我们提出了一种新的方法,可以在复杂模型(例如贝叶斯神经网络)中执行近似贝叶斯推断。该方法比马尔可夫链蒙特卡洛更可扩展到大数据,它具有比变异推断更具表现力的模型,并且不依赖于对抗训练(或密度比估计)。我们采用了构建两个模型的最新方法:(1)一个主要模型,负责执行回归或分类; (2)一个辅助,表达的(例如隐式)模型,该模型定义了主模型参数上的近似后验分布。但是,我们根据后验预测分布的蒙特卡洛估计值通过梯度下降来优化后验模型的参数 - 这是我们唯一的近似值(除后模型除外)。只需要指定一个可能性,可以采用各种形式,例如损失功能和合成可能性,从而提供无可能的方法的形式。此外,我们制定了该方法,使后样品可以独立于或有条件地取决于主要模型的输入。后一种方法被证明能够增加主要模型的明显复杂性。我们认为这在诸如替代和基于物理的模型之类的应用中很有用。为了促进贝叶斯范式如何提供不仅仅是不确定性量化的方式,我们证明了:不确定性量化,多模式以及具有最新预测的神经网络体系结构的应用。
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统计模型是机器学习的核心,具有广泛适用性,跨各种下游任务。模型通常由通过最大似然估计从数据估计的自由参数控制。但是,当面对现实世界数据集时,许多模型运行到一个关键问题:它们是在完全观察到的数据方面配制的,而在实践中,数据集会困扰缺失数据。来自不完整数据的统计模型估计理论在概念上类似于潜在变量模型的估计,其中存在强大的工具,例如变分推理(VI)。然而,与标准潜在变量模型相比,具有不完整数据的参数估计通常需要估计缺失变量的指数 - 许多条件分布,因此使标准的VI方法是棘手的。通过引入变分Gibbs推理(VGI),是一种新的通用方法来解决这个差距,以估计来自不完整数据的统计模型参数。我们在一组合成和实际估算任务上验证VGI,从不完整的数据中估算重要的机器学习模型,VAE和标准化流程。拟议的方法,同时通用,实现比现有的特定模型特定估计方法竞争或更好的性能。
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隐式过程(IPS)代表一个灵活的框架,可用于描述各种模型,从贝叶斯神经网络,神经抽样器和数据生成器到许多其他模型。 IP还允许在功能空间上进行大致推断。公式的这种变化解决了参数空间的固有退化问题近似推断,即参数数量及其在大型模型中的强大依赖性。为此,文献中先前的作品试图采用IPS来设置先验并近似产生的后部。但是,这被证明是一项具有挑战性的任务。现有的方法可以调整先前的IP导致高斯预测分布,该分布未能捕获重要的数据模式。相比之下,通过使用另一个IP近似后验过程产生灵活预测分布的方法不能将先前的IP调整到观察到的数据中。我们在这里建议第一个可以实现这两个目标的方法。为此,我们依赖于先前IP的诱导点表示,就像在稀疏高斯过程中所做的那样。结果是一种可扩展的方法,用于与IP的近似推断,可以将先前的IP参数调整到数据中,并提供准确的非高斯预测分布。
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随机过程提供了数学上优雅的方式模型复杂数据。从理论上讲,它们为可以编码广泛有趣的假设的功能类提供了灵活的先验。但是,实际上,难以通过优化或边缘化来有效推断,这一问题进一步加剧了大数据和高维输入空间。我们提出了一种新颖的变性自动编码器(VAE),称为先前的编码变量自动编码器($ \ pi $ vae)。 $ \ pi $ vae是有限的交换且Kolmogorov一致的,因此是一个连续的随机过程。我们使用$ \ pi $ vae学习功能类的低维嵌入。我们表明,我们的框架可以准确地学习表达功能类,例如高斯流程,也可以学习函数的属性以启用统计推断(例如log高斯过程的积分)。对于流行的任务,例如空间插值,$ \ pi $ vae在准确性和计算效率方面都达到了最先进的性能。也许最有用的是,我们证明了所学的低维独立分布的潜在空间表示提供了一种优雅,可扩展的方法,可以在概率编程语言(例如Stan)中对随机过程进行贝叶斯推断。
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We develop an optimization algorithm suitable for Bayesian learning in complex models. Our approach relies on natural gradient updates within a general black-box framework for efficient training with limited model-specific derivations. It applies within the class of exponential-family variational posterior distributions, for which we extensively discuss the Gaussian case for which the updates have a rather simple form. Our Quasi Black-box Variational Inference (QBVI) framework is readily applicable to a wide class of Bayesian inference problems and is of simple implementation as the updates of the variational posterior do not involve gradients with respect to the model parameters, nor the prescription of the Fisher information matrix. We develop QBVI under different hypotheses for the posterior covariance matrix, discuss details about its robust and feasible implementation, and provide a number of real-world applications to demonstrate its effectiveness.
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Compared to point estimates calculated by standard neural networks, Bayesian neural networks (BNN) provide probability distributions over the output predictions and model parameters, i.e., the weights. Training the weight distribution of a BNN, however, is more involved due to the intractability of the underlying Bayesian inference problem and thus, requires efficient approximations. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for BNN learning via closed-form Bayesian inference. For this purpose, the calculation of the predictive distribution of the output and the update of the weight distribution are treated as Bayesian filtering and smoothing problems, where the weights are modeled as Gaussian random variables. This allows closed-form expressions for training the network's parameters in a sequential/online fashion without gradient descent. We demonstrate our method on several UCI datasets and compare it to the state of the art.
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引力波(GW)检测现在是普遍的,并且随着GW探测器的全球网络的灵敏度,我们将观察每年瞬态GW事件的$ \ MATHCAL {O}(100)美元。用于估计其源参数的目前的方法采用最佳敏感但是计算昂贵的贝叶斯推理方法,其中典型的分析在6小时和5天之间取。对于二元中子星和中子星黑洞系统提示,预计在1秒 - 1分钟的时间尺度和用于提醒EM随访观察员的最快方法,可以提供估计在$ \ mathcal {o }(1)$分钟,在有限的关键源参数范围内。在这里,我们表明,在二进制黑洞信号上预先培训的条件变形Autiachoder可以返回贝叶斯后概率估计。仅针对给定的先前参数空间执行一次训练程序,然后可以将所得培训的机器能够生成描述后部分配$ \ SIM 6 $幅度的样本比现有技术更快。
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We investigate the efficacy of treating all the parameters in a Bayesian neural network stochastically and find compelling theoretical and empirical evidence that this standard construction may be unnecessary. To this end, we prove that expressive predictive distributions require only small amounts of stochasticity. In particular, partially stochastic networks with only $n$ stochastic biases are universal probabilistic predictors for $n$-dimensional predictive problems. In empirical investigations, we find no systematic benefit of full stochasticity across four different inference modalities and eight datasets; partially stochastic networks can match and sometimes even outperform fully stochastic networks, despite their reduced memory costs.
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Large multilayer neural networks trained with backpropagation have recently achieved state-ofthe-art results in a wide range of problems. However, using backprop for neural net learning still has some disadvantages, e.g., having to tune a large number of hyperparameters to the data, lack of calibrated probabilistic predictions, and a tendency to overfit the training data. In principle, the Bayesian approach to learning neural networks does not have these problems. However, existing Bayesian techniques lack scalability to large dataset and network sizes. In this work we present a novel scalable method for learning Bayesian neural networks, called probabilistic backpropagation (PBP). Similar to classical backpropagation, PBP works by computing a forward propagation of probabilities through the network and then doing a backward computation of gradients. A series of experiments on ten real-world datasets show that PBP is significantly faster than other techniques, while offering competitive predictive abilities. Our experiments also show that PBP provides accurate estimates of the posterior variance on the network weights.
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We apply Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) to the problem of wildfire fire-front modelling. The PINN is an approach that integrates a differential equation into the optimisation loss function of a neural network to guide the neural network to learn the physics of a problem. We apply the PINN to the level-set equation, which is a Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equation that models a fire-front with the zero-level set. This results in a PINN that simulates a fire-front as it propagates through a spatio-temporal domain. We demonstrate the agility of the PINN to learn physical properties of a fire under extreme changes in external conditions (such as wind) and show that this approach encourages continuity of the PINN's solution across time. Furthermore, we demonstrate how data assimilation and uncertainty quantification can be incorporated into the PINN in the wildfire context. This is significant contribution to wildfire modelling as the level-set method -- which is a standard solver to the level-set equation -- does not naturally provide this capability.
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We marry ideas from deep neural networks and approximate Bayesian inference to derive a generalised class of deep, directed generative models, endowed with a new algorithm for scalable inference and learning. Our algorithm introduces a recognition model to represent an approximate posterior distribution and uses this for optimisation of a variational lower bound. We develop stochastic backpropagation -rules for gradient backpropagation through stochastic variables -and derive an algorithm that allows for joint optimisation of the parameters of both the generative and recognition models. We demonstrate on several real-world data sets that by using stochastic backpropagation and variational inference, we obtain models that are able to generate realistic samples of data, allow for accurate imputations of missing data, and provide a useful tool for high-dimensional data visualisation.
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We present the GPry algorithm for fast Bayesian inference of general (non-Gaussian) posteriors with a moderate number of parameters. GPry does not need any pre-training, special hardware such as GPUs, and is intended as a drop-in replacement for traditional Monte Carlo methods for Bayesian inference. Our algorithm is based on generating a Gaussian Process surrogate model of the log-posterior, aided by a Support Vector Machine classifier that excludes extreme or non-finite values. An active learning scheme allows us to reduce the number of required posterior evaluations by two orders of magnitude compared to traditional Monte Carlo inference. Our algorithm allows for parallel evaluations of the posterior at optimal locations, further reducing wall-clock times. We significantly improve performance using properties of the posterior in our active learning scheme and for the definition of the GP prior. In particular we account for the expected dynamical range of the posterior in different dimensionalities. We test our model against a number of synthetic and cosmological examples. GPry outperforms traditional Monte Carlo methods when the evaluation time of the likelihood (or the calculation of theoretical observables) is of the order of seconds; for evaluation times of over a minute it can perform inference in days that would take months using traditional methods. GPry is distributed as an open source Python package (pip install gpry) and can also be found at https://github.com/jonaselgammal/GPry.
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We introduce a new, efficient, principled and backpropagation-compatible algorithm for learning a probability distribution on the weights of a neural network, called Bayes by Backprop. It regularises the weights by minimising a compression cost, known as the variational free energy or the expected lower bound on the marginal likelihood. We show that this principled kind of regularisation yields comparable performance to dropout on MNIST classification. We then demonstrate how the learnt uncertainty in the weights can be used to improve generalisation in non-linear regression problems, and how this weight uncertainty can be used to drive the exploration-exploitation trade-off in reinforcement learning.
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