界嘈杂的数据集中的广泛实验表明,拟议的方法在合理的培训时间内实现了高达@ 1的精度高达8.37%的精度@ 1。
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Recent methods for deep metric learning have been focusing on designing different contrastive loss functions between positive and negative pairs of samples so that the learned feature embedding is able to pull positive samples of the same class closer and push negative samples from different classes away from each other. In this work, we recognize that there is a significant semantic gap between features at the intermediate feature layer and class labels at the final output layer. To bridge this gap, we develop a contrastive Bayesian analysis to characterize and model the posterior probabilities of image labels conditioned by their features similarity in a contrastive learning setting. This contrastive Bayesian analysis leads to a new loss function for deep metric learning. To improve the generalization capability of the proposed method onto new classes, we further extend the contrastive Bayesian loss with a metric variance constraint. Our experimental results and ablation studies demonstrate that the proposed contrastive Bayesian metric learning method significantly improves the performance of deep metric learning in both supervised and pseudo-supervised scenarios, outperforming existing methods by a large margin.
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这项工作旨在改善具有自我监督的实例检索。我们发现使用最近开发的自我监督(SSL)学习方法(如SIMCLR和MOCO)的微调未能提高实例检索的性能。在这项工作中,我们确定了例如检索的学习表示应该是不变的视点和背景等的大变化,而当前SSL方法应用的自增强阳性不能为学习强大的实例级别表示提供强大的信号。为了克服这个问题,我们提出了一种在\ texit {实例级别}对比度上建立的新SSL方法,以通过动态挖掘迷你批次和存储库来学习类内不变性训练。广泛的实验表明,insclr在实例检索上实现了比最先进的SSL方法更类似或更好的性能。代码可在https://github.com/zeludeng/insclr获得。
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遥感(RS)图像的多标签分类(MLC)的准确方法的开发是RS中最重要的研究主题之一。基于深度卷积神经网络(CNNS)的方法显示了RS MLC问题的强劲性能。然而,基于CNN的方法通常需要多个陆地覆盖类标签注释的大量可靠的训练图像。收集这些数据是耗时和昂贵的。为了解决这个问题,可包括嘈杂标签的公开专题产品可用于向RS零标记成本注释RS图像。但是,多标签噪声(可能与错误且缺少标签注释相关)可以扭曲MLC算法的学习过程。标签噪声的检测和校正是具有挑战性的任务,尤其是在多标签场景中,其中每个图像可以与多于一个标签相关联。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种新的噪声稳健协作多标签学习(RCML)方法,以减轻CNN模型训练期间多标签噪声的不利影响。 RCML在基于三个主模块的RS图像中识别,排名和排除噪声多标签:1)差异模块; 2)组套索模块; 3)交换模块。差异模块确保两个网络了解不同的功能,同时产生相同的预测。组套索模块的任务是检测分配给多标记训练图像的潜在嘈杂的标签,而交换模块任务致力于在两个网络之间交换排名信息。与现有的方法不同,我们提出了关于噪声分布的假设,我们所提出的RCML不会在训练集中的噪声类型之前进行任何先前的假设。我们的代码在线公开提供:http://www.noisy-labels-in-rs.org
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传统的计算机视觉模型受过培训,以预测固定的预定义类别。最近,自然语言已被证明是一个更广泛而更丰富的监督来源,为视觉概念提供更精细的描述,而不是监督“黄金”标签。以前的作品,例如剪辑,使用InfoNce丢失来训练模型以预测图像和文本标题之间的配对。然而,剪辑是饥饿的数据,需要超过400米的图像文本对进行培训。效率低下可以归因于图像文本对嘈杂的事实。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了水獭(有效的零射击识别的最佳运输蒸馏),它使用在线熵最佳运输,找到一个软图像文本与标签进行对比学习。基于预磨料的图像和文本编码器,用电站培训的型号实现了强大的性能,只有3M图像文本对。与InfoNce损失相比,标记平滑和知识蒸馏,OTTER始终如一地优于零拍摄图像(19,958类)和来自腾讯ML图像的多标记Imagenet 10k(10032类)的零拍摄评估中的这些基线。在4个不同的数据集/架构设置x 6度量上,OTTER优于(32)或绑定(2)34中的所有基准。
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Knowledge distillation aims at transferring knowledge acquired in one model (a teacher) to another model (a student) that is typically smaller. Previous approaches can be expressed as a form of training the student to mimic output activations of individual data examples represented by the teacher. We introduce a novel approach, dubbed relational knowledge distillation (RKD), that transfers mutual relations of data examples instead. For concrete realizations of RKD, we propose distance-wise and angle-wise distillation losses that penalize structural differences in relations. Experiments conducted on different tasks show that the proposed method improves educated student models with a significant margin. In particular for metric learning, it allows students to outperform their teachers' performance, achieving the state of the arts on standard benchmark datasets.
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Jitendra Malik once said, "Supervision is the opium of the AI researcher". Most deep learning techniques heavily rely on extreme amounts of human labels to work effectively. In today's world, the rate of data creation greatly surpasses the rate of data annotation. Full reliance on human annotations is just a temporary means to solve current closed problems in AI. In reality, only a tiny fraction of data is annotated. Annotation Efficient Learning (AEL) is a study of algorithms to train models effectively with fewer annotations. To thrive in AEL environments, we need deep learning techniques that rely less on manual annotations (e.g., image, bounding-box, and per-pixel labels), but learn useful information from unlabeled data. In this thesis, we explore five different techniques for handling AEL.
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Although existing semi-supervised learning models achieve remarkable success in learning with unannotated in-distribution data, they mostly fail to learn on unlabeled data sampled from novel semantic classes due to their closed-set assumption. In this work, we target a pragmatic but under-explored Generalized Novel Category Discovery (GNCD) setting. The GNCD setting aims to categorize unlabeled training data coming from known and novel classes by leveraging the information of partially labeled known classes. We propose a two-stage Contrastive Affinity Learning method with auxiliary visual Prompts, dubbed PromptCAL, to address this challenging problem. Our approach discovers reliable pairwise sample affinities to learn better semantic clustering of both known and novel classes for the class token and visual prompts. First, we propose a discriminative prompt regularization loss to reinforce semantic discriminativeness of prompt-adapted pre-trained vision transformer for refined affinity relationships. Besides, we propose a contrastive affinity learning stage to calibrate semantic representations based on our iterative semi-supervised affinity graph generation method for semantically-enhanced prompt supervision. Extensive experimental evaluation demonstrates that our PromptCAL method is more effective in discovering novel classes even with limited annotations and surpasses the current state-of-the-art on generic and fine-grained benchmarks (with nearly $11\%$ gain on CUB-200, and $9\%$ on ImageNet-100) on overall accuracy.
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Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have been shown to be susceptible to memorization or overfitting in the presence of noisily-labelled data. For the problem of robust learning under such noisy data, several algorithms have been proposed. A prominent class of algorithms rely on sample selection strategies wherein, essentially, a fraction of samples with loss values below a certain threshold are selected for training. These algorithms are sensitive to such thresholds, and it is difficult to fix or learn these thresholds. Often, these algorithms also require information such as label noise rates which are typically unavailable in practice. In this paper, we propose an adaptive sample selection strategy that relies only on batch statistics of a given mini-batch to provide robustness against label noise. The algorithm does not have any additional hyperparameters for sample selection, does not need any information on noise rates and does not need access to separate data with clean labels. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm on benchmark datasets.
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遥感(RS)图像的多标签分类(MLC)精确方法的开发是RS中最重要的研究主题之一。为了解决MLC问题,发现需要大量可靠的可靠训练图像,该图像由多个土地覆盖级标签(多标签)注释,这些培训图像在Rs中很受欢迎。但是,收集这种注释是耗时且昂贵的。以零标签成本获得注释的常见程序是依靠主题产品或众包标签。作为缺点,这些过程具有标签噪声的风险,可能会扭曲MLC算法的学习过程。在文献中,大多数标签噪声鲁棒方法都是针对计算机视觉(CV)中单标签分类(SLC)问题设计的,其中每个图像都由单个标签注释。与SLC不同,MLC中的标签噪声可以与:1)减去标签 - 噪声(在图像中存在该类时,未分配土地覆盖类标签为图像); 2)添加标签噪声(尽管该类不存在在给定图像中,但将土地覆盖类标签分配给图像); 3)混合标签 - 噪声(两者的组合)。在本文中,我们研究了三种不同的噪声鲁棒CV SLC方法,并将其适应为RS的多标签噪声场景。在实验过程中,我们研究了不同类型的多标签噪声的影响,并严格评估了适用的方法。为此,我们还引入了一种合成的多标签噪声注入策略,该策略与统一标签噪声注入策略相比,该策略更适合模拟操作场景,在该策略中,缺少和当前类的标签以均匀的概率上翻转。此外,我们研究了噪声多标签下不同评估指标在MLC问题中的相关性。
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降低降低方法是无监督的方法,它学习了低维空间,在这些方法中,初始空间的某些特性(通常是“邻居”的概念)被保留。这种方法通常需要在大的K-NN图或复杂的优化求解器上传播。另一方面,通常用于从头开始学习表示形式,依靠简单,更可扩展的框架来学习的自我监督学习方法。在本文中,我们提出了TLDR,这是通用输入空间的一种降低方法,该方法正在移植Zbontar等人的最新自我监督学习框架。 (2021)降低维度的特定任务,超越任意表示。我们建议使用最近的邻居从训练组中构建对,并减少冗余损失,以学习在此类对之间产生表示形式的编码器。 TLDR是一种简单,易于训练和广泛适用性的方法。它由一个离线最近的邻居计算步骤组成,该步骤可以高度近似,并且是一个直接的学习过程。为了提高可伸缩性,我们专注于提高线性维度的降低,并在图像和文档检索任务上显示一致的收益,例如在Roxford上获得PCA的 +4%地图,用于GEM-AP,改善了ImageNet上的Dino的性能或以10倍的压缩保留。
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由于类间的相似性和注释歧义,嘈杂的标签面部表达识别(FER)比传统的嘈杂标签分类任务更具挑战性。最近的作品主要通过过滤大量损坏样本来解决此问题。在本文中,我们从新功能学习的角度探索了嘈杂的标签。我们发现,FER模型通过专注于可以认为与嘈杂标签相关的一部分来记住嘈杂的样本,而不是从导致潜在真理的整个功能中学习。受到的启发,我们提出了一种新颖的擦除注意力一致性(EAC)方法,以自动抑制嘈杂的样品。具体而言,我们首先利用面部图像的翻转语义一致性来设计不平衡的框架。然后,我们随机删除输入图像,并使用翻转注意一致性,以防止模型专注于部分特征。 EAC明显优于最先进的嘈杂标签方法,并将其概括地概括为其他类似CIFAR100和Tiny-Imagenet等类别的任务。该代码可在https://github.com/zyh-uaiaaaa/erasing-prestention-consistency中获得。
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Deep metric learning aims to learn an embedding space, where semantically similar samples are close together and dissimilar ones are repelled against. To explore more hard and informative training signals for augmentation and generalization, recent methods focus on generating synthetic samples to boost metric learning losses. However, these methods just use the deterministic and class-independent generations (e.g., simple linear interpolation), which only can cover the limited part of distribution spaces around original samples. They have overlooked the wide characteristic changes of different classes and can not model abundant intra-class variations for generations. Therefore, generated samples not only lack rich semantics within the certain class, but also might be noisy signals to disturb training. In this paper, we propose a novel intra-class adaptive augmentation (IAA) framework for deep metric learning. We reasonably estimate intra-class variations for every class and generate adaptive synthetic samples to support hard samples mining and boost metric learning losses. Further, for most datasets that have a few samples within the class, we propose the neighbor correction to revise the inaccurate estimations, according to our correlation discovery where similar classes generally have similar variation distributions. Extensive experiments on five benchmarks show our method significantly improves and outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on retrieval performances by 3%-6%. Our code is available at https://github.com/darkpromise98/IAA
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