最近在认知推理和计算机愿景中的工作在合成数据集中违反期望(voe)范式的违反期望(voe)范式的越来越受欢迎。研究人员在婴儿心理学中受到影响,研究人员已经开始评估模型的能力,以歧视预期和令人惊讶的场景,作为其推理能力的迹象。物理推理中现有的基于VOE的3D数据集仅提供视觉数据。然而,心理学家的现有认知模型揭示婴儿创造了对象和互动的高级抽象表示。关于这一知识,我们提出了禽兽:基于合成的3D VOE的数据集,呈现来自多个新型子类别的刺激,用于五种事件的物理推理。与现有工作相比,Avoe武装有抽象特征和规则的地面真理标签,增强到视觉数据,为物理推理任务中的高级符号预测铺平了道路。
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最近在计算机视觉和认知推理中的工作引起了越来越多地通过了违反了合成数据集中的预期(voe)范式。受婴儿心理学的启发,研究人员现在正在评估模型的标签场景的能力,只有预期的场景知识。然而,物理推理中现有的基于VOE的3D数据集主要提供似乎没有启发式或归纳偏差的视觉数据。物理推理的认知模型揭示婴儿创造了对象和互动的高级抽象表示。利用这一知识,我们建立了通过策划具有因果关系和规则的地面真理启发式标签的新型大型合成3D VoO数据集来研究体力学推理的基准。为了验证我们的数据集五个事件的物理推理,我们基准和分析人类性能。我们还提出了对象文件的物理推理网络(OFPR-NET),它利用DataSet的新型启发式机构来胜过我们的基线和消融模型。 OFPR-NET在学习替代物理现实方面也是灵活的,展示其能够在物理推理中学习普遍因果关系,以创建具有更好可解释性的系统。
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为了实现对日常生活的人类常识,机器学习系统必须理解和理解环境中其他代理人的目标,偏好和行动。在他们的第一年的生命结束时,人类婴儿直观地实现了如此常识,这些认知成就为人类丰富而复杂地了解他人的心理状态。Can Machines可以实现更广泛的,致辞推理对人类婴儿这样的其他药剂吗?婴儿直觉的基准(围兜)挑战机器,以预测代理人行为的合理性,基于其行动的基本原因。由于BIB的内容和范式从发育认知科学中采用,因此BIB允许在人类和机器性能之间直接比较。尽管如此,最近提出的深度学习的机构推理模型未能表现出婴儿的推理,让围兜成为一个开放的挑战。
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我们介绍了ThreedWorld(TDW),是交互式多模态物理模拟的平台。 TDW能够模拟高保真感官数据和富裕的3D环境中的移动代理和对象之间的物理交互。独特的属性包括:实时近光 - 真实图像渲染;对象和环境库,以及他们定制的例程;有效构建新环境课程的生成程序;高保真音频渲染;各种材料类型的现实物理相互作用,包括布料,液体和可变形物体;可定制的代理体现AI代理商;并支持与VR设备的人类交互。 TDW的API使多个代理能够在模拟中进行交互,并返回一系列表示世界状态的传感器和物理数据。我们在计算机视觉,机器学习和认知科学中的新兴的研究方向上提供了通过TDW的初始实验,包括多模态物理场景理解,物理动态预测,多代理交互,像孩子一样学习的模型,并注意研究人类和神经网络。
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Videos often capture objects, their visible properties, their motion, and the interactions between different objects. Objects also have physical properties such as mass, which the imaging pipeline is unable to directly capture. However, these properties can be estimated by utilizing cues from relative object motion and the dynamics introduced by collisions. In this paper, we introduce CRIPP-VQA, a new video question answering dataset for reasoning about the implicit physical properties of objects in a scene. CRIPP-VQA contains videos of objects in motion, annotated with questions that involve counterfactual reasoning about the effect of actions, questions about planning in order to reach a goal, and descriptive questions about visible properties of objects. The CRIPP-VQA test set enables evaluation under several out-of-distribution settings -- videos with objects with masses, coefficients of friction, and initial velocities that are not observed in the training distribution. Our experiments reveal a surprising and significant performance gap in terms of answering questions about implicit properties (the focus of this paper) and explicit properties of objects (the focus of prior work).
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Recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI) has renewed interest in building systems that learn and think like people. Many advances have come from using deep neural networks trained end-to-end in tasks such as object recognition, video games, and board games, achieving performance that equals or even beats humans in some respects. Despite their biological inspiration and performance achievements, these systems differ from human intelligence in crucial ways. We review progress in cognitive science suggesting that truly human-like learning and thinking machines will have to reach beyond current engineering trends in both what they learn, and how they learn it. Specifically, we argue that these machines should (a) build causal models of the world that support explanation and understanding, rather than merely solving pattern recognition problems; (b) ground learning in intuitive theories of physics and psychology, to support and enrich the knowledge that is learned; and (c) harness compositionality and learning-to-learn to rapidly acquire and generalize knowledge to new tasks and situations. We suggest concrete challenges and promising routes towards these goals that can combine the strengths of recent neural network advances with more structured cognitive models.
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We present a retrospective on the state of Embodied AI research. Our analysis focuses on 13 challenges presented at the Embodied AI Workshop at CVPR. These challenges are grouped into three themes: (1) visual navigation, (2) rearrangement, and (3) embodied vision-and-language. We discuss the dominant datasets within each theme, evaluation metrics for the challenges, and the performance of state-of-the-art models. We highlight commonalities between top approaches to the challenges and identify potential future directions for Embodied AI research.
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Reasoning about objects, relations, and physics is central to human intelligence, and a key goal of artificial intelligence. Here we introduce the interaction network, a model which can reason about how objects in complex systems interact, supporting dynamical predictions, as well as inferences about the abstract properties of the system. Our model takes graphs as input, performs object-and relation-centric reasoning in a way that is analogous to a simulation, and is implemented using deep neural networks. We evaluate its ability to reason about several challenging physical domains: n-body problems, rigid-body collision, and non-rigid dynamics. Our results show it can be trained to accurately simulate the physical trajectories of dozens of objects over thousands of time steps, estimate abstract quantities such as energy, and generalize automatically to systems with different numbers and configurations of objects and relations. Our interaction network implementation is the first general-purpose, learnable physics engine, and a powerful general framework for reasoning about object and relations in a wide variety of complex real-world domains.
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对象看起来和声音的方式提供了对其物理特性的互补反射。在许多设置中,视觉和试听的线索都异步到达,但必须集成,就像我们听到一个物体掉落在地板上,然后必须找到它时。在本文中,我们介绍了一个设置,用于研究3D虚拟环境中的多模式对象定位。一个物体在房间的某个地方掉落。配备了摄像头和麦克风的具体机器人剂必须通过将音频和视觉信号与知识的基础物理学结合来确定已删除的对象以及位置。为了研究此问题,我们生成了一个大规模数据集 - 倒下的对象数据集 - 其中包括64个房间中30个物理对象类别的8000个实例。该数据集使用Threedworld平台,该平台可以模拟基于物理的影响声音和在影片设置中对象之间的复杂物理交互。作为解决这一挑战的第一步,我们基于模仿学习,强化学习和模块化计划,开发了一组具体的代理基线,并对这项新任务的挑战进行了深入的分析。
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从“Internet AI”的时代到“体现AI”的时代,AI算法和代理商出现了一个新兴范式转变,其中不再从主要来自Internet策划的图像,视频或文本的数据集。相反,他们通过与与人类类似的Enocentric感知来通过与其环境的互动学习。因此,对体现AI模拟器的需求存在大幅增长,以支持各种体现的AI研究任务。这种越来越多的体现AI兴趣是有利于对人工综合情报(AGI)的更大追求,但对这一领域并无一直存在当代和全面的调查。本文旨在向体现AI领域提供百科全书的调查,从其模拟器到其研究。通过使用我们提出的七种功能评估九个当前体现的AI模拟器,旨在了解模拟器,以其在体现AI研究和其局限性中使用。最后,本文调查了体现AI - 视觉探索,视觉导航和体现问题的三个主要研究任务(QA),涵盖了最先进的方法,评估指标和数据集。最后,随着通过测量该领域的新见解,本文将为仿真器 - 任务选择和建议提供关于该领域的未来方向的建议。
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Knowledge about space and time is necessary to solve problems in the physical world: An AI agent situated in the physical world and interacting with objects often needs to reason about positions of and relations between objects; and as soon as the agent plans its actions to solve a task, it needs to consider the temporal aspect (e.g., what actions to perform over time). Spatio-temporal knowledge, however, is required beyond interacting with the physical world, and is also often transferred to the abstract world of concepts through analogies and metaphors (e.g., "a threat that is hanging over our heads"). As spatial and temporal reasoning is ubiquitous, different attempts have been made to integrate this into AI systems. In the area of knowledge representation, spatial and temporal reasoning has been largely limited to modeling objects and relations and developing reasoning methods to verify statements about objects and relations. On the other hand, neural network researchers have tried to teach models to learn spatial relations from data with limited reasoning capabilities. Bridging the gap between these two approaches in a mutually beneficial way could allow us to tackle many complex real-world problems, such as natural language processing, visual question answering, and semantic image segmentation. In this chapter, we view this integration problem from the perspective of Neuro-Symbolic AI. Specifically, we propose a synergy between logical reasoning and machine learning that will be grounded on spatial and temporal knowledge. Describing some successful applications, remaining challenges, and evaluation datasets pertaining to this direction is the main topic of this contribution.
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Understanding the 3D world from 2D images involves more than detection and segmentation of the objects within the scene. It also includes the interpretation of the structure and arrangement of the scene elements. Such understanding is often rooted in recognizing the physical world and its limitations, and in prior knowledge as to how similar typical scenes are arranged. In this research we pose a new challenge for neural network (or other) scene understanding algorithms - can they distinguish between plausible and implausible scenes? Plausibility can be defined both in terms of physical properties and in terms of functional and typical arrangements. Hence, we define plausibility as the probability of encountering a given scene in the real physical world. We build a dataset of synthetic images containing both plausible and implausible scenes, and test the success of various vision models in the task of recognizing and understanding plausibility.
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目前的视觉问题应答(VQA)任务主要考虑回答自然图像的人为注释问题。然而,除了自然图像之外,在视觉理解和推理研究中仍然可以解读具有语义丰富性的抽象图。在这项工作中,我们介绍了ICON问题的新挑战(ICONQA),其目标是在图标图像上下文中回答问题。我们发布了ICONQA,这是一个由107,439个问题和三个子任务组成的大型数据集:多图像选择,多文本选择和填充空白。 ICONQA数据集是由真实世界图中的启发,突出了抽象图理解和综合认知推理的重要性。因此,ICONQA不仅需要对象识别和文本理解等感知技能,而且还需要多种认知推理技能,例如几何推理,致辞推理和算术推理。为了促进潜在的iconqa模型来学习图标图像的语义表示,我们进一步发布了一个图标数据集图标645,其中包含377级上的645,687个彩色图标。我们进行广泛的用户研究和盲目实验,并重现各种先进的VQA方法来基准iconQA任务。此外,我们开发了一个强大的ICONQA基线Patch-TRM,它应用金字塔跨模型变压器,其中包含在图标数据集上预先培训的输入图嵌入式。 iconqa和图标645可在https://iconqa.github.io提供。
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人类视觉感知的关键方面是能够将视觉场景分解为单个对象并进一步进入对象部分,形成部分整个层次结构。这种复合结构可以诱导丰富的语义概念和关系,从而在视觉信号的解释和组织中发挥着重要作用,以及视觉感知和推理的概括。但是,现有的视觉推理基准主要专注于物体而不是零件。基于完整的部分整个层次结构的视觉推理比以前粒度概念,更丰富的几何关系和更复杂的物理学所致的对象的推理更具挑战性。因此,为了更好地为基于部分的概念,关系和物理推理服务,我们介绍了一个名为PTR的新型大规模诊断视觉推理数据集。 PTR包含大约70k RGBD合成图像,具有地面真理对象和有关语义实例分段,颜色属性,空间和几何关系的部分级别注释,以及诸如稳定性的某些物理性质。这些图像与700K机生成的问题配对,涵盖各种类型的推理类型,使其成为视觉推理模型的良好测试平台。我们在这个数据集上检查了几种最先进的视觉推理模型,并观察到他们在人类可以容易地推断正确答案的情况下仍然存在许多令人惊讶的错误。我们认为,此数据集将开辟基于零件推理的新机会。
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为了使AI安全地在医院,学校和工作场所等现实世界中安全部署,它必须能够坚定地理解物理世界。这种推理的基础是物理常识:了解可用对象的物理特性和提供的能力,如何被操纵以及它们如何与其他对象进行交互。物理常识性推理从根本上是一项多感官任务,因为物理特性是通过多种模式表现出来的,其中两个是视觉和声学。我们的论文通过贡献PACS来朝着现实世界中的物理常识推理:第一个用于物理常识属性注释的视听基准。 PACS包含13,400对答案对,涉及1,377个独特的物理常识性问题和1,526个视频。我们的数据集提供了新的机会来通过将音频作为此多模式问题的核心组成部分来推进物理推理的研究领域。使用PACS,我们在我们的新挑战性任务上评估了多种最先进的模型。尽管某些模型显示出令人鼓舞的结果(精度为70%),但它们都没有人类的绩效(精度为95%)。我们通过证明多模式推理的重要性并为未来的研究提供了可能的途径来结束本文。
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