Recognition of facial expression is a challenge when it comes to computer vision. The primary reasons are class imbalance due to data collection and uncertainty due to inherent noise such as fuzzy facial expressions and inconsistent labels. However, current research has focused either on the problem of class imbalance or on the problem of uncertainty, ignoring the intersection of how to address these two problems. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a framework based on Resnet and Attention to solve the above problems. We design weight for each class. Through the penalty mechanism, our model will pay more attention to the learning of small samples during training, and the resulting decrease in model accuracy can be improved by a Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM). Meanwhile, our backbone network will also learn an uncertain feature for each sample. By mixing uncertain features between samples, the model can better learn those features that can be used for classification, thus suppressing uncertainty. Experiments show that our method surpasses most basic methods in terms of accuracy on facial expression data sets (e.g., AffectNet, RAF-DB), and it also solves the problem of class imbalance well.
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High-quality annotated images are significant to deep facial expression recognition (FER) methods. However, uncertain labels, mostly existing in large-scale public datasets, often mislead the training process. In this paper, we achieve uncertain label correction of facial expressions using auxiliary action unit (AU) graphs, called ULC-AG. Specifically, a weighted regularization module is introduced to highlight valid samples and suppress category imbalance in every batch. Based on the latent dependency between emotions and AUs, an auxiliary branch using graph convolutional layers is added to extract the semantic information from graph topologies. Finally, a re-labeling strategy corrects the ambiguous annotations by comparing their feature similarities with semantic templates. Experiments show that our ULC-AG achieves 89.31% and 61.57% accuracy on RAF-DB and AffectNet datasets, respectively, outperforming the baseline and state-of-the-art methods.
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Deep models for facial expression recognition achieve high performance by training on large-scale labeled data. However, publicly available datasets contain uncertain facial expressions caused by ambiguous annotations or confusing emotions, which could severely decline the robustness. Previous studies usually follow the bias elimination method in general tasks without considering the uncertainty problem from the perspective of different corresponding sources. In this paper, we propose a novel method of multi-task assisted correction in addressing uncertain facial expression recognition called MTAC. Specifically, a confidence estimation block and a weighted regularization module are applied to highlight solid samples and suppress uncertain samples in every batch. In addition, two auxiliary tasks, i.e., action unit detection and valence-arousal measurement, are introduced to learn semantic distributions from a data-driven AU graph and mitigate category imbalance based on latent dependencies between discrete and continuous emotions, respectively. Moreover, a re-labeling strategy guided by feature-level similarity constraint further generates new labels for identified uncertain samples to promote model learning. The proposed method can flexibly combine with existing frameworks in a fully-supervised or weakly-supervised manner. Experiments on RAF-DB, AffectNet, and AffWild2 datasets demonstrate that the MTAC obtains substantial improvements over baselines when facing synthetic and real uncertainties and outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.
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Understanding the facial expressions of our interlocutor is important to enrich the communication and to give it a depth that goes beyond the explicitly expressed. In fact, studying one's facial expression gives insight into their hidden emotion state. However, even as humans, and despite our empathy and familiarity with the human emotional experience, we are only able to guess what the other might be feeling. In the fields of artificial intelligence and computer vision, Facial Emotion Recognition (FER) is a topic that is still in full growth mostly with the advancement of deep learning approaches and the improvement of data collection. The main purpose of this paper is to compare the performance of three state-of-the-art networks, each having their own approach to improve on FER tasks, on three FER datasets. The first and second sections respectively describe the three datasets and the three studied network architectures designed for an FER task. The experimental protocol, the results and their interpretation are outlined in the remaining sections.
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我们提出了一种新颖的面部表情识别网络,称为您的注意网络(DAN)分散注意力。我们的方法基于两个关键观察。首先,多个类分享了固有的相似潜在的面部外观,它们的差异可能是微妙的。其次,面部表达式同时通过多个面部区域表现出来,并且通过编码本地特征之间的高阶相互作用,识别需要整体方法。为解决这些问题,我们提出了我们的丹与三个关键组件:特征聚类网络(FCN),多头跨关注网络(MAN)和注意融合网络(AFN)。 FCN通过采用大幅学习目的来提取强大的功能,以最大限度地提高级别可分离性。此外,该人实例化了许多关注头,同时参加多个面部面积,并在这些地区构建注意地图。此外,AFN在将注意力映射融合到全面的位置之前,将这些关注分散到多个位置。在三个公共数据集(包括EffectNet,RAF-DB和SFew 2.0)上进行广泛的实验验证了所提出的方法始终如一地实现最先进的面部表情识别性能。代码将在提供。
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Facial Expression Recognition (FER) in the wild is an extremely challenging task. Recently, some Vision Transformers (ViT) have been explored for FER, but most of them perform inferiorly compared to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). This is mainly because the new proposed modules are difficult to converge well from scratch due to lacking inductive bias and easy to focus on the occlusion and noisy areas. TransFER, a representative transformer-based method for FER, alleviates this with multi-branch attention dropping but brings excessive computations. On the contrary, we present two attentive pooling (AP) modules to pool noisy features directly. The AP modules include Attentive Patch Pooling (APP) and Attentive Token Pooling (ATP). They aim to guide the model to emphasize the most discriminative features while reducing the impacts of less relevant features. The proposed APP is employed to select the most informative patches on CNN features, and ATP discards unimportant tokens in ViT. Being simple to implement and without learnable parameters, the APP and ATP intuitively reduce the computational cost while boosting the performance by ONLY pursuing the most discriminative features. Qualitative results demonstrate the motivations and effectiveness of our attentive poolings. Besides, quantitative results on six in-the-wild datasets outperform other state-of-the-art methods.
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由于类间的相似性和注释歧义,嘈杂的标签面部表达识别(FER)比传统的嘈杂标签分类任务更具挑战性。最近的作品主要通过过滤大量损坏样本来解决此问题。在本文中,我们从新功能学习的角度探索了嘈杂的标签。我们发现,FER模型通过专注于可以认为与嘈杂标签相关的一部分来记住嘈杂的样本,而不是从导致潜在真理的整个功能中学习。受到的启发,我们提出了一种新颖的擦除注意力一致性(EAC)方法,以自动抑制嘈杂的样品。具体而言,我们首先利用面部图像的翻转语义一致性来设计不平衡的框架。然后,我们随机删除输入图像,并使用翻转注意一致性,以防止模型专注于部分特征。 EAC明显优于最先进的嘈杂标签方法,并将其概括地概括为其他类似CIFAR100和Tiny-Imagenet等类别的任务。该代码可在中获得。
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As one of the most important psychic stress reactions, micro-expressions (MEs), are spontaneous and transient facial expressions that can reveal the genuine emotions of human beings. Thus, recognizing MEs (MER) automatically is becoming increasingly crucial in the field of affective computing, and provides essential technical support in lie detection, psychological analysis and other areas. However, the lack of abundant ME data seriously restricts the development of cutting-edge data-driven MER models. Despite the recent efforts of several spontaneous ME datasets to alleviate this problem, it is still a tiny amount of work. To solve the problem of ME data hunger, we construct a dynamic spontaneous ME dataset with the largest current ME data scale, called DFME (Dynamic Facial Micro-expressions), which includes 7,526 well-labeled ME videos induced by 671 participants and annotated by more than 20 annotators throughout three years. Afterwards, we adopt four classical spatiotemporal feature learning models on DFME to perform MER experiments to objectively verify the validity of DFME dataset. In addition, we explore different solutions to the class imbalance and key-frame sequence sampling problems in dynamic MER respectively on DFME, so as to provide a valuable reference for future research. The comprehensive experimental results show that our DFME dataset can facilitate the research of automatic MER, and provide a new benchmark for MER. DFME will be published via
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深度神经网络通常使用遇到数量不平衡和分类难度不平衡问题的数据集的性能很差。尽管在该领域取得了进展,但现有的两阶段方法中仍然存在数据集偏差或域转移问题。因此,提出了一个分阶段的渐进学习时间表,从而提出了从表示学习到上层分类器培训的平稳转移。这对严重失衡或较小尺度的数据集具有更大的有效性。设计了耦合 - 调节损失损失函数,耦合校正项,局灶性损失和LDAM损失。损失可以更好地处理数量不平衡和异常值,同时调节具有不同分类困难的样本的注意力重点。这些方法在多个基准数据集上取得了令人满意的结果,包括不平衡的CIFAR10,不平衡的CIFAR100,Imagenet-LT和Inaturalist 2018,并且还可以轻松地将其用于其他不平衡分类模型。
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先前的工作表明,使用顺序学习者学习面部不同组成部分的顺序可以在面部表达识别系统的性能中发挥重要作用。我们提出了Facetoponet,这是面部表达识别的端到端深层模型,它能够学习面部有效的树拓扑。然后,我们的模型遍历学习的树以生成序列,然后将其用于形成嵌入以喂养顺序学习者。设计的模型采用一个流进行学习结构,并为学习纹理提供一个流。结构流着重于面部地标的位置,而纹理流的主要重点是在地标周围的斑块上学习纹理信息。然后,我们通过利用有效的基于注意力的融合策略来融合两个流的输出。我们对四个大型内部面部表达数据集进行了广泛的实验 - 即Alltionnet,FER2013,ExpW和RAF-DB,以及一个实验室控制的数据集(CK+)来评估我们的方法。 Facetoponet在五个数据集中的三个数据集中达到了最新的性能,并在其他两个数据集中获得了竞争结果。我们还执行严格的消融和灵敏度实验,以评估模型中不同组件和参数的影响。最后,我们执行鲁棒性实验,并证明与该地区其他领先方法相比,Facetoponet对阻塞更具稳健性。
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