Cryo Focused Ion-Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy (cryo FIB-SEM) enables three-dimensional and nanoscale imaging of biological specimens via a slice and view mechanism. The FIB-SEM experiments are, however, limited by a slow (typically, several hours) acquisition process and the high electron doses imposed on the beam sensitive specimen can cause damage. In this work, we present a compressive sensing variant of cryo FIB-SEM capable of reducing the operational electron dose and increasing speed. We propose two Targeted Sampling (TS) strategies that leverage the reconstructed image of the previous sample layer as a prior for designing the next subsampling mask. Our image recovery is based on a blind Bayesian dictionary learning approach, i.e., Beta Process Factor Analysis (BPFA). This method is experimentally viable due to our ultra-fast GPU-based implementation of BPFA. Simulations on artificial compressive FIB-SEM measurements validate the success of proposed methods: the operational electron dose can be reduced by up to 20 times. These methods have large implications for the cryo FIB-SEM community, in which the imaging of beam sensitive biological materials without beam damage is crucial.
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磁共振指纹(MRF)是一种新型技术,它同时估算了多个与组织相关的参数,例如纵向松弛时间T1,横向松弛时间T2,离子频率B0和质子密度,从仅在二十秒内的扫描对象, 。但是,MRF方法遭受混乱的伪像,因为它明显地示例了K空间数据。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个基于MRF方法同时估算多个组织相关参数的压缩传感(CS)框架。它比低采样比更健壮,因此在估计对象所有体素的MR参数方面更有效。此外,MRF方法需要从具有L2距离的MR-Signal-Evolution词典中鉴定出最接近的查询指纹原子。但是,我们观察到L2距离并不总是是测量MR指纹之间相似性的合适度量。从不足采样的训练数据中自适应地学习距离度量,可以显着提高查询指纹的匹配精度。广泛的模拟案例的数值结果表明,就参数估计的准确性而言,我们的方法基本上优于先进方法。
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PtyChography是一种经过良好研究的相成像方法,可在纳米尺度上进行非侵入性成像。它已发展为主流技术,在材料科学或国防工业等各个领域具有各种应用。 PtyChography的一个主要缺点是由于相邻照明区域之间的高重叠要求以实现合理的重建,因此数据采集时间很长。扫描区域之间重叠的传统方法导致与文物的重建。在本文中,我们提出了从深层生成网络采样的数据中稀疏获得或不足采样的数据,以满足Ptychography的过采样要求。由于深度生成网络是预先训练的,并且可以在收集数据时计算其输出,因此可以减少实验数据和获取数据的时间。我们通过提出重建质量与先前提出的和传统方法相比,通过提出重建质量来验证该方法,并评论提出的方法的优势和缺点。
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Noninvasive X-ray imaging of nanoscale three-dimensional objects, e.g. integrated circuits (ICs), generally requires two types of scanning: ptychographic, which is translational and returns estimates of complex electromagnetic field through ICs; and tomographic scanning, which collects complex field projections from multiple angles. Here, we present Attentional Ptycho-Tomography (APT), an approach trained to provide accurate reconstructions of ICs despite incomplete measurements, using a dramatically reduced amount of angular scanning. Training process includes regularizing priors based on typical IC patterns and the physics of X-ray propagation. We demonstrate that APT with 12-time reduced angles achieves fidelity comparable to the gold standard with the original set of angles. With the same set of reduced angles, APT also outperforms baseline reconstruction methods. In our experiments, APT achieves 108-time aggregate reduction in data acquisition and computation without compromising quality. We expect our physics-assisted machine learning framework could also be applied to other branches of nanoscale imaging.
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新磁共振(MR)成像方式可以量化血流动力学,但需要长时间的采集时间,妨碍其广泛用于早期诊断心血管疾病。为了减少采集​​时间,常规使用来自未采样测量的重建方法,使得利用旨在提高图像可压缩性的表示。重建的解剖和血液动力学图像可能存在视觉伪影。尽管这些工件中的一些基本上是重建错误,因此欠采样的后果,其他人可能是由于测量噪声或采样频率的随机选择。另有说明,重建的图像变为随机变量,并且其偏差和其协方差都可以导致视觉伪影;后者会导致可能误解的空间相关性以用于视觉信息。虽然前者的性质已经在文献中已经研究过,但后者尚未得到关注。在这项研究中,我们研究了从重建过程产生的随机扰动的理论特性,并对模拟和主动脉瘤进行了许多数值实验。我们的结果表明,当基于$ \ ell_1 $ -norm最小化的高斯欠采样模式与恢复算法组合时,相关长度保持限制为2到三个像素。然而,对于其他欠采样模式,相关长度可以显着增加,较高的欠采样因子(即8倍或16倍压缩)和不同的重建方法。
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肾脏DCE-MRI旨在通过估计示踪动力学(TK)模型参数来定义评估肾脏解剖学和对肾功能的定量评估。 TK模型参数的准确估计需要具有高时间分辨率的动脉输入功能(AIF)的精确测量。加速成像用于实现高时间分辨率,其在重建图像中产生欠采样伪像。压缩传感(CS)方法提供各种重建选项。最常见的是,鼓励正规化的时间差异的稀疏性以减少伪影。在CS方法中越来越多的正则化除去环境伪像,但也会过度平滑时间,这减少了参数估计精度。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种训练有素的深神经网络,以减少MRI欠采样伪像而不降低功能成像标记的准确性。通过从较低的维度表示,我们通过从较低维度表示来促进正常化而不是在惩罚术语中进行规范化。在此手稿中,我们激励并解释了较低的维度输入设计。我们将我们的方法与多个正则化权重进行CS重建的方法。所提出的方法导致肾生物标志物与使用CS重建估计的地面真理标记高度相关,这是针对功能分析进行了优化的。同时,所提出的方法减少了重建图像中的伪像。
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我们在并行计算机架构上的图像的自适应粒子表示(APR)上的离散卷积运算符的本机实现数据结构和算法。 APR是一个内容 - 自适应图像表示,其本地地将采样分辨率局部调整到图像信号。已经开发为大,稀疏图像的像素表示的替代方案,因为它们通常在荧光显微镜中发生。已经显示出降低存储,可视化和处理此类图像的存储器和运行时成本。然而,这要求图像处理本身在APRS上运行,而无需中间恢复为像素。然而,设计高效和可扩展的APR-Native图像处理原语是APR的不规则内存结构的复杂性。这里,我们提供了使用可以在离散卷积方面配制的各种算法有效和本地地处理APR图像所需的算法建筑块。我们表明APR卷积自然地导致缩放 - 自适应算法,可在多核CPU和GPU架构上有效地平行化。与基于像素的算法和概念性数据的卷积相比,我们量化了加速度。我们在单个NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Gaming GPU上实现了最多1 TB / s的像素等效吞吐量,而不是基于像素的实现的存储器最多两个数量级。
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Image reconstruction using deep learning algorithms offers improved reconstruction quality and lower reconstruction time than classical compressed sensing and model-based algorithms. Unfortunately, clean and fully sampled ground-truth data to train the deep networks is often unavailable in several applications, restricting the applicability of the above methods. We introduce a novel metric termed the ENsemble Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimate (ENSURE) framework, which can be used to train deep image reconstruction algorithms without fully sampled and noise-free images. The proposed framework is the generalization of the classical SURE and GSURE formulation to the setting where the images are sampled by different measurement operators, chosen randomly from a set. We evaluate the expectation of the GSURE loss functions over the sampling patterns to obtain the ENSURE loss function. We show that this loss is an unbiased estimate for the true mean-square error, which offers a better alternative to GSURE, which only offers an unbiased estimate for the projected error. Our experiments show that the networks trained with this loss function can offer reconstructions comparable to the supervised setting. While we demonstrate this framework in the context of MR image recovery, the ENSURE framework is generally applicable to arbitrary inverse problems.
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Countless signal processing applications include the reconstruction of signals from few indirect linear measurements. The design of effective measurement operators is typically constrained by the underlying hardware and physics, posing a challenging and often even discrete optimization task. While the potential of gradient-based learning via the unrolling of iterative recovery algorithms has been demonstrated, it has remained unclear how to leverage this technique when the set of admissible measurement operators is structured and discrete. We tackle this problem by combining unrolled optimization with Gumbel reparametrizations, which enable the computation of low-variance gradient estimates of categorical random variables. Our approach is formalized by GLODISMO (Gradient-based Learning of DIscrete Structured Measurement Operators). This novel method is easy-to-implement, computationally efficient, and extendable due to its compatibility with automatic differentiation. We empirically demonstrate the performance and flexibility of GLODISMO in several prototypical signal recovery applications, verifying that the learned measurement matrices outperform conventional designs based on randomization as well as discrete optimization baselines.
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通过获取有限的测量,近来有很多关于加速MRI中的数据采集过程的兴趣。部署经常复杂的重建算法以在这种设置中保持高图像质量。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种使用卷积神经网络,MNET的数据驱动采样器,为每个扫描对象提供自适应的特定于对象的采样模式。该网络针对每个物体观察非常有限的低频k空间数据,并且在一个达到高图像重建质量的情况下快速预测所需的下采样模式。我们提出了一个伴随的交流型训练框架,其掩模后向过程可以有效地生成用于采样器网络的训练标签并共同列举图像重建网络。 FastMri膝关节数据集上的实验结果证明了提出的学习欠采样网络在四倍和八倍加速下产生对象特定的掩模的能力,该八倍的加速度实现了优于几种现有方案的卓越图像重建性能。拟议的联合采样和重建学习框架的源代码可在获得。
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Ever since the first microscope by Zacharias Janssen in the late 16th century, scientists have been inventing new types of microscopes for various tasks. Inventing a novel architecture demands years, if not decades, worth of scientific experience and creativity. In this work, we introduce Differentiable Microscopy ($\partial\mu$), a deep learning-based design paradigm, to aid scientists design new interpretable microscope architectures. Differentiable microscopy first models a common physics-based optical system however with trainable optical elements at key locations on the optical path. Using pre-acquired data, we then train the model end-to-end for a task of interest. The learnt design proposal can then be simplified by interpreting the learnt optical elements. As a first demonstration, based on the optical 4-$f$ system, we present an all-optical quantitative phase microscope (QPM) design that requires no computational post-reconstruction. A follow-up literature survey suggested that the learnt architecture is similar to the generalized phase contrast method developed two decades ago. Our extensive experiments on multiple datasets that include biological samples show that our learnt all-optical QPM designs consistently outperform existing methods. We experimentally verify the functionality of the optical 4-$f$ system based QPM design using a spatial light modulator. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that similar results can be achieved by an uninterpretable learning based method, namely diffractive deep neural networks (D2NN). The proposed differentiable microscopy framework supplements the creative process of designing new optical systems and would perhaps lead to unconventional but better optical designs.
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Dynamic magnetic resonance image reconstruction from incomplete k-space data has generated great research interest due to its capability to reduce scan time. Never-theless, the reconstruction problem is still challenging due to its ill-posed nature. Recently, diffusion models espe-cially score-based generative models have exhibited great potential in algorithm robustness and usage flexi-bility. Moreover, the unified framework through the variance exploding stochastic differential equation (VE-SDE) is proposed to enable new sampling methods and further extend the capabilities of score-based gener-ative models. Therefore, by taking advantage of the uni-fied framework, we proposed a k-space and image Du-al-Domain collaborative Universal Generative Model (DD-UGM) which combines the score-based prior with low-rank regularization penalty to reconstruct highly under-sampled measurements. More precisely, we extract prior components from both image and k-space domains via a universal generative model and adaptively handle these prior components for faster processing while maintaining good generation quality. Experimental comparisons demonstrated the noise reduction and detail preservation abilities of the proposed method. Much more than that, DD-UGM can reconstruct data of differ-ent frames by only training a single frame image, which reflects the flexibility of the proposed model.
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用冷冻电子显微镜(Cryo-EM)溶液中生物分子高分辨率成像的近期突破已经解锁了用于重建分子体积的新门,从而有望在其他人之间进一步进一步进展。尽管有很大的入脚,但Cryo-EM数据分析中的巨大挑战仍然是军团和错综复杂的自然间学科,需要物理学家,结构生物学家,计算机科学家,统计学家和应用数学家的见解。同时,最近的下一代卷重建算法与端到端无监督的深度学习技术相结合的生成建模已经显示了对模拟数据的有希望的结果,但在应用于实验Cryo-EM图像时仍然面临相当大的障碍。鉴于此类方法的增殖并鉴于任务的跨学科性质,我们提出了对高分辨率低分辨率建模领域的最近进步的批判性审查。目前的审查旨在(i)比较和对比这些新方法,而(ii)将它们从透视和使用科学家熟悉的术语呈现出来,在任何五个上述领域中没有Cryo-Em中没有具体的背景。审查始于引言介绍低温 - EM批量重建的深度生成模型的数学和计算挑战,同时概述了这类算法中共享的基线方法。通过这些不同的模型建立了常见的线程编织,我们提供了这些最先进的算法的实际比较,突出了它们的相对优势和劣势以及它们依赖的假设。这使我们能够识别当前方法和途径的瓶颈,以便将来的研究。
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