Deep reinforcement learning has achieved great success in various fields with its super decision-making ability. However, the policy learning process requires a large amount of training time, causing energy consumption. Inspired by the redundancy of neural networks, we propose a lightweight parallel training framework based on neural network compression, AcceRL, to accelerate the policy learning while ensuring policy quality. Specifically, AcceRL speeds up the experience collection by flexibly combining various neural network compression methods. Overall, the AcceRL consists of five components, namely Actor, Learner, Compressor, Corrector, and Monitor. The Actor uses the Compressor to compress the Learner's policy network to interact with the environment. And the generated experiences are transformed by the Corrector with Off-Policy methods, such as V-trace, Retrace and so on. Then the corrected experiences are feed to the Learner for policy learning. We believe this is the first general reinforcement learning framework that incorporates multiple neural network compression techniques. Extensive experiments conducted in gym show that the AcceRL reduces the time cost of the actor by about 2.0 X to 4.13 X compared to the traditional methods. Furthermore, the AcceRL reduces the whole training time by about 29.8% to 40.3% compared to the traditional methods while keeps the same policy quality.
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With the breakthrough of AlphaGo, deep reinforcement learning becomes a recognized technique for solving sequential decision-making problems. Despite its reputation, data inefficiency caused by its trial and error learning mechanism makes deep reinforcement learning hard to be practical in a wide range of areas. Plenty of methods have been developed for sample efficient deep reinforcement learning, such as environment modeling, experience transfer, and distributed modifications, amongst which, distributed deep reinforcement learning has shown its potential in various applications, such as human-computer gaming, and intelligent transportation. In this paper, we conclude the state of this exciting field, by comparing the classical distributed deep reinforcement learning methods, and studying important components to achieve efficient distributed learning, covering single player single agent distributed deep reinforcement learning to the most complex multiple players multiple agents distributed deep reinforcement learning. Furthermore, we review recently released toolboxes that help to realize distributed deep reinforcement learning without many modifications of their non-distributed versions. By analyzing their strengths and weaknesses, a multi-player multi-agent distributed deep reinforcement learning toolbox is developed and released, which is further validated on Wargame, a complex environment, showing usability of the proposed toolbox for multiple players and multiple agents distributed deep reinforcement learning under complex games. Finally, we try to point out challenges and future trends, hoping this brief review can provide a guide or a spark for researchers who are interested in distributed deep reinforcement learning.
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In this work we aim to solve a large collection of tasks using a single reinforcement learning agent with a single set of parameters. A key challenge is to handle the increased amount of data and extended training time. We have developed a new distributed agent IMPALA (Importance Weighted Actor-Learner Architecture) that not only uses resources more efficiently in singlemachine training but also scales to thousands of machines without sacrificing data efficiency or resource utilisation. We achieve stable learning at high throughput by combining decoupled acting and learning with a novel off-policy correction method called V-trace. We demonstrate the effectiveness of IMPALA for multi-task reinforcement learning on DMLab-30 (a set of 30 tasks from the DeepMind Lab environment (Beattie et al., 2016)) and Atari-57 (all available Atari games in Arcade Learning Environment (Bellemare et al., 2013a)). Our results show that IMPALA is able to achieve better performance than previous agents with less data, and crucially exhibits positive transfer between tasks as a result of its multi-task approach. The source code is publicly available at agent.
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深度加强学习已经实现了重要的里程碑,然而,加强学习培训和推理的计算需求仍然很大。量化是减少神经网络的计算开销的有效方法,但在加强学习的背景下,尚不清楚量化的计算益处是否超过了相应量化误差引入的精度成本。为了量化这一权衡,我们对加强学习的量化进行了广泛的研究。我们应用标准量化技术,如训练后量化(PTQ)和量化意识培训(QAT),以全面的加强学习任务(Atari,Gym),算法(A2C,DDPG,DQN,D4PG,PPO)和模型(MLPS,CNNS)并表明可以将策略量化为8位,而不会降低奖励,从而在资源受限的边缘设备上实现了显着的推论加速。通过标准量化技术对加固学习政策的有效性,我们介绍了一种新颖的量化算法,\ TEXTIT {ACTORQ},用于量化演员 - 学习者分布式增强学习培训。通过利用Learner上的全精度优化并在演员上的量化执行,\ Textit {ActorQ}在保持收敛时启用8位推理。我们开发了一个用于围绕\ Texit {Actorq}的量化强化学习培训系统,并展示结束于最终加速$> $ 1.5 $ \ times $ - 2.5 $ \ times $超过一系列任务的完整精度培训(深型控制套件) 。最后,我们分解了分布式强化学习培训(如通信时间,推理时间,模型加载时间等)的各种运行时成本,并评估量化对这些系统属性的影响。
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We propose a conceptually simple and lightweight framework for deep reinforcement learning that uses asynchronous gradient descent for optimization of deep neural network controllers. We present asynchronous variants of four standard reinforcement learning algorithms and show that parallel actor-learners have a stabilizing effect on training allowing all four methods to successfully train neural network controllers. The best performing method, an asynchronous variant of actor-critic, surpasses the current state-of-the-art on the Atari domain while training for half the time on a single multi-core CPU instead of a GPU. Furthermore, we show that asynchronous actor-critic succeeds on a wide variety of continuous motor control problems as well as on a new task of navigating random 3D mazes using a visual input.
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最近,通过协作推断部署深神经网络(DNN)模型,该推断将预训练的模型分为两个部分,并分别在用户设备(UE)和Edge Server上执行它们,从而变得有吸引力。但是,DNN的大型中间特征会阻碍灵活的脱钩,现有方法要么集中在单个UE方案上,要么只是在考虑所需的CPU周期的情况下定义任务,但忽略了单个DNN层的不可分割性。在本文中,我们研究了多代理协作推理方案,其中单个边缘服务器协调了多个UES的推理。我们的目标是为所有UES实现快速和节能的推断。为了实现这一目标,我们首先设计了一种基于自动编码器的轻型方法,以压缩大型中间功能。然后,我们根据DNN的推理开销定义任务,并将问题作为马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)。最后,我们提出了一种多代理混合近端策略优化(MAHPPO)算法,以解决混合动作空间的优化问题。我们对不同类型的网络进行了广泛的实验,结果表明,我们的方法可以降低56%的推理潜伏期,并节省多达72 \%的能源消耗。
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Deep reinforcement learning is poised to revolutionise the field of AI and represents a step towards building autonomous systems with a higher level understanding of the visual world. Currently, deep learning is enabling reinforcement learning to scale to problems that were previously intractable, such as learning to play video games directly from pixels. Deep reinforcement learning algorithms are also applied to robotics, allowing control policies for robots to be learned directly from camera inputs in the real world. In this survey, we begin with an introduction to the general field of reinforcement learning, then progress to the main streams of value-based and policybased methods. Our survey will cover central algorithms in deep reinforcement learning, including the deep Q-network, trust region policy optimisation, and asynchronous advantage actor-critic. In parallel, we highlight the unique advantages of deep neural networks, focusing on visual understanding via reinforcement learning. To conclude, we describe several current areas of research within the field.
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在包装交付,交通监控,搜索和救援操作以及军事战斗订婚等不同应用中,对使用无人驾驶汽车(UAV)(无人机)的需求越来越不断增加。在所有这些应用程序中,无人机用于自动导航环境 - 没有人类互动,执行特定任务并避免障碍。自主无人机导航通常是使用强化学习(RL)来完成的,在该学习中,代理在域中充当专家在避免障碍的同时导航环境。了解导航环境和算法限制在选择适当的RL算法以有效解决导航问题方面起着至关重要的作用。因此,本研究首先确定了无人机导航任务,并讨论导航框架和仿真软件。接下来,根据环境,算法特征,能力和不同无人机导航问题的应用程序对RL算法进行分类和讨论,这将帮助从业人员和研究人员为其无人机导航使用情况选择适当的RL算法。此外,确定的差距和机会将推动无人机导航研究。
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最近,由于其优越的特征提取性能,深度神经网络(DNN)的应用在诸如计算机视觉(CV)和自然语言处理(NLP)之类的许多领域非常突出。但是,高维参数模型和大规模数学计算限制了执行效率,尤其是用于物联网(IoT)设备。与以前的云/边缘模式不同,为上行链路通信和仅用于设备的设备的巨大压力承担了无法实现的计算强度,我们突出了DNN模型的设备和边缘之间的协作计算,这可以实现良好的平衡通信负载和执行准确性。具体地,提出了一种系统的按需共引起框架来利用多分支结构,其中预先接受的alexNet通过\ emph {早期出口}右尺寸,并在中间DNN层划分。实施整数量化以进一步压缩传输位。结果,我们建立了一个新的深度加强学习(DRL)优化器 - 软演员 - 软件 - 软演员批评者,用于离散(SAC-D),它生成\ emph {退出点},\ emph {partition point},\ emph {压缩位通过软策略迭代。基于延迟和准确性意识奖励设计,这种优化器可以很好地适应动态无线信道等复杂环境和任意CPU处理,并且能够支持5G URLLC。 Raspberry PI 4和PC上的真实世界实验显示了所提出的解决方案的表现。
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The high emission and low energy efficiency caused by internal combustion engines (ICE) have become unacceptable under environmental regulations and the energy crisis. As a promising alternative solution, multi-power source electric vehicles (MPS-EVs) introduce different clean energy systems to improve powertrain efficiency. The energy management strategy (EMS) is a critical technology for MPS-EVs to maximize efficiency, fuel economy, and range. Reinforcement learning (RL) has become an effective methodology for the development of EMS. RL has received continuous attention and research, but there is still a lack of systematic analysis of the design elements of RL-based EMS. To this end, this paper presents an in-depth analysis of the current research on RL-based EMS (RL-EMS) and summarizes the design elements of RL-based EMS. This paper first summarizes the previous applications of RL in EMS from five aspects: algorithm, perception scheme, decision scheme, reward function, and innovative training method. The contribution of advanced algorithms to the training effect is shown, the perception and control schemes in the literature are analyzed in detail, different reward function settings are classified, and innovative training methods with their roles are elaborated. Finally, by comparing the development routes of RL and RL-EMS, this paper identifies the gap between advanced RL solutions and existing RL-EMS. Finally, this paper suggests potential development directions for implementing advanced artificial intelligence (AI) solutions in EMS.
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采用合理的策略是具有挑战性的,但对于智能代理商的智能代理人至关重要,其资源有限,在危险,非结构化和动态环境中工作,以改善系统实用性,降低整体成本并增加任务成功概率。深度强化学习(DRL)帮助组织代理的行为和基于其状态的行为,并代表复杂的策略(行动的组成)。本文提出了一种基于贝叶斯链条的新型分层策略分解方法,将复杂的政策分为几个简单的子手段,并将其作为贝叶斯战略网络(BSN)组织。我们将这种方法整合到最先进的DRL方法中,软演奏者 - 批评者(SAC),并通过组织几个子主管作为联合政策来构建相应的贝叶斯软演奏者(BSAC)模型。我们将建议的BSAC方法与标准连续控制基准(Hopper-V2,Walker2D-V2和Humanoid-V2)在SAC和其他最先进的方法(例如TD3,DDPG和PPO)中进行比较 - Mujoco与Openai健身房环境。结果表明,BSAC方法的有希望的潜力可显着提高训练效率。可以从访问BSAC的开源代码。
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Starcraft II(SC2)对强化学习(RL)提出了巨大的挑战,其中主要困难包括巨大的状态空间,不同的动作空间和长期的视野。在这项工作中,我们研究了《星际争霸II》全长游戏的一系列RL技术。我们研究了涉及提取的宏观活动和神经网络的层次结构的层次RL方法。我们研究了课程转移培训程序,并在具有4个GPU和48个CPU线的单台计算机上训练代理。在64x64地图并使用限制性单元上,我们对内置AI的获胜率达到99%。通过课程转移学习算法和战斗模型的混合物,我们在最困难的非作战水平内置AI(7级)中获得了93%的胜利率。在本文的扩展版本中,我们改进了架构,以针对作弊水平训练代理商,并在8级,9级和10级AIS上达到胜利率,为96%,97%和94 %, 分别。我们的代码在上。为了为我们的工作以及研究和开源社区提供基线,我们将其复制了一个缩放版本的Mini-Alphastar(MAS)。 MAS的最新版本为1.07,可以在具有564个动作的原始动作空间上进行培训。它旨在通过使超参数可调节来在单个普通机器上进行训练。然后,我们使用相同的资源将我们的工作与MAS进行比较,并表明我们的方法更有效。迷你α的代码在上。我们希望我们的研究能够阐明对SC2和其他大型游戏有效增强学习的未来研究。
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多智能体增强学习任务对培训样本的体积提出了很高的需求。不同于其单代理对应物,基于分布式的超代理强化学习面临着苛刻的数据传输,流程间通信管理和勘探高要求的独特挑战。我们提出了一个容器化的学习框架来解决这些问题。我们打包了几个环境实例,本地学习者和缓冲区,以及仔细设计的多队列管理器,避免阻止容器。鼓励每个容器的本地政策尽可能多样,只有最优先考虑的轨迹被送到全球学习者。通过这种方式,我们实现了具有高系统吞吐量的可扩展,较效率和多样化的分布式Marl学习框架。要拥有知识,我们的方法是第一个解决挑战的谷歌研究足球全游戏$ 5 \ _v \ _5 $。在星际争霸II微型管理基准中,与最先进的非分布式MARL算法相比,我们的方法获得了4美元 - $ 18 \倍。
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自成立以来,建立在广泛任务中表现出色的普通代理的任务一直是强化学习的重要目标。这个问题一直是对Alarge工作体系的研究的主题,并且经常通过观察Atari 57基准中包含的广泛范围环境的分数来衡量的性能。 Agent57是所有57场比赛中第一个超过人类基准的代理商,但这是以数据效率差的代价,需要实现近800亿帧的经验。以Agent57为起点,我们采用了各种各样的形式,以降低超过人类基线所需的经验200倍。在减少数据制度和Propose有效的解决方案时,我们遇到了一系列不稳定性和瓶颈,以构建更强大,更有效的代理。我们还使用诸如Muesli和Muzero之类的高性能方法证明了竞争性的性能。 TOOUR方法的四个关键组成部分是(1)近似信任区域方法,该方法可以从TheOnline网络中稳定引导,(2)损失和优先级的归一化方案,在学习具有广泛量表的一组值函数时,可以提高鲁棒性, (3)改进的体系结构采用了NFNET的技术技术来利用更深的网络而无需标准化层,并且(4)政策蒸馏方法可使瞬时贪婪的策略加班。
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深度加强学习(DRL)在游戏和机器人控制等应用中彻底改变了学习和致动。数据收集的成本,即从代理环境互动产生转变,仍然是在复杂的现实问题中更广泛的DRL采用的重大挑战。在GPU云平台上培训DRL代理的云原生范例是一个有前途的解决方案。在本文中,我们为云天然深层加固学习提供了一种可扩展和弹性图书馆优雅的钢茶,其有效地支持数百万GPU核心,以便在多个层面进行大规模平行的训练。在一个高级别的优雅普罗拉科尔使用基于锦标赛的集合计划,以协调数百个甚至数千个GPU的培训过程,安排排行榜与培训池与数百个豆荚之间的相互作用。在低级,每个POD通过在单个GPU中充分利用近7,000个GPU CUDA核心,模拟了代理环境的交互。我们的优雅RL-Podracer Library通过遵循集装箱,微服务和MLOPS的开发原则,具有高可扩展性,弹性和可访问性。使用NVIDIA DGX SuperPod Cloud,我们对机器人和股票交易中的各种任务进行了广泛的实验,并表明Elegitrl-Podracer大大优于Rllib。我们的代码可在GitHub上获得。
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Compressing neural network architectures is important to allow the deployment of models to embedded or mobile devices, and pruning and quantization are the major approaches to compress neural networks nowadays. Both methods benefit when compression parameters are selected specifically for each layer. Finding good combinations of compression parameters, so-called compression policies, is hard as the problem spans an exponentially large search space. Effective compression policies consider the influence of the specific hardware architecture on the used compression methods. We propose an algorithmic framework called Galen to search such policies using reinforcement learning utilizing pruning and quantization, thus providing automatic compression for neural networks. Contrary to other approaches we use inference latency measured on the target hardware device as an optimization goal. With that, the framework supports the compression of models specific to a given hardware target. We validate our approach using three different reinforcement learning agents for pruning, quantization and joint pruning and quantization. Besides proving the functionality of our approach we were able to compress a ResNet18 for CIFAR-10, on an embedded ARM processor, to 20% of the original inference latency without significant loss of accuracy. Moreover, we can demonstrate that a joint search and compression using pruning and quantization is superior to an individual search for policies using a single compression method.
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