We present the development of a semi-supervised regression method using variational autoencoders (VAE), which is customized for use in soft sensing applications. We motivate the use of semi-supervised learning considering the fact that process quality variables are not collected at the same frequency as other process variables leading to many unlabelled records in operational datasets. These unlabelled records are not possible to use for training quality variable predictions based on supervised learning methods. Use of VAEs for unsupervised learning is well established and recently they were used for regression applications based on variational inference procedures. We extend this approach of supervised VAEs for regression (SVAER) to make it learn from unlabelled data leading to semi-supervised VAEs for regression (SSVAER), then we make further modifications to their architecture using additional regularization components to make SSVAER well suited for learning from both labelled and unlabelled process data. The probabilistic regressor resulting from the variational approach makes it possible to estimate the variance of the predictions simultaneously, which provides an uncertainty quantification along with the generated predictions. We provide an extensive comparative study of SSVAER with other publicly available semi-supervised and supervised learning methods on two benchmark problems using fixed-size datasets, where we vary the percentage of labelled data available for training. In these experiments, SSVAER achieves the lowest test errors in 11 of the 20 studied cases, compared to other methods where the second best gets 4 lowest test errors out of the 20.
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Dense pose estimation is a dense 3D prediction task for instance-level human analysis, aiming to map human pixels from an RGB image to a 3D surface of the human body. Due to a large amount of surface point regression, the training process appears to be easy to collapse compared to other region-based human instance analyzing tasks. By analyzing the loss formulation of the existing dense pose estimation model, we introduce a novel point regression loss function, named Dense Points} loss to stable the training progress, and a new balanced loss weighting strategy to handle the multi-task losses. With the above novelties, we propose a brand new architecture, named UV R-CNN. Without auxiliary supervision and external knowledge from other tasks, UV R-CNN can handle many complicated issues in dense pose model training progress, achieving 65.0% $AP_{gps}$ and 66.1% $AP_{gpsm}$ on the DensePose-COCO validation subset with ResNet-50-FPN feature extractor, competitive among the state-of-the-art dense human pose estimation methods.
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Current practice in interpretable machine learning often focuses on explaining the final model trained from data, e.g., by using the Shapley additive explanations (SHAP) method. The recently developed Shapley variable importance cloud (ShapleyVIC) extends the current practice to a group of "nearly optimal models" to provide comprehensive and robust variable importance assessments, with estimated uncertainty intervals for a more complete understanding of variable contributions to predictions. ShapleyVIC was initially developed for applications with traditional regression models, and the benefits of ShapleyVIC inference have been demonstrated in real-life prediction tasks using the logistic regression model. However, as a model-agnostic approach, ShapleyVIC application is not limited to such scenarios. In this work, we extend ShapleyVIC implementation for machine learning models to enable wider applications, and propose it as a useful complement to the current SHAP analysis to enable more trustworthy applications of these black-box models.
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The modern dynamic and heterogeneous network brings differential environments with respective state transition probability to agents, which leads to the local strategy trap problem of traditional federated reinforcement learning (FRL) based network optimization algorithm. To solve this problem, we propose a novel Differentiated Federated Reinforcement Learning (DFRL), which evolves the global policy model integration and local inference with the global policy model in traditional FRL to a collaborative learning process with parallel global trends learning and differential local policy model learning. In the DFRL, the local policy learning model is adaptively updated with the global trends model and local environment and achieves better differentiated adaptation. We evaluate the outperformance of the proposal compared with the state-of-the-art FRL in a classical CartPole game with heterogeneous environments. Furthermore, we implement the proposal in the heterogeneous Space-air-ground Integrated Network (SAGIN) for the classical traffic offloading problem in network. The simulation result shows that the proposal shows better global performance and fairness than baselines in terms of throughput, delay, and packet drop rate.
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Singular value decomposition (SVD) is one of the most popular compression methods that approximate a target matrix with smaller matrices. However, standard SVD treats the parameters within the matrix with equal importance, which is a simple but unrealistic assumption. The parameters of a trained neural network model may affect task performance unevenly, which suggests non-equal importance among the parameters. Compared to SVD, the decomposition method aware of parameter importance is the more practical choice in real cases. Unlike standard SVD, weighted value decomposition is a non-convex optimization problem that lacks a closed-form solution. We systematically investigated multiple optimization strategies to tackle the problem and examined our method by compressing Transformer-based language models. Further, we designed a metric to predict when the SVD may introduce a significant performance drop, for which our method can be a rescue strategy. The extensive evaluations demonstrate that our method can perform better than current SOTA methods in compressing Transformer-based language models.
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由于自我批判性和歧义,了解动态的手动运动和动态动作是一项基本而又具有挑战性的任务。为了解决遮挡和歧义,我们开发了一个基于变压器的框架来利用时间信息以进行稳健的估计。注意到手部姿势估计和动作识别之间的不同时间粒度和语义相关性,我们建立了一个网络层次结构,其中有两个级联变压器编码器,其中第一个利用了短期的时间cue进行手姿势估算,而后者则每次聚集物,后者每次聚集体 - 帧姿势和对象信息在更长的时间范围内识别动作。我们的方法在两个第一人称手动作基准(即FPHA和H2O)上取得了竞争成果。广泛的消融研究验证了我们的设计选择。我们将开放源代码和数据以促进未来的研究。
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