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HyperParamter Tuning是机器学习中最耗时的部分之一:必须评估大量不同的超参数设置的性能以找到最佳的零件。尽管存在最小化所需评估数量的现代优化算法,但单个设置的评估仍然是昂贵的:使用重采样技术,机器学习方法必须安装在不同训练数据集上的固定数量的$ k $次。作为用于设置设置的估算器,使用$ k $ fits的相应平均值。在不到$ k $重新采样的迭代后,可以丢弃许多超代域设置,因为它们已经明显不如高的执行设置。然而,在实践中,通常进行重采样直到最终,浪费大量的计算工作。我们建议使用顺序测试程序来最小化重采样迭代的数量来检测下参数设置。为此,我们首先分析重采样错误的分布,我们会发现,日志正态分布是有前途的。之后,我们构建了假设此分发的顺序测试程序。该顺序测试过程在随机搜索算法内使用。在一些现实数据情况下,我们将标准随机搜索与增强的顺序随机搜索进行比较。可以证明,顺序随机搜索能够找到相对的良好的超参数设置,但是,找到这些设置所需的计算时间大致减半。
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Performance of machine learning algorithms depends critically on identifying a good set of hyperparameters. While recent approaches use Bayesian optimization to adaptively select configurations, we focus on speeding up random search through adaptive resource allocation and early-stopping. We formulate hyperparameter optimization as a pure-exploration nonstochastic infinite-armed bandit problem where a predefined resource like iterations, data samples, or features is allocated to randomly sampled configurations. We introduce a novel algorithm, Hyperband, for this framework and analyze its theoretical properties, providing several desirable guarantees. Furthermore, we compare Hyperband with popular Bayesian optimization methods on a suite of hyperparameter optimization problems. We observe that Hyperband can provide over an order-of-magnitude speedup over our competitor set on a variety of deep-learning and kernel-based learning problems.
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孔隙度已被识别为混凝土耐久性特性的关键指标暴露于侵略性环境。本文采用集体学习来预测含有补充水泥材料的高性能混凝土的孔隙率。本研究中使用的混凝土样品的特征在于八种组合物特征,包括W / B比,粘合剂含量,粉煤灰,GGB,过度塑化剂,粗/细骨料比,固化条件和固化天。组装数据库由240个数据记录组成,具有74个独特的混凝土混合设计。所提出的机器学习算法在从数据集中随机选择的180个观察(75%)培训,然后在剩余的60个观察中进行测试(25%)。数值实验表明,回归树集合可以精确地预测其混合组合物的混凝土的孔隙率。梯度提升树木通常在预测准确性方面优于随机森林。对于随机森林,发现基于袋出错的误差的超参数调整策略比K倍交叉验证更有效。
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This paper proposes a new tree-based ensemble method for supervised classification and regression problems. It essentially consists of randomizing strongly both attribute and cut-point choice while splitting a tree node. In the extreme case, it builds totally randomized trees whose structures are independent of the output values of the learning sample. The strength of the randomization can be tuned to problem specifics by the appropriate choice of a parameter. We evaluate the robustness of the default choice of this parameter, and we also provide insight on how to adjust it in particular situations. Besides accuracy, the main strength of the resulting algorithm is computational efficiency. A bias/variance analysis of the Extra-Trees algorithm is also provided as well as a geometrical and a kernel characterization of the models induced.
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本文研究了与可解释的AI(XAI)实践有关的两个不同但相关的问题。机器学习(ML)在金融服务中越来越重要,例如预批准,信用承销,投资以及各种前端和后端活动。机器学习可以自动检测培训数据中的非线性和相互作用,从而促进更快,更准确的信用决策。但是,机器学习模型是不透明的,难以解释,这是建立可靠技术所需的关键要素。该研究比较了各种机器学习模型,包括单个分类器(逻辑回归,决策树,LDA,QDA),异质集合(Adaboost,随机森林)和顺序神经网络。结果表明,整体分类器和神经网络的表现优于表现。此外,使用基于美国P2P贷款平台Lending Club提供的开放式访问数据集评估了两种先进的事后不可解释能力 - 石灰和外形来评估基于ML的信用评分模型。对于这项研究,我们还使用机器学习算法来开发新的投资模型,并探索可以最大化盈利能力同时最大程度地降低风险的投资组合策略。
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Many different machine learning algorithms exist; taking into account each algorithm's hyperparameters, there is a staggeringly large number of possible alternatives overall. We consider the problem of simultaneously selecting a learning algorithm and setting its hyperparameters, going beyond previous work that addresses these issues in isolation. We show that this problem can be addressed by a fully automated approach, leveraging recent innovations in Bayesian optimization. Specifically, we consider a wide range of feature selection techniques (combining 3 search and 8 evaluator methods) and all classification approaches implemented in WEKA, spanning 2 ensemble methods, 10 meta-methods, 27 base classifiers, and hyperparameter settings for each classifier. On each of 21 popular datasets from the UCI repository, the KDD Cup 09, variants of the MNIST dataset and CIFAR-10, we show classification performance often much better than using standard selection/hyperparameter optimization methods. We hope that our approach will help non-expert users to more effectively identify machine learning algorithms and hyperparameter settings appropriate to their applications, and hence to achieve improved performance.
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While methods for comparing two learning algorithms on a single data set have been scrutinized for quite some time already, the issue of statistical tests for comparisons of more algorithms on multiple data sets, which is even more essential to typical machine learning studies, has been all but ignored. This article reviews the current practice and then theoretically and empirically examines several suitable tests. Based on that, we recommend a set of simple, yet safe and robust non-parametric tests for statistical comparisons of classifiers: the Wilcoxon signed ranks test for comparison of two classifiers and the Friedman test with the corresponding post-hoc tests for comparison of more classifiers over multiple data sets. Results of the latter can also be neatly presented with the newly introduced CD (critical difference) diagrams.
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While $\ell_2$ regularization is widely used in training gradient boosted trees, popular individualized feature attribution methods for trees such as Saabas and TreeSHAP overlook the training procedure. We propose Prediction Decomposition Attribution (PreDecomp), a novel individualized feature attribution for gradient boosted trees when they are trained with $\ell_2$ regularization. Theoretical analysis shows that the inner product between PreDecomp and labels on in-sample data is essentially the total gain of a tree, and that it can faithfully recover additive models in the population case when features are independent. Inspired by the connection between PreDecomp and total gain, we also propose TreeInner, a family of debiased global feature attributions defined in terms of the inner product between any individualized feature attribution and labels on out-sample data for each tree. Numerical experiments on a simulated dataset and a genomic ChIP dataset show that TreeInner has state-of-the-art feature selection performance. Code reproducing experiments is available at https://github.com/nalzok/TreeInner .
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多类概率估计是估计属于类协变量信息的数据点的条件概率的问题。它在统计分析和数据科学中有广泛的应用。最近,已经开发了一类加权支持矢量机(WSVM),以通过$ k $ class问题的合奏学习来估计类概率(Wu,Zhang and Liu,2010; Wang,Zhang和Wu,2019年),其中$ K $是类的数量。估计器具有强大的概率估计,并实现了高精度,但是它们的学习是通过成对耦合实施的,这需要$ k $中的多项式时间。在本文中,我们提出了两种新的学习方案,即基线学习和一vs-all(OVA)学习,以进一步提高计算效率和估计准确性的WSVM。特别是,基线学习具有最佳的计算复杂性,因为它在$ k $中是线性的。尽管在计算方面不是最有效的,但OVA在比较的所有程序中提供了最佳的估计准确性。最终的估计器是无分布的,并且显示出一致的。我们进一步进行广泛的数值实验以证明有限的样本性能。
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在本文中,我们提出了一种称为\ Textit {自适应提升直方图变换}(\ TeatiT {ABHT})的渐变升压算法,以便回归以说明直方图变换集合学习中梯度升压算法的本地适应性。从理论上的角度来看,当目标函数位于本地H \“较旧的连续空间时,我们表明我们的ABHT可以用不同的平滑度过滤出区域。因此,我们能够证明收敛的上限ABHT的速率严格小于\ Texit {并行集合直方图变换}(\ Textit {PEHT})的下限。在实验中,合成和现实世界数据实验都经验验证了理论结果,这证明了有利的性能和我们的ABHT的局部适应性。
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我们提出了一种使用边缘似然的分布式贝叶斯模型选择的一般方法,其中数据集被分开在非重叠子集中。这些子集仅由个别工人本地访问,工人之间没有共享数据。我们近似通过在每个子集的每个子集上从后部采样通过Monte Carlo采样的完整数据的模型证据。结果使用一种新的方法来组合,该方法校正使用所产生的样本的汇总统计分裂。我们的鸿沟和征服方法使贝叶斯模型在大型数据设置中选择,利用所有可用信息,而是限制工人之间的沟通。我们派生了理论误差界限,这些错误界限量化了计算增益与精度损失之间的结果。当我们的真实世界实验所示,令人尴尬的平行性质在大规模数据集时产生了重要的速度。此外,我们展示了如何在可逆跳转设置中扩展建议的方法以在可逆跳转设置中进行模型选择,该跳转设置在一个运行中探讨多个特征组合。
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The application of deep learning algorithms to financial data is difficult due to heavy non-stationarities which can lead to over-fitted models that underperform under regime changes. Using the Numerai tournament data set as a motivating example, we propose a machine learning pipeline for trading market-neutral stock portfolios based on tabular data which is robust under changes in market conditions. We evaluate various machine-learning models, including Gradient Boosting Decision Trees (GBDTs) and Neural Networks with and without simple feature engineering, as the building blocks for the pipeline. We find that GBDT models with dropout display high performance, robustness and generalisability with relatively low complexity and reduced computational cost. We then show that online learning techniques can be used in post-prediction processing to enhance the results. In particular, dynamic feature neutralisation, an efficient procedure that requires no retraining of models and can be applied post-prediction to any machine learning model, improves robustness by reducing drawdown in volatile market conditions. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the creation of model ensembles through dynamic model selection based on recent model performance leads to improved performance over baseline by improving the Sharpe and Calmar ratios. We also evaluate the robustness of our pipeline across different data splits and random seeds with good reproducibility of results.
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