Individual-level data (microdata) that characterizes a population, is essential for studying many real-world problems. However, acquiring such data is not straightforward due to cost and privacy constraints, and access is often limited to aggregated data (macro data) sources. In this study, we examine synthetic data generation as a tool to extrapolate difficult-to-obtain high-resolution data by combining information from multiple easier-to-obtain lower-resolution data sources. In particular, we introduce a framework that uses a combination of univariate and multivariate frequency tables from a given target geographical location in combination with frequency tables from other auxiliary locations to generate synthetic microdata for individuals in the target location. Our method combines the estimation of a dependency graph and conditional probabilities from the target location with the use of a Gaussian copula to leverage the available information from the auxiliary locations. We perform extensive testing on two real-world datasets and demonstrate that our approach outperforms prior approaches in preserving the overall dependency structure of the data while also satisfying the constraints defined on the different variables.
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Efficient energy consumption is crucial for achieving sustainable energy goals in the era of climate change and grid modernization. Thus, it is vital to understand how energy is consumed at finer resolutions such as household in order to plan demand-response events or analyze the impacts of weather, electricity prices, electric vehicles, solar, and occupancy schedules on energy consumption. However, availability and access to detailed energy-use data, which would enable detailed studies, has been rare. In this paper, we release a unique, large-scale, synthetic, residential energy-use dataset for the residential sector across the contiguous United States covering millions of households. The data comprise of hourly energy use profiles for synthetic households, disaggregated into Thermostatically Controlled Loads (TCL) and appliance use. The underlying framework is constructed using a bottom-up approach. Diverse open-source surveys and first principles models are used for end-use modeling. Extensive validation of the synthetic dataset has been conducted through comparisons with reported energy-use data. We present a detailed, open, high-resolution, residential energy-use dataset for the United States.
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We present a new algorithm for Bayesian network structure learning, called Max-Min Hill-Climbing (MMHC). The algorithm combines ideas from local learning, constraint-based, and search-and-score techniques in a principled and effective way. It first reconstructs the skeleton of a Bayesian network and then performs a Bayesian-scoring greedy hill-climbing search to orient the edges. In our extensive empirical evaluation MMHC outperforms on average and in terms of various metrics several prototypical and state-of-the-art algorithms, namely the PC, Sparse Candidate, Three Phase Dependency Analysis, Optimal Reinsertion, Greedy Equivalence Search, and Greedy Search. These are the first empirical results simultaneously comparing most of the major Bayesian network algorithms against each other. MMHC offers certain theoretical advantages, specifically over the Sparse Candidate algorithm, corroborated by our experiments. MMHC and detailed results of our study are publicly available at paper/mmhc index.html.
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数据质量是发展医疗保健中值得信赖的AI的关键因素。大量具有控制混杂因素的策划数据集可以帮助提高下游AI算法的准确性,鲁棒性和隐私性。但是,访问高质量的数据集受数据获取的技术难度的限制,并且严格的道德限制阻碍了医疗保健数据的大规模共享。数据合成算法生成具有与真实临床数据相似的分布的数据,可以作为解决可信度AI的发展过程中缺乏优质数据的潜在解决方案。然而,最新的数据合成算法,尤其是深度学习算法,更多地集中于成像数据,同时忽略了非成像医疗保健数据的综合,包括临床测量,医疗信号和波形以及电子保健记录(EHRS)(EHRS) 。因此,在本文中,我们将回顾合成算法,尤其是对于非成像医学数据,目的是在该领域提供可信赖的AI。本教程风格的审查论文将对包括算法,评估,局限性和未来研究方向在内的各个方面进行全面描述。
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考虑基于AI和ML的决策对这些新兴技术的安全和可接受的使用的决策的社会和道德后果至关重要。公平,特别是保证ML决定不会导致对个人或少数群体的歧视。使用因果关系,可以更好地实现和衡量可靠的公平/歧视,从而更好地实现了敏感属性(例如性别,种族,宗教等)之间的因果关系,仅仅是仅仅是关联,例如性别,种族,宗教等(例如,雇用工作,贷款授予等) )。然而,对因果关系解决公平性的最大障碍是因果模型的不可用(通常表示为因果图)。文献中现有的因果关系方法并不能解决此问题,并假设可获得因果模型。在本文中,我们没有做出这样的假设,并且我们回顾了从可观察数据中发现因果关系的主要算法。这项研究的重点是因果发现及其对公平性的影响。特别是,我们展示了不同的因果发现方法如何导致不同的因果模型,最重要的是,即使因果模型之间的轻微差异如何对公平/歧视结论产生重大影响。通过使用合成和标准公平基准数据集的经验分析来巩固这些结果。这项研究的主要目标是强调因果关系使用因果关系适当解决公平性的因果发现步骤的重要性。
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机器学习模型的增加越来越多地提出了这些模型的可靠性问题。目前具有限制数据的测试实践通常不足。在本文中,我们为自动化测试数据合成提供了一种框架,以测试黑盒ML / DL型号。我们解决了利用模型不可知覆盖标准生成现实用户可控数据的重要挑战,以测试各种属性,基本上是增加对机器学习模型的信任。我们通过实验展示了我们技术的有效性。
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尽管在文本,图像和视频上生成的对抗网络(GAN)取得了显着的成功,但由于一些独特的挑战,例如捕获不平衡数据中的依赖性,因此仍在开发中,生成高质量的表格数据仍在开发中,从而优化了合成患者数据的质量。保留隐私。在本文中,我们提出了DP-CGAN,这是一个由数据转换,采样,条件和网络培训组成的差异私有条件GAN框架,以生成现实且具有隐私性的表格数据。 DP-Cgans区分分类和连续变量,并将它们分别转换为潜在空间。然后,我们将条件矢量构建为附加输入,不仅在不平衡数据中介绍少数族裔类,还可以捕获变量之间的依赖性。我们将统计噪声注入DP-CGAN的网络训练过程中的梯度,以提供差异隐私保证。我们通过统计相似性,机器学习绩效和隐私测量值在三个公共数据集和两个现实世界中的个人健康数据集上使用最先进的生成模型广泛评估了我们的模型。我们证明,我们的模型优于其他可比模型,尤其是在捕获变量之间的依赖性时。最后,我们在合成数据生成中介绍了数据实用性与隐私之间的平衡,考虑到现实世界数据集的不同数据结构和特征,例如不平衡变量,异常分布和数据的稀疏性。
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Causal inference is the process of using assumptions, study designs, and estimation strategies to draw conclusions about the causal relationships between variables based on data. This allows researchers to better understand the underlying mechanisms at work in complex systems and make more informed decisions. In many settings, we may not fully observe all the confounders that affect both the treatment and outcome variables, complicating the estimation of causal effects. To address this problem, a growing literature in both causal inference and machine learning proposes to use Instrumental Variables (IV). This paper serves as the first effort to systematically and comprehensively introduce and discuss the IV methods and their applications in both causal inference and machine learning. First, we provide the formal definition of IVs and discuss the identification problem of IV regression methods under different assumptions. Second, we categorize the existing work on IV methods into three streams according to the focus on the proposed methods, including two-stage least squares with IVs, control function with IVs, and evaluation of IVs. For each stream, we present both the classical causal inference methods, and recent developments in the machine learning literature. Then, we introduce a variety of applications of IV methods in real-world scenarios and provide a summary of the available datasets and algorithms. Finally, we summarize the literature, discuss the open problems and suggest promising future research directions for IV methods and their applications. We also develop a toolkit of IVs methods reviewed in this survey at
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这项工作是由两个关键事实激励的。首先,非常希望能够学习和执行知识发现和分析(LKD)任务,而无需访问RAW-DATA表。这可能是由于组织发现管理和维护不断增长的桌子或出于隐私原因而变得越来越令人沮丧和昂贵。因此,可以从原始数据开发紧凑的模型,而不是表代替表。其次,通常,LKD任务应在(可能非常大的)表上执行,这本身就是连接单独(可能非常大的)关系表的结果。但是,当缺席个人桌子时,怎么能这样做呢?在这里,我们提出以下基本问题:Q1:如何“加入”(缺失/删除​​)表格或“与其他表一起连接模型”,以使LKD启用LKD,就好像是在实际的联接上执行的。原桌? Q2:每张表使用哪些合适的型号? Q3:由于模型联接将是实际数据联接的近似值,因此如何评估模型联接结果的质量?这项工作提出了一个框架,结合模型,解决了这些挑战。该框架集成并连接了缺席表的台式模型,并生成了一个均匀且独立的样本,该样本是对实际RAW-DATA连接的均匀和独立样本的高质量近似。近似源于模型,但不是源于模型联接框架。通过模型联接获得的样本可用于执行LKD下游任务,例如近似查询处理,分类,聚类,回归,关联规则挖掘,可视化等。据我们所知,这是该议程和解决方案的第一部作品。使用TPC-DS数据和合成数据展示模型的详细实验加入的实用性。
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At the core of insurance business lies classification between risky and non-risky insureds, actuarial fairness meaning that risky insureds should contribute more and pay a higher premium than non-risky or less-risky ones. Actuaries, therefore, use econometric or machine learning techniques to classify, but the distinction between a fair actuarial classification and "discrimination" is subtle. For this reason, there is a growing interest about fairness and discrimination in the actuarial community Lindholm, Richman, Tsanakas, and Wuthrich (2022). Presumably, non-sensitive characteristics can serve as substitutes or proxies for protected attributes. For example, the color and model of a car, combined with the driver's occupation, may lead to an undesirable gender bias in the prediction of car insurance prices. Surprisingly, we will show that debiasing the predictor alone may be insufficient to maintain adequate accuracy (1). Indeed, the traditional pricing model is currently built in a two-stage structure that considers many potentially biased components such as car or geographic risks. We will show that this traditional structure has significant limitations in achieving fairness. For this reason, we have developed a novel pricing model approach. Recently some approaches have Blier-Wong, Cossette, Lamontagne, and Marceau (2021); Wuthrich and Merz (2021) shown the value of autoencoders in pricing. In this paper, we will show that (2) this can be generalized to multiple pricing factors (geographic, car type), (3) it perfectly adapted for a fairness context (since it allows to debias the set of pricing components): We extend this main idea to a general framework in which a single whole pricing model is trained by generating the geographic and car pricing components needed to predict the pure premium while mitigating the unwanted bias according to the desired metric.
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Pre-publication draft of a book to be published byMorgan & Claypool publishers. Unedited version released with permission. All relevant copyrights held by the author and publisher extend to this pre-publication draft.
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因果推断对于跨业务参与,医疗和政策制定等领域的数据驱动决策至关重要。然而,关于因果发现的研究已经与推理方法分开发展,从而阻止了两个领域方法的直接组合。在这项工作中,我们开发了深层端到端因果推理(DECI),这是一种基于流动的非线性添加噪声模型,该模型具有观察数据,并且可以执行因果发现和推理,包括有条件的平均治疗效果(CATE) )估计。我们提供了理论上的保证,即DECI可以根据标准因果发现假设恢复地面真实因果图。受应用影响的激励,我们将该模型扩展到具有缺失值的异质,混合型数据,从而允许连续和离散的治疗决策。我们的结果表明,与因果发现的相关基线相比,DECI的竞争性能和(c)在合成数据集和因果机器学习基准测试基准的一千多个实验中,跨数据类型和缺失水平进行了估计。
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基于AI和机器学习的决策系统已在各种现实世界中都使用,包括医疗保健,执法,教育和金融。不再是牵强的,即设想一个未来,自治系统将推动整个业务决策,并且更广泛地支持大规模决策基础设施以解决社会最具挑战性的问题。当人类做出决定时,不公平和歧视的问题普遍存在,并且当使用几乎没有透明度,问责制和公平性的机器做出决定时(或可能会放大)。在本文中,我们介绍了\ textit {Causal公平分析}的框架,目的是填补此差距,即理解,建模,并可能解决决策设置中的公平性问题。我们方法的主要见解是将观察到数据中存在的差异的量化与基本且通常是未观察到的因果机制收集的因果机制的收集,这些机制首先会产生差异,挑战我们称之为因果公平的基本问题分析(FPCFA)。为了解决FPCFA,我们研究了分解差异和公平性的经验度量的问题,将这种变化归因于结构机制和人群的不同单位。我们的努力最终达到了公平地图,这是组织和解释文献中不同标准之间关系的首次系统尝试。最后,我们研究了进行因果公平分析并提出一本公平食谱的最低因果假设,该假设使数据科学家能够评估不同影响和不同治疗的存在。
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