为了解决复杂环境中的任务,机器人需要从经验中学习。深度强化学习是一种常见的机器人学习方法,但需要大量的反复试验才能学习,从而限制了其在物理世界中的部署。结果,机器人学习的许多进步都取决于模拟器。另一方面,模拟器内部的学习无法捕获现实世界的复杂性,很容易模拟器不准确,并且由此产生的行为并不适应世界上的变化。 Dreamer算法最近通过在学习的世界模型中进行计划,表现出巨大的希望,可以从少量互动中学习,从而超过了视频游戏中的纯强化学习。学习一个世界模型来预测潜在行动的结果,使计划可以在想象中进行计划,从而减少了真实环境中所需的反复试验量。但是,尚不清楚梦想家是否可以促进更快地学习物理机器人。在本文中,我们将Dreamer应用于4个机器人,以直接在网上学习,直接在现实世界中,而无需模拟器。 Dreamer训练一个四倍的机器人,从头开始,站起来,站起来,仅在1小时内就没有重置。然后,我们推动机器人,发现Dreamer在10分钟内适应以承受扰动或迅速翻身并站起来。在两个不同的机器人臂上,Dreamer学会了直接从相机图像和稀疏的奖励中挑选和放置多个物体,从而接近人类的性能。在轮式机器人上,Dreamer学会了纯粹从相机图像导航到目标位置,从而自动解决有关机器人方向的歧义。在所有实验中使用相同的超参数,我们发现Dreamer能够在现实世界中在线学习,建立强大的基线。我们释放我们的基础架构,用于世界模型在机器人学习中的未来应用。
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Learned world models summarize an agent's experience to facilitate learning complex behaviors. While learning world models from high-dimensional sensory inputs is becoming feasible through deep learning, there are many potential ways for deriving behaviors from them. We present Dreamer, a reinforcement learning agent that solves long-horizon tasks from images purely by latent imagination. We efficiently learn behaviors by propagating analytic gradients of learned state values back through trajectories imagined in the compact state space of a learned world model. On 20 challenging visual control tasks, Dreamer exceeds existing approaches in data-efficiency, computation time, and final performance.
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Reinforcement learning holds the promise of enabling autonomous robots to learn large repertoires of behavioral skills with minimal human intervention. However, robotic applications of reinforcement learning often compromise the autonomy of the learning process in favor of achieving training times that are practical for real physical systems. This typically involves introducing hand-engineered policy representations and human-supplied demonstrations. Deep reinforcement learning alleviates this limitation by training general-purpose neural network policies, but applications of direct deep reinforcement learning algorithms have so far been restricted to simulated settings and relatively simple tasks, due to their apparent high sample complexity. In this paper, we demonstrate that a recent deep reinforcement learning algorithm based on offpolicy training of deep Q-functions can scale to complex 3D manipulation tasks and can learn deep neural network policies efficiently enough to train on real physical robots. We demonstrate that the training times can be further reduced by parallelizing the algorithm across multiple robots which pool their policy updates asynchronously. Our experimental evaluation shows that our method can learn a variety of 3D manipulation skills in simulation and a complex door opening skill on real robots without any prior demonstrations or manually designed representations.
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For an autonomous agent to fulfill a wide range of user-specified goals at test time, it must be able to learn broadly applicable and general-purpose skill repertoires. Furthermore, to provide the requisite level of generality, these skills must handle raw sensory input such as images. In this paper, we propose an algorithm that acquires such general-purpose skills by combining unsupervised representation learning and reinforcement learning of goal-conditioned policies. Since the particular goals that might be required at test-time are not known in advance, the agent performs a self-supervised "practice" phase where it imagines goals and attempts to achieve them. We learn a visual representation with three distinct purposes: sampling goals for self-supervised practice, providing a structured transformation of raw sensory inputs, and computing a reward signal for goal reaching. We also propose a retroactive goal relabeling scheme to further improve the sample-efficiency of our method. Our off-policy algorithm is efficient enough to learn policies that operate on raw image observations and goals for a real-world robotic system, and substantially outperforms prior techniques. * Equal contribution. Order was determined by coin flip.
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We adapt the ideas underlying the success of Deep Q-Learning to the continuous action domain. We present an actor-critic, model-free algorithm based on the deterministic policy gradient that can operate over continuous action spaces. Using the same learning algorithm, network architecture and hyper-parameters, our algorithm robustly solves more than 20 simulated physics tasks, including classic problems such as cartpole swing-up, dexterous manipulation, legged locomotion and car driving. Our algorithm is able to find policies whose performance is competitive with those found by a planning algorithm with full access to the dynamics of the domain and its derivatives. We further demonstrate that for many of the tasks the algorithm can learn policies "end-to-end": directly from raw pixel inputs.
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Poor sample efficiency continues to be the primary challenge for deployment of deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms for real-world applications, and in particular for visuo-motor control. Model-based RL has the potential to be highly sample efficient by concurrently learning a world model and using synthetic rollouts for planning and policy improvement. However, in practice, sample-efficient learning with model-based RL is bottlenecked by the exploration challenge. In this work, we find that leveraging just a handful of demonstrations can dramatically improve the sample-efficiency of model-based RL. Simply appending demonstrations to the interaction dataset, however, does not suffice. We identify key ingredients for leveraging demonstrations in model learning -- policy pretraining, targeted exploration, and oversampling of demonstration data -- which forms the three phases of our model-based RL framework. We empirically study three complex visuo-motor control domains and find that our method is 150%-250% more successful in completing sparse reward tasks compared to prior approaches in the low data regime (100K interaction steps, 5 demonstrations). Code and videos are available at: https://nicklashansen.github.io/modemrl
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进化策略(ES)算法由于其巨大的并行能力,简单的实现,有效的参数空间探索和快速训练时间,在训练复杂的机器人控制策略中显示出令人鼓舞的结果。但是,ES的关键限制是其对大容量模型(包括现代神经网络体系结构)的可扩展性。在这项工作中,我们开发了预测信息增强随机搜索(PI-ARS),以通过利用表示表示学习来减少ES的参数搜索空间来减轻这种限制。即,PI-ARS将基于梯度的表示技术,预测信息(PI)与无梯度ES算法,增强随机搜索(ARS)结合在一起,以训练可以处理复杂机器人感觉输入并处理高度非线性机器人的策略动力学。我们在一系列具有挑战性的视觉范围任务上评估了PI-ARS,四倍的机器人需要在不平坦的踏脚石,Quincuncial Pile和移动平台上行走,并完成室内导航任务。在所有任务中,与ARS基线相比,PI-ARS表现出明显更好的学习效率和表现。我们通过证明学识渊博的政策可以成功地转移到真正的四倍机器人的情况下,进一步验证我们的算法,例如,在现实世界中的垫脚石环境上取得了100%的成功率,从而显着提高了先前的结果,从而实现了40%的成功。
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基于模型的增强学习(RL)是一种通过利用学习的单步动力学模型来计划想象中的动作来学习复杂行为的样本效率方法。但是,计划为长马操作计划的每项行动都是不切实际的,类似于每个肌肉运动的人类计划。相反,人类有效地计划具有高级技能来解决复杂的任务。从这种直觉中,我们提出了一个基于技能的RL框架(SKIMO),该框架能够使用技能动力学模型在技能空间中进行计划,该模型直接预测技能成果,而不是预测中级状态中的所有小细节,逐步。为了准确有效的长期计划,我们共同学习了先前经验的技能动力学模型和技能曲目。然后,我们利用学到的技能动力学模型准确模拟和计划技能空间中的长范围,这可以有效地学习长摩盛,稀疏的奖励任务。导航和操纵域中的实验结果表明,Skimo扩展了基于模型的方法的时间范围,并提高了基于模型的RL和基于技能的RL的样品效率。代码和视频可在\ url {https://clvrai.com/skimo}上找到
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With the development of deep representation learning, the domain of reinforcement learning (RL) has become a powerful learning framework now capable of learning complex policies in high dimensional environments. This review summarises deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms and provides a taxonomy of automated driving tasks where (D)RL methods have been employed, while addressing key computational challenges in real world deployment of autonomous driving agents. It also delineates adjacent domains such as behavior cloning, imitation learning, inverse reinforcement learning that are related but are not classical RL algorithms. The role of simulators in training agents, methods to validate, test and robustify existing solutions in RL are discussed.
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Exploration in environments with sparse rewards has been a persistent problem in reinforcement learning (RL). Many tasks are natural to specify with a sparse reward, and manually shaping a reward function can result in suboptimal performance. However, finding a non-zero reward is exponentially more difficult with increasing task horizon or action dimensionality. This puts many real-world tasks out of practical reach of RL methods. In this work, we use demonstrations to overcome the exploration problem and successfully learn to perform long-horizon, multi-step robotics tasks with continuous control such as stacking blocks with a robot arm. Our method, which builds on top of Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients and Hindsight Experience Replay, provides an order of magnitude of speedup over RL on simulated robotics tasks. It is simple to implement and makes only the additional assumption that we can collect a small set of demonstrations. Furthermore, our method is able to solve tasks not solvable by either RL or behavior cloning alone, and often ends up outperforming the demonstrator policy.
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