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逆钢筋学习尝试在马尔可夫决策问题中重建奖励功能,使用代理操作的观察。正如Russell [1998]在Russell [1998]的那样,问题均为不良,即使在存在有关最佳行为的完美信息的情况下,奖励功能也无法识别。我们为熵正则化的问题提供了解决这种不可识别性的分辨率。对于给定的环境,我们完全表征了导致给定政策的奖励函数,并证明,在两个不同的折扣因子下或在足够的不同环境下给出了相同奖励的行动的示范,可以恢复不可观察的奖励。我们还向有限视野进行时间均匀奖励的一般性和充分条件,以及行动无关的奖励,概括Kim等人的最新结果。[2021]和Fu等人。[2018]。
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我们在专家和学习者之间的过渡动力学下研究了逆钢筋学习(IRL)问题。具体而言,我们考虑最大因果熵(MCE)IRL学习者模型,并根据专家和学习者的转换动态之间的$ \ ell_1 $ -disce提供学习者的性能下降的紧密上限。利用强大的RL文献的洞察力,我们提出了一种强大的MCE IRL算法,这是一种有效的方法来帮助这种不匹配。最后,我们经验展示了我们算法的稳定性能,而在有限和连续的MDP问题中的转换动态不匹配下的标准MCE IRL算法相比。
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In reinforcement learning (RL), the ability to utilize prior knowledge from previously solved tasks can allow agents to quickly solve new problems. In some cases, these new problems may be approximately solved by composing the solutions of previously solved primitive tasks (task composition). Otherwise, prior knowledge can be used to adjust the reward function for a new problem, in a way that leaves the optimal policy unchanged but enables quicker learning (reward shaping). In this work, we develop a general framework for reward shaping and task composition in entropy-regularized RL. To do so, we derive an exact relation connecting the optimal soft value functions for two entropy-regularized RL problems with different reward functions and dynamics. We show how the derived relation leads to a general result for reward shaping in entropy-regularized RL. We then generalize this approach to derive an exact relation connecting optimal value functions for the composition of multiple tasks in entropy-regularized RL. We validate these theoretical contributions with experiments showing that reward shaping and task composition lead to faster learning in various settings.
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逆增强学习(IRL)是从专家演示中推断奖励功能的强大范式。许多IRL算法都需要已知的过渡模型,有时甚至是已知的专家政策,或者至少需要访问生成模型。但是,对于许多现实世界应用,这些假设太强了,在这些应用程序中,只能通过顺序相互作用访问环境。我们提出了一种新颖的IRL算法:逆增强学习(ACEIRL)的积极探索,该探索积极探索未知的环境和专家政策,以快速学习专家的奖励功能并确定良好的政策。 Aceirl使用以前的观察来构建置信区间,以捕获合理的奖励功能,并找到关注环境最有用区域的勘探政策。 Aceirl是使用样品复杂性界限的第一种活动IRL的方法,不需要环境的生成模型。在最坏情况下,Aceirl与活性IRL的样品复杂性与生成模型匹配。此外,我们建立了一个与问题相关的结合,该结合将Aceirl的样品复杂性与给定IRL问题的次级隔离间隙联系起来。我们在模拟中对Aceirl进行了经验评估,发现它的表现明显优于更幼稚的探索策略。
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强化学习算法的实用性由于相对于问题大小的规模差而受到限制,因为学习$ \ epsilon $ -optimal策略的样本复杂性为$ \ tilde {\ omega} \ left(| s | s || a || a || a || a | h^3 / \ eps^2 \ right)$在MDP的最坏情况下,带有状态空间$ S $,ACTION SPACE $ A $和HORIZON $ H $。我们考虑一类显示出低级结构的MDP,其中潜在特征未知。我们认为,价值迭代和低级别矩阵估计的自然组合导致估计误差在地平线上呈指数增长。然后,我们提供了一种新算法以及统计保证,即有效利用了对生成模型的访问,实现了$ \ tilde {o} \ left的样本复杂度(d^5(d^5(| s |+| a |)\),我们有效利用低级结构。对于等级$ d $设置的Mathrm {Poly}(h)/\ EPS^2 \ right)$,相对于$ | s |,| a | $和$ \ eps $的缩放,这是最小值的最佳。与线性和低级别MDP的文献相反,我们不需要已知的功能映射,我们的算法在计算上很简单,并且我们的结果长期存在。我们的结果提供了有关MDP对过渡内核与最佳动作值函数所需的最小低级结构假设的见解。
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The reward hypothesis posits that, "all of what we mean by goals and purposes can be well thought of as maximization of the expected value of the cumulative sum of a received scalar signal (reward)." We aim to fully settle this hypothesis. This will not conclude with a simple affirmation or refutation, but rather specify completely the implicit requirements on goals and purposes under which the hypothesis holds.
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我们提供了奖励黑客的第一个正式定义,即优化不完美的代理奖励功能的现象,$ \ Mathcal {\ tilde {r}} $,根据真实的奖励功能,$ \ MATHCAL {R} $导致性能差。 。我们说,如果增加预期的代理回报率永远无法减少预期的真实回报,则代理是不可接受的。直觉上,可以通过从奖励功能(使其“较窄”)中留出一些术语或忽略大致等效的结果之间的细粒度区分来创建一个不可接受的代理,但是我们表明情况通常不是这样。一个关键的见解是,奖励的线性性(在州行动访问计数中)使得无法实现的状况非常强烈。特别是,对于所有随机策略的集合,只有在其中一个是恒定的,只有两个奖励函数才能是不可接受的。因此,我们将注意力转移到确定性的政策和有限的随机政策集中,在这些策略中,始终存在非平凡的不可动摇的对,并为简化的存在建立必要和充分的条件,这是一个重要的不被限制的特殊情况。我们的结果揭示了使用奖励函数指定狭窄任务和对齐人类价值的AI系统之间的紧张关系。
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Inferring reward functions from human behavior is at the center of value alignment - aligning AI objectives with what we, humans, actually want. But doing so relies on models of how humans behave given their objectives. After decades of research in cognitive science, neuroscience, and behavioral economics, obtaining accurate human models remains an open research topic. This begs the question: how accurate do these models need to be in order for the reward inference to be accurate? On the one hand, if small errors in the model can lead to catastrophic error in inference, the entire framework of reward learning seems ill-fated, as we will never have perfect models of human behavior. On the other hand, if as our models improve, we can have a guarantee that reward accuracy also improves, this would show the benefit of more work on the modeling side. We study this question both theoretically and empirically. We do show that it is unfortunately possible to construct small adversarial biases in behavior that lead to arbitrarily large errors in the inferred reward. However, and arguably more importantly, we are also able to identify reasonable assumptions under which the reward inference error can be bounded linearly in the error in the human model. Finally, we verify our theoretical insights in discrete and continuous control tasks with simulated and human data.
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策略梯度方法适用于复杂的,不理解的,通过对参数化的策略进行随机梯度下降来控制问题。不幸的是,即使对于可以通过标准动态编程技术解决的简单控制问题,策略梯度算法也会面临非凸优化问题,并且被广泛理解为仅收敛到固定点。这项工作确定了结构属性 - 通过几个经典控制问题共享 - 确保策略梯度目标函数尽管是非凸面,但没有次优的固定点。当这些条件得到加强时,该目标满足了产生收敛速率的Polyak-lojasiewicz(梯度优势)条件。当其中一些条件放松时,我们还可以在任何固定点的最佳差距上提供界限。
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这项工作开发了具有严格效率的新算法,可确保无限的地平线模仿学习(IL)具有线性函数近似而无需限制性相干假设。我们从问题的最小值开始,然后概述如何从优化中利用经典工具,尤其是近端点方法(PPM)和双平滑性,分别用于在线和离线IL。多亏了PPM,我们避免了在以前的文献中出现在线IL的嵌套政策评估和成本更新。特别是,我们通过优化单个凸的优化和在成本和Q函数上的平稳目标来消除常规交替更新。当不确定地解决时,我们将优化错误与恢复策略的次级优势联系起来。作为额外的奖励,通过将PPM重新解释为双重平滑以专家政策为中心,我们还获得了一个离线IL IL算法,该算法在所需的专家轨迹方面享有理论保证。最后,我们实现了线性和神经网络功能近似的令人信服的经验性能。
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This paper studies systematic exploration for reinforcement learning with rich observations and function approximation. We introduce a new model called contextual decision processes, that unifies and generalizes most prior settings. Our first contribution is a complexity measure, the Bellman rank , that we show enables tractable learning of near-optimal behavior in these processes and is naturally small for many well-studied reinforcement learning settings. Our second contribution is a new reinforcement learning algorithm that engages in systematic exploration to learn contextual decision processes with low Bellman rank. Our algorithm provably learns near-optimal behavior with a number of samples that is polynomial in all relevant parameters but independent of the number of unique observations. The approach uses Bellman error minimization with optimistic exploration and provides new insights into efficient exploration for reinforcement learning with function approximation.
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大部分强化学习理论都建立在计算上难以实施的甲板上。专门用于在部分可观察到的马尔可夫决策过程(POMDP)中学习近乎最佳的政策,现有算法要么需要对模型动态(例如确定性过渡)做出强有力的假设,要么假设访问甲骨文作为解决艰难的计划或估算问题的访问子例程。在这项工作中,我们在合理的假设下开发了第一个用于POMDP的无Oracle学习算法。具体而言,我们给出了一种用于在“可观察” pomdps中学习的准化性时间端到端算法,其中可观察性是一个假设,即对国家而言,分离良好的分布诱导了分离良好的分布分布而不是观察。我们的技术规定了在不确定性下使用乐观原则来促进探索的更传统的方法,而是在构建策略涵盖的情况下提供了一种新颖的barycentric跨度应用。
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Modern Reinforcement Learning (RL) is commonly applied to practical problems with an enormous number of states, where function approximation must be deployed to approximate either the value function or the policy. The introduction of function approximation raises a fundamental set of challenges involving computational and statistical efficiency, especially given the need to manage the exploration/exploitation tradeoff. As a result, a core RL question remains open: how can we design provably efficient RL algorithms that incorporate function approximation? This question persists even in a basic setting with linear dynamics and linear rewards, for which only linear function approximation is needed.This paper presents the first provable RL algorithm with both polynomial runtime and polynomial sample complexity in this linear setting, without requiring a "simulator" or additional assumptions. Concretely, we prove that an optimistic modification of Least-Squares Value Iteration (LSVI)-a classical algorithm frequently studied in the linear setting-achieves O( √ d 3 H 3 T ) regret, where d is the ambient dimension of feature space, H is the length of each episode, and T is the total number of steps. Importantly, such regret is independent of the number of states and actions.
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The aim of Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) is to infer a reward function $R$ from a policy $\pi$. To do this, we need a model of how $\pi$ relates to $R$. In the current literature, the most common models are optimality, Boltzmann rationality, and causal entropy maximisation. One of the primary motivations behind IRL is to infer human preferences from human behaviour. However, the true relationship between human preferences and human behaviour is much more complex than any of the models currently used in IRL. This means that they are misspecified, which raises the worry that they might lead to unsound inferences if applied to real-world data. In this paper, we provide a mathematical analysis of how robust different IRL models are to misspecification, and answer precisely how the demonstrator policy may differ from each of the standard models before that model leads to faulty inferences about the reward function $R$. We also introduce a framework for reasoning about misspecification in IRL, together with formal tools that can be used to easily derive the misspecification robustness of new IRL models.
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