Neuromorphic vision or event vision is an advanced vision technology, where in contrast to the visible camera that outputs pixels, the event vision generates neuromorphic events every time there is a brightness change which exceeds a specific threshold in the field of view (FOV). This study focuses on leveraging neuromorphic event data for roadside object detection. This is a proof of concept towards building artificial intelligence (AI) based pipelines which can be used for forward perception systems for advanced vehicular applications. The focus is on building efficient state-of-the-art object detection networks with better inference results for fast-moving forward perception using an event camera. In this article, the event-simulated A2D2 dataset is manually annotated and trained on two different YOLOv5 networks (small and large variants). To further assess its robustness, single model testing and ensemble model testing are carried out.
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本研究专注于评估智能和安全车辆系统的热对象检测的实时性能,通过在GPU和单板边缘GPU计算平台上部署训练有素的网络进行车载汽车传感器套件测试。在充满挑战的天气和环境场景中,获取,加工和开放,包括具有> 35,000个不同框架的新型大规模热数据集。 DataSet是从丢失的成本且有效的未加工的LWIR热敏摄像机,安装独立和电动车辆中的记录,以最大限度地减少机械振动。最先进的YOLO-V5网络变体使用四个不同的公共数据集进行培训,也可以通过采用SGD优化器来实现DNN的最佳通用的本地数据集。培训网络的有效性在广泛的测试数据上使用了各种定量度量来验证,包括精度,召回曲线,平均精度和每秒帧。使用规特相关推理加速器进一步优化YOLO的较小网络变体,明确提高每秒速率的帧。在低功率边缘设备上测试时,优化的网络引擎在低功耗边缘设备上测试时,每秒速率增加3.5倍。在NVIDIA Jetson Nano和60 fps上的NVIDIA Xavier NX Development Landls上实现了11个FPS。
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近年来,事件摄像机(DVS - 动态视觉传感器)已在视觉系统中用作传统摄像机的替代或补充。它们的特征是高动态范围,高时间分辨率,低潜伏期和在有限的照明条件下可靠的性能 - 在高级驾驶员辅助系统(ADAS)和自动驾驶汽车的背景下,参数尤为重要。在这项工作中,我们测试这些相当新颖的传感器是否可以应用于流行的交通标志检测任务。为此,我们分析事件数据的不同表示:事件框架,事件频率和指数衰减的时间表面,并使用称为FireNet的深神经网络应用视频框架重建。我们将深度卷积神经网络Yolov4用作检测器。对于特定表示,我们获得了86.9-88.9%map@0.5的检测准确性。使用融合所考虑的表示形式的使用使我们能够获得更高准确性的检测器89.9%map@0.5。相比之下,用Firenet重建的框架的检测器的特征是52.67%map@0.5。获得的结果说明了汽车应用中事件摄像机的潜力,无论是独立传感器还是与典型的基于框架的摄像机密切合作。
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通过流行和通用的计算机视觉挑战来判断,如想象成或帕斯卡VOC,神经网络已经证明是在识别任务中特别准确。然而,最先进的准确性通常以高计算价格出现,需要硬件加速来实现实时性能,而使用案例(例如智能城市)需要实时分析固定摄像机的图像。由于网络带宽的数量,这些流将生成,我们不能依赖于卸载计算到集中云。因此,预期分布式边缘云将在本地处理图像。但是,边缘是由性质资源约束的,这给了可以执行的计算复杂性限制。然而,需要边缘与准确的实时视频分析之间的会面点。专用轻量级型号在每相机基础上可能有所帮助,但由于相机的数量增长,除非该过程是自动的,否则它很快就会变得不可行。在本文中,我们展示并评估COVA(上下文优化的视频分析),这是一个框架,可以帮助在边缘相机中自动专用模型专业化。 COVA通过专业化自动提高轻质模型的准确性。此外,我们讨论和审查过程中涉及的每个步骤,以了解每个人所带来的不同权衡。此外,我们展示了静态相机的唯一假设如何使我们能够制定一系列考虑因素,这大大简化了问题的范围。最后,实验表明,最先进的模型,即能够概括到看不见的环境,可以有效地用作教师以以恒定的计算成本提高较小网络的教师,提高精度。结果表明,我们的COVA可以平均提高预先训练的型号的准确性,平均为21%。
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Event-based vision has been rapidly growing in recent years justified by the unique characteristics it presents such as its high temporal resolutions (~1us), high dynamic range (>120dB), and output latency of only a few microseconds. This work further explores a hybrid, multi-modal, approach for object detection and tracking that leverages state-of-the-art frame-based detectors complemented by hand-crafted event-based methods to improve the overall tracking performance with minimal computational overhead. The methods presented include event-based bounding box (BB) refinement that improves the precision of the resulting BBs, as well as a continuous event-based object detection method, to recover missed detections and generate inter-frame detections that enable a high-temporal-resolution tracking output. The advantages of these methods are quantitatively verified by an ablation study using the higher order tracking accuracy (HOTA) metric. Results show significant performance gains resembled by an improvement in the HOTA from 56.6%, using only frames, to 64.1% and 64.9%, for the event and edge-based mask configurations combined with the two methods proposed, at the baseline framerate of 24Hz. Likewise, incorporating these methods with the same configurations has improved HOTA from 52.5% to 63.1%, and from 51.3% to 60.2% at the high-temporal-resolution tracking rate of 384Hz. Finally, a validation experiment is conducted to analyze the real-world single-object tracking performance using high-speed LiDAR. Empirical evidence shows that our approaches provide significant advantages compared to using frame-based object detectors at the baseline framerate of 24Hz and higher tracking rates of up to 500Hz.
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从汽车和交通检测到自动驾驶汽车系统,可以将街道对象的对象检测应用于各种用例。因此,找到最佳的对象检测算法对于有效应用它至关重要。已经发布了许多对象检测算法,许多对象检测算法比较了对象检测算法,但是很少有人比较了最新的算法,例如Yolov5,主要是侧重于街道级对象。本文比较了各种单阶段探测器算法; SSD MobilenetV2 FPN-Lite 320x320,Yolov3,Yolov4,Yolov5L和Yolov5S在实时图像中用于街道级对象检测。该实验利用了带有3,169张图像的修改后的自动驾驶汽车数据集。数据集分为火车,验证和测试;然后,使用重新处理,色相转移和噪音对其进行预处理和增强。然后对每种算法进行训练和评估。基于实验,算法根据推论时间及其精度,召回,F1得分和平均平均精度(MAP)产生了不错的结果。结果还表明,Yolov5L的映射@.5 of 0.593,MobileNetV2 FPN-Lite的推理时间最快,而其他推理时间仅为3.20ms。还发现Yolov5s是最有效的,其具有Yolov5L精度和速度几乎与MobilenetV2 FPN-Lite一样快。这表明各种算法适用于街道级对象检测,并且足够可行,可以用于自动驾驶汽车。
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The 1$^{\text{st}}$ Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023 focused on maritime computer vision for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), and organized several subchallenges in this domain: (i) UAV-based Maritime Object Detection, (ii) UAV-based Maritime Object Tracking, (iii) USV-based Maritime Obstacle Segmentation and (iv) USV-based Maritime Obstacle Detection. The subchallenges were based on the SeaDronesSee and MODS benchmarks. This report summarizes the main findings of the individual subchallenges and introduces a new benchmark, called SeaDronesSee Object Detection v2, which extends the previous benchmark by including more classes and footage. We provide statistical and qualitative analyses, and assess trends in the best-performing methodologies of over 130 submissions. The methods are summarized in the appendix. The datasets, evaluation code and the leaderboard are publicly available at
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The task of locating and classifying different types of vehicles has become a vital element in numerous applications of automation and intelligent systems ranging from traffic surveillance to vehicle identification and many more. In recent times, Deep Learning models have been dominating the field of vehicle detection. Yet, Bangladeshi vehicle detection has remained a relatively unexplored area. One of the main goals of vehicle detection is its real-time application, where `You Only Look Once' (YOLO) models have proven to be the most effective architecture. In this work, intending to find the best-suited YOLO architecture for fast and accurate vehicle detection from traffic images in Bangladesh, we have conducted a performance analysis of different variants of the YOLO-based architectures such as YOLOV3, YOLOV5s, and YOLOV5x. The models were trained on a dataset containing 7390 images belonging to 21 types of vehicles comprising samples from the DhakaAI dataset, the Poribohon-BD dataset, and our self-collected images. After thorough quantitative and qualitative analysis, we found the YOLOV5x variant to be the best-suited model, performing better than YOLOv3 and YOLOv5s models respectively by 7 & 4 percent in mAP, and 12 & 8.5 percent in terms of Accuracy.
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事件摄像机可产生大型动态范围事件流,并具有很高的时间分辨率,可丢弃冗余视觉信息,从而为对象检测任务带来新的可能性。但是,将事件摄像机应用于使用深度学习方法对象检测任务的现有方法仍然存在许多问题。首先,由于全局同步时间窗口和时间分辨率,现有方法无法考虑具有不同速度的对象。其次,大多数现有方法都依赖于大型参数神经网络,这意味着较大的计算负担和低推理速度,因此与事件流的高时间分辨率相反。在我们的工作中,我们设计了一种使用简单但有效的数据增强方法的高速轻质检测器,称为敏捷事件检测器(AED)。此外,我们提出了一个称为“时间主动焦点(TAF)”的事件流表示张量,该量子充分利用了事件流数据的异步生成,并且对移动对象的运动非常强大。它也可以在不耗时的情况下构造。我们进一步提出了一个称为分叉折叠模块(BFM)的模块,以在AED检测器的输入层的TAF张量中提取丰富的时间信息。我们对两个典型的实体事件摄像机对象检测数据集进行了实验:完整的预言GEN1汽车检测数据集和预言1 Megapixel Automotive检测数据集,带有部分注释。实验表明,我们的方法在准确性,速度和参数数量方面具有竞争力。同样,通过基于光流密度度量的对象将对象分类为多个运动级别,我们说明了相对于摄像机具有不同速度的对象的方法的鲁棒性。
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目的:对象检测正在通过自动化系统中的机器学习技术迅速发展。准备好的数据对于训练算法是必要的。因此,本文的目的是描述上下文(Loco)数据集中所谓的物流对象的重新评估,该数据集是内部径流学领域中的第一个用于对象检测的数据集。方法论:我们使用三个步骤的实验研究方法来评估机车数据集。首先,分析了GITHUB上的图像以更好地了解数据集。其次,Google Drive Cloud用于培训目的,以重新访问算法实现和培训。最后,如果可以与原始出版物相比,可以检查机车数据集,如果可以实现相同的培训结果。研究结果:在我们的研究中实现的平均平均精度是对象检测中的常见基准,比最初的研究作者的初步研究显着增加,获得了41%的幅度。但是,在叉车和托盘卡车的物体类型中特别看到改进潜力。独创性:本文介绍了Loco数据集的首次关键复制研究,以用于内凝学中的对象检测。它表明,基于机车的更好参数的培训甚至比原始出版物中提出的更高的精度。但是,还有进一步改善机车数据集的空间。
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Computer vision applications in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and autonomous driving (AD) have gravitated towards deep neural network architectures in recent years. While performance seems to be improving on benchmark datasets, many real-world challenges are yet to be adequately considered in research. This paper conducted an extensive literature review on the applications of computer vision in ITS and AD, and discusses challenges related to data, models, and complex urban environments. The data challenges are associated with the collection and labeling of training data and its relevance to real world conditions, bias inherent in datasets, the high volume of data needed to be processed, and privacy concerns. Deep learning (DL) models are commonly too complex for real-time processing on embedded hardware, lack explainability and generalizability, and are hard to test in real-world settings. Complex urban traffic environments have irregular lighting and occlusions, and surveillance cameras can be mounted at a variety of angles, gather dirt, shake in the wind, while the traffic conditions are highly heterogeneous, with violation of rules and complex interactions in crowded scenarios. Some representative applications that suffer from these problems are traffic flow estimation, congestion detection, autonomous driving perception, vehicle interaction, and edge computing for practical deployment. The possible ways of dealing with the challenges are also explored while prioritizing practical deployment.
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We present Recurrent Vision Transformers (RVTs), a novel backbone for object detection with event cameras. Event cameras provide visual information with sub-millisecond latency at a high-dynamic range and with strong robustness against motion blur. These unique properties offer great potential for low-latency object detection and tracking in time-critical scenarios. Prior work in event-based vision has achieved outstanding detection performance but at the cost of substantial inference time, typically beyond 40 milliseconds. By revisiting the high-level design of recurrent vision backbones, we reduce inference time by a factor of 5 while retaining similar performance. To achieve this, we explore a multi-stage design that utilizes three key concepts in each stage: First, a convolutional prior that can be regarded as a conditional positional embedding. Second, local- and dilated global self-attention for spatial feature interaction. Third, recurrent temporal feature aggregation to minimize latency while retaining temporal information. RVTs can be trained from scratch to reach state-of-the-art performance on event-based object detection - achieving an mAP of 47.5% on the Gen1 automotive dataset. At the same time, RVTs offer fast inference (13 ms on a T4 GPU) and favorable parameter efficiency (5 times fewer than prior art). Our study brings new insights into effective design choices that could be fruitful for research beyond event-based vision.
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现代车辆配备各种驾驶员辅助系统,包括自动车道保持,这防止了无意的车道偏离。传统车道检测方法采用了手工制作或基于深度的学习功能,然后使用基于帧的RGB摄像机进行通道提取的后处理技术。用于车道检测任务的帧的RGB摄像机的利用易于照明变化,太阳眩光和运动模糊,这限制了车道检测方法的性能。在自主驾驶中的感知堆栈中结合了一个事件摄像机,用于自动驾驶的感知堆栈是用于减轻基于帧的RGB摄像机遇到的挑战的最有希望的解决方案之一。这项工作的主要贡献是设计车道标记检测模型,它采用动态视觉传感器。本文探讨了使用事件摄像机通过设计卷积编码器后跟注意引导的解码器的新颖性应用了车道标记检测。编码特征的空间分辨率由致密的区域空间金字塔池(ASPP)块保持。解码器中的添加剂注意机制可提高促进车道本地化的高维输入编码特征的性能,并缓解后处理计算。使用DVS数据集进行通道提取(DET)的DVS数据集进行评估所提出的工作的功效。实验结果表明,多人和二进制车道标记检测任务中的5.54 \%$ 5.54 \%$ 5.54 \%$ 5.03 \%$ 5.03 \%$ 5.03。此外,在建议方法的联盟($ iou $)分数上的交叉点将超越最佳最先进的方法,分别以6.50 \%$ 6.50 \%$ 6.5.37 \%$ 9.37 \%$ 。
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This paper proposes the use of an event camera as a component of a vision system that enables counting of fast-moving objects - in this case, falling corn grains. These type of cameras transmit information about the change in brightness of individual pixels and are characterised by low latency, no motion blur, correct operation in different lighting conditions, as well as very low power consumption. The proposed counting algorithm processes events in real time. The operation of the solution was demonstrated on a stand consisting of a chute with a vibrating feeder, which allowed the number of grains falling to be adjusted. The objective of the control system with a PID controller was to maintain a constant average number of falling objects. The proposed solution was subjected to a series of tests to determine the correctness of the developed method operation. On their basis, the validity of using an event camera to count small, fast-moving objects and the associated wide range of potential industrial applications can be confirmed.
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