To effectively train accurate Relation Extraction models, sufficient and properly labeled data is required. Adequately labeled data is difficult to obtain and annotating such data is a tricky undertaking. Previous works have shown that either accuracy has to be sacrificed or the task is extremely time-consuming, if done accurately. We are proposing an approach in order to produce high-quality datasets for the task of Relation Extraction quickly. Neural models, trained to do Relation Extraction on the created datasets, achieve very good results and generalize well to other datasets. In our study, we were able to annotate 10,022 sentences for 19 relations in a reasonable amount of time, and trained a commonly used baseline model for each relation.
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With an increasing amount of data in the art world, discovering artists and artworks suitable to collectors' tastes becomes a challenge. It is no longer enough to use visual information, as contextual information about the artist has become just as important in contemporary art. In this work, we present a generic Natural Language Processing framework (called ArtLM) to discover the connections among contemporary artists based on their biographies. In this approach, we first continue to pre-train the existing general English language models with a large amount of unlabelled art-related data. We then fine-tune this new pre-trained model with our biography pair dataset manually annotated by a team of professionals in the art industry. With extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our ArtLM achieves 85.6% accuracy and 84.0% F1 score and outperforms other baseline models. We also provide a visualisation and a qualitative analysis of the artist network built from ArtLM's outputs.
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Applications such as employees sharing office spaces over a workweek can be modeled as problems where agents are matched to resources over multiple rounds. Agents' requirements limit the set of compatible resources and the rounds in which they want to be matched. Viewing such an application as a multi-round matching problem on a bipartite compatibility graph between agents and resources, we show that a solution (i.e., a set of matchings, with one matching per round) can be found efficiently if one exists. To cope with situations where a solution does not exist, we consider two extensions. In the first extension, a benefit function is defined for each agent and the objective is to find a multi-round matching to maximize the total benefit. For a general class of benefit functions satisfying certain properties (including diminishing returns), we show that this multi-round matching problem is efficiently solvable. This class includes utilitarian and Rawlsian welfare functions. For another benefit function, we show that the maximization problem is NP-hard. In the second extension, the objective is to generate advice to each agent (i.e., a subset of requirements to be relaxed) subject to a budget constraint so that the agent can be matched. We show that this budget-constrained advice generation problem is NP-hard. For this problem, we develop an integer linear programming formulation as well as a heuristic based on local search. We experimentally evaluate our algorithms on synthetic networks and apply them to two real-world situations: shared office spaces and matching courses to classrooms.
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It is well known that the performance of any classification model is effective if the dataset used for the training process and the test process satisfy some specific requirements. In other words, the more the dataset size is large, balanced, and representative, the more one can trust the proposed model's effectiveness and, consequently, the obtained results. Unfortunately, large-size anonymous datasets are generally not publicly available in biomedical applications, especially those dealing with pathological human face images. This concern makes using deep-learning-based approaches challenging to deploy and difficult to reproduce or verify some published results. In this paper, we suggest an efficient method to generate a realistic anonymous synthetic dataset of human faces with the attributes of acne disorders corresponding to three levels of severity (i.e. Mild, Moderate and Severe). Therefore, a specific hierarchy StyleGAN-based algorithm trained at distinct levels is considered. To evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme, we consider a CNN-based classification system, trained using the generated synthetic acneic face images and tested using authentic face images. Consequently, we show that an accuracy of 97,6\% is achieved using InceptionResNetv2. As a result, this work allows the scientific community to employ the generated synthetic dataset for any data processing application without restrictions on legal or ethical concerns. Moreover, this approach can also be extended to other applications requiring the generation of synthetic medical images. We can make the code and the generated dataset accessible for the scientific community.
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该报告解释,实施和扩展了“更紧密的变化界限不一定更好”所介绍的作品(T Rainforth等,2018)。我们提供了理论和经验证据,这些证据增加了重要性的重要性数量$ k $在重要性加权自动编码器(IWAE)中(Burda等,2016)降低了推理中梯度估计量的信噪比(SNR)网络,从而影响完整的学习过程。换句话说,即使增加$ k $减少了梯度的标准偏差,但它也会更快地降低真实梯度的幅度,从而增加梯度更新的相对差异。进行广泛的实验以了解$ k $的重要性。这些实验表明,更紧密的变化界限对生成网络有益,而宽松的边界对推理网络来说是可取的。通过这些见解,可以实施和研究三种方法:部分重要性加权自动编码器(PIWAE),倍增重要性加权自动编码器(MIWAE)和组合重要性加权自动编码器(CIWAE)。这三种方法中的每一种都需要IWAE作为一种特殊情况,但采用不同的重量权重,以确保较高的梯度估计器的SNR。在我们的研究和分析中,这些算法的疗效在多个数据集(如MNIST和Omniglot)上进行了测试。最后,我们证明了三种呈现的IWAE变化能够产生近似后验分布,这些分布与IWAE更接近真正的后验分布,同时匹配IWAE生成网络的性能,或者在PIWAE的情况下可能超过其表现。
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大多数经典的大满贯系统都依赖于静态场景假设,这限制了其在现实世界中的适用性。最近提出了最近的SLAM框架来同时跟踪相机和移动对象。但是,他们通常无法估计物体的规范姿势并表现出低对象跟踪精度。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了Twistslam ++,这是一种语义,动态的,全动态的,可融合立体声图像和LiDAR信息。使用语义信息,我们跟踪可能移动对象,并将它们与LIDAR扫描中的3D对象检测相关联,以获得其姿势和尺寸。然后,我们对连续对象扫描进行注册以完善对象姿势估计。最后,使用对象扫描来估计对象的形状,并约束MAP点位于BA内的估计表面上。我们在经典的基准上表明,基于多模式信息的这种融合方法提高了对象跟踪的准确性。
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