The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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Human modeling and relighting are two fundamental problems in computer vision and graphics, where high-quality datasets can largely facilitate related research. However, most existing human datasets only provide multi-view human images captured under the same illumination. Although valuable for modeling tasks, they are not readily used in relighting problems. To promote research in both fields, in this paper, we present UltraStage, a new 3D human dataset that contains more than 2K high-quality human assets captured under both multi-view and multi-illumination settings. Specifically, for each example, we provide 32 surrounding views illuminated with one white light and two gradient illuminations. In addition to regular multi-view images, gradient illuminations help recover detailed surface normal and spatially-varying material maps, enabling various relighting applications. Inspired by recent advances in neural representation, we further interpret each example into a neural human asset which allows novel view synthesis under arbitrary lighting conditions. We show our neural human assets can achieve extremely high capture performance and are capable of representing fine details such as facial wrinkles and cloth folds. We also validate UltraStage in single image relighting tasks, training neural networks with virtual relighted data from neural assets and demonstrating realistic rendering improvements over prior arts. UltraStage will be publicly available to the community to stimulate significant future developments in various human modeling and rendering tasks.
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In this study, we explore the representation mapping from the domain of visual arts to the domain of music, with which we can use visual arts as an effective handle to control music generation. Unlike most studies in multimodal representation learning that are purely data-driven, we adopt an analysis-by-synthesis approach that combines deep music representation learning with user studies. Such an approach enables us to discover \textit{interpretable} representation mapping without a huge amount of paired data. In particular, we discover that visual-to-music mapping has a nice property similar to equivariant. In other words, we can use various image transformations, say, changing brightness, changing contrast, style transfer, to control the corresponding transformations in the music domain. In addition, we released the Vis2Mus system as a controllable interface for symbolic music generation.
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Autonomous driving confronts great challenges in complex traffic scenarios, where the risk of Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF) can be triggered by the dynamic operational environment and system insufficiencies. The SOTIF risk is reflected not only intuitively in the collision risk with objects outside the autonomous vehicles (AVs), but also inherently in the performance limitation risk of the implemented algorithms themselves. How to minimize the SOTIF risk for autonomous driving is currently a critical, difficult, and unresolved issue. Therefore, this paper proposes the "Self-Surveillance and Self-Adaption System" as a systematic approach to online minimize the SOTIF risk, which aims to provide a systematic solution for monitoring, quantification, and mitigation of inherent and external risks. The core of this system is the risk monitoring of the implemented artificial intelligence algorithms within the AV. As a demonstration of the Self-Surveillance and Self-Adaption System, the risk monitoring of the perception algorithm, i.e., YOLOv5 is highlighted. Moreover, the inherent perception algorithm risk and external collision risk are jointly quantified via SOTIF entropy, which is then propagated downstream to the decision-making module and mitigated. Finally, several challenging scenarios are demonstrated, and the Hardware-in-the-Loop experiments are conducted to verify the efficiency and effectiveness of the system. The results demonstrate that the Self-Surveillance and Self-Adaption System enables dependable online monitoring, quantification, and mitigation of SOTIF risk in real-time critical traffic environments.
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交叉路口是自动驾驶任务最具挑战性的场景之一。由于复杂性和随机性,在相交处的基本应用(例如行为建模,运动预测,安全验证等)在很大程度上取决于数据驱动的技术。因此,交叉点中对流量参与者(TPS)的轨迹数据集的需求很大。目前,城市地区的大多数交叉路口都配备了交通信号灯。但是,尚无用于信号交叉点的大规模,高质量,公开可用的轨迹数据集。因此,在本文中,在中国天津选择了典型的两相信号交叉点。此外,管道旨在构建信号交叉数据集(SIND),其中包含7个小时的记录,其中包括13,000多种TPS,具有7种类型。然后,记录了信德的交通违规行为。此外,也将信德与其他类似作品进行比较。 SIND的特征可以概括如下:1)信德提供了更全面的信息,包括交通信号灯状态,运动参数,高清(HD)地图等。2)TPS的类别是多种多样和特征的,其中比例是脆弱的道路使用者(VRU)最高为62.6%3)显示了多次交通信号灯违反非电动车辆的行为。我们认为,Sind将是对现有数据集的有效补充,可以促进有关自动驾驶的相关研究。该数据集可通过以下方式在线获得:
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自动驾驶技术的加速开发对获得大量高质量数据的需求更大。标签,现实世界数据代表性是培训深度学习网络的燃料,对于改善自动驾驶感知算法至关重要。在本文中,我们介绍了PANDASET,由完整的高精度自动车辆传感器套件生产的第一个数据集,具有无需成本商业许可证。使用一个360 {\ DEG}机械纺丝利达,一个前置,远程LIDAR和6个摄像机收集数据集。DataSet包含100多个场景,每个场景为8秒,为目标分类提供28种类型的标签和37种类型的语义分割标签。我们提供仅限LIDAR 3D对象检测的基线,LIDAR-Camera Fusion 3D对象检测和LIDAR点云分割。有关Pandaset和开发套件的更多详细信息,请参阅。
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在相应的辅助对比的指导下,目标对比度的超级分辨磁共振(MR)图像(提供了其他解剖信息)是快速MR成像的新解决方案。但是,当前的多对比超分辨率(SR)方法倾向于直接连接不同的对比度,从而忽略了它们在不同的线索中的关系,例如在高强度和低强度区域中。在这项研究中,我们提出了一个可分离的注意网络(包括高强度的优先注意力和低强度分离注意力),名为SANET。我们的卫生网可以借助辅助对比度探索“正向”和“反向”方向中高强度和低强度区域的区域,同时学习目标对比MR的SR的更清晰的解剖结构和边缘信息图片。 SANET提供了三个吸引人的好处:(1)这是第一个探索可分离的注意机制的模型,该机制使用辅助对比来预测高强度和低强度区域,将更多的注意力转移到精炼这些区域和这些区域之间的任何不确定细节和纠正重建结果中的细小区域。 (2)提出了一个多阶段集成模块,以学习多个阶段的多对比度融合的响应,获得融合表示之间的依赖性,并提高其表示能力。 (3)在FastMRI和Clinical \ textit {in Vivo}数据集上进行了各种最先进的多对比度SR方法的广泛实验,证明了我们模型的优势。
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一种简单自然的增强学习算法(RL)是蒙特卡洛探索开始(MCES),通过平均蒙特卡洛回报来估算Q功能,并通过选择最大化Q当前估计的行动来改进策略。 -功能。探索是通过“探索开始”来执行的,即每个情节以随机选择的状态和动作开始,然后遵循当前的策略到终端状态。在Sutton&Barto(2018)的RL经典书中,据说建立MCES算法的收敛是RL中最重要的剩余理论问题之一。但是,MCE的收敛问题证明是非常细微的。 Bertsekas&Tsitsiklis(1996)提供了一个反例,表明MCES算法不一定会收敛。 TSITSIKLIS(2002)进一步表明,如果修改了原始MCES算法,以使Q-功能估计值以所有状态行动对以相同的速率更新,并且折现因子严格少于一个,则MCES算法收敛。在本文中,我们通过Sutton&Barto(1998)中给出的原始,更有效的MCES算法取得进展政策。这样的MDP包括大量的环境,例如所有确定性环境和所有具有时间步长的情节环境或作为状态的任何单调变化的值。与以前使用随机近似的证据不同,我们引入了一种新型的感应方法,该方法非常简单,仅利用大量的强规律。
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The development of social media user stance detection and bot detection methods rely heavily on large-scale and high-quality benchmarks. However, in addition to low annotation quality, existing benchmarks generally have incomplete user relationships, suppressing graph-based account detection research. To address these issues, we propose a Multi-Relational Graph-Based Twitter Account Detection Benchmark (MGTAB), the first standardized graph-based benchmark for account detection. To our knowledge, MGTAB was built based on the largest original data in the field, with over 1.55 million users and 130 million tweets. MGTAB contains 10,199 expert-annotated users and 7 types of relationships, ensuring high-quality annotation and diversified relations. In MGTAB, we extracted the 20 user property features with the greatest information gain and user tweet features as the user features. In addition, we performed a thorough evaluation of MGTAB and other public datasets. Our experiments found that graph-based approaches are generally more effective than feature-based approaches and perform better when introducing multiple relations. By analyzing experiment results, we identify effective approaches for account detection and provide potential future research directions in this field. Our benchmark and standardized evaluation procedures are freely available at:
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