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在这项工作中,我们继续建立最近有限马尔可夫进程的钢筋学习的进步。以前现有的算法中的一种共同方法,包括单个演员和分布式,都是剪辑奖励,也可以在Q函数上应用转换方法,以处理真正的折扣回报中的各种大小。理论上我们展示了如果我们有非确定性过程,最成功的方法可能不会产生最佳政策。作为一种解决方案,我们认为分布加强学习借给自己完全解决这种情况。通过引入共轭分布运营商,我们可以处理大量转换,以获得有保证的理论融合。我们提出了一种基于该操作员的近似单录像机算法,该操作员使用Cram \'ER距离给出的适当分布度量直接在不妨碍的奖励上培养代理。在使用粘性动作的35个Atari 2600游戏套件中培训代理的随机环境中的表现,与多巴胺框架中的其他众所周知的算法相比,获得最先进的绩效。
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在现实世界中,通过弱势政策影响环境可能是昂贵的或非常危险的,因此妨碍了现实世界的加强学习应用。离线强化学习(RL)可以从给定数据集中学习策略,而不与环境进行交互。但是,数据集是脱机RL算法的唯一信息源,并确定学习策略的性能。我们仍然缺乏关于数据集特征如何影响不同离线RL算法的研究。因此,我们对数据集特性如何实现离散动作环境的离线RL算法的性能的全面实证分析。数据集的特点是两个度量:(1)通过轨迹质量(TQ)测量的平均数据集返回和(2)由状态 - 动作覆盖(SACO)测量的覆盖范围。我们发现,禁止政策深度Q网家族的变体需要具有高SACO的数据集来表现良好。将学习策略朝向给定数据集的算法对具有高TQ或SACO的数据集进行了良好。对于具有高TQ的数据集,行为克隆优先级或类似于最好的离线RL算法。
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具有很多玩家的非合作和合作游戏具有许多应用程序,但是当玩家数量增加时,通常仍然很棘手。由Lasry和Lions以及Huang,Caines和Malham \'E引入的,平均野外运动会(MFGS)依靠平均场外近似值,以使玩家数量可以成长为无穷大。解决这些游戏的传统方法通常依赖于以完全了解模型的了解来求解部分或随机微分方程。最近,增强学习(RL)似乎有望解决复杂问题。通过组合MFGS和RL,我们希望在人口规模和环境复杂性方面能够大规模解决游戏。在这项调查中,我们回顾了有关学习MFG中NASH均衡的最新文献。我们首先确定最常见的设置(静态,固定和进化)。然后,我们为经典迭代方法(基于最佳响应计算或策略评估)提供了一个通用框架,以确切的方式解决MFG。在这些算法和与马尔可夫决策过程的联系的基础上,我们解释了如何使用RL以无模型的方式学习MFG解决方案。最后,我们在基准问题上介绍了数值插图,并以某些视角得出结论。
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Offline reinforcement learning (RL) is suitable for safety-critical domains where online exploration is too costly or dangerous. In safety-critical settings, decision-making should take into consideration the risk of catastrophic outcomes. In other words, decision-making should be risk-sensitive. Previous works on risk in offline RL combine together offline RL techniques, to avoid distributional shift, with risk-sensitive RL algorithms, to achieve risk-sensitivity. In this work, we propose risk-sensitivity as a mechanism to jointly address both of these issues. Our model-based approach is risk-averse to both epistemic and aleatoric uncertainty. Risk-aversion to epistemic uncertainty prevents distributional shift, as areas not covered by the dataset have high epistemic uncertainty. Risk-aversion to aleatoric uncertainty discourages actions that may result in poor outcomes due to environment stochasticity. Our experiments show that our algorithm achieves competitive performance on deterministic benchmarks, and outperforms existing approaches for risk-sensitive objectives in stochastic domains.
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Model-Based Reinforcement Learning (RL) is widely believed to have the potential to improve sample efficiency by allowing an agent to synthesize large amounts of imagined experience. Experience Replay (ER) can be considered a simple kind of model, which has proved extremely effective at improving the stability and efficiency of deep RL. In principle, a learned parametric model could improve on ER by generalizing from real experience to augment the dataset with additional plausible experience. However, owing to the many design choices involved in empirically successful algorithms, it can be very hard to establish where the benefits are actually coming from. Here, we provide theoretical and empirical insight into when, and how, we can expect data generated by a learned model to be useful. First, we provide a general theorem motivating how learning a model as an intermediate step can narrow down the set of possible value functions more than learning a value function directly from data using the Bellman equation. Second, we provide an illustrative example showing empirically how a similar effect occurs in a more concrete setting with neural network function approximation. Finally, we provide extensive experiments showing the benefit of model-based learning for online RL in environments with combinatorial complexity, but factored structure that allows a learned model to generalize. In these experiments, we take care to control for other factors in order to isolate, insofar as possible, the benefit of using experience generated by a learned model relative to ER alone.
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Behavioural cloning (BC) is a commonly used imitation learning method to infer a sequential decision-making policy from expert demonstrations. However, when the quality of the data is not optimal, the resulting behavioural policy also performs sub-optimally once deployed. Recently, there has been a surge in offline reinforcement learning methods that hold the promise to extract high-quality policies from sub-optimal historical data. A common approach is to perform regularisation during training, encouraging updates during policy evaluation and/or policy improvement to stay close to the underlying data. In this work, we investigate whether an offline approach to improving the quality of the existing data can lead to improved behavioural policies without any changes in the BC algorithm. The proposed data improvement approach - Trajectory Stitching (TS) - generates new trajectories (sequences of states and actions) by `stitching' pairs of states that were disconnected in the original data and generating their connecting new action. By construction, these new transitions are guaranteed to be highly plausible according to probabilistic models of the environment, and to improve a state-value function. We demonstrate that the iterative process of replacing old trajectories with new ones incrementally improves the underlying behavioural policy. Extensive experimental results show that significant performance gains can be achieved using TS over BC policies extracted from the original data. Furthermore, using the D4RL benchmarking suite, we demonstrate that state-of-the-art results are obtained by combining TS with two existing offline learning methodologies reliant on BC, model-based offline planning (MBOP) and policy constraint (TD3+BC).
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安全政策改进(SPI)是在安全关键应用中脱机加强学习的重要技术,因为它以很高的可能性改善了行为政策。我们根据如何利用国家行动对的不确定性将各种SPI方法分为两组。为了关注软SPIBB(通过软基线自举的安全政策改进)算法,我们表明他们对被证明安全的主张不坚持。基于这一发现,我们开发了适应性,Adv-Soft SpibB算法,并证明它们是可以安全的。在两个基准上进行的广泛实验中,启发式适应性较低的SPOBB在所有SPIBB算法中都能表现出最佳性能。我们还检查了可证明的安全算法的安全保证,并表明有大量数据是必要的,以使安全界限在实践中变得有用。
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脱机强化学习 - 从一批数据中学习策略 - 是难以努力的:如果没有制造强烈的假设,它很容易构建实体算法失败的校长。在这项工作中,我们考虑了某些现实世界问题的财产,其中离线强化学习应该有效:行动仅对一部分产生有限的行动。我们正规化并介绍此动作影响规律(AIR)财产。我们进一步提出了一种算法,该算法假定和利用AIR属性,并在MDP满足空气时绑定输出策略的子优相。最后,我们展示了我们的算法在定期保留的两个模拟环境中跨越不同的数据收集策略占据了现有的离线强度学习算法。
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Advances in reinforcement learning have led to its successful application in complex tasks with continuous state and action spaces. Despite these advances in practice, most theoretical work pertains to finite state and action spaces. We propose building a theoretical understanding of continuous state and action spaces by employing a geometric lens. Central to our work is the idea that the transition dynamics induce a low dimensional manifold of reachable states embedded in the high-dimensional nominal state space. We prove that, under certain conditions, the dimensionality of this manifold is at most the dimensionality of the action space plus one. This is the first result of its kind, linking the geometry of the state space to the dimensionality of the action space. We empirically corroborate this upper bound for four MuJoCo environments. We further demonstrate the applicability of our result by learning a policy in this low dimensional representation. To do so we introduce an algorithm that learns a mapping to a low dimensional representation, as a narrow hidden layer of a deep neural network, in tandem with the policy using DDPG. Our experiments show that a policy learnt this way perform on par or better for four MuJoCo control suite tasks.
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几乎可以肯定(或使用概率)满足安全限制对于在现实生活中的增强学习(RL)的部署至关重要。例如,理想情况下,平面降落和起飞应以概率为单位发生。我们通过引入安全增强(SAUTE)马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)来解决该问题,在该过程中,通过将其扩大到州空间并重塑目标来消除安全限制。我们表明,Saute MDP满足了Bellman方程,并使我们更加接近解决安全的RL,几乎可以肯定地满足。我们认为,Saute MDP允许从不同的角度查看安全的RL问题,从而实现新功能。例如,我们的方法具有插件的性质,即任何RL算法都可以“炒”。此外,国家扩展允许跨安全限制进行政策概括。我们最终表明,当约束满意度非常重要时,SAUTE RL算法的表现可以胜过其最先进的对应物。
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Safety is still one of the major research challenges in reinforcement learning (RL). In this paper, we address the problem of how to avoid safety violations of RL agents during exploration in probabilistic and partially unknown environments. Our approach combines automata learning for Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) and shield synthesis in an iterative approach. Initially, the MDP representing the environment is unknown. The agent starts exploring the environment and collects traces. From the collected traces, we passively learn MDPs that abstractly represent the safety-relevant aspects of the environment. Given a learned MDP and a safety specification, we construct a shield. For each state-action pair within a learned MDP, the shield computes exact probabilities on how likely it is that executing the action results in violating the specification from the current state within the next $k$ steps. After the shield is constructed, the shield is used during runtime and blocks any actions that induce a too large risk from the agent. The shielded agent continues to explore the environment and collects new data on the environment. Iteratively, we use the collected data to learn new MDPs with higher accuracy, resulting in turn in shields able to prevent more safety violations. We implemented our approach and present a detailed case study of a Q-learning agent exploring slippery Gridworlds. In our experiments, we show that as the agent explores more and more of the environment during training, the improved learned models lead to shields that are able to prevent many safety violations.
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Classical reinforcement learning (RL) techniques are generally concerned with the design of decision-making policies driven by the maximisation of the expected outcome. Nevertheless, this approach does not take into consideration the potential risk associated with the actions taken, which may be critical in certain applications. To address that issue, the present research work introduces a novel methodology based on distributional RL to derive sequential decision-making policies that are sensitive to the risk, the latter being modelled by the tail of the return probability distribution. The core idea is to replace the $Q$ function generally standing at the core of learning schemes in RL by another function taking into account both the expected return and the risk. Named the risk-based utility function $U$, it can be extracted from the random return distribution $Z$ naturally learnt by any distributional RL algorithm. This enables to span the complete potential trade-off between risk minimisation and expected return maximisation, in contrast to fully risk-averse methodologies. Fundamentally, this research yields a truly practical and accessible solution for learning risk-sensitive policies with minimal modification to the distributional RL algorithm, and with an emphasis on the interpretability of the resulting decision-making process.
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