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Generating realistic 3D worlds occupied by moving humans has many applications in games, architecture, and synthetic data creation. But generating such scenes is expensive and labor intensive. Recent work generates human poses and motions given a 3D scene. Here, we take the opposite approach and generate 3D indoor scenes given 3D human motion. Such motions can come from archival motion capture or from IMU sensors worn on the body, effectively turning human movement in a "scanner" of the 3D world. Intuitively, human movement indicates the free-space in a room and human contact indicates surfaces or objects that support activities such as sitting, lying or touching. We propose MIME (Mining Interaction and Movement to infer 3D Environments), which is a generative model of indoor scenes that produces furniture layouts that are consistent with the human movement. MIME uses an auto-regressive transformer architecture that takes the already generated objects in the scene as well as the human motion as input, and outputs the next plausible object. To train MIME, we build a dataset by populating the 3D FRONT scene dataset with 3D humans. Our experiments show that MIME produces more diverse and plausible 3D scenes than a recent generative scene method that does not know about human movement. Code and data will be available for research at https://mime.is.tue.mpg.de.
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Training parts from ShapeNet. (b) t-SNE plot of part embeddings. (c) Reconstructing entire scenes with Local Implicit Grids Figure 1:We learn an embedding of parts from objects in ShapeNet [3] using a part autoencoder with an implicit decoder. We show that this representation of parts is generalizable across object categories, and easily scalable to large scenes. By localizing implicit functions in a grid, we are able to reconstruct entire scenes from points via optimization of the latent grid.
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Generative models, as an important family of statistical modeling, target learning the observed data distribution via generating new instances. Along with the rise of neural networks, deep generative models, such as variational autoencoders (VAEs) and generative adversarial network (GANs), have made tremendous progress in 2D image synthesis. Recently, researchers switch their attentions from the 2D space to the 3D space considering that 3D data better aligns with our physical world and hence enjoys great potential in practice. However, unlike a 2D image, which owns an efficient representation (i.e., pixel grid) by nature, representing 3D data could face far more challenges. Concretely, we would expect an ideal 3D representation to be capable enough to model shapes and appearances in details, and to be highly efficient so as to model high-resolution data with fast speed and low memory cost. However, existing 3D representations, such as point clouds, meshes, and recent neural fields, usually fail to meet the above requirements simultaneously. In this survey, we make a thorough review of the development of 3D generation, including 3D shape generation and 3D-aware image synthesis, from the perspectives of both algorithms and more importantly representations. We hope that our discussion could help the community track the evolution of this field and further spark some innovative ideas to advance this challenging task.
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Generative models have shown great promise in synthesizing photorealistic 3D objects, but they require large amounts of training data. We introduce SinGRAF, a 3D-aware generative model that is trained with a few input images of a single scene. Once trained, SinGRAF generates different realizations of this 3D scene that preserve the appearance of the input while varying scene layout. For this purpose, we build on recent progress in 3D GAN architectures and introduce a novel progressive-scale patch discrimination approach during training. With several experiments, we demonstrate that the results produced by SinGRAF outperform the closest related works in both quality and diversity by a large margin.
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Autonomous driving requires efficient reasoning about the location and appearance of the different agents in the scene, which aids in downstream tasks such as object detection, object tracking, and path planning. The past few years have witnessed a surge in approaches that combine the different taskbased modules of the classic self-driving stack into an End-toEnd(E2E) trainable learning system. These approaches replace perception, prediction, and sensor fusion modules with a single contiguous module with shared latent space embedding, from which one extracts a human-interpretable representation of the scene. One of the most popular representations is the Birds-eye View (BEV), which expresses the location of different traffic participants in the ego vehicle frame from a top-down view. However, a BEV does not capture the chromatic appearance information of the participants. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel representation that captures various traffic participants appearance and occupancy information from an array of monocular cameras covering 360 deg field of view (FOV). We use a learned image embedding of all camera images to generate a BEV of the scene at any instant that captures both appearance and occupancy of the scene, which can aid in downstream tasks such as object tracking and executing language-based commands. We test the efficacy of our approach on synthetic dataset generated from CARLA. The code, data set, and results can be found at https://rebrand.ly/APP OCC-results.
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Language is one of the primary means by which we describe the 3D world around us. While rapid progress has been made in text-to-2D-image synthesis, similar progress in text-to-3D-shape synthesis has been hindered by the lack of paired (text, shape) data. Moreover, extant methods for text-to-shape generation have limited shape diversity and fidelity. We introduce TextCraft, a method to address these limitations by producing high-fidelity and diverse 3D shapes without the need for (text, shape) pairs for training. TextCraft achieves this by using CLIP and using a multi-resolution approach by first generating in a low-dimensional latent space and then upscaling to a higher resolution, improving the fidelity of the generated shape. To improve shape diversity, we use a discrete latent space which is modelled using a bidirectional transformer conditioned on the interchangeable image-text embedding space induced by CLIP. Moreover, we present a novel variant of classifier-free guidance, which further improves the accuracy-diversity trade-off. Finally, we perform extensive experiments that demonstrate that TextCraft outperforms state-of-the-art baselines.
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This work introduces alternating latent topologies (ALTO) for high-fidelity reconstruction of implicit 3D surfaces from noisy point clouds. Previous work identifies that the spatial arrangement of latent encodings is important to recover detail. One school of thought is to encode a latent vector for each point (point latents). Another school of thought is to project point latents into a grid (grid latents) which could be a voxel grid or triplane grid. Each school of thought has tradeoffs. Grid latents are coarse and lose high-frequency detail. In contrast, point latents preserve detail. However, point latents are more difficult to decode into a surface, and quality and runtime suffer. In this paper, we propose ALTO to sequentially alternate between geometric representations, before converging to an easy-to-decode latent. We find that this preserves spatial expressiveness and makes decoding lightweight. We validate ALTO on implicit 3D recovery and observe not only a performance improvement over the state-of-the-art, but a runtime improvement of 3-10$\times$. Project website at https://visual.ee.ucla.edu/alto.htm/.
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Compact and accurate representations of 3D shapes are central to many perception and robotics tasks. State-of-the-art learning-based methods can reconstruct single objects but scale poorly to large datasets. We present a novel recursive implicit representation to efficiently and accurately encode large datasets of complex 3D shapes by recursively traversing an implicit octree in latent space. Our implicit Recursive Octree Auto-Decoder (ROAD) learns a hierarchically structured latent space enabling state-of-the-art reconstruction results at a compression ratio above 99%. We also propose an efficient curriculum learning scheme that naturally exploits the coarse-to-fine properties of the underlying octree spatial representation. We explore the scaling law relating latent space dimension, dataset size, and reconstruction accuracy, showing that increasing the latent space dimension is enough to scale to large shape datasets. Finally, we show that our learned latent space encodes a coarse-to-fine hierarchical structure yielding reusable latents across different levels of details, and we provide qualitative evidence of generalization to novel shapes outside the training set.
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最近的方法(例如材料gan)已使用无条件的gan来生成每像素材料图,或作为从输入照片重建材料之前的材料。这些模型可以生成各种随机材料外观,但没有任何将生成材料限制为特定类别或控制生成材料的粗体结构的机制,例如砖墙上的精确砖布局。此外,从单个输入照片中重建的材料通常具有伪像,并且通常不可易换,这限制了它们在实际内容创建管道中的使用。我们提出了Tilegen,这是一种针对SVBRDFS的生成模型,该模型特定于材料类别,始终可易换,并且在提供的输入结构模式上有条件。 Tilegen是Stylegan的变体,其架构经过修改以始终生成可易于的(周期性)材料图。除了标准的“样式”潜在代码外,Tilegen还可以选择拍摄条件图像,从而使用户直接控制材料的主要空间(和可选的颜色)功能。例如,在砖块中,用户可以指定砖布局和砖块,或者在皮革材料中,皱纹和褶皱的位置。我们的反渲染方法可以通过优化找到一种材料,从而感知到单个目标照片。这种重建也可以以用户提供的模式为条件。所得的材料是可拆卸的,可以大于目标图像,并且可以通过改变条件来编辑。
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In recent years, substantial progress has been achieved in learning-based reconstruction of 3D objects. At the same time, generative models were proposed that can generate highly realistic images. However, despite this success in these closely related tasks, texture reconstruction of 3D objects has received little attention from the research community and state-of-the-art methods are either limited to comparably low resolution or constrained experimental setups. A major reason for these limitations is that common representations of texture are inefficient or hard to interface for modern deep learning techniques. In this paper, we propose Texture Fields, a novel texture representation which is based on regressing a continuous 3D function parameterized with a neural network. Our approach circumvents limiting factors like shape discretization and parameterization, as the proposed texture representation is independent of the shape representation of the 3D object. We show that Texture Fields are able to represent high frequency texture and naturally blend with modern deep learning techniques. Experimentally, we find that Texture Fields compare favorably to state-of-the-art methods for conditional texture reconstruction of 3D objects and enable learning of probabilistic generative models for texturing unseen 3D models. We believe that Texture Fields will become an important building block for the next generation of generative 3D models.
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神经辐射场(NERF)最近在新型视图合成中取得了令人印象深刻的结果。但是,以前的NERF作品主要关注以对象为中心的方案。在这项工作中,我们提出了360ROAM,这是一种新颖的场景级NERF系统,可以实时合成大型室内场景的图像并支持VR漫游。我们的系统首先从多个输入$ 360^\ circ $图像构建全向神经辐射场360NERF。然后,我们逐步估算一个3D概率的占用图,该概率占用图代表了空间密度形式的场景几何形状。跳过空的空间和上采样占据的体素本质上可以使我们通过以几何学意识的方式使用360NERF加速量渲染。此外,我们使用自适应划分和扭曲策略来减少和调整辐射场,以进一步改进。从占用地图中提取的场景的平面图可以为射线采样提供指导,并促进现实的漫游体验。为了显示我们系统的功效,我们在各种场景中收集了$ 360^\ Circ $图像数据集并进行广泛的实验。基线之间的定量和定性比较说明了我们在复杂室内场景的新型视图合成中的主要表现。
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Our method completes a partial 3D scan using a 3D Encoder-Predictor network that leverages semantic features from a 3D classification network. The predictions are correlated with a shape database, which we use in a multi-resolution 3D shape synthesis step. We obtain completed high-resolution meshes that are inferred from partial, low-resolution input scans.
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