最小的平方和群集(MSSC)或K-Means型聚类,传统上被认为是无监督的学习任务。近年来,使用背景知识来提高集群质量,促进聚类过程的可解释性已成为数学优化和机器学习研究的热门研究课题。利用数据群集中的背景信息的问题称为半监督或约束群集。在本文中,我们为半监控MSSC提供了一种新的分支和绑定算法,其中背景知识被包含为成对必须 - 链接和无法链接约束。对于较低的界限,我们解决了MSSC离散优化模型的Semidefinite编程宽松,并使用了用于加强界限的纤维平面程序。相反,通过使用整数编程工具,我们提出了将K-Means算法适应受约束的情况。这是第一次,所提出的全局优化算法有效地管理,以解决现实世界的情况,最高可达800个数据点,具有必要的必须 - 链接和无法链接约束以及通用数量的功能。这个问题大小大约比最先进的精确算法解决的实例大约四倍。
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最近已扩展了最小方形聚类(MSSC)或K-均值类型聚类的最小总和,以利用每个群集的基数的先验知识。这种知识用于提高性能以及解决方案质量。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于分支和切割技术的精确方法,以解决基数受限的MSSC。对于下边界的例程,我们使用Rujeerapaiboon等人最近提出的半决赛编程(SDP)放松。 [Siam J. Optim。 29(2),1211-1239,(2019)]。但是,这种放松只能用于小型实例中的分支和切割方法。因此,我们得出了一种新的SDP松弛,该松弛随着实例大小和簇的数量更好。在这两种情况下,我们都通过添加多面体切割来增强结合。从量身定制的分支策略中受益,该策略会实施成对的约束,我们减少了儿童节点中出现的问题的复杂性。相反,对于上限,我们提出了一个本地搜索过程,该过程利用在每个节点上求解的SDP松弛的解。计算结果表明,所提出的算法在全球范围内首次求解了大小的现实实例,比通过最新精确方法求解的算法大10倍。
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We consider a semi-supervised $k$-clustering problem where information is available on whether pairs of objects are in the same or in different clusters. This information is either available with certainty or with a limited level of confidence. We introduce the PCCC algorithm, which iteratively assigns objects to clusters while accounting for the information provided on the pairs of objects. Our algorithm can include relationships as hard constraints that are guaranteed to be satisfied or as soft constraints that can be violated subject to a penalty. This flexibility distinguishes our algorithm from the state-of-the-art in which all pairwise constraints are either considered hard, or all are considered soft. Unlike existing algorithms, our algorithm scales to large-scale instances with up to 60,000 objects, 100 clusters, and millions of cannot-link constraints (which are the most challenging constraints to incorporate). We compare the PCCC algorithm with state-of-the-art approaches in an extensive computational study. Even though the PCCC algorithm is more general than the state-of-the-art approaches in its applicability, it outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches on instances with all hard constraints or all soft constraints both in terms of running time and various metrics of solution quality. The source code of the PCCC algorithm is publicly available on GitHub.
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This paper presents a practical global optimization algorithm for the K-center clustering problem, which aims to select K samples as the cluster centers to minimize the maximum within-cluster distance. This algorithm is based on a reduced-space branch and bound scheme and guarantees convergence to the global optimum in a finite number of steps by only branching on the regions of centers. To improve efficiency, we have designed a two-stage decomposable lower bound, the solution of which can be derived in a closed form. In addition, we also propose several acceleration techniques to narrow down the region of centers, including bounds tightening, sample reduction, and parallelization. Extensive studies on synthetic and real-world datasets have demonstrated that our algorithm can solve the K-center problems to global optimal within 4 hours for ten million samples in the serial mode and one billion samples in the parallel mode. Moreover, compared with the state-of-the-art heuristic methods, the global optimum obtained by our algorithm can averagely reduce the objective function by 25.8% on all the synthetic and real-world datasets.
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给定数据点之间的一组差异测量值,确定哪种度量表示与输入测量最“一致”或最能捕获数据相关几何特征的度量是许多机器学习算法的关键步骤。现有方法仅限于特定类型的指标或小问题大小,因为在此类问题中有大量的度量约束。在本文中,我们提供了一种活跃的集合算法,即项目和忘记,该算法使用Bregman的预测,以解决许多(可能是指数)不平等约束的度量约束问题。我们提供了\ textsc {project and Hoses}的理论分析,并证明我们的算法会收敛到全局最佳解决方案,并以指数速率渐近地渐近地衰减了当前迭代的$ L_2 $距离。我们证明,使用我们的方法,我们可以解决三种类型的度量约束问题的大型问题实例:一般体重相关聚类,度量近距离和度量学习;在每种情况下,就CPU时间和问题尺寸而言,超越了艺术方法的表现。
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该博士学位论文的中心对象是在计算机科学和统计力学领域的不同名称中以不同名称而闻名的。在计算机科学中,它被称为“最大切割问题”,这是著名的21个KARP的原始NP硬性问题之一,而物理学的相同物体称为Ising Spin Glass模型。这种丰富的结构的模型通常是减少或重新制定计算机科学,物理和工程学的现实问题。但是,准确地求解此模型(查找最大剪切或基态)可能会留下一个棘手的问题(除非$ \ textit {p} = \ textit {np} $),并且需要为每一个开发临时启发式学特定的实例家庭。离散和连续优化之间的明亮而美丽的连接之一是一种基于半限定编程的圆形方案,以最大程度地切割。此过程使我们能够找到一个近乎最佳的解决方案。此外,该方法被认为是多项式时间中最好的。在本论文的前两章中,我们研究了旨在改善舍入方案的局部非凸照。在本文的最后一章中,我们迈出了一步,并旨在控制我们想要在前几章中解决的问题的解决方案。我们在Ising模型上制定了双层优化问题,在该模型中,我们希望尽可能少地调整交互作用,以使所得ISING模型的基态满足所需的标准。大流行建模出现了这种问题。我们表明,当相互作用是非负的时,我们的双层优化是在多项式时间内使用凸编程来解决的。
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This paper surveys the recent attempts, both from the machine learning and operations research communities, at leveraging machine learning to solve combinatorial optimization problems. Given the hard nature of these problems, state-of-the-art algorithms rely on handcrafted heuristics for making decisions that are otherwise too expensive to compute or mathematically not well defined. Thus, machine learning looks like a natural candidate to make such decisions in a more principled and optimized way. We advocate for pushing further the integration of machine learning and combinatorial optimization and detail a methodology to do so. A main point of the paper is seeing generic optimization problems as data points and inquiring what is the relevant distribution of problems to use for learning on a given task.
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我们开发了快速算法和可靠软件,以凸出具有Relu激活功能的两层神经网络的凸优化。我们的工作利用了标准的重量罚款训练问题作为一组组-YELL_1 $调查的数据本地模型的凸重新印度,其中局部由多面体锥体约束强制执行。在零规范化的特殊情况下,我们表明此问题完全等同于凸“ Gated Relu”网络的不受约束的优化。对于非零正则化的问题,我们表明凸面式relu模型获得了RELU训练问题的数据依赖性近似范围。为了优化凸的重新制定,我们开发了一种加速的近端梯度方法和实用的增强拉格朗日求解器。我们表明,这些方法比针对非凸问题(例如SGD)和超越商业内部点求解器的标准训练启发式方法要快。在实验上,我们验证了我们的理论结果,探索组-ELL_1 $正则化路径,并对神经网络进行比例凸的优化,以在MNIST和CIFAR-10上进行图像分类。
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In recent years there has been growing attention to interpretable machine learning models which can give explanatory insights on their behavior. Thanks to their interpretability, decision trees have been intensively studied for classification tasks, and due to the remarkable advances in mixed-integer programming (MIP), various approaches have been proposed to formulate the problem of training an Optimal Classification Tree (OCT) as a MIP model. We present a novel mixed-integer quadratic formulation for the OCT problem, which exploits the generalization capabilities of Support Vector Machines for binary classification. Our model, denoted as Margin Optimal Classification Tree (MARGOT), encompasses the use of maximum margin multivariate hyperplanes nested in a binary tree structure. To enhance the interpretability of our approach, we analyse two alternative versions of MARGOT, which include feature selection constraints inducing local sparsity of the hyperplanes. First, MARGOT has been tested on non-linearly separable synthetic datasets in 2-dimensional feature space to provide a graphical representation of the maximum margin approach. Finally, the proposed models have been tested on benchmark datasets from the UCI repository. The MARGOT formulation turns out to be easier to solve than other OCT approaches, and the generated tree better generalizes on new observations. The two interpretable versions are effective in selecting the most relevant features and maintaining good prediction quality.
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The affine rank minimization problem consists of finding a matrix of minimum rank that satisfies a given system of linear equality constraints. Such problems have appeared in the literature of a diverse set of fields including system identification and control, Euclidean embedding, and collaborative filtering. Although specific instances can often be solved with specialized algorithms, the general affine rank minimization problem is NP-hard, because it contains vector cardinality minimization as a special case.In this paper, we show that if a certain restricted isometry property holds for the linear transformation defining the constraints, the minimum rank solution can be recovered by solving a convex optimization problem, namely the minimization of the nuclear norm over the given affine space. We present several random ensembles of equations where the restricted isometry property holds with overwhelming probability, provided the codimension of the subspace is Ω(r(m + n) log mn), where m, n are the dimensions of the matrix, and r is its rank.The techniques used in our analysis have strong parallels in the compressed sensing framework. We discuss how affine rank minimization generalizes this pre-existing concept and outline a dictionary relating concepts from cardinality minimization to those of rank minimization. We also discuss several algorithmic approaches to solving the norm minimization relaxations, and illustrate our results with numerical examples.
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In the last years, there has been a great interest in machine-learning-based heuristics for solving NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. The developed methods have shown potential on many optimization problems. In this paper, we present a learned heuristic for the reoptimization of a problem after a minor change in its data. We focus on the case of the capacited vehicle routing problem with static clients (i.e., same client locations) and changed demands. Given the edges of an original solution, the goal is to predict and fix the ones that have a high chance of remaining in an optimal solution after a change of client demands. This partial prediction of the solution reduces the complexity of the problem and speeds up its resolution, while yielding a good quality solution. The proposed approach resulted in solutions with an optimality gap ranging from 0\% to 1.7\% on different benchmark instances within a reasonable computing time.
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Two-stage robust optimization problems constitute one of the hardest optimization problem classes. One of the solution approaches to this class of problems is K-adaptability. This approach simultaneously seeks the best partitioning of the uncertainty set of scenarios into K subsets, and optimizes decisions corresponding to each of these subsets. In general case, it is solved using the K-adaptability branch-and-bound algorithm, which requires exploration of exponentially-growing solution trees. To accelerate finding high-quality solutions in such trees, we propose a machine learning-based node selection strategy. In particular, we construct a feature engineering scheme based on general two-stage robust optimization insights that allows us to train our machine learning tool on a database of resolved B&B trees, and to apply it as-is to problems of different sizes and/or types. We experimentally show that using our learned node selection strategy outperforms a vanilla, random node selection strategy when tested on problems of the same type as the training problems, also in case the K-value or the problem size differs from the training ones.
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通过简明地表示许多变量的联合功能作为小功能的组合,离散图形模型(GMS)提供了一个强大的框架来分析交互变量的随机和确定性系统。这些模型的主要查询之一是识别该联合功能的极值。这被称为在确定性成本函数网络上的加权约束满足问题(WCSP),以及在随机马尔可夫随机字段上的最大后验(MAP)推断。近似WCSP推理的算法通常依赖于局部一致性算法或信念传播。这些方法与线性编程(LP)弛豫密切相关,并且通常与由相关LP的双解定义的Reparamization耦合。自从Goemans和Williamson的开创性工作以来,据了解,凸软膏放松可以为LP提供优质的保证。但内部点方法的固有计算成本限制了他们的应用。这种情况有所改善,引入了非凸毛蒙特罗风格方法,这些方法非常适合处理与二进制变量的组合问题的SDP放松(例如MaxCut,MaxSAT或地图/ ising)。我们将低等级SDP上限和下限计算具有任意数量的数量和任意二进制成本函数的离散对图形模型,通过基于逐行的更新扩展毛刺蒙特罗样式方法。我们考虑一种传统的两化约束方法和专用块坐标序列方法,避免对配方引入大的惩罚系数。在越来越坚硬和致密的WCSP / CFN实例上,我们观察到BCD方法可以优于两种方法,并提供比本地常量/收敛消息传递方法更严格的边界。
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