自然语言推论(NLI)是生产人类语言有用模型的重要任务。不幸的是,大规模的NLI DataSet生产依赖于人群,倾向于在他们写的句子中引入偏见。特别地,没有质量控制,他们产生假设可以预测关系标签,而没有前提,而不是机会。我们介绍了一个模型驱动的无监督技术,可以在NLI数据集的假设中的学习嵌入空间中找到“偏置群集”,可以从哪些干预和额外的标签来执行,以改善数据集的假设分布的语义偏差。
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建筑聊天禁令的最大挑战是培训数据。所需的数据必须逼真,足以训练聊天禁止。我们创建一个工具,用于从Facebook页面的Facebook Messenger获取实际培训数据。在文本预处理步骤之后,新获得的数据集生成FVNC和示例数据集。我们使用返回越南(Phobert)的伯特来提取文本数据的功能。 K-means和DBSCAN聚类算法用于基于Phobert $ _ {Base} $的输出嵌入式群集任务。我们应用V测量分数和轮廓分数来评估聚类算法的性能。我们还展示了Phobert的效率与样本数据集和Wiki DataSet上的特征提取中的其他模型相比。还提出了一种结合聚类评估的GridSearch算法来找到最佳参数。由于群集如此多的对话,我们节省了大量的时间和精力来构建培训Chatbot的数据和故事情节。
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Current state-of-the-art approaches to text classification typically leverage BERT-style Transformer models with a softmax classifier, jointly fine-tuned to predict class labels of a target task. In this paper, we instead propose an alternative training objective in which we learn task-specific embeddings of text: our proposed objective learns embeddings such that all texts that share the same target class label should be close together in the embedding space, while all others should be far apart. This allows us to replace the softmax classifier with a more interpretable k-nearest-neighbor classification approach. In a series of experiments, we show that this yields a number of interesting benefits: (1) The resulting order induced by distances in the embedding space can be used to directly explain classification decisions. (2) This facilitates qualitative inspection of the training data, helping us to better understand the problem space and identify labelling quality issues. (3) The learned distances to some degree generalize to unseen classes, allowing us to incrementally add new classes without retraining the model. We present extensive experiments which show that the benefits of ante-hoc explainability and incremental learning come at no cost in overall classification accuracy, thus pointing to practical applicability of our proposed approach.
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Recently, discrete latent variable models have received a surge of interest in both Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computer Vision (CV), attributed to their comparable performance to the continuous counterparts in representation learning, while being more interpretable in their predictions. In this paper, we develop a topic-informed discrete latent variable model for semantic textual similarity, which learns a shared latent space for sentence-pair representation via vector quantization. Compared with previous models limited to local semantic contexts, our model can explore richer semantic information via topic modeling. We further boost the performance of semantic similarity by injecting the quantized representation into a transformer-based language model with a well-designed semantic-driven attention mechanism. We demonstrate, through extensive experiments across various English language datasets, that our model is able to surpass several strong neural baselines in semantic textual similarity tasks.
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我们研究了掩盖语言模型(MLMS)的任务无关内在和特定于任务的外在社会偏见评估措施之间的关系,并发现这两种评估措施之间仅存在弱相关性。此外,我们发现在下游任务进行微调期间,使用不同方法的MLMS DEBIAS进行了重新划分。我们确定两个培训实例中的社会偏见及其分配的标签是内在偏见评估测量值之间差异的原因。总体而言,我们的发现突出了现有的MLM偏见评估措施的局限性,并提出了使用这些措施在下游应用程序中部署MLM的担忧。
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Text clustering and topic extraction are two important tasks in text mining. Usually, these two tasks are performed separately. For topic extraction to facilitate clustering, we can first project texts into a topic space and then perform a clustering algorithm to obtain clusters. To promote topic extraction by clustering, we can first obtain clusters with a clustering algorithm and then extract cluster-specific topics. However, this naive strategy ignores the fact that text clustering and topic extraction are strongly correlated and follow a chicken-and-egg relationship. Performing them separately fails to make them mutually benefit each other to achieve the best overall performance. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised text clustering and topic extraction framework (ClusTop) which integrates text clustering and topic extraction into a unified framework and can achieve high-quality clustering result and extract topics from each cluster simultaneously. Our framework includes four components: enhanced language model training, dimensionality reduction, clustering and topic extraction, where the enhanced language model can be viewed as a bridge between clustering and topic extraction. On one hand, it provides text embeddings with a strong cluster structure which facilitates effective text clustering; on the other hand, it pays high attention on the topic related words for topic extraction because of its self-attention architecture. Moreover, the training of enhanced language model is unsupervised. Experiments on two datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework and provide benchmarks for different model combinations in this framework.
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Realizing when a model is right for a wrong reason is not trivial and requires a significant effort by model developers. In some cases, an input salience method, which highlights the most important parts of the input, may reveal problematic reasoning. But scrutinizing highlights over many data instances is tedious and often infeasible. Furthermore, analyzing examples in isolation does not reveal general patterns in the data or in the model's behavior. In this paper we aim to address these issues and go from understanding single examples to understanding entire datasets and models. The methodology we propose is based on aggregated salience maps. Using this methodology we address multiple distinct but common model developer needs by showing how problematic data and model behavior can be identified -- a necessary first step for improving the model.
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This paper presents SimCSE, a simple contrastive learning framework that greatly advances state-of-the-art sentence embeddings. We first describe an unsupervised approach, which takes an input sentence and predicts itself in a contrastive objective, with only standard dropout used as noise. This simple method works surprisingly well, performing on par with previous supervised counterparts. We find that dropout acts as minimal data augmentation, and removing it leads to a representation collapse. Then, we propose a supervised approach, which incorporates annotated pairs from natural language inference datasets into our contrastive learning framework by using "entailment" pairs as positives and "contradiction" pairs as hard negatives. We evaluate SimCSE on standard semantic textual similarity (STS) tasks, and our unsupervised and supervised models using BERT base achieve an average of 76.3% and 81.6% Spearman's correlation respectively, a 4.2% and 2.2% improvement compared to the previous best results. We also show-both theoretically and empirically-that the contrastive learning objective regularizes pre-trained embeddings' anisotropic space to be more uniform, and it better aligns positive pairs when supervised signals are available. 1 2 We randomly sample 10 6 sentences from English Wikipedia and fine-tune BERTbase with learning rate = 3e-5, N = 64. In all our experiments, no STS training sets are used.
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The widely studied task of Natural Language Inference (NLI) requires a system to recognize whether one piece of text is textually entailed by another, i.e. whether the entirety of its meaning can be inferred from the other. In current NLI datasets and models, textual entailment relations are typically defined on the sentence- or paragraph-level. However, even a simple sentence often contains multiple propositions, i.e. distinct units of meaning conveyed by the sentence. As these propositions can carry different truth values in the context of a given premise, we argue for the need to recognize the textual entailment relation of each proposition in a sentence individually. We propose PropSegmEnt, a corpus of over 35K propositions annotated by expert human raters. Our dataset structure resembles the tasks of (1) segmenting sentences within a document to the set of propositions, and (2) classifying the entailment relation of each proposition with respect to a different yet topically-aligned document, i.e. documents describing the same event or entity. We establish strong baselines for the segmentation and entailment tasks. Through case studies on summary hallucination detection and document-level NLI, we demonstrate that our conceptual framework is potentially useful for understanding and explaining the compositionality of NLI labels.
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Contrastive learning has become a new paradigm for unsupervised sentence embeddings. Previous studies focus on instance-wise contrastive learning, attempting to construct positive pairs with textual data augmentation. In this paper, we propose a novel Contrastive learning method with Prompt-derived Virtual semantic Prototypes (ConPVP). Specifically, with the help of prompts, we construct virtual semantic prototypes to each instance, and derive negative prototypes by using the negative form of the prompts. Using a prototypical contrastive loss, we enforce the anchor sentence embedding to be close to its corresponding semantic prototypes, and far apart from the negative prototypes as well as the prototypes of other sentences. Extensive experimental results on semantic textual similarity, transfer, and clustering tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed model compared to strong baselines. Code is available at https://github.com/lemon0830/promptCSE.
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大型预训练的语言模型通常受到大量互联网数据的培训,其中一些可能包含有毒或滥用语言。因此,语言模型编码有毒信息,这使得这些语言模型有限的真实应用。目前的方法旨在防止出现有毒功能出现生成的文本。我们假设在预训练的语言模型的潜在空间中存在低维毒子空间,其存在表明有毒特征遵循一些底层图案,因此可拆卸。为了构建这种有毒的子空间,我们提出了一种方法来概括潜在空间中的毒性方向。我们还提供了一种使用基于上下文的Word Masking系统构造并行数据集的方法。通过我们的实验,我们表明,当从一组句子表现中删除有毒的子空间时,结果几乎没有毒性表现。我们凭经验证明了使用我们的方法发现的子空间推广到多个毒性Corpora,表明存在低维毒子空间。
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