Motivation: The size of available omics datasets is steadily increasing with technological advancement in recent years. While this increase in sample size can be used to improve the performance of relevant prediction tasks in healthcare, models that are optimized for large datasets usually operate as black boxes. In high stakes scenarios, like healthcare, using a black-box model poses safety and security issues. Without an explanation about molecular factors and phenotypes that affected the prediction, healthcare providers are left with no choice but to blindly trust the models. We propose a new type of artificial neural networks, named Convolutional Omics Kernel Networks (COmic). By combining convolutional kernel networks with pathway-induced kernels, our method enables robust and interpretable end-to-end learning on omics datasets ranging in size from a few hundred to several hundreds of thousands of samples. Furthermore, COmic can be easily adapted to utilize multi-omics data. Results: We evaluate the performance capabilities of COmic on six different breast cancer cohorts. Additionally, we train COmic models on multi-omics data using the METABRIC cohort. Our models perform either better or similar to competitors on both tasks. We show how the use of pathway-induced Laplacian kernels opens the black-box nature of neural networks and results in intrinsically interpretable models that eliminate the need for \textit{post-hoc} explanation models.
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在本文中,我们提供了针对深度学习(DL)模型的结构化文献分析,该模型用于支持癌症生物学的推论,并特别强调了多词分析。这项工作着重于现有模型如何通过先验知识,生物学合理性和解释性,生物医学领域的基本特性来解决更好的对话。我们讨论了DL模型的最新进化拱门沿整合先前的生物关系和网络知识的方向,以支持更好的概括(例如途径或蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用网络)和解释性。这代表了向模型的基本功能转变,该模型可以整合机械和统计推断方面。我们讨论了在此类模型中整合域先验知识的代表性方法。该论文还为解释性和解释性的当代方法提供了关键的看法。该分析指向编码先验知识和改善解释性之间的融合方向。
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Multiple instance learning (MIL) is a variation of supervised learning where a single class label is assigned to a bag of instances. In this paper, we state the MIL problem as learning the Bernoulli distribution of the bag label where the bag label probability is fully parameterized by neural networks. Furthermore, we propose a neural network-based permutation-invariant aggregation operator that corresponds to the attention mechanism. Notably, an application of the proposed attention-based operator provides insight into the contribution of each instance to the bag label. We show empirically that our approach achieves comparable performance to the best MIL methods on benchmark MIL datasets and it outperforms other methods on a MNIST-based MIL dataset and two real-life histopathology datasets without sacrificing interpretability.
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Artificial intelligence(AI) systems based on deep neural networks (DNNs) and machine learning (ML) algorithms are increasingly used to solve critical problems in bioinformatics, biomedical informatics, and precision medicine. However, complex DNN or ML models that are unavoidably opaque and perceived as black-box methods, may not be able to explain why and how they make certain decisions. Such black-box models are difficult to comprehend not only for targeted users and decision-makers but also for AI developers. Besides, in sensitive areas like healthcare, explainability and accountability are not only desirable properties of AI but also legal requirements -- especially when AI may have significant impacts on human lives. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is an emerging field that aims to mitigate the opaqueness of black-box models and make it possible to interpret how AI systems make their decisions with transparency. An interpretable ML model can explain how it makes predictions and which factors affect the model's outcomes. The majority of state-of-the-art interpretable ML methods have been developed in a domain-agnostic way and originate from computer vision, automated reasoning, or even statistics. Many of these methods cannot be directly applied to bioinformatics problems, without prior customization, extension, and domain adoption. In this paper, we discuss the importance of explainability with a focus on bioinformatics. We analyse and comprehensively overview of model-specific and model-agnostic interpretable ML methods and tools. Via several case studies covering bioimaging, cancer genomics, and biomedical text mining, we show how bioinformatics research could benefit from XAI methods and how they could help improve decision fairness.
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Graph classification is an important area in both modern research and industry. Multiple applications, especially in chemistry and novel drug discovery, encourage rapid development of machine learning models in this area. To keep up with the pace of new research, proper experimental design, fair evaluation, and independent benchmarks are essential. Design of strong baselines is an indispensable element of such works. In this thesis, we explore multiple approaches to graph classification. We focus on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), which emerged as a de facto standard deep learning technique for graph representation learning. Classical approaches, such as graph descriptors and molecular fingerprints, are also addressed. We design fair evaluation experimental protocol and choose proper datasets collection. This allows us to perform numerous experiments and rigorously analyze modern approaches. We arrive to many conclusions, which shed new light on performance and quality of novel algorithms. We investigate application of Jumping Knowledge GNN architecture to graph classification, which proves to be an efficient tool for improving base graph neural network architectures. Multiple improvements to baseline models are also proposed and experimentally verified, which constitutes an important contribution to the field of fair model comparison.
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Molecular and genomic properties are critical in selecting cancer treatments to target individual tumors, particularly for immunotherapy. However, the methods to assess such properties are expensive, time-consuming, and often not routinely performed. Applying machine learning to H&E images can provide a more cost-effective screening method. Dozens of studies over the last few years have demonstrated that a variety of molecular biomarkers can be predicted from H&E alone using the advancements of deep learning: molecular alterations, genomic subtypes, protein biomarkers, and even the presence of viruses. This article reviews the diverse applications across cancer types and the methodology to train and validate these models on whole slide images. From bottom-up to pathologist-driven to hybrid approaches, the leading trends include a variety of weakly supervised deep learning-based approaches, as well as mechanisms for training strongly supervised models in select situations. While results of these algorithms look promising, some challenges still persist, including small training sets, rigorous validation, and model explainability. Biomarker prediction models may yield a screening method to determine when to run molecular tests or an alternative when molecular tests are not possible. They also create new opportunities in quantifying intratumoral heterogeneity and predicting patient outcomes.
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可解释的人工智能(XAI)的新兴领域旨在为当今强大但不透明的深度学习模型带来透明度。尽管本地XAI方法以归因图的形式解释了个体预测,从而确定了重要特征的发生位置(但没有提供有关其代表的信息),但全局解释技术可视化模型通常学会的编码的概念。因此,两种方法仅提供部分见解,并留下将模型推理解释的负担。只有少数当代技术旨在将本地和全球XAI背后的原则结合起来,以获取更多信息的解释。但是,这些方法通常仅限于特定的模型体系结构,或对培训制度或数据和标签可用性施加其他要求,这实际上使事后应用程序成为任意预训练的模型。在这项工作中,我们介绍了概念相关性传播方法(CRP)方法,该方法结合了XAI的本地和全球观点,因此允许回答“何处”和“ where”和“什么”问题,而没有其他约束。我们进一步介绍了相关性最大化的原则,以根据模型对模型的有用性找到代表性的示例。因此,我们提高了对激活最大化及其局限性的共同实践的依赖。我们证明了我们方法在各种环境中的能力,展示了概念相关性传播和相关性最大化导致了更加可解释的解释,并通过概念图表,概念组成分析和概念集合和概念子区和概念子区和概念子集和定量研究对模型的表示和推理提供了深刻的见解。它们在细粒度决策中的作用。
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已经开发了几种深度学习算法,以使用整个幻灯片图像(WSIS)预测癌症患者的存活。但是,WSI中与患者的生存和疾病进展有关的WSI中的图像表型对临床医生而言都是困难的,以及深度学习算法。用于生存预测的大多数基于深度学习的多个实例学习(MIL)算法使用顶级实例(例如Maxpooling)或顶级/底部实例(例如,Mesonet)来识别图像表型。在这项研究中,我们假设WSI中斑块得分分布的全面信息可以更好地预测癌症的生存。我们开发了一种基于分布的多构度生存学习算法(DeepDismisl)来验证这一假设。我们使用两个大型国际大型癌症WSIS数据集设计和执行实验-MCO CRC和TCGA Coad -Read。我们的结果表明,有关WSI贴片分数的分布的信息越多,预测性能越好。包括每个选定分配位置(例如百分位数)周围的多个邻域实例可以进一步改善预测。与最近发表的最新算法相比,DeepDismisl具有优越的预测能力。此外,我们的算法是可以解释的,可以帮助理解癌症形态表型与癌症生存风险之间的关系。
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Learning good representation of giga-pixel level whole slide pathology images (WSI) for downstream tasks is critical. Previous studies employ multiple instance learning (MIL) to represent WSIs as bags of sampled patches because, for most occasions, only slide-level labels are available, and only a tiny region of the WSI is disease-positive area. However, WSI representation learning still remains an open problem due to: (1) patch sampling on a higher resolution may be incapable of depicting microenvironment information such as the relative position between the tumor cells and surrounding tissues, while patches at lower resolution lose the fine-grained detail; (2) extracting patches from giant WSI results in large bag size, which tremendously increases the computational cost. To solve the problems, this paper proposes a hierarchical-based multimodal transformer framework that learns a hierarchical mapping between pathology images and corresponding genes. Precisely, we randomly extract instant-level patch features from WSIs with different magnification. Then a co-attention mapping between imaging and genomics is learned to uncover the pairwise interaction and reduce the space complexity of imaging features. Such early fusion makes it computationally feasible to use MIL Transformer for the survival prediction task. Our architecture requires fewer GPU resources compared with benchmark methods while maintaining better WSI representation ability. We evaluate our approach on five cancer types from the Cancer Genome Atlas database and achieved an average c-index of $0.673$, outperforming the state-of-the-art multimodality methods.
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协同的药物组合为增强治疗功效和减少不良反应提供了巨大的潜力。然而,由于未知的因果疾病信号通路,有效和协同的药物组合预测仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。尽管已经提出了各种深度学习(AI)模型来定量预测药物组合的协同作用。现有深度学习方法的主要局限性是它们本质上是不可解释的,这使得AI模型的结论是对人类专家的非透明度的结论,因此限制了模型结论的鲁棒性和这些模型在现实世界中的实施能力人类医疗保健。在本文中,我们开发了一个可解释的图神经网络(GNN),该神经网络(GNN)揭示了通过挖掘非常重要的亚分子网络来揭示协同(MOS)的基本基本治疗靶标和机制。可解释的GNN预测模型的关键点是一个新颖的图池层,基于自我注意的节点和边缘池(此后为SANEPOOL),可以根据节点特征和图表计算节点和边缘的注意力评分(重要性)拓扑。因此,提出的GNN模型提供了一种系统的方法来预测和解释基于检测到的关键亚分子网络的药物组合协同作用。我们评估了来自NCI Almanac药物组合筛查数据的46个核心癌症信号通路和药物组合的基因制造的分子网络。实验结果表明,1)Sanepool可以在其他流行的图神经网络中实现当前的最新性能; 2)由SANEPOOOL检测到的亚分子网络是可自我解释的,并且可以鉴定协同的药物组合。
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