蛋白质复合物形成是生物学中的核心问题,参与了大部分细胞的过程,以及对应用是必不可少的,例如,药物设计或蛋白质工程。我们解决刚性体蛋白 - 蛋白质对接,即计算地预测来自个体未结合结构的蛋白质 - 蛋白质复合物的3D结构,假设在结合期间蛋白质内没有构象变化。我们设计一种新的成对独立的SE(3)-Quivariant的图形匹配网络,以预测旋转和翻译,以将其中一个蛋白质放置在右对接位置相对于第二蛋白质。我们在数学上保证了基本原理:无论两个结构的初始位置和方向如何,预测复合物都是相同的。我们的模型,名为Equidock,近似于绑定口袋并通过最佳传输和可分辨率的Kabsch算法实现,实现了使用关键点匹配和对准的对接姿势。凭经验,尽管没有依赖于沉重的候选抽样,结构细化或模板,我们才能实现显着的运行时间改进,并且通常优于现有的对接软件。
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Geometric deep learning has recently achieved great success in non-Euclidean domains, and learning on 3D structures of large biomolecules is emerging as a distinct research area. However, its efficacy is largely constrained due to the limited quantity of structural data. Meanwhile, protein language models trained on substantial 1D sequences have shown burgeoning capabilities with scale in a broad range of applications. Nevertheless, no preceding studies consider combining these different protein modalities to promote the representation power of geometric neural networks. To address this gap, we make the foremost step to integrate the knowledge learned by well-trained protein language models into several state-of-the-art geometric networks. Experiments are evaluated on a variety of protein representation learning benchmarks, including protein-protein interface prediction, model quality assessment, protein-protein rigid-body docking, and binding affinity prediction, leading to an overall improvement of 20% over baselines and the new state-of-the-art performance. Strong evidence indicates that the incorporation of protein language models' knowledge enhances geometric networks' capacity by a significant margin and can be generalized to complex tasks.
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用于预测蛋白质之间的界面触点的计算方法对于药物发现,因此可以显着地推进替代方法的准确性,例如蛋白质 - 蛋白质对接,蛋白质功能分析工具和其他用于蛋白质生物信息学的计算方法。在这项工作中,我们介绍了几何变压器,一种用于旋转的新型几何不变性的曲线图变压器,用于旋转和平移 - 不变的蛋白质接口接触预测,包装在膨胀的端到端预测管道内。 Deepinteract预测伴侣特异性蛋白质界面触点(即,蛋白质残留物 - 残留物接触)给出了两种蛋白质的3D三级结构作为输入。在严格的基准测试中,深入的蛋白质复杂目标来自第13和第14次CASP-CAPRI实验以及对接基准5,实现14%和1.1%顶部L / 5精度(L:蛋白质单位的长度) , 分别。在这样做的情况下,使用几何变压器作为其基于图形的骨干,除了与深度兼容的其他图形的神经网络骨架之外,还优于接口接触预测的现有方法,从而验证了几何变压器学习丰富关系的有效性用于3D蛋白质结构下游任务的-Geometric特征。
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在三维分子结构上运行的计算方法有可能解决生物学和化学的重要问题。特别地,深度神经网络的重视,但它们在生物分子结构域中的广泛采用受到缺乏系统性能基准或统一工具包的限制,用于与分子数据相互作用。为了解决这个问题,我们呈现Atom3D,这是一个新颖的和现有的基准数据集的集合,跨越几个密钥的生物分子。我们为这些任务中的每一个实施多种三维分子学习方法,并表明它们始终如一地提高了基于单维和二维表示的方法的性能。结构的具体选择对于性能至关重要,具有涉及复杂几何形状的任务的三维卷积网络,在需要详细位置信息的系统中表现出良好的图形网络,以及最近开发的设备越多的网络显示出显着承诺。我们的结果表明,许多分子问题符合三维分子学习的增益,并且有可能改善许多仍然过分曝光的任务。为了降低进入并促进现场进一步发展的障碍,我们还提供了一套全面的DataSet处理,模型培训和在我们的开源ATOM3D Python包中的评估工具套件。所有数据集都可以从https://www.atom3d.ai下载。
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The field of geometric deep learning has had a profound impact on the development of innovative and powerful graph neural network architectures. Disciplines such as computer vision and computational biology have benefited significantly from such methodological advances, which has led to breakthroughs in scientific domains such as protein structure prediction and design. In this work, we introduce GCPNet, a new geometry-complete, SE(3)-equivariant graph neural network designed for 3D graph representation learning. We demonstrate the state-of-the-art utility and expressiveness of our method on six independent datasets designed for three distinct geometric tasks: protein-ligand binding affinity prediction, protein structure ranking, and Newtonian many-body systems modeling. Our results suggest that GCPNet is a powerful, general method for capturing complex geometric and physical interactions within 3D graphs for downstream prediction tasks. The source code, data, and instructions to train new models or reproduce our results are freely available on GitHub.
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抗体设计对于治疗用法和生物学研究很有价值。现有的基于深度学习的方法遇到了几个关键问题:1)互补性区域(CDRS)生成的不完整上下文; 2)无法捕获输入结构的整个3D几何; 3)以自回归方式对CDR序列的效率低下。在本文中,我们提出了多通道等效的注意网络(平均值),这是一个能够共同设计1D序列和CDR的3D结构的端到端模型。要具体,平均值将抗体设计作为条件图翻译问题,通过导入包括靶抗原和抗体的轻链在内的额外组件。然后,平均诉诸于E(3) - 等级信息以及提出的注意机制,以更好地捕获不同组件之间的几何相关性。最后,它通过多轮渐进式完整射击方案来输出1D序列和3D结构,该方案在以前的自动回归方法上具有更高的效率。我们的方法显着超过了序列和结构建模,抗原结合抗体设计和结合亲和力优化的最新模型。具体而言,抗原结合CDR设计的相对改善约为22%,亲和力优化为34%。
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我们考虑对具有3D结构的蛋白质的代表性学习。我们基于蛋白质结构构建3D图并开发图形网络以学习其表示形式。根据我们希望捕获的细节级别,可以在不同级别计算蛋白质表示,\ emph {e.g。},氨基酸,骨干或全原子水平。重要的是,不同级别之间存在层次关系。在这项工作中,我们建议开发一个新型的层次图网络(称为pronet)来捕获关系。我们的pronet非常灵活,可用于计算不同水平粒度的蛋白质表示。我们表明,鉴于完整的基本3D图网络,我们的PRONET表示在所有级别上也已完成。为了关闭循环,我们开发了一个完整有效的3D图网络,以用作基本模型,从而使我们的pronet完成。我们对多个下游任务进行实验。结果表明,PRONET优于大多数数据集上的最新方法。此外,结果表明,不同的下游任务可能需要不同级别的表示。我们的代码可作为DIG库的一部分(\ url {https://github.com/divelab/dig})。
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Generating molecules that bind to specific proteins is an important but challenging task in drug discovery. Previous works usually generate atoms in an auto-regressive way, where element types and 3D coordinates of atoms are generated one by one. However, in real-world molecular systems, the interactions among atoms in an entire molecule are global, leading to the energy function pair-coupled among atoms. With such energy-based consideration, the modeling of probability should be based on joint distributions, rather than sequentially conditional ones. Thus, the unnatural sequentially auto-regressive modeling of molecule generation is likely to violate the physical rules, thus resulting in poor properties of the generated molecules. In this work, a generative diffusion model for molecular 3D structures based on target proteins as contextual constraints is established, at a full-atom level in a non-autoregressive way. Given a designated 3D protein binding site, our model learns the generative process that denoises both element types and 3D coordinates of an entire molecule, with an equivariant network. Experimentally, the proposed method shows competitive performance compared with prevailing works in terms of high affinity with proteins and appropriate molecule sizes as well as other drug properties such as drug-likeness of the generated molecules.
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Molecular conformation generation aims to generate three-dimensional coordinates of all the atoms in a molecule and is an important task in bioinformatics and pharmacology. Previous methods usually first predict the interatomic distances, the gradients of interatomic distances or the local structures (e.g., torsion angles) of a molecule, and then reconstruct its 3D conformation. How to directly generate the conformation without the above intermediate values is not fully explored. In this work, we propose a method that directly predicts the coordinates of atoms: (1) the loss function is invariant to roto-translation of coordinates and permutation of symmetric atoms; (2) the newly proposed model adaptively aggregates the bond and atom information and iteratively refines the coordinates of the generated conformation. Our method achieves the best results on GEOM-QM9 and GEOM-Drugs datasets. Further analysis shows that our generated conformations have closer properties (e.g., HOMO-LUMO gap) with the groundtruth conformations. In addition, our method improves molecular docking by providing better initial conformations. All the results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method and the great potential of the direct approach. The code is released at https://github.com/DirectMolecularConfGen/DMCG
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3D空间中的空间结构对于确定分子特性是重要的。最近的论文使用几何深度学习来代表分子和预测性质。然而,这些论文在捕获输入原子的远程依赖性时在计算上昂贵;并且尚未考虑外部距离的不均匀性,因此未能学习不同尺度的上下文依赖表示。为了处理这些问题,我们引入了3D变压器,变压器的变型,用于结合3D空间信息的分子表示。 3D变压器在完全连接的图形上运行,在原子之间的直接连接。为了应对外部距离的不均匀性,我们开发了一种多尺度的自我关注模块,利用局部细粒度模式随着越来越多的上下文尺度来利用局部细粒度模式。由于不同尺寸的分子依赖于不同种类的空间特征,我们设计了一种自适应位置编码模块,用于针对小型和大分子采用不同的位置编码方法。最后,为了获得原子嵌入的分子表示,我们提出了一种殷勤最远的点采样算法,该算法在注意分数的帮助下选择一部分原子,克服虚拟节点的障碍和先前的距离 - 优势下采样方法。我们通过三个重要的科学域验证3D变压器:量子化学,物质科学和蛋白质组学。我们的实验表现出对晶体性能预测任务和蛋白质 - 配体结合亲和预测任务的最先进模型的显着改善,并且在量子化学分子数据集中显示了更好或更有竞争的性能。这项工作提供了明确的证据表明,生物化学任务可以从3D分子表示中获得一致的益处,不同的任务需要不同的位置编码方法。
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Artificial intelligence (AI) in the form of deep learning bears promise for drug discovery and chemical biology, $\textit{e.g.}$, to predict protein structure and molecular bioactivity, plan organic synthesis, and design molecules $\textit{de novo}$. While most of the deep learning efforts in drug discovery have focused on ligand-based approaches, structure-based drug discovery has the potential to tackle unsolved challenges, such as affinity prediction for unexplored protein targets, binding-mechanism elucidation, and the rationalization of related chemical kinetic properties. Advances in deep learning methodologies and the availability of accurate predictions for protein tertiary structure advocate for a $\textit{renaissance}$ in structure-based approaches for drug discovery guided by AI. This review summarizes the most prominent algorithmic concepts in structure-based deep learning for drug discovery, and forecasts opportunities, applications, and challenges ahead.
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Applying deep learning concepts from image detection and graph theory has greatly advanced protein-ligand binding affinity prediction, a challenge with enormous ramifications for both drug discovery and protein engineering. We build upon these advances by designing a novel deep learning architecture consisting of a 3-dimensional convolutional neural network utilizing channel-wise attention and two graph convolutional networks utilizing attention-based aggregation of node features. HAC-Net (Hybrid Attention-Based Convolutional Neural Network) obtains state-of-the-art results on the PDBbind v.2016 core set, the most widely recognized benchmark in the field. We extensively assess the generalizability of our model using multiple train-test splits, each of which maximizes differences between either protein structures, protein sequences, or ligand extended-connectivity fingerprints. Furthermore, we perform 10-fold cross-validation with a similarity cutoff between SMILES strings of ligands in the training and test sets, and also evaluate the performance of HAC-Net on lower-quality data. We envision that this model can be extended to a broad range of supervised learning problems related to structure-based biomolecular property prediction. All of our software is available as open source at https://github.com/gregory-kyro/HAC-Net/.
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最近,基于深度神经网络(DNN)的药物 - 目标相互作用(DTI)模型以高精度突出显示,具有实惠的计算成本。然而,模型在硅药物发现的实践中仍然是一个具有挑战性的问题。我们提出了两项​​关键策略,以提高DTI模型的概括。首先是通过用神经网络参数化的物理通知方程来预测原子原子对相互作用,并提供蛋白质 - 配体复合物作为其总和的总结合亲和力。通过增强更广泛的绑定姿势和配体来培训数据,我们进一步改善了模型泛化。我们验证了我们的模型,PIGNET,在评分职能(CASF)2016的比较评估中,展示了比以前的方法更优于对接和筛选力。我们的物理信息策略还通过可视化配体副结构的贡献来解释预测的亲和力,为进一步配体优化提供了见解。
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Graph neural networks have recently achieved great successes in predicting quantum mechanical properties of molecules. These models represent a molecule as a graph using only the distance between atoms (nodes). They do not, however, consider the spatial direction from one atom to another, despite directional information playing a central role in empirical potentials for molecules, e.g. in angular potentials. To alleviate this limitation we propose directional message passing, in which we embed the messages passed between atoms instead of the atoms themselves. Each message is associated with a direction in coordinate space. These directional message embeddings are rotationally equivariant since the associated directions rotate with the molecule. We propose a message passing scheme analogous to belief propagation, which uses the directional information by transforming messages based on the angle between them. Additionally, we use spherical Bessel functions and spherical harmonics to construct theoretically well-founded, orthogonal representations that achieve better performance than the currently prevalent Gaussian radial basis representations while using fewer than 1 /4 of the parameters. We leverage these innovations to construct the directional message passing neural network (DimeNet). DimeNet outperforms previous GNNs on average by 76 % on MD17 and by 31 % on QM9. Our implementation is available online. 1
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Proteins play a central role in biology from immune recognition to brain activity. While major advances in machine learning have improved our ability to predict protein structure from sequence, determining protein function from structure remains a major challenge. Here, we introduce Holographic Convolutional Neural Network (H-CNN) for proteins, which is a physically motivated machine learning approach to model amino acid preferences in protein structures. H-CNN reflects physical interactions in a protein structure and recapitulates the functional information stored in evolutionary data. H-CNN accurately predicts the impact of mutations on protein function, including stability and binding of protein complexes. Our interpretable computational model for protein structure-function maps could guide design of novel proteins with desired function.
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蛋白质 - 配体相互作用(PLIS)是生化研究的基础,其鉴定对于估计合理治疗设计的生物物理和生化特性至关重要。目前,这些特性的实验表征是最准确的方法,然而,这是非常耗时和劳动密集型的。在这种情况下已经开发了许多计算方法,但大多数现有PLI预测大量取决于2D蛋白质序列数据。在这里,我们提出了一种新颖的并行图形神经网络(GNN),以集成PLI预测的知识表示和推理,以便通过专家知识引导的深度学习,并通过3D结构数据通知。我们开发了两个不同的GNN架构,GNNF是采用不同特种的基础实现,以增强域名认识,而GNNP是一种新颖的实现,可以预测未经分子间相互作用的先验知识。综合评价证明,GNN可以成功地捕获配体和蛋白质3D结构之间的二元相互作用,对于GNNF的测试精度和0.958,用于预测蛋白质 - 配体络合物的活性。这些模型进一步适用于回归任务以预测实验结合亲和力,PIC50对于药物效力和功效至关重要。我们在实验亲和力上达到0.66和0.65的Pearson相关系数,分别在PIC50和GNNP上进行0.50和0.51,优于基于2D序列的模型。我们的方法可以作为可解释和解释的人工智能(AI)工具,用于预测活动,效力和铅候选的生物物理性质。为此,我们通过筛选大型复合库并将我们的预测与实验测量数据进行比较来展示GNNP对SARS-COV-2蛋白靶标的实用性。
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