Recently, the use of synthetic training data has been on the rise as it offers correctly labelled datasets at a lower cost. The downside of this technique is that the so-called domain gap between the real target images and synthetic training data leads to a decrease in performance. In this paper, we attempt to provide a holistic overview of how to use synthetic data for object detection. We analyse aspects of generating the data as well as techniques used to train the models. We do so by devising a number of experiments, training models on the Dataset of Industrial Metal Objects (DIMO). This dataset contains both real and synthetic images. The synthetic part has different subsets that are either exact synthetic copies of the real data or are copies with certain aspects randomised. This allows us to analyse what types of variation are good for synthetic training data and which aspects should be modelled to closely match the target data. Furthermore, we investigate what types of training techniques are beneficial towards generalisation to real data, and how to use them. Additionally, we analyse how real images can be leveraged when training on synthetic images. All these experiments are validated on real data and benchmarked to models trained on real data. The results offer a number of interesting takeaways that can serve as basic guidelines for using synthetic data for object detection. Code to reproduce results is available at
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Realistic synthetic image data rendered from 3D models can be used to augment image sets and train image classification semantic segmentation models. In this work, we explore how high quality physically-based rendering and domain randomization can efficiently create a large synthetic dataset based on production 3D CAD models of a real vehicle. We use this dataset to quantify the effectiveness of synthetic augmentation using U-net and Double-U-net models. We found that, for this domain, synthetic images were an effective technique for augmenting limited sets of real training data. We observed that models trained on purely synthetic images had a very low mean prediction IoU on real validation images. We also observed that adding even very small amounts of real images to a synthetic dataset greatly improved accuracy, and that models trained on datasets augmented with synthetic images were more accurate than those trained on real images alone. Finally, we found that in use cases that benefit from incremental training or model specialization, pretraining a base model on synthetic images provided a sizeable reduction in the training cost of transfer learning, allowing up to 90\% of the model training to be front-loaded.
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在非结构化环境中工作的机器人必须能够感知和解释其周围环境。机器人技术领域基于深度学习模型的主要障碍之一是缺乏针对不同工业应用的特定领域标记数据。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于域随机化的SIM2REAL传输学习方法,用于对象检测,可以自动生成任意大小和对象类型的标记的合成数据集。随后,对最先进的卷积神经网络Yolov4进行了训练,以检测不同类型的工业对象。通过提出的域随机化方法,我们可以在零射击和单次转移的情况下分别缩小现实差距,分别达到86.32%和97.38%的MAP50分数,其中包含190个真实图像。在GEFORCE RTX 2080 TI GPU上,数据生成过程的每图像少于0.5 s,培训持续约12H,这使其方便地用于工业使用。我们的解决方案符合工业需求,因为它可以通过仅使用1个真实图像进行培训来可靠地区分相似的对象类别。据我们所知,这是迄今为止满足这些约束的唯一工作。
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Bridging the 'reality gap' that separates simulated robotics from experiments on hardware could accelerate robotic research through improved data availability. This paper explores domain randomization, a simple technique for training models on simulated images that transfer to real images by randomizing rendering in the simulator. With enough variability in the simulator, the real world may appear to the model as just another variation. We focus on the task of object localization, which is a stepping stone to general robotic manipulation skills. We find that it is possible to train a real-world object detector that is accurate to 1.5 cm and robust to distractors and partial occlusions using only data from a simulator with non-realistic random textures. To demonstrate the capabilities of our detectors, we show they can be used to perform grasping in a cluttered environment. To our knowledge, this is the first successful transfer of a deep neural network trained only on simulated RGB images (without pre-training on real images) to the real world for the purpose of robotic control.
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One of the biggest challenges in machine learning is data collection. Training data is an important part since it determines how the model will behave. In object classification, capturing a large number of images per object and in different conditions is not always possible and can be very time-consuming and tedious. Accordingly, this work explores the creation of artificial images using a game engine to cope with limited data in the training dataset. We combine real and synthetic data to train the object classification engine, a strategy that has shown to be beneficial to increase confidence in the decisions made by the classifier, which is often critical in industrial setups. To combine real and synthetic data, we first train the classifier on a massive amount of synthetic data, and then we fine-tune it on real images. Another important result is that the amount of real images needed for fine-tuning is not very high, reaching top accuracy with just 12 or 24 images per class. This substantially reduces the requirements of capturing a great amount of real data.
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近年来,人员检测和人类姿势估计已经取得了很大的进步,通过大规模标记的数据集帮助。但是,这些数据集没有保证或分析人类活动,姿势或情境多样性。此外,隐私,法律,安全和道德问题可能会限制收集更多人类数据的能力。一个新兴的替代方案,用于减轻这些问题的一些问题是合成数据。然而,综合数据生成器的创建令人难以置信的具有挑战性,并防止研究人员探索他们的实用性。因此,我们释放了一个以人为本的合成数据发生器PeoplesAnspeople,它包含模拟就绪3D人类资产,参数化照明和相机系统,并生成2D和3D边界框,实例和语义分段,以及Coco姿态标签。使用PeoplesAnspeople,我们使用Detectron2 KeyPoint R-CNN变体进行基准合成数据训练[1]。我们发现,使用合成数据进行预培训网络和对目标现实世界数据的微调(几次传输到Coco-Person Rain的有限子集[2])导致了60.37 $ 60.37 $的关键点AP( Coco Test-Dev2017)使用相同的实际数据培训的型号优于同一实际数据(35.80美元的Keypoint AP),并使用Imagenet预先培训(Keypoint AP为57.50美元)。这种自由可用的数据发生器应使其在人用于人工以人为主的计算机视野中的临界领域进行实际转移学习的新兴仿真领域。
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我们建议使用实例检测(实例检测)的新方法,合成优化的布局,以预处理对象检测器具有合成图像。我们的“固体”方法由两个主要组成部分组成:(1)使用具有优化场景布置的未标记的3D模型生成合成图像;(2)在“实例检测”任务上预修对象检测器 - 给定描绘对象的查询图像,检测目标图像中完全相同对象的所有实例。我们的方法不需要任何语义标签来进行预处理,并允许使用任意,不同的3D模型。对可可的实验表明,通过优化的数据生成和适当的预处理任务,合成数据可以是预处理对象探测器的高效数据。特别是,对渲染图像进行预修会在实际图像上预处理,同时使用明显较少的计算资源,从而实现了性能竞争。代码可在上找到。
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Figure. 1. The SYNTHIA Dataset. A sample frame (Left) with its semantic labels (center) and a general view of the city (right).
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如今,在人员重新识别(Reid)任务的真实数据面临隐私问题,例如,禁止DataSet Dukemtmc-Reid。因此,收集Reid任务的真实数据变得更难。同时,标签的劳动力成本仍然很高,进一步阻碍了Reid研究的发展。因此,许多方法转向为REID算法生成合成图像作为替代方而不是真实图像。然而,合成和真实图像之间存在不可避免的领域差距。在以前的方法中,生成过程基于虚拟场景,并且无法根据不同的目标实际场景自动更改其合成训练数据。为了处理这个问题,我们提出了一种新颖的目标感知一代管道,以产生称为Tagerson的合成人物图像。具体地,它涉及参数化渲染方法,其中参数是可控的,并且可以根据目标场景调整。在Tagperson中,我们从目标场景中提取信息,并使用它们来控制我们的参数化渲染过程以生成目标感知的合成图像,这将使目标域中的实图像保持较小的间隙。在我们的实验中,我们的目标感知的合成图像可以实现比MSMT17上的广义合成图像更高的性能,即秩1精度的47.5%与40.9%。我们将发布此工具包\脚注{\ noindent代码可用于\ href {} { -brender}}为Reid社区以任何所需味道产生合成图像。
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我们介绍了一种新的合成数据生成器PSP-HDRI $+$,该$+$被证明是ImageNet和其他大规模合成数据对应物的卓越预训练替代方案。我们证明,使用合成数据的预训练将产生一个更通用的模型,即使在分布外(OOD)集测试时,该模型的性能也比替代方案更好。此外,使用由人关键点估计指标指导的消融研究,具有现成的模型架构,我们展示了如何操纵我们的合成数据生成器以进一步提高模型性能。
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Estimating human pose, shape, and motion from images and videos are fundamental challenges with many applications. Recent advances in 2D human pose estimation use large amounts of manually-labeled training data for learning convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Such data is time consuming to acquire and difficult to extend. Moreover, manual labeling of 3D pose, depth and motion is impractical. In this work we present SURREAL (Synthetic hUmans foR REAL tasks): a new large-scale dataset with synthetically-generated but realistic images of people rendered from 3D sequences of human motion capture data. We generate more than 6 million frames together with ground truth pose, depth maps, and segmentation masks. We show that CNNs trained on our synthetic dataset allow for accurate human depth estimation and human part segmentation in real RGB images. Our results and the new dataset open up new possibilities for advancing person analysis using cheap and large-scale synthetic data.
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Building instance segmentation models that are dataefficient and can handle rare object categories is an important challenge in computer vision. Leveraging data augmentations is a promising direction towards addressing this challenge. Here, we perform a systematic study of the Copy-Paste augmentation (e.g., [13,12]) for instance segmentation where we randomly paste objects onto an image. Prior studies on Copy-Paste relied on modeling the surrounding visual context for pasting the objects. However, we find that the simple mechanism of pasting objects randomly is good enough and can provide solid gains on top of strong baselines. Furthermore, we show Copy-Paste is additive with semi-supervised methods that leverage extra data through pseudo labeling (e.g. self-training). On COCO instance segmentation, we achieve 49.1 mask AP and 57.3 box AP, an improvement of +0.6 mask AP and +1.5 box AP over the previous state-of-the-art. We further demonstrate that Copy-Paste can lead to significant improvements on the LVIS benchmark. Our baseline model outperforms the LVIS 2020 Challenge winning entry by +3.6 mask AP on rare categories.
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The goal of this paper is to estimate the 6D pose and dimensions of unseen object instances in an RGB-D image. Contrary to "instance-level" 6D pose estimation tasks, our problem assumes that no exact object CAD models are available during either training or testing time. To handle different and unseen object instances in a given category, we introduce Normalized Object Coordinate Space (NOCS)-a shared canonical representation for all possible object instances within a category. Our region-based neural network is then trained to directly infer the correspondence from observed pixels to this shared object representation (NOCS) along with other object information such as class label and instance mask. These predictions can be combined with the depth map to jointly estimate the metric 6D pose and dimensions of multiple objects in a cluttered scene. To train our network, we present a new contextaware technique to generate large amounts of fully annotated mixed reality data. To further improve our model and evaluate its performance on real data, we also provide a fully annotated real-world dataset with large environment and instance variation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method is able to robustly estimate the pose and size of unseen object instances in real environments while also achieving state-of-the-art performance on standard 6D pose estimation benchmarks.
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