为了推动满足所有人需求并使医疗保健民主化的健康创新,有必要评估各种分配转变的深度学习(DL)算法的概括性能,以确保这些算法具有强大的态度。据我们所知,这项回顾性研究是第一个开发和评估从跨种族,年龄和性别的长期跳动间隔的AF事件检测的深度学习模型(DL)模型的概括性能(DL)模型的概括。新的复发DL模型(表示为ARNET2)是在2,147名患者的大型回顾性数据集中开发的,总计51,386小时连续心电图(ECG)。对来自四个中心(美国,以色列,日本和中国)的手动注释测试集评估了模型的概括,总计402名患者。该模型在以色列海法的Rambam医院Holter Clinic的1,730个Consecutives Holter记录中进一步验证了该模型。该模型的表现优于最先进的模型,并且在种族,年龄和性别之间进行了广泛的良好。女性的表现高于男性和年轻人(不到60岁),并且在种族之间显示出一些差异。解释这些变化的主要发现是心房颤动患病率更高(AFL)的群体的性能受损。我们关于跨组的ARNET2相对性能的发现可能对选择相对于感兴趣群的首选AF检查方法具有临床意义。
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Light guide plates are essential optical components widely used in a diverse range of applications ranging from medical lighting fixtures to back-lit TV displays. In this work, we introduce a fully-integrated, high-throughput, high-performance deep learning-driven workflow for light guide plate surface visual quality inspection (VQI) tailored for real-world manufacturing environments. To enable automated VQI on the edge computing within the fully-integrated VQI system, a highly compact deep anti-aliased attention condenser neural network (which we name LightDefectNet) tailored specifically for light guide plate surface defect detection in resource-constrained scenarios was created via machine-driven design exploration with computational and "best-practices" constraints as well as L_1 paired classification discrepancy loss. Experiments show that LightDetectNet achieves a detection accuracy of ~98.2% on the LGPSDD benchmark while having just 770K parameters (~33X and ~6.9X lower than ResNet-50 and EfficientNet-B0, respectively) and ~93M FLOPs (~88X and ~8.4X lower than ResNet-50 and EfficientNet-B0, respectively) and ~8.8X faster inference speed than EfficientNet-B0 on an embedded ARM processor. As such, the proposed deep learning-driven workflow, integrated with the aforementioned LightDefectNet neural network, is highly suited for high-throughput, high-performance light plate surface VQI within real-world manufacturing environments.
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The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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Prescriptive process monitoring methods seek to improve the performance of a process by selectively triggering interventions at runtime (e.g., offering a discount to a customer) to increase the probability of a desired case outcome (e.g., a customer making a purchase). The backbone of a prescriptive process monitoring method is an intervention policy, which determines for which cases and when an intervention should be executed. Existing methods in this field rely on predictive models to define intervention policies; specifically, they consider policies that trigger an intervention when the estimated probability of a negative outcome exceeds a threshold. However, the probabilities computed by a predictive model may come with a high level of uncertainty (low confidence), leading to unnecessary interventions and, thus, wasted effort. This waste is particularly problematic when the resources available to execute interventions are limited. To tackle this shortcoming, this paper proposes an approach to extend existing prescriptive process monitoring methods with so-called conformal predictions, i.e., predictions with confidence guarantees. An empirical evaluation using real-life public datasets shows that conformal predictions enhance the net gain of prescriptive process monitoring methods under limited resources.
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从分区的输入空间中生成不安全的子要求,以支持验证引导的测试案例以正式验证黑盒模型,这对研究人员来说是一个具有挑战性的问题。搜索空间的大小使详尽的搜索在计算上是不切实际的。本文调查了一种元热疗法方法,以在分区的输入空间中搜索不安全的候选子要求。我们提出了一种负选择算法(NSA),用于识别给定安全性质内候选人的不安全区域。 NSA算法的元效力能力使得在验证这些区域的一部分时估算庞大的不安全区域成为可能。我们利用分区空间的并行执行来生产安全区域。基于安全区域的先验知识的NSA用于识别候选不安全区域,然后使用Marabou框架来验证NSA结果。我们的初步实验和评估表明,该程序在用Marabou框架验证的高精度验证时发现候选人不安全的子裁定。
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以安全为导向的研究思想和应用的开发需要精细的车辆轨迹数据,这些数据不仅具有很高的精度,而且还捕获了大量关键安全事件。本文介绍了Citysim数据集,该数据集的设计核心目的是促进基于安全的研究和应用。 Citysim的车辆轨迹从在12个不同位置录制的1140分钟的无人机视频中提取。它涵盖了各种道路几何形状,包括高速公路基本段,编织段,高速公路合并/偏离段,信号交叉点,停止对照的交叉点以及没有符号/信号控制的交叉点。通过五步操作生成CitySim轨迹,以确保轨迹精度。此外,数据集提供了车辆旋转的边界框信息,该信息被证明可以改善安全评估。与其他基于视频的轨迹数据集相比,CitySim数据集的严重性更高,包括切入,合并和分歧事件,其严重性更高。此外,CitySim通过提供相关资产(如记录位置的3D基本地图和信号时间)来促进对数字双胞胎应用的研究。这些功能为安全研究和应用程序提供了更全面的条件,例如自动驾驶汽车安全和基于位置的安全分析。该数据集可在https://github.com/ozheng1993/ucf-sst-citysim-dataset上在线获得。
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随着越来越多的深度学习对在设备上的Tinyml应用程序的采用,人们对对边缘进行优化的更有效的神经网络骨架的需求不断增加。最近,注意力冷凝器网络的引入导致低英寸,高效,自我发挥的神经网络,在准确性和速度之间取得了强大的平衡。在这项研究中,我们介绍了一种新的更快的注意力冷凝器设计,称为双感应注意力冷凝器,以实现更多的冷凝特征嵌入。我们进一步采用了机器驱动的设计探索策略,该策略施加了最佳实践设计限制,以提高效率和稳健性,以产生骨干的宏观构造结构。与其他几个其他最先进的有效骨架相比,所得的主链(我们命名为“参加”)在嵌入式ARM处理器上的推理吞吐量明显更高(以较高的精度和速度比FB-NET C快> 10倍)小型型号尺寸(以较高的速度和类似的精度小于OFA-62小1.47倍),并且准确性(以更高速度的ImageNet上的MobileVit Xs高1.1%)。这些有希望的结果表明,探索不同的有效体系结构设计和自我注意力的机制可以为Tinyml应用带来有趣的新构建块。
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随着大数据挖掘和现代大量文本分析的出现和普及,自动化文本摘要在从文档中提取和检索重要信息而变得突出。这项研究从单个和多个文档的角度研究了自动文本摘要的各个方面。摘要是将庞大的文本文章凝结成简短的摘要版本的任务。为了摘要目的,该文本的大小减小,但保留了关键的重要信息并保留原始文档的含义。这项研究介绍了潜在的Dirichlet分配(LDA)方法,用于从具有与基因和疾病有关的主题进行摘要的医学科学期刊文章进行主题建模。在这项研究中,基于Pyldavis Web的交互式可视化工具用于可视化所选主题。可视化提供了主要主题的总体视图,同时允许并将深度含义归因于流行率单个主题。这项研究提出了一种新颖的方法来汇总单个文档和多个文档。结果表明,使用提取性摘要技术在处理后的文档中考虑其主题患病率的概率,纯粹是通过考虑其术语来排名的。 Pyldavis可视化描述了探索主题与拟合LDA模型的术语的灵活性。主题建模结果显示了主题1和2中的流行率。该关联表明,本研究中的主题1和2中的术语之间存在相似性。使用潜在语义分析(LSA)和面向召回的研究测量LDA和提取性摘要方法的功效,以评估模型的可靠性和有效性。
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