Autonomous driving confronts great challenges in complex traffic scenarios, where the risk of Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF) can be triggered by the dynamic operational environment and system insufficiencies. The SOTIF risk is reflected not only intuitively in the collision risk with objects outside the autonomous vehicles (AVs), but also inherently in the performance limitation risk of the implemented algorithms themselves. How to minimize the SOTIF risk for autonomous driving is currently a critical, difficult, and unresolved issue. Therefore, this paper proposes the "Self-Surveillance and Self-Adaption System" as a systematic approach to online minimize the SOTIF risk, which aims to provide a systematic solution for monitoring, quantification, and mitigation of inherent and external risks. The core of this system is the risk monitoring of the implemented artificial intelligence algorithms within the AV. As a demonstration of the Self-Surveillance and Self-Adaption System, the risk monitoring of the perception algorithm, i.e., YOLOv5 is highlighted. Moreover, the inherent perception algorithm risk and external collision risk are jointly quantified via SOTIF entropy, which is then propagated downstream to the decision-making module and mitigated. Finally, several challenging scenarios are demonstrated, and the Hardware-in-the-Loop experiments are conducted to verify the efficiency and effectiveness of the system. The results demonstrate that the Self-Surveillance and Self-Adaption System enables dependable online monitoring, quantification, and mitigation of SOTIF risk in real-time critical traffic environments.
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Perception algorithms in autonomous driving systems confront great challenges in long-tail traffic scenarios, where the problems of Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF) could be triggered by the algorithm performance insufficiencies and dynamic operational environment. However, such scenarios are not systematically included in current open-source datasets, and this paper fills the gap accordingly. Based on the analysis and enumeration of trigger conditions, a high-quality diverse dataset is released, including various long-tail traffic scenarios collected from multiple resources. Considering the development of probabilistic object detection (POD), this dataset marks trigger sources that may cause perception SOTIF problems in the scenarios as key objects. In addition, an evaluation protocol is suggested to verify the effectiveness of POD algorithms in identifying the key objects via uncertainty. The dataset never stops expanding, and the first batch of open-source data includes 1126 frames with an average of 2.27 key objects and 2.47 normal objects in each frame. To demonstrate how to use this dataset for SOTIF research, this paper further quantifies the perception SOTIF entropy to confirm whether a scenario is unknown and unsafe for a perception system. The experimental results show that the quantified entropy can effectively and efficiently reflect the failure of the perception algorithm.
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交叉路口是自动驾驶任务最具挑战性的场景之一。由于复杂性和随机性,在相交处的基本应用(例如行为建模,运动预测,安全验证等)在很大程度上取决于数据驱动的技术。因此,交叉点中对流量参与者(TPS)的轨迹数据集的需求很大。目前,城市地区的大多数交叉路口都配备了交通信号灯。但是,尚无用于信号交叉点的大规模,高质量,公开可用的轨迹数据集。因此,在本文中,在中国天津选择了典型的两相信号交叉点。此外,管道旨在构建信号交叉数据集(SIND),其中包含7个小时的记录,其中包括13,000多种TPS,具有7种类型。然后,记录了信德的交通违规行为。此外,也将信德与其他类似作品进行比较。 SIND的特征可以概括如下:1)信德提供了更全面的信息,包括交通信号灯状态,运动参数,高清(HD)地图等。2)TPS的类别是多种多样和特征的,其中比例是脆弱的道路使用者(VRU)最高为62.6%3)显示了多次交通信号灯违反非电动车辆的行为。我们认为,Sind将是对现有数据集的有效补充,可以促进有关自动驾驶的相关研究。该数据集可通过以下方式在线获得:
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给定图像和参考字幕,图像标题编辑任务旨在纠正未对准错误并生成精制的字幕。但是,所有现有的字幕编辑作品都是隐式模型,即它们直接生成精制字幕而无需与参考标题明确连接。在本文中,我们介绍了一项新任务:显式字幕编辑(ECE)。 ECE模型明确生成了一系列编辑操作,此编辑操作序列可以将参考字幕转换为精制的字幕。与隐式编辑相比,ECE具有多个优点:1)可解释:它可以追踪整个编辑路径。 2)编辑有效:它只需要修改几个单词。 3)像人类一样:它类似于人类执行字幕编辑的方式,并试图保持原始句子结构。为了解决这项新任务,我们提出了第一个ECE模型:Tiger。 Tiger是一种非自动回形变压器的模型,由三个模块组成:Tagger_del,Tagger_Add和Inserter。具体而言,Tagger_del决定是否应该保留每个单词,Tagger_add决定添加新单词的位置,而Inserster预测了添加的特定单词。为了进一步促进ECE研究,我们分别重新组织了两个现有数据集,分别为Coco-EE和FlickR30K-EE,提出了两个新的ECE基准。两个基准上的大量消融都证明了老虎的有效性。
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The prevailing framework for matching multimodal inputs is based on a two-stage process: 1) detecting proposals with an object detector and 2) matching text queries with proposals. Existing two-stage solutions mostly focus on the matching step. In this paper, we argue that these methods overlook an obvious \emph{mismatch} between the roles of proposals in the two stages: they generate proposals solely based on the detection confidence (i.e., query-agnostic), hoping that the proposals contain all instances mentioned in the text query (i.e., query-aware). Due to this mismatch, chances are that proposals relevant to the text query are suppressed during the filtering process, which in turn bounds the matching performance. To this end, we propose VL-NMS, which is the first method to yield query-aware proposals at the first stage. VL-NMS regards all mentioned instances as critical objects, and introduces a lightweight module to predict a score for aligning each proposal with a critical object. These scores can guide the NMS operation to filter out proposals irrelevant to the text query, increasing the recall of critical objects, resulting in a significantly improved matching performance. Since VL-NMS is agnostic to the matching step, it can be easily integrated into any state-of-the-art two-stage matching methods. We validate the effectiveness of VL-NMS on two multimodal matching tasks, namely referring expression grounding and image-text matching. Extensive ablation studies on several baselines and benchmarks consistently demonstrate the superiority of VL-NMS.
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推断从单个图像的场景照明是计算机视觉和计算机图形中的必不可少的且挑战性的任务。通过回归代表照明参数或直接生成照明映射来估计照明。然而,这些方法通常遭受差的准确性和泛化。本文介绍了几何移动器的光(GMLight),一种采用回归网络和用于有效照明估计的生成投影仪的照明估计框架。我们根据几何光分布,光强度,环境术语和辅助深度参数化照明场景,这可以由回归网络估计。灵感来自地球移动器的距离,我们设计了一种新颖的几何动力损失,以指导光分布参数的准确回归。利用估计的光参数,生成投影机用现实的外观和高频细节合成全景照明图。广泛的实验表明,GALLIVEVES实现了准确的照明估计和卓越的保真度,在欣赏3D对象插入时。该代码可在\ href { istimation} {}。
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Weakly-supervised object localization aims to indicate the category as well as the scope of an object in an image given only the image-level labels. Most of the existing works are based on Class Activation Mapping (CAM) and endeavor to enlarge the discriminative area inside the activation map to perceive the whole object, yet ignore the co-occurrence confounder of the object and context (e.g., fish and water), which makes the model inspection hard to distinguish object boundaries. Besides, the use of CAM also brings a dilemma problem that the classification and localization always suffer from a performance gap and can not reach their highest accuracy simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a casual knowledge distillation method, dubbed KD-CI-CAM, to address these two under-explored issues in one go. More specifically, we tackle the co-occurrence context confounder problem via causal intervention (CI), which explores the causalities among image features, contexts, and categories to eliminate the biased object-context entanglement in the class activation maps. Based on the de-biased object feature, we additionally propose a multi-teacher causal distillation framework to balance the absorption of classification knowledge and localization knowledge during model training. Extensive experiments on several benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of KD-CI-CAM in learning clear object boundaries from confounding contexts and addressing the dilemma problem between classification and localization performance.
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Representing and synthesizing novel views in real-world dynamic scenes from casual monocular videos is a long-standing problem. Existing solutions typically approach dynamic scenes by applying geometry techniques or utilizing temporal information between several adjacent frames without considering the underlying background distribution in the entire scene or the transmittance over the ray dimension, limiting their performance on static and occlusion areas. Our approach $\textbf{D}$istribution-$\textbf{D}$riven neural radiance fields offers high-quality view synthesis and a 3D solution to $\textbf{D}$etach the background from the entire $\textbf{D}$ynamic scene, which is called $\text{D}^4$NeRF. Specifically, it employs a neural representation to capture the scene distribution in the static background and a 6D-input NeRF to represent dynamic objects, respectively. Each ray sample is given an additional occlusion weight to indicate the transmittance lying in the static and dynamic components. We evaluate $\text{D}^4$NeRF on public dynamic scenes and our urban driving scenes acquired from an autonomous-driving dataset. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms previous methods in rendering texture details and motion areas while also producing a clean static background. Our code will be released at
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Inferring missing links or detecting spurious ones based on observed graphs, known as link prediction, is a long-standing challenge in graph data analysis. With the recent advances in deep learning, graph neural networks have been used for link prediction and have achieved state-of-the-art performance. Nevertheless, existing methods developed for this purpose are typically discriminative, computing features of local subgraphs around two neighboring nodes and predicting potential links between them from the perspective of subgraph classification. In this formalism, the selection of enclosing subgraphs and heuristic structural features for subgraph classification significantly affects the performance of the methods. To overcome this limitation, this paper proposes a novel and radically different link prediction algorithm based on the network reconstruction theory, called GraphLP. Instead of sampling positive and negative links and heuristically computing the features of their enclosing subgraphs, GraphLP utilizes the feature learning ability of deep-learning models to automatically extract the structural patterns of graphs for link prediction under the assumption that real-world graphs are not locally isolated. Moreover, GraphLP explores high-order connectivity patterns to utilize the hierarchical organizational structures of graphs for link prediction. Our experimental results on all common benchmark datasets from different applications demonstrate that the proposed method consistently outperforms other state-of-the-art methods. Unlike the discriminative neural network models used for link prediction, GraphLP is generative, which provides a new paradigm for neural-network-based link prediction.
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Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is one of the core research areas in mobile and wearable computing. With the application of deep learning (DL) techniques such as CNN, recognizing periodic or static activities (e.g, walking, lying, cycling, etc.) has become a well studied problem. What remains a major challenge though is the sporadic activity recognition (SAR) problem, where activities of interest tend to be non periodic, and occur less frequently when compared with the often large amount of irrelevant background activities. Recent works suggested that sequential DL models (such as LSTMs) have great potential for modeling nonperiodic behaviours, and in this paper we studied some LSTM training strategies for SAR. Specifically, we proposed two simple yet effective LSTM variants, namely delay model and inverse model, for two SAR scenarios (with and without time critical requirement). For time critical SAR, the delay model can effectively exploit predefined delay intervals (within tolerance) in form of contextual information for improved performance. For regular SAR task, the second proposed, inverse model can learn patterns from the time series in an inverse manner, which can be complementary to the forward model (i.e.,LSTM), and combining both can boost the performance. These two LSTM variants are very practical, and they can be deemed as training strategies without alteration of the LSTM fundamentals. We also studied some additional LSTM training strategies, which can further improve the accuracy. We evaluated our models on two SAR and one non-SAR datasets, and the promising results demonstrated the effectiveness of our approaches in HAR applications.
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