Multivariate time series forecasting (MTSF) is a fundamental problem in numerous real-world applications. Recently, Transformer has become the de facto solution for MTSF, especially for the long-term cases. However, except for the one forward operation, the basic configurations in existing MTSF Transformer architectures were barely carefully verified. In this study, we point out that the current tokenization strategy in MTSF Transformer architectures ignores the token uniformity inductive bias of Transformers. Therefore, the vanilla MTSF transformer struggles to capture details in time series and presents inferior performance. Based on this observation, we make a series of evolution on the basic architecture of the vanilla MTSF transformer. We vary the flawed tokenization strategy, along with the decoder structure and embeddings. Surprisingly, the evolved simple transformer architecture is highly effective, which successfully avoids the over-smoothing phenomena in the vanilla MTSF transformer, achieves a more detailed and accurate prediction, and even substantially outperforms the state-of-the-art Transformers that are well-designed for MTSF.
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最近,对于长期时间序列预测(LTSF)任务,基于变压器的解决方案激增。尽管过去几年的表现正在增长,但我们质疑这项研究中这一研究的有效性。具体而言,可以说,变形金刚是最成功的解决方案,是在长序列中提取元素之间的语义相关性。但是,在时间序列建模中,我们要在一组连续点的有序集中提取时间关系。在采用位置编码和使用令牌将子系列嵌入变压器中的同时,有助于保留某些订购信息,但\ emph {置换不变}的自我注意力专注机制的性质不可避免地会导致时间信息损失。为了验证我们的主张,我们介绍了一组名为LTSF线性的令人尴尬的简单单层线性模型,以进行比较。在九个现实生活数据集上的实验结果表明,LTSF线性在所有情况下都超过现有的基于变压器的LTSF模型,并且通常要大幅度较大。此外,我们进行了全面的经验研究,以探索LTSF模型各种设计元素对其时间关系提取能力的影响。我们希望这一令人惊讶的发现为LTSF任务打开了新的研究方向。我们还主张重新审视基于变压器解决方案对其他时间序列分析任务(例如,异常检测)的有效性。代码可在:\ url {}中获得。
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延长预测时间是对真实应用的危急需求,例如极端天气预警和长期能源消耗规划。本文研究了时间序列的长期预测问题。基于现有的变压器的模型采用各种自我关注机制来发现远程依赖性。然而,长期未来的复杂时间模式禁止模型找到可靠的依赖项。此外,变压器必须采用长期级效率的稀疏版本的点明显自我关注,从而导致信息利用瓶颈。超越变形金刚,我们将自动运气设计为具有自动相关机制的新型分解架构。我们突破了序列分解的预处理公约,并将其翻新为深层模型的基本内部。这种设计为复杂的时间序列具有渐进式分解容量的自动成形。此外,由随机过程理论的启发,我们基于串联周期性设计自相关机制,这在子系列级别进行了依赖关系发现和表示聚合。自动相关性效率和准确性的自我关注。在长期预测中,自动成形器产生最先进的准确性,六个基准测试中的相对改善38%,涵盖了五种实际应用:能源,交通,经济,天气和疾病。此存储库中可用的代码:\ url {}。
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最近的研究表明,诸如RNN和Transformers之类的深度学习模型为长期预测时间序列带来了显着的性能增长,因为它们有效地利用了历史信息。但是,我们发现,如何在神经网络中保存历史信息,同时避免过度适应历史上的噪音,这仍然有很大的改进空间。解决此问题可以更好地利用深度学习模型的功能。为此,我们设计了一个\ textbf {f}要求\ textbf {i} mpraved \ textbf {l} egendre \ textbf {m} emory模型,或{\ bf film}:它应用了legendre promotions topimate legendre provientions近似历史信息,近似历史信息,使用傅立叶投影来消除噪声,并添加低级近似值以加快计算。我们的实证研究表明,所提出的膜显着提高了由(\ textbf {20.3 \%},\ textbf {22.6 \%})的多变量和单变量长期预测中最新模型的准确性。我们还证明,这项工作中开发的表示模块可以用作一般插件,以提高其他深度学习模块的长期预测性能。代码可从获得。
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尽管基于变压器的方法已显着改善了长期序列预测的最新结果,但它们不仅在计算上昂贵,而且更重要的是,无法捕获全球时间序列的观点(例如,整体趋势)。为了解决这些问题,我们建议将变压器与季节性趋势分解方法相结合,在这种方法中,分解方法捕获了时间序列的全局概况,而变形金刚捕获了更详细的结构。为了进一步提高变压器的长期预测性能,我们利用了以下事实:大多数时间序列倾向于在诸如傅立叶变换之类的知名基础上具有稀疏的表示形式,并开发出频率增强的变压器。除了更有效外,所提出的方法被称为频率增强分解变压器({\ bf fedFormer}),比标准变压器更有效,具有线性复杂性对序列长度。我们对六个基准数据集的实证研究表明,与最先进的方法相比,FedFormer可以将预测错误降低14.8 \%$ $和$ 22.6 \%\%\%\%$ $,分别为多变量和单变量时间序列。代码可在上公开获取。
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近年来,已对变压器进行了积极研究,以预测。尽管在各种情况下经常显示出令人鼓舞的结果,但传统的变压器并非旨在充分利用时间序列数据的特征,因此遭受了一些根本的限制,例如,它们通常缺乏分解能力和解释性,并且既不有效,也没有有效的效率 - 期望。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的时间序列变压器体系结构Etsformer,它利用了指数平滑的原理,以改善变压器的时间序列预测。特别是,受到预测时间序列的经典指数平滑方法的启发,我们提出了新型的指数平滑注意力(ESA)和频率注意(FA),以替代香草变压器中的自我发挥机制,从而提高了准确性和效率。基于这些,我们使用模块化分解块重新设计了变压器体系结构,以便可以学会将时间序列数据分解为可解释的时间序列组件,例如水平,增长和季节性。对各种时间序列基准的广泛实验验证了该方法的功效和优势。代码可从获得。
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多元时间序列预测已在各种领域(包括金融,交通,能源和医疗保健)中广泛范围的应用程序。为了捕获复杂的时间模式,大量研究设计了基于RNN,GNN和Transformers的许多变体的复杂神经网络体系结构。但是,复杂的模型在计算上通常是昂贵的,因此当应用于大型现实世界数据集时,在训练和推理效率方面面临严重的挑战。在本文中,我们介绍了Lightts,这是一种基于简单的基于MLP的结构的轻度深度学习体系结构。 LightT的关键思想是在两种微妙的下采样策略之上应用基于MLP的结构,包括间隔抽样和连续采样,灵感来自至关重要的事实,即下采样时间序列通常保留其大多数信息。我们对八个广泛使用的基准数据集进行了广泛的实验。与现有的最新方法相比,Lightts在其中五个方面表现出更好的性能,其余的性能可比性。此外,Lightts高效。与最大的基准数据集上的先前SOTA方法相比,它使用的触发器少于5%。此外,Lightts的预测准确性与以前的SOTA方法相比,在长序列预测任务中,预测准确性的差异要小得多。
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时间是时间序列最重要的特征之一,但没有得到足够的关注。先前的时间序列预测研究主要集中于将过去的子序列(查找窗口)映射到未来的系列(预测窗口),而系列的时间通常只是在大多数情况下都扮演辅助角色。由于这些窗口中的点处理,将其推断为长期未来在模式上是艰难的。为了克服这一障碍,我们提出了一个名为DateFormer的全新时间序列预测框架,他将注意力转移到建模时间上,而不是遵循上述实践。具体而言,首先按时间序列分为补丁,以监督通过Transformers(DERT)的日期编码器表示的动态日期代表的学习。然后将这些表示形式馈入一个简单的解码器,以产生更粗的(或全局)预测,并用于帮助模型从回顾窗口中寻求有价值的信息,以学习精致(或本地)的预测。 DateFormer通过将上述两个部分求和来获得最终结果。我们对七个基准测试的经验研究表明,与序列建模方法相比,时间模型方法对于长期序列预测更有效。 DateFormer产生最先进的准确性,相对改进40%,并将最大可靠的预测范围扩大到半年水平。
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Time series forecasting is a long-standing challenge due to the real-world information is in various scenario (e.g., energy, weather, traffic, economics, earthquake warning). However some mainstream forecasting model forecasting result is derailed dramatically from ground truth. We believe it's the reason that model's lacking ability of capturing frequency information which richly contains in real world datasets. At present, the mainstream frequency information extraction methods are Fourier transform(FT) based. However, use of FT is problematic due to Gibbs phenomenon. If the values on both sides of sequences differ significantly, oscillatory approximations are observed around both sides and high frequency noise will be introduced. Therefore We propose a novel frequency enhanced channel attention that adaptively modelling frequency interdependencies between channels based on Discrete Cosine Transform which would intrinsically avoid high frequency noise caused by problematic periodity during Fourier Transform, which is defined as Gibbs Phenomenon. We show that this network generalize extremely effectively across six real-world datasets and achieve state-of-the-art performance, we further demonstrate that frequency enhanced channel attention mechanism module can be flexibly applied to different networks. This module can improve the prediction ability of existing mainstream networks, which reduces 35.99% MSE on LSTM, 10.01% on Reformer, 8.71% on Informer, 8.29% on Autoformer, 8.06% on Transformer, etc., at a slight computational cost ,with just a few line of code. Our codes and data are available at
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时间序列数据在研究以及各种工业应用中无处不在。有效地分析可用的历史数据并提供对未来的见解,使我们能够做出有效的决策。最近的研究见证了基于变压器的架构的出色表现,尤其是在《远距离时间序列》的政权预测中。但是,稀疏变压器体系结构的当前状态无法将其简化和上取样过程磨损,无法以与输入相似的分辨率产生输出。我们提出了基于新颖的Y形编码器架构的Yformer模型,该架构(1)在U-NET启发的体系结构中使用从缩小的编码层到相应的UPSMPLED DEXODER层的直接连接,(2)组合了降尺度/降压/以稀疏的注意来提高采样,以捕获远距离效应,(3)通过添加辅助重建损失来稳定编码器堆栈。已经在四个基准数据集上使用相关基线进行了广泛的实验,与单变量和多元设置的艺术现状相比,MAE的平均改善为19.82,18.41百分比和13.62,11.85百分比MAE。
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多元长序列时间序列预测(M-LSTF)是一个实用但具有挑战性的问题。与传统的计时器序列预测任务不同,M-LSTF任务从两个方面更具挑战性:1)M-LSTF模型需要在多个时间功能之间和多个时间序列之间学习时间序列模式; 2)在滚动预测设置下,两个连续训练样本之间的相似性随着预测长度的增加而增加,这使模型更容易过度拟合。在本文中,我们提出了一个可推广的内存驱动变压器,以靶向M-LSTF问题。具体而言,我们首先提出一个全局级内存组件,以通过集成多个时间序列功能来驱动预测过程。此外,我们采用了一种进步的方式来训练我们的模型以提高其普遍性,在这种情况下,我们逐渐向培训样品引入伯努利的噪音。已经在多个字段上对五个不同的数据集进行了广泛的实验。实验结果表明,我们的方法可以无缝地插入不同的基于变压器的模型中,以提高其性能至大约30%。特别是,这是我们最好的知识专门关注M-LSTF任务的第一项工作。
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Time series, sets of sequences in chronological order, are essential data in statistical research with many forecasting applications. Although recent performance in many Transformer-based models has been noticeable, long multi-horizon time series forecasting remains a very challenging task. Going beyond transformers in sequence translation and transduction research, we observe the effects of down-and-up samplings that can nudge temporal saliency patterns to emerge in time sequences. Motivated by the mentioned observation, in this paper, we propose a novel architecture, Temporal Saliency Detection (TSD), on top of the attention mechanism and apply it to multi-horizon time series prediction. We renovate the traditional encoder-decoder architecture by making as a series of deep convolutional blocks to work in tandem with the multi-head self-attention. The proposed TSD approach facilitates the multiresolution of saliency patterns upon condensed multi-heads, thus progressively enhancing complex time series forecasting. Experimental results illustrate that our proposed approach has significantly outperformed existing state-of-the-art methods across multiple standard benchmark datasets in many far-horizon forecasting settings. Overall, TSD achieves 31% and 46% relative improvement over the current state-of-the-art models in multivariate and univariate time series forecasting scenarios on standard benchmarks. The Git repository is available at
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Many real-world applications require the prediction of long sequence time-series, such as electricity consumption planning. Long sequence time-series forecasting (LSTF) demands a high prediction capacity of the model, which is the ability to capture precise long-range dependency coupling between output and input efficiently. Recent studies have shown the potential of Transformer to increase the prediction capacity. However, there are several severe issues with Transformer that prevent it from being directly applicable to LSTF, including quadratic time complexity, high memory usage, and inherent limitation of the encoder-decoder architecture. To address these issues, we design an efficient transformer-based model for LSTF, named Informer, with three distinctive characteristics: (i) a ProbSparse self-attention mechanism, which achieves O(L log L) in time complexity and memory usage, and has comparable performance on sequences' dependency alignment. (ii) the self-attention distilling highlights dominating attention by halving cascading layer input, and efficiently handles extreme long input sequences. (iii) the generative style decoder, while conceptually simple, predicts the long time-series sequences at one forward operation rather than a step-by-step way, which drastically improves the inference speed of long-sequence predictions. Extensive experiments on four large-scale datasets demonstrate that Informer significantly outperforms existing methods and provides a new solution to the LSTF problem.
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Attention-based neural networks, such as Transformers, have become ubiquitous in numerous applications, including computer vision, natural language processing, and time-series analysis. In all kinds of attention networks, the attention maps are crucial as they encode semantic dependencies between input tokens. However, most existing attention networks perform modeling or reasoning based on representations, wherein the attention maps of different layers are learned separately without explicit interactions. In this paper, we propose a novel and generic evolving attention mechanism, which directly models the evolution of inter-token relationships through a chain of residual convolutional modules. The major motivations are twofold. On the one hand, the attention maps in different layers share transferable knowledge, thus adding a residual connection can facilitate the information flow of inter-token relationships across layers. On the other hand, there is naturally an evolutionary trend among attention maps at different abstraction levels, so it is beneficial to exploit a dedicated convolution-based module to capture this process. Equipped with the proposed mechanism, the convolution-enhanced evolving attention networks achieve superior performance in various applications, including time-series representation, natural language understanding, machine translation, and image classification. Especially on time-series representation tasks, Evolving Attention-enhanced Dilated Convolutional (EA-DC-) Transformer outperforms state-of-the-art models significantly, achieving an average of 17% improvement compared to the best SOTA. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that explicitly models the layer-wise evolution of attention maps. Our implementation is available at
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