A quantitative and practical Bayesian framework is described for learning of mappings in feedforward networks. The framework makes possible (1) objective comparisons between solutions using alternative network architectures, (2) objective stopping rules for network pruning or growing procedures, (3) objective choice of magnitude and type of weight decay terms or additive regularizers (for penalizing large weights, etc.), (4) a measure of the effective number of well-determined parameters in a model, (5) quantified estimates of the error bars on network parameters and on network output, and (6) objective comparisons with alternative learning and interpolation models such as splines and radial basis functions. The Bayesian "evidence" automatically embodies "Occam's razor,'' penalizing overflexible and overcomplex models.The Bayesian approach helps detect poor underlying assumptions in learning models. For learning models well matched to a problem, a good correlation between generalization ability and the Bayesian evidence is obtained.This paper makes use of the Bayesian framework for regularization and model comparison described in the companion paper "Bayesian Interpolation" (MacKay 1992a). This framework is due to Gull and Skilling (Gull 1989). The Gaps in BackpropThere are many knobs on the black box of "backprop" [learning by backpropagation of errors (Rumelhart et al. 198611. Generally these knobs are set by rules of thumb, trial and error, and the use of reserved test data to assess generalization ability (or more sophisticated cross-validation). The knobs fall into two classes: (1) parameters that change the effective learning model, for example, number of hidden units, and weight decay
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Flat minima
We present a new algorithm for nding low complexity neural networks with high generalization capability. The algorithm searches for a \ at" minimum of the error function. A at minimum is a large connected region in weight-space where the error remains approximately constant. An MDL-based, Bayesian argument suggests that at minima correspond to \simple" networks and low expected over tting. The argument is based on a Gibbs algorithm variant and a novel way of splitting generalization error into under tting and over tting error. Unlike many previous approaches, ours does not require Gaussian assumptions and does not depend on a \good" weight prior { instead we have a prior over input/output functions, thus taking into account net architecture and training set. Although our algorithm requires the computation of second order derivatives, it has backprop's order of complexity. Automatically, it e ectively prunes units, weights, and input lines. Various experiments with feedforward and recurrent nets are described. In an application to stock market prediction, at minimum search outperforms (1) conventional backprop, (2) weight decay, (3) \optimal brain surgeon" / \optimal brain damage". We also provide pseudo code of the algorithm (omitted from the NC-version).The appendix presents a detailed theoretical justi cation of our approach. Using a variant of the Gibbs algorithm, appendix A.1 de nes generalization, under tting and over tting error in a novel way. By de ning an appropriate prior over input-output functions, we postulate that the most probable network is a \ at" one. Appendix A.2 formally justi es the error function minimized by our algorithm. Appendix A.3 describes an e cient implementation of the algorithm. Appendix A.4 nally presents pseudo code of the algorithm. TASK / ARCHITECTURE / BOXESGeneralization task. The task is to approximate an unknown function f X Y mapping a nite set of possible inputs X R N to a nite set of possible outputs Y R K . A data set D is obtained from f (see appendix A.1). All training information is given by a nite set D 0 D. D 0 is called the training set. The pth element of D 0 is denoted by an input/target pair (x p ; y p ).Architecture/ Net functions. For simplicity, we will focus on a standard feedforward net (but in the experiments, we will use recurrent nets as well). The net has N input units, K output units, L weights, and di erentiable activation functions. It maps input vectors x 2 R N to output vectors o(w; x) 2 R K , where w is the L-dimensional weight vector, and the weight on the connection from unit j to i is denoted w ij . The net function induced by w is denoted net(w): for x 2 R N , net(w)(x) = o(w; x) = o 1 (w; x); o 2 (w; x); : : : ; o K 1 (w; x); o K (w; x) , where o i (w; x) denotes the i-th component of o(w; x), corresponding to output unit i. Training error. We use squared error E(net(w); D 0 ) := P (xp;yp)2D0 k y p o(w; x p ) k 2 , where k : k denotes the Euclidean norm.Tolerable error. To
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We propose an efficient method for approximating natural gradient descent in neural networks which we call Kronecker-factored Approximate Curvature (K-FAC). K-FAC is based on an efficiently invertible approximation of a neural network's Fisher information matrix which is neither diagonal nor low-rank, and in some cases is completely non-sparse. It is derived by approximating various large blocks of the Fisher (corresponding to entire layers) as being the Kronecker product of two much smaller matrices. While only several times more expensive to compute than the plain stochastic gradient, the updates produced by K-FAC make much more progress optimizing the objective, which results in an algorithm that can be much faster than stochastic gradient descent with momentum in practice. And unlike some previously proposed approximate natural-gradient/Newton methods which use high-quality non-diagonal curvature matrices (such as Hessian-free optimization), K-FAC works very well in highly stochastic optimization regimes. This is because the cost of storing and inverting K-FAC's approximation to the curvature matrix does not depend on the amount of data used to estimate it, which is a feature typically associated only with diagonal or low-rank approximations to the curvature matrix.
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Multilayer Neural Networks trained with the backpropagation algorithm constitute the best example of a successful Gradient-Based Learning technique. Given an appropriate network architecture, Gradient-Based Learning algorithms can be used to synthesize a complex decision surface that can classify high-dimensional patterns such as handwritten characters, with minimal preprocessing. This paper reviews various methods applied to handwritten character recognition and compares them on a standard handwritten digit recognition task. Convolutional Neural Networks, that are specifically designed to deal with the variability of 2D shapes, are shown to outperform all other techniques.Real-life document recognition systems are composed of multiple modules including eld extraction, segmentation, recognition, and language modeling. A new learning paradigm, called Graph Transformer Networks (GTN), allows such multi-module systems to be trained globally using Gradient-Based methods so as to minimize an overall performance measure.Two systems for on-line handwriting recognition are described. Experiments demonstrate the advantage of global training, and the exibility of Graph Transformer Networks.A Graph Transformer Network for reading bank check is also described. It uses Convolutional Neural Network character recognizers combined with global training techniques to provides record accuracy on business and personal checks. It is deployed commercially and reads several million checks per day.
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The success of machine learning algorithms generally depends on data representation, and we hypothesize that this is because different representations can entangle and hide more or less the different explanatory factors of variation behind the data. Although specific domain knowledge can be used to help design representations, learning with generic priors can also be used, and the quest for AI is motivating the design of more powerful representation-learning algorithms implementing such priors. This paper reviews recent work in the area of unsupervised feature learning and deep learning, covering advances in probabilistic models, auto-encoders, manifold learning, and deep networks. This motivates longer-term unanswered questions about the appropriate objectives for learning good representations, for computing representations (i.e., inference), and the geometrical connections between representation learning, density estimation and manifold learning.
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这项正在进行的工作旨在为统计学习提供统一的介绍,从诸如GMM和HMM等经典模型到现代神经网络(如VAE和扩散模型)缓慢地构建。如今,有许多互联网资源可以孤立地解释这一点或新的机器学习算法,但是它们并没有(也不能在如此简短的空间中)将这些算法彼此连接起来,或者与统计模型的经典文献相连现代算法出现了。同样明显缺乏的是一个单一的符号系统,尽管对那些已经熟悉材料的人(如这些帖子的作者)不满意,但对新手的入境造成了重大障碍。同样,我的目的是将各种模型(尽可能)吸收到一个用于推理和学习的框架上,表明(以及为什么)如何以最小的变化将一个模型更改为另一个模型(其中一些是新颖的,另一些是文献中的)。某些背景当然是必要的。我以为读者熟悉基本的多变量计算,概率和统计以及线性代数。这本书的目标当然不是​​完整性,而是从基本知识到过去十年中极强大的新模型的直线路径或多或少。然后,目标是补充而不是替换,诸如Bishop的\ emph {模式识别和机器学习}之类的综合文本,该文本现在已经15岁了。
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Learning curves provide insight into the dependence of a learner's generalization performance on the training set size. This important tool can be used for model selection, to predict the effect of more training data, and to reduce the computational complexity of model training and hyperparameter tuning. This review recounts the origins of the term, provides a formal definition of the learning curve, and briefly covers basics such as its estimation. Our main contribution is a comprehensive overview of the literature regarding the shape of learning curves. We discuss empirical and theoretical evidence that supports well-behaved curves that often have the shape of a power law or an exponential. We consider the learning curves of Gaussian processes, the complex shapes they can display, and the factors influencing them. We draw specific attention to examples of learning curves that are ill-behaved, showing worse learning performance with more training data. To wrap up, we point out various open problems that warrant deeper empirical and theoretical investigation. All in all, our review underscores that learning curves are surprisingly diverse and no universal model can be identified.
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Deep neural nets with a large number of parameters are very powerful machine learning systems. However, overfitting is a serious problem in such networks. Large networks are also slow to use, making it difficult to deal with overfitting by combining the predictions of many different large neural nets at test time. Dropout is a technique for addressing this problem. The key idea is to randomly drop units (along with their connections) from the neural network during training. This prevents units from co-adapting too much. During training, dropout samples from an exponential number of different "thinned" networks. At test time, it is easy to approximate the effect of averaging the predictions of all these thinned networks by simply using a single unthinned network that has smaller weights. This significantly reduces overfitting and gives major improvements over other regularization methods. We show that dropout improves the performance of neural networks on supervised learning tasks in vision, speech recognition, document classification and computational biology, obtaining state-of-the-art results on many benchmark data sets.
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Recent years have witnessed a growth in mathematics for deep learning--which seeks a deeper understanding of the concepts of deep learning with mathematics, and explores how to make it more robust--and deep learning for mathematics, where deep learning algorithms are used to solve problems in mathematics. The latter has popularised the field of scientific machine learning where deep learning is applied to problems in scientific computing. Specifically, more and more neural network architectures have been developed to solve specific classes of partial differential equations (PDEs). Such methods exploit properties that are inherent to PDEs and thus solve the PDEs better than classical feed-forward neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and convolutional neural networks. This has had a great impact in the area of mathematical modeling where parametric PDEs are widely used to model most natural and physical processes arising in science and engineering, In this work, we review such methods and extend them for parametric studies as well as for solving the related inverse problems. We equally proceed to show their relevance in some industrial applications.
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We have used information-theoretic ideas to derive a class of practical and nearly optimal schemes for adapting the size of a neural network. By removing unimportant weights from a network, several improvements can be expected: better generalization, fewer training examples required, and improved speed of learning and/or classification. The basic idea is to use second-derivative information to make a tradeoff between network complexity and training set error. Experiments confirm the usefulness of the methods on a real-world application.
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预测性编码提供了对皮质功能的潜在统一说明 - 假设大脑的核心功能是最小化有关世界生成模型的预测错误。该理论与贝叶斯大脑框架密切相关,在过去的二十年中,在理论和认知神经科学领域都产生了重大影响。基于经验测试的预测编码的改进和扩展的理论和数学模型,以及评估其在大脑中实施的潜在生物学合理性以及该理论所做的具体神经生理学和心理学预测。尽管存在这种持久的知名度,但仍未对预测编码理论,尤其是该领域的最新发展进行全面回顾。在这里,我们提供了核心数学结构和预测编码的逻辑的全面综述,从而补充了文献中最新的教程。我们还回顾了该框架中的各种经典和最新工作,从可以实施预测性编码的神经生物学现实的微电路到预测性编码和广泛使用的错误算法的重新传播之间的紧密关系,以及对近距离的调查。预测性编码和现代机器学习技术之间的关系。
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With a goal of understanding what drives generalization in deep networks, we consider several recently suggested explanations, including norm-based control, sharpness and robustness. We study how these measures can ensure generalization, highlighting the importance of scale normalization, and making a connection between sharpness and PAC-Bayes theory. We then investigate how well the measures explain different observed phenomena.
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In this thesis, we consider two simple but typical control problems and apply deep reinforcement learning to them, i.e., to cool and control a particle which is subject to continuous position measurement in a one-dimensional quadratic potential or in a quartic potential. We compare the performance of reinforcement learning control and conventional control strategies on the two problems, and show that the reinforcement learning achieves a performance comparable to the optimal control for the quadratic case, and outperforms conventional control strategies for the quartic case for which the optimal control strategy is unknown. To our knowledge, this is the first time deep reinforcement learning is applied to quantum control problems in continuous real space. Our research demonstrates that deep reinforcement learning can be used to control a stochastic quantum system in real space effectively as a measurement-feedback closed-loop controller, and our research also shows the ability of AI to discover new control strategies and properties of the quantum systems that are not well understood, and we can gain insights into these problems by learning from the AI, which opens up a new regime for scientific research.
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In many engineering optimization problems, the number of function evaluations is severely limited by time or cost. These problems pose a special challenge to the field of global optimization, since existing methods often require more function evaluations than can be comfortably afforded. One way to address this challenge is to fit response surfaces to data collected by evaluating the objective and constraint functions at a few points. These surfaces can then be used for visualization, tradeoff analysis, and optimization. In this paper, we introduce the reader to a response surface methodology that is especially good at modeling the nonlinear, multimodal functions that often occur in engineering. We then show how these approximating functions can be used to construct an efficient global optimization algorithm with a credible stopping rule. The key to using response surfaces for global optimization lies in balancing the need to exploit the approximating surface (by sampling where it is minimized) with the need to improve the approximation (by sampling where prediction error may be high). Striking this balance requires solving certain auxiliary problems which have previously been considered intractable, but we show how these computational obstacles can be overcome.
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