我们为2022年MIP竞争开发的混合整数程序(MIP)提供了一个求解器。鉴于竞争规则确定的计算时间限制了10分钟,我们的方法着重于找到可行的解决方案,并通过分支机构进行改进 - 和结合算法。竞争的另一个规则允许最多使用8个线程。为每个线程提供了不同的原始启发式,该启发式是通过超参数调整的,以找到可行的解决方案。在每个线程中,一旦找到了可行的解决方案,我们就会停止,然后使用嵌入本地搜索启发式方法的分支和结合方法来改善现有解决方案。我们实施的潜水启发式方法的三种变体设法为培训数据集的10个实例找到了可行的解决方案。这些启发式方法是我们实施的启发式方法中表现最好的。我们的分支机构和结合算法在培训数据集的一小部分中有效,并且它设法找到了一个可行的解决方案,以解决我们无法通过潜水启发式方法解决的实例。总体而言,当用广泛的计算能力实施时,我们的组合方法可以在时间限制内解决训练数据集的19个问题中的11个。我们对MIP竞赛的提交被授予“杰出学生提交”荣誉奖。
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Large Neighborhood Search (LNS) is a popular heuristic algorithm for solving combinatorial optimization problems (COP). It starts with an initial solution to the problem and iteratively improves it by searching a large neighborhood around the current best solution. LNS relies on heuristics to select neighborhoods to search in. In this paper, we focus on designing effective and efficient heuristics in LNS for integer linear programs (ILP) since a wide range of COPs can be represented as ILPs. Local Branching (LB) is a heuristic that selects the neighborhood that leads to the largest improvement over the current solution in each iteration of LNS. LB is often slow since it needs to solve an ILP of the same size as input. Our proposed heuristics, LB-RELAX and its variants, use the linear programming relaxation of LB to select neighborhoods. Empirically, LB-RELAX and its variants compute as effective neighborhoods as LB but run faster. They achieve state-of-the-art anytime performance on several ILP benchmarks.
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最小的平方和群集(MSSC)或K-Means型聚类,传统上被认为是无监督的学习任务。近年来,使用背景知识来提高集群质量,促进聚类过程的可解释性已成为数学优化和机器学习研究的热门研究课题。利用数据群集中的背景信息的问题称为半监督或约束群集。在本文中,我们为半监控MSSC提供了一种新的分支和绑定算法,其中背景知识被包含为成对必须 - 链接和无法链接约束。对于较低的界限,我们解决了MSSC离散优化模型的Semidefinite编程宽松,并使用了用于加强界限的纤维平面程序。相反,通过使用整数编程工具,我们提出了将K-Means算法适应受约束的情况。这是第一次,所提出的全局优化算法有效地管理,以解决现实世界的情况,最高可达800个数据点,具有必要的必须 - 链接和无法链接约束以及通用数量的功能。这个问题大小大约比最先进的精确算法解决的实例大约四倍。
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最近已扩展了最小方形聚类(MSSC)或K-均值类型聚类的最小总和,以利用每个群集的基数的先验知识。这种知识用于提高性能以及解决方案质量。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于分支和切割技术的精确方法,以解决基数受限的MSSC。对于下边界的例程,我们使用Rujeerapaiboon等人最近提出的半决赛编程(SDP)放松。 [Siam J. Optim。 29(2),1211-1239,(2019)]。但是,这种放松只能用于小型实例中的分支和切割方法。因此,我们得出了一种新的SDP松弛,该松弛随着实例大小和簇的数量更好。在这两种情况下,我们都通过添加多面体切割来增强结合。从量身定制的分支策略中受益,该策略会实施成对的约束,我们减少了儿童节点中出现的问题的复杂性。相反,对于上限,我们提出了一个本地搜索过程,该过程利用在每个节点上求解的SDP松弛的解。计算结果表明,所提出的算法在全球范围内首次求解了大小的现实实例,比通过最新精确方法求解的算法大10倍。
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这项工作描述了Push,这是一种原始的启发式,结合了可行性泵和转移。主要思想是通过适当的转移和其他圆形启发式方法来代替可行性泵的圆形阶段。该算法提出了不同的策略,具体取决于获得的部分舍入的性质。特别是,我们区分何时可行的部分解决方案,与潜在候选者不可行,而没有候选者不可行。我们使用阈值指示使用算法将变量的百分比,以及将其四舍五入到最近的整数中。最重要的是,我们的算法直接处理平等约束而无需复制行。我们在为2022的MIP竞赛中选择了算法的参数。最后,我们将我们的方法与其他开始启发式方法进行了比较,例如第一个800 MIPLIB2017实例在数量下订购的简单圆形,圆形,舍入和可行性泵非零件。
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切割选择是所有现代混合企业线性编程求解器中使用的子例程,其目标是选择诱导最佳求解器性能的生成的切割子集。这些求解器具有数百万个参数组合,因此是参数调整的出色候选者。剪切选择评分规则通常是权重是参数的不同测量值的加权总和。我们提出了一个混合企业线性程序的参数家族,以及无限许多家庭范围的有效削减。这些切割中的一些可以在应用后直接诱导整数最佳解决方案,而另一些剪切也无法诱导整数,即使应用了无限量。我们为特定的剪切选择规则显示,对参数空间的任何有限网格搜索都将始终错过所有参数值,这些参数值选择了无限量的我们的问题。我们提出了现有图形卷积神经网络设计的变体,以适应它们以学习切割选择规则参数。我们提出了选择削减的强化学习框架,并使用Miplib 2017上的上述框架训练我们的设计。我们的框架和设计表明,自适应切割选择确实在各种实例上确实提高了性能,但是找到一个描述这样一个功能的功能规则很困难。复制所有实验的代码可在https://github.com/opt-mucca/adaptive-cutsel-milp上获得。
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In recent years there has been growing attention to interpretable machine learning models which can give explanatory insights on their behavior. Thanks to their interpretability, decision trees have been intensively studied for classification tasks, and due to the remarkable advances in mixed-integer programming (MIP), various approaches have been proposed to formulate the problem of training an Optimal Classification Tree (OCT) as a MIP model. We present a novel mixed-integer quadratic formulation for the OCT problem, which exploits the generalization capabilities of Support Vector Machines for binary classification. Our model, denoted as Margin Optimal Classification Tree (MARGOT), encompasses the use of maximum margin multivariate hyperplanes nested in a binary tree structure. To enhance the interpretability of our approach, we analyse two alternative versions of MARGOT, which include feature selection constraints inducing local sparsity of the hyperplanes. First, MARGOT has been tested on non-linearly separable synthetic datasets in 2-dimensional feature space to provide a graphical representation of the maximum margin approach. Finally, the proposed models have been tested on benchmark datasets from the UCI repository. The MARGOT formulation turns out to be easier to solve than other OCT approaches, and the generated tree better generalizes on new observations. The two interpretable versions are effective in selecting the most relevant features and maintaining good prediction quality.
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Cutting planes are a crucial component of state-of-the-art mixed-integer programming solvers, with the choice of which subset of cuts to add being vital for solver performance. We propose new distance-based measures to qualify the value of a cut by quantifying the extent to which it separates relevant parts of the relaxed feasible set. For this purpose, we use the analytic centers of the relaxation polytope or of its optimal face, as well as alternative optimal solutions of the linear programming relaxation. We assess the impact of the choice of distance measure on root node performance and throughout the whole branch-and-bound tree, comparing our measures against those prevalent in the literature. Finally, by a multi-output regression, we predict the relative performance of each measure, using static features readily available before the separation process. Our results indicate that analytic center-based methods help to significantly reduce the number of branch-and-bound nodes needed to explore the search space and that our multiregression approach can further improve on any individual method.
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In the last years, there has been a great interest in machine-learning-based heuristics for solving NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. The developed methods have shown potential on many optimization problems. In this paper, we present a learned heuristic for the reoptimization of a problem after a minor change in its data. We focus on the case of the capacited vehicle routing problem with static clients (i.e., same client locations) and changed demands. Given the edges of an original solution, the goal is to predict and fix the ones that have a high chance of remaining in an optimal solution after a change of client demands. This partial prediction of the solution reduces the complexity of the problem and speeds up its resolution, while yielding a good quality solution. The proposed approach resulted in solutions with an optimality gap ranging from 0\% to 1.7\% on different benchmark instances within a reasonable computing time.
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This paper presents a methodology for integrating machine learning techniques into metaheuristics for solving combinatorial optimization problems. Namely, we propose a general machine learning framework for neighbor generation in metaheuristic search. We first define an efficient neighborhood structure constructed by applying a transformation to a selected subset of variables from the current solution. Then, the key of the proposed methodology is to generate promising neighbors by selecting a proper subset of variables that contains a descent of the objective in the solution space. To learn a good variable selection strategy, we formulate the problem as a classification task that exploits structural information from the characteristics of the problem and from high-quality solutions. We validate our methodology on two metaheuristic applications: a Tabu Search scheme for solving a Wireless Network Optimization problem and a Large Neighborhood Search heuristic for solving Mixed-Integer Programs. The experimental results show that our approach is able to achieve a satisfactory trade-off between the exploration of a larger solution space and the exploitation of high-quality solution regions on both applications.
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This paper surveys the recent attempts, both from the machine learning and operations research communities, at leveraging machine learning to solve combinatorial optimization problems. Given the hard nature of these problems, state-of-the-art algorithms rely on handcrafted heuristics for making decisions that are otherwise too expensive to compute or mathematically not well defined. Thus, machine learning looks like a natural candidate to make such decisions in a more principled and optimized way. We advocate for pushing further the integration of machine learning and combinatorial optimization and detail a methodology to do so. A main point of the paper is seeing generic optimization problems as data points and inquiring what is the relevant distribution of problems to use for learning on a given task.
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柱生成(CG)是解决大规模优化问题的有效方法。CG通过求解列(即变量)的子集并逐渐包括可以改善当前子问题的解决方案的新列。通过反复解决定价问题,根据需要产生新列,这通常是NP - 硬的并且是CG方法的瓶颈。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种基于机器学习的定价启发式(MLPH),可以有效地产生许多高质量的柱。在CG的每次迭代中,我们的MLPH利用ML模型来预测定价问题的最佳解决方案,然后用于引导采样方法以有效地产生多个高质量柱。使用图形着色问题,我们经验证明,与六种最先进的方法相比,MLPH显着增强,并且CG的改善可能导致分支和价格精确方法的显着更好的性能。
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切割平面对于解决混合企业线性问题(MILP)至关重要,因为它们促进了最佳解决方案值的界限。为了选择切割,现代求解器依靠手动设计的启发式方法来评估切割的潜在有效性。我们表明,一项贪婪的选择规则明确地寻求选择的剪裁,从而产生最佳的界限可以为切割选择提供强大的决策 - 但太贵了,无法在实践中部署。作为回应,我们提出了一种新的神经体系结构(神经曲),以模仿LookAhead专家。我们的模型优于标准基准,用于在几个合成的MILP基准上进行切割选择。使用B&C求解器进行神经网络验证的实验进一步验证了我们的方法,并在这种情况下展示了学习方法的潜力。
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