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We develop a general framework for distribution-free predictive inference in regression, using conformal inference. The proposed methodology allows for the construction of a prediction band for the response variable using any estimator of the regression function. The resulting prediction band preserves the consistency properties of the original estimator under standard assumptions, while guaranteeing finite-sample marginal coverage even when these assumptions do not hold. We analyze and compare, both empirically and theoretically, the two major variants of our conformal framework: full conformal inference and split conformal inference, along with a related jackknife method. These methods offer different tradeoffs between statistical accuracy (length of resulting prediction intervals) and computational efficiency. As extensions, we develop a method for constructing valid in-sample prediction intervals called rank-one-out conformal inference, which has essentially the same computational efficiency as split conformal inference. We also describe an extension of our procedures for producing prediction bands with locally varying length, in order to adapt to heteroskedascity in the data. Finally, we propose a model-free notion of variable importance, called leave-one-covariate-out or LOCO inference. Accompanying this paper is an R package conformalInference that implements all of the proposals we have introduced. In the spirit of reproducibility, all of our empirical results can also be easily (re)generated using this package.
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Testing the significance of a variable or group of variables $X$ for predicting a response $Y$, given additional covariates $Z$, is a ubiquitous task in statistics. A simple but common approach is to specify a linear model, and then test whether the regression coefficient for $X$ is non-zero. However, when the model is misspecified, the test may have poor power, for example when $X$ is involved in complex interactions, or lead to many false rejections. In this work we study the problem of testing the model-free null of conditional mean independence, i.e. that the conditional mean of $Y$ given $X$ and $Z$ does not depend on $X$. We propose a simple and general framework that can leverage flexible nonparametric or machine learning methods, such as additive models or random forests, to yield both robust error control and high power. The procedure involves using these methods to perform regressions, first to estimate a form of projection of $Y$ on $X$ and $Z$ using one half of the data, and then to estimate the expected conditional covariance between this projection and $Y$ on the remaining half of the data. While the approach is general, we show that a version of our procedure using spline regression achieves what we show is the minimax optimal rate in this nonparametric testing problem. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach both in terms of maintaining Type I error control, and power, compared to several existing approaches.
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Classical asymptotic theory for statistical inference usually involves calibrating a statistic by fixing the dimension $d$ while letting the sample size $n$ increase to infinity. Recently, much effort has been dedicated towards understanding how these methods behave in high-dimensional settings, where $d$ and $n$ both increase to infinity together. This often leads to different inference procedures, depending on the assumptions about the dimensionality, leaving the practitioner in a bind: given a dataset with 100 samples in 20 dimensions, should they calibrate by assuming $n \gg d$, or $d/n \approx 0.2$? This paper considers the goal of dimension-agnostic inference; developing methods whose validity does not depend on any assumption on $d$ versus $n$. We introduce an approach that uses variational representations of existing test statistics along with sample splitting and self-normalization to produce a new test statistic with a Gaussian limiting distribution, regardless of how $d$ scales with $n$. The resulting statistic can be viewed as a careful modification of degenerate U-statistics, dropping diagonal blocks and retaining off-diagonal blocks. We exemplify our technique for some classical problems including one-sample mean and covariance testing, and show that our tests have minimax rate-optimal power against appropriate local alternatives. In most settings, our cross U-statistic matches the high-dimensional power of the corresponding (degenerate) U-statistic up to a $\sqrt{2}$ factor.
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预测一组结果 - 而不是独特的结果 - 是统计学习中不确定性定量的有前途的解决方案。尽管有关于构建具有统计保证的预测集的丰富文献,但适应未知的协变量转变(实践中普遍存在的问题)还是一个严重的未解决的挑战。在本文中,我们表明具有有限样本覆盖范围保证的预测集是非信息性的,并提出了一种新型的无灵活分配方法PredSet-1Step,以有效地构建了在未知协方差转移下具有渐近覆盖范围保证的预测集。我们正式表明我们的方法是\ textIt {渐近上可能是近似正确},对大型样本的置信度有很好的覆盖误差。我们说明,在南非队列研究中,它在许多实验和有关HIV风险预测的数据集中实现了名义覆盖范围。我们的理论取决于基于一般渐近线性估计器的WALD置信区间覆盖范围的融合率的新结合。
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假设我们观察一个随机向量$ x $从一个具有未知参数的已知家庭中的一些分发$ p $。我们问以下问题:什么时候可以将$ x $分为两部分$ f(x)$和$ g(x)$,使得两部分都足以重建$ x $自行,但两者都可以恢复$ x $完全,$(f(x),g(x))$的联合分布是贸易的吗?作为一个例子,如果$ x =(x_1,\ dots,x_n)$和$ p $是一个产品分布,那么对于任何$ m <n $,我们可以将样本拆分以定义$ f(x)=(x_1 ,\ dots,x_m)$和$ g(x)=(x_ {m + 1},\ dots,x_n)$。 Rasines和Young(2021)提供了通过使用$ x $的随机化实现此任务的替代路线,并通过加性高斯噪声来实现高斯分布数据的有限样本中的选择后推断和非高斯添加剂模型的渐近。在本文中,我们提供更一般的方法,可以通过借助贝叶斯推断的思路在有限样本中实现这种分裂,以产生(频繁的)解决方案,该解决方案可以被视为数据分裂的连续模拟。我们称我们的方法数据模糊,作为数据分割,数据雕刻和P值屏蔽的替代方案。我们举例说明了一些原型应用程序的方法,例如选择趋势过滤和其他回归问题的选择后推断。
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Many scientific and engineering challenges-ranging from personalized medicine to customized marketing recommendations-require an understanding of treatment effect heterogeneity. In this paper, we develop a non-parametric causal forest for estimating heterogeneous treatment effects that extends Breiman's widely used random forest algorithm. In the potential outcomes framework with unconfoundedness, we show that causal forests are pointwise consistent for the true treatment effect, and have an asymptotically Gaussian and centered sampling distribution. We also discuss a practical method for constructing asymptotic confidence intervals for the true treatment effect that are centered at the causal forest estimates. Our theoretical results rely on a generic Gaussian theory for a large family of random forest algorithms. To our knowledge, this is the first set of results that allows any type of random forest, including classification and regression forests, to be used for provably valid statistical inference. In experiments, we find causal forests to be substantially more powerful than classical methods based on nearest-neighbor matching, especially in the presence of irrelevant covariates.
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套索是一种高维回归的方法,当时,当协变量$ p $的订单数量或大于观测值$ n $时,通常使用它。由于两个基本原因,经典的渐近态性理论不适用于该模型:$(1)$正规风险是非平滑的; $(2)$估算器$ \ wideHat {\ boldsymbol {\ theta}} $与true参数vector $ \ boldsymbol {\ theta}^*$无法忽略。结果,标准的扰动论点是渐近正态性的传统基础。另一方面,套索估计器可以精确地以$ n $和$ p $大,$ n/p $的订单为一。这种表征首先是在使用I.I.D的高斯设计的情况下获得的。协变量:在这里,我们将其推广到具有非偏差协方差结构的高斯相关设计。这是根据更简单的``固定设计''模型表示的。我们在两个模型中各种数量的分布之间的距离上建立了非反应界限,它们在合适的稀疏类别中均匀地固定在信号上$ \ boldsymbol {\ theta}^*$。作为应用程序,我们研究了借助拉索的分布,并表明需要校正程度对于计算有效的置信区间是必要的。
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在这项工作中,我们对基本思想和新颖的发展进行了综述的综述,这是基于最小的假设的一种无创新的,无分配的,非参数预测的方法 - 能够以非常简单的方式预测集屈服在有限样本案例中,在统计意义上也有效。论文中提供的深入讨论涵盖了共形预测的理论基础,然后继续列出原始想法的更高级的发展和改编。
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加权最近的邻居(WNN)估计量通常用作平均回归估计的灵活且易于实现的非参数工具。袋装技术是一种优雅的方式,可以自动生成最近邻居的重量的WNN估计器;我们将最终的估计量命名为分布最近的邻居(DNN),以便于参考。然而,这种估计器缺乏分布结果,从而将其应用于统计推断。此外,当平均回归函数具有高阶平滑度时,DNN无法达到最佳的非参数收敛率,这主要是由于偏差问题。在这项工作中,我们对DNN提供了深入的技术分析,我们建议通过线性将两个DNN估计量与不同的子采样量表进行线性相结合,从而提出了DNN估计量的偏差方法,从而导致新型的两尺度DNN(TDNN(TDNN) )估计器。两尺度的DNN估计量具有等效的WNN表示,重量承认明确形式,有些则是负面的。我们证明,由于使用负权重,两尺度DNN估计器在四阶平滑度条件下估算回归函数时享有最佳的非参数收敛速率。我们进一步超出了估计,并确定DNN和两个规模的DNN均无渐进地正常,因为亚次采样量表和样本量差异到无穷大。对于实际实施,我们还使用二尺度DNN的Jacknife和Bootstrap技术提供方差估计器和分配估计器。可以利用这些估计器来构建有效的置信区间,以用于回归函数的非参数推断。建议的两尺度DNN方法的理论结果和吸引人的有限样本性能用几个数值示例说明了。
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我们考虑随机对照试验的差异问题,通过使用与结果相关的协变量但与治疗无关。我们提出了一种机器学习回归调整的处理效果估算器,我们称之为Mlrate。 Mlrate使用机器学习预测结果来降低估计方差。它采用交叉配件来避免过度偏置,在一般条件下,我们证明了一致性和渐近正常性。 Mlrate对机器学习的预测较差的鲁棒步骤:如果预测与结果不相关,则估计器执行渐近的差异,而不是标准差异估计器,而如果预测与结果高度相关,则效率提升大。在A / A测试中,对于在Facebook实验中通常监测的一组48个结果指标,估计器的差异比简单差分估计器差异超过70%,比仅调整的共同单变量过程约19%用于结果的预测值。
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近年来目睹了采用灵活的机械学习模型进行乐器变量(IV)回归的兴趣,但仍然缺乏不确定性量化方法的发展。在这项工作中,我们为IV次数回归提出了一种新的Quasi-Bayesian程序,建立了最近开发的核化IV模型和IV回归的双/极小配方。我们通过在$ l_2 $和sobolev规范中建立最低限度的最佳收缩率,并讨论可信球的常见有效性来分析所提出的方法的频繁行为。我们进一步推出了一种可扩展的推理算法,可以扩展到与宽神经网络模型一起工作。实证评价表明,我们的方法对复杂的高维问题产生了丰富的不确定性估计。
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在本文中,我们研究了在一组单位上进行的设计实验的问题,例如在线市场中的用户或用户组,以多个时间段,例如数周或数月。这些实验特别有助于研究对当前和未来结果具有因果影响的治疗(瞬时和滞后的影响)。设计问题涉及在实验之前或期间选择每个单元的治疗时间,以便最精确地估计瞬间和滞后的效果,实验后。这种治疗决策的优化可以通过降低其样本尺寸要求,直接最小化实验的机会成本。优化是我们提供近最优解的NP-Hard整数程序,当时在开始时进行设计决策(固定样本大小设计)。接下来,我们研究允许在实验期间进行适应性决策的顺序实验,并且还可能早期停止实验,进一步降低其成本。然而,这些实验的顺序性质使设计阶段和估计阶段复杂化。我们提出了一种新的算法,PGAE,通过自适应地制造治疗决策,估算治疗效果和绘制有效的实验后推理来解决这些挑战。 PGAE将来自贝叶斯统计,动态编程和样品分裂的思想结合起来。使用来自多个域的真实数据集的合成实验,我们证明了与基准相比,我们的固定样本尺寸和顺序实验的提出解决方案将实验的机会成本降低了50%和70%。
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由于其出色的经验表现,随机森林是过去十年中使用的机器学习方法之一。然而,由于其黑框的性质,在许多大数据应用中很难解释随机森林的结果。量化各个特征在随机森林中的实用性可以大大增强其解释性。现有的研究表明,一些普遍使用的特征对随机森林的重要性措施遭受了偏见问题。此外,对于大多数现有方法,缺乏全面的规模和功率分析。在本文中,我们通过假设检验解决了问题,并提出了一个自由化特征 - 弥散性相关测试(事实)的框架,以评估具有偏见性属性的随机森林模型中给定特征的重要性,我们零假设涉及该特征是否与所有其他特征有条件地独立于响应。关于高维随机森林一致性的一些最新发展,对随机森林推断的这种努力得到了赋予的能力。在存在功能依赖性的情况下,我们的事实测试的香草版可能会遇到偏见问题。我们利用偏置校正的不平衡和调节技术。我们通过增强功率的功能转换将合奏的想法进一步纳入事实统计范围。在相当普遍的具有依赖特征的高维非参数模型设置下,我们正式确定事实可以提供理论上合理的随机森林具有P值,并通过非催化分析享受吸引人的力量。新建议的方法的理论结果和有限样本优势通过几个模拟示例和与Covid-19的经济预测应用进行了说明。
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In many investigations, the primary outcome of interest is difficult or expensive to collect. Examples include long-term health effects of medical interventions, measurements requiring expensive testing or follow-up, and outcomes only measurable on small panels as in marketing. This reduces effective sample sizes for estimating the average treatment effect (ATE). However, there is often an abundance of observations on surrogate outcomes not of primary interest, such as short-term health effects or online-ad click-through. We study the role of such surrogate observations in the efficient estimation of treatment effects. To quantify their value, we derive the semiparametric efficiency bounds on ATE estimation with and without the presence of surrogates and several intermediary settings. The difference between these characterizes the efficiency gains from optimally leveraging surrogates. We study two regimes: when the number of surrogate observations is comparable to primary-outcome observations and when the former dominates the latter. We take an agnostic missing-data approach circumventing strong surrogate conditions previously assumed. To leverage surrogates' efficiency gains, we develop efficient ATE estimation and inference based on flexible machine-learning estimates of nuisance functions appearing in the influence functions we derive. We empirically demonstrate the gains by studying the long-term earnings effect of job training.
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