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动态对象感知的SLAM(DOS)利用对象级信息以在动态环境中启用强大的运动估计。现有方法主要集中于识别和排除优化的动态对象。在本文中,我们表明,基于功能的视觉量大系统也可以通过利用两个观察结果来受益于动态铰接式对象的存在:(1)随着时间的推移,铰接对象的每个刚性部分的3D结构保持一致; (2)同一刚性零件上的点遵循相同的运动。特别是,我们提出了Airdos,这是一种动态的对象感知系统,该系统将刚度和运动限制引入模型铰接对象。通过共同优化相机姿势,对象运动和对象3D结构,我们可以纠正摄像头姿势估计,防止跟踪损失,并为动态对象和静态场景生成4D时空图。实验表明,我们的算法改善了在挑战拥挤的城市环境中的视觉大满贯算法的鲁棒性。据我们所知,Airdos是第一个动态对象感知的大满贯系统,该系统表明可以通过合并动态铰接式对象来改善相机姿势估计。
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在本文中,通过以自我监督的方式将基于几何的方法纳入深度学习架构来实现强大的视觉测量(VO)的基本问题。通常,基于纯几何的算法与特征点提取和匹配中的深度学习不那么稳健,但由于其成熟的几何理论,在自我运动估计中表现良好。在这项工作中,首先提出了一种新颖的光学流量网络(PANET)内置于位置感知机构。然后,提出了一种在没有典型网络的情况下共同估计深度,光学流动和自我运动来学习自我运动的新系统。所提出的系统的关键组件是一种改进的束调节模块,其包含多个采样,初始化的自我运动,动态阻尼因子调整和Jacobi矩阵加权。另外,新颖的相对光度损耗函数先进以提高深度估计精度。该实验表明,所提出的系统在基于基于基于基于基于基于基于基于学习的基于学习的方法之间的深度,流量和VO估计方面不仅优于其他最先进的方法,而且与几何形状相比,也显着提高了鲁棒性 - 基于,基于学习和混合VO系统。进一步的实验表明,我们的模型在挑战室内(TMU-RGBD)和室外(KAIST)场景中实现了出色的泛化能力和性能。
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我们提出了场景运动的新颖双流表示,将光流分​​解为由摄像机运动引起的静态流场和另一个由场景中对象的运动引起的动态流场。基于此表示形式,我们提出了一个动态的大满贯,称为Deflowslam,它利用图像中的静态和动态像素来求解相机的姿势,而不是像其他动态SLAM系统一样简单地使用静态背景像素。我们提出了一个动态更新模块,以一种自我监督的方式训练我们的Deflowslam,其中密集的束调节层采用估计的静态流场和由动态掩码控制的权重,并输出优化的静态流动场的残差,相机姿势的残差,和反度。静态和动态流场是通过将当前图像翘曲到相邻图像来估计的,并且可以通过将两个字段求和来获得光流。广泛的实验表明,在静态场景和动态场景中,Deflowslam可以很好地推广到静态和动态场景,因为它表现出与静态和动态较小的场景中最先进的Droid-Slam相当的性能,同时在高度动态的环境中表现出明显优于Droid-Slam。代码和数据可在项目网页上找到:\ urlstyle {tt} \ textColor {url_color} {\ url {https://zju3dv.github.io/deflowslam/}}}。
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我们提出了一个新颖的圆锥视觉探针仪框架,称为PVO,以对场景的运动,几何形状和泛型分割信息进行更全面的建模。 PVO在统一的视图中模拟视觉探光仪(VO)和视频全景分割(VPS),从而使这两个任务能够相互促进。具体来说,我们将一个泛型更新模块引入VO模块,该模块在图像泛型分段上运行。该泛型增强的VO模块可以通过调整优化的相机姿势的权重来修剪相机姿势估计中动态对象的干扰。另一方面,使用摄像头姿势,深度和光流,通过将当前帧的圆形分割结果融合到相邻框架中,从而提高了VO-增强VPS模块,从而提高了分割精度。模块。这两个模块通过反复的迭代优化互相贡献。广泛的实验表明,PVO在视觉景观和视频综合分割任务中的最先进方法均优于最先进的方法。代码和数据可在项目网页上找到:\ urlstyle {tt} \ textColor {url_color} {\ url {https://zju3dv.github.io/pvo/pvo/}}}。
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从单眼视频中估算移动摄像头的姿势是一个具有挑战性的问题,尤其是由于动态环境中移动对象的存在,在动态环境中,现有摄像头姿势估计方法的性能易于几何一致的像素。为了应对这一挑战,我们为视频提供了一种强大的密度间接结构,该结构是基于由成对光流初始化的致密对应的。我们的关键想法是将远程视频对应性优化为密集的点轨迹,并使用它来学习对运动分割的强大估计。提出了一种新型的神经网络结构来处理不规则的点轨迹数据。然后,在远程点轨迹的一部分中,通过全局捆绑式调整估算和优化摄像头姿势,这些轨迹被归类为静态。 MPI Sintel数据集的实验表明,与现有最新方法相比,我们的系统产生的相机轨迹明显更准确。此外,我们的方法能够在完全静态的场景上保留相机姿势的合理准确性,该场景始终优于端到端深度学习的强大最新密度对应方法,这证明了密集间接方法的潜力基于光流和点轨迹。由于点轨迹表示是通用的,因此我们进一步介绍了具有动态对象的复杂运动的野外单眼视频的比较。代码可在https://github.com/bytedance/particle-sfm上找到。
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We propose GeoNet, a jointly unsupervised learning framework for monocular depth, optical flow and egomotion estimation from videos. The three components are coupled by the nature of 3D scene geometry, jointly learned by our framework in an end-to-end manner. Specifically, geometric relationships are extracted over the predictions of individual modules and then combined as an image reconstruction loss, reasoning about static and dynamic scene parts separately. Furthermore, we propose an adaptive geometric consistency loss to increase robustness towards outliers and non-Lambertian regions, which resolves occlusions and texture ambiguities effectively. Experimentation on the KITTI driving dataset reveals that our scheme achieves state-of-the-art results in all of the three tasks, performing better than previously unsupervised methods and comparably with supervised ones.
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Simultaneous Localization & Mapping (SLAM) is the process of building a mutual relationship between localization and mapping of the subject in its surrounding environment. With the help of different sensors, various types of SLAM systems have developed to deal with the problem of building the relationship between localization and mapping. A limitation in the SLAM process is the lack of consideration of dynamic objects in the mapping of the environment. We propose the Dynamic Object Tracking SLAM (DyOb-SLAM), which is a Visual SLAM system that can localize and map the surrounding dynamic objects in the environment as well as track the dynamic objects in each frame. With the help of a neural network and a dense optical flow algorithm, dynamic objects and static objects in an environment can be differentiated. DyOb-SLAM creates two separate maps for both static and dynamic contents. For the static features, a sparse map is obtained. For the dynamic contents, a trajectory global map is created as output. As a result, a frame to frame real-time based dynamic object tracking system is obtained. With the pose calculation of the dynamic objects and camera, DyOb-SLAM can estimate the speed of the dynamic objects with time. The performance of DyOb-SLAM is observed by comparing it with a similar Visual SLAM system, VDO-SLAM and the performance is measured by calculating the camera and object pose errors as well as the object speed error.
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在接受高质量的地面真相(如LiDAR数据)培训时,监督的学习深度估计方法可以实现良好的性能。但是,LIDAR只能生成稀疏的3D地图,从而导致信息丢失。每个像素获得高质量的地面深度数据很难获取。为了克服这一限制,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,将有前途的平面和视差几何管道与深度信息与U-NET监督学习网络相结合的结构信息结合在一起,与现有的基于流行的学习方法相比,这会导致定量和定性的改进。特别是,该模型在两个大规模且具有挑战性的数据集上进行了评估:Kitti Vision Benchmark和CityScapes数据集,并在相对错误方面取得了最佳性能。与纯深度监督模型相比,我们的模型在薄物体和边缘的深度预测上具有令人印象深刻的性能,并且与结构预测基线相比,我们的模型的性能更加强大。
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We address the unsupervised learning of several interconnected problems in low-level vision: single view depth prediction, camera motion estimation, optical flow, and segmentation of a video into the static scene and moving regions. Our key insight is that these four fundamental vision problems are coupled through geometric constraints. Consequently, learning to solve them together simplifies the problem because the solutions can reinforce each other. We go beyond previous work by exploiting geometry more explicitly and segmenting the scene into static and moving regions. To that end, we introduce Competitive Collaboration, a framework that facilitates the coordinated training of multiple specialized neural networks to solve complex problems. Competitive Collaboration works much like expectation-maximization, but with neural networks that act as both competitors to explain pixels that correspond to static or moving regions, and as collaborators through a moderator that assigns pixels to be either static or independently moving. Our novel method integrates all these problems in a common framework and simultaneously reasons about the segmentation of the scene into moving objects and the static background, the camera motion, depth of the static scene structure, and the optical flow of moving objects. Our model is trained without any supervision and achieves state-of-the-art performance among joint unsupervised methods on all sub-problems. .
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We present an unsupervised learning framework for the task of monocular depth and camera motion estimation from unstructured video sequences. In common with recent work [10,14,16], we use an end-to-end learning approach with view synthesis as the supervisory signal. In contrast to the previous work, our method is completely unsupervised, requiring only monocular video sequences for training. Our method uses single-view depth and multiview pose networks, with a loss based on warping nearby views to the target using the computed depth and pose. The networks are thus coupled by the loss during training, but can be applied independently at test time. Empirical evaluation on the KITTI dataset demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach: 1) monocular depth performs comparably with supervised methods that use either ground-truth pose or depth for training, and 2) pose estimation performs favorably compared to established SLAM systems under comparable input settings.
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Photometric differences are widely used as supervision signals to train neural networks for estimating depth and camera pose from unlabeled monocular videos. However, this approach is detrimental for model optimization because occlusions and moving objects in a scene violate the underlying static scenario assumption. In addition, pixels in textureless regions or less discriminative pixels hinder model training. To solve these problems, in this paper, we deal with moving objects and occlusions utilizing the difference of the flow fields and depth structure generated by affine transformation and view synthesis, respectively. Secondly, we mitigate the effect of textureless regions on model optimization by measuring differences between features with more semantic and contextual information without adding networks. In addition, although the bidirectionality component is used in each sub-objective function, a pair of images are reasoned about only once, which helps reduce overhead. Extensive experiments and visual analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, which outperform existing state-of-the-art self-supervised methods under the same conditions and without introducing additional auxiliary information.
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深度和自我运动估计对于自主机器人和自主驾驶的本地化和导航至关重要。最近的研究可以从未标记的单像素视频中学习每个像素深度和自我运动。提出了一种新颖的无监督培训框架,使用显式3D几何进行3D层次细化和增强。在该框架中,深度和姿势估计在分层和相互耦合以通过层改进估计的姿势层。通过用估计的深度和粗姿势翘曲图像中的像素来提出和合成中间视图图像。然后,可以从新视图图像和相邻帧的图像估计残差变换以改进粗糙姿势。迭代细化在本文中以可分散的方式实施,使整个框架均匀优化。同时,提出了一种新的图像增强方法来综合新视图图像来施加姿势估计,这创造性地增强了3D空间中的姿势,而是获得新的增强2D图像。 Kitti的实验表明,我们的深度估计能够实现最先进的性能,甚至超过最近利用其他辅助任务的方法。我们的视觉内径术优于所有最近无监督的单眼学习的方法,并实现了基于几何的方法,ORB-SLAM2的竞争性能,具有后端优化。
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来自运动(SFM)的结构和地面相同估计对自动驾驶和其他机器人应用至关重要。最近,使用深神经网络分别用于SFM和同住估计的深度神经网络。然而,直接应用用于地面平面的现有方法可能会失败,因为道路通常是场景的一小部分。此外,深度SFM方法的性能仍然不如传统方法。在本文中,我们提出了一种方法,了解到以端到端的方式解决这两种问题,提高两者的性能。所提出的网络由深度CNN,姿势CNN和地面CNN组成。分别深度CNN和姿势 - CNN估计致密深度图和自我运动,求解SFM,而姿势 - CNN和地下CNN,接着是相同的相同层求解地面估计问题。通过强制SFM和同情侣估计结果之间的一致性,可以使用除了由搁板分段器提供的道路分割之外的光度损耗和单独的损耗来训练整个网络以结束到结束。综合实验是在基蒂基准上进行的,与各种最先进的方法相比,展示了有希望的结果。
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Visual SLAM -- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping -- in dynamic environments typically relies on identifying and masking image features on moving objects to prevent them from negatively affecting performance. Current approaches are suboptimal: they either fail to mask objects when needed or, on the contrary, mask objects needlessly. Thus, we propose a novel SLAM that learns when masking objects improves its performance in dynamic scenarios. Given a method to segment objects and a SLAM, we give the latter the ability of Temporal Masking, i.e., to infer when certain classes of objects should be masked to maximize any given SLAM metric. We do not make any priors on motion: our method learns to mask moving objects by itself. To prevent high annotations costs, we created an automatic annotation method for self-supervised training. We constructed a new dataset, named ConsInv, which includes challenging real-world dynamic sequences respectively indoors and outdoors. Our method reaches the state of the art on the TUM RGB-D dataset and outperforms it on KITTI and ConsInv datasets.
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准确的运动和深度恢复对于包括自动驾驶在内的许多机器人视觉任务很重要。以前的大多数研究都通过预定义的损失函数或跨域预测实现了合作的多任务相互作用。本文提出了一种多任务方案,该方案通过我们的流动深度(F2D),深度流动(D2F)和指数移动平均值(EMA)来实现相互帮助。 F2D和D2F机制可以基于可区分的浅网,可以在光流和深度域之间进行多尺度信息集成。双头机制用于基于分裂方式的刚性和非刚性运动来预测光流,从而显着改善了光流估计的性能。此外,为了使预测更加稳健和稳定,EMA用于我们的多任务培训。 KITTI数据集的实验结果表明,我们的多任务方案优于其他多任务方案,并为预测结果提供了明显的改进。
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在本文中,引入了一种新颖的解决方案,用于由深度学习组件构建的视觉同时定位和映射(VSLAM)。所提出的体系结构是一个高度模块化的框架,在该框架中,每个组件在基于视觉的深度学习解决方案的领域中提供了最新的最新技术。该论文表明,通过这些单个构建基块的协同整合,可以创建一个功能高效,有效的全直神经(ATDN)VSLAM系统。引入了嵌入距离损耗函数并使用ATDN体系结构进行了训练。最终的系统在Kitti数据集的子集上设法实现了4.4%的翻译和0.0176 ver/m的旋转误差。所提出的体系结构可用于有效,低延迟的自主驾驶(AD)协助数据库创建以及自动驾驶汽车(AV)控制的基础。
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