快速准确地检测该疾病可以大大帮助减少任何国家医疗机构对任何大流行期间死亡率降低死亡率的压力。这项工作的目的是使用新型的机器学习框架创建多模式系统,该框架同时使用胸部X射线(CXR)图像和临床数据来预测COVID-19患者的严重程度。此外,该研究还提出了一种基于nom图的评分技术,用于预测高危患者死亡的可能性。这项研究使用了25种生物标志物和CXR图像,以预测意大利第一波Covid-19(3月至6月2020年3月至6月)在930名Covid-19患者中的风险。提出的多模式堆叠技术分别产生了89.03%,90.44%和89.03%的精度,灵敏度和F1分数,以识别低风险或高危患者。与CXR图像或临床数据相比,这种多模式方法可提高准确性6%。最后,使用多元逻辑回归的列线图评分系统 - 用于对第一阶段确定的高风险患者的死亡风险进行分层。使用随机森林特征选择模型将乳酸脱氢酶(LDH),O2百分比,白细胞(WBC)计数,年龄和C反应蛋白(CRP)鉴定为有用的预测指标。开发了五个预测因素参数和基于CXR图像的列函数评分,以量化死亡的概率并将其分为两个风险组:分别存活(<50%)和死亡(> = 50%)。多模式技术能够预测F1评分为92.88%的高危患者的死亡概率。开发和验证队列曲线下的面积分别为0.981和0.939。
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The Government of Kerala had increased the frequency of supply of free food kits owing to the pandemic, however, these items were static and not indicative of the personal preferences of the consumers. This paper conducts a comparative analysis of various clustering techniques on a scaled-down version of a real-world dataset obtained through a conjoint analysis-based survey. Clustering carried out by centroid-based methods such as k means is analyzed and the results are plotted along with SVD, and finally, a conclusion is reached as to which among the two is better. Once the clusters have been formulated, commodities are also decided upon for each cluster. Also, clustering is further enhanced by reassignment, based on a specific cluster loss threshold. Thus, the most efficacious clustering technique for designing a food kit tailored to the needs of individuals is finally obtained.
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Large language models (LLMs) have exploded in popularity in the past few years and have achieved undeniably impressive results on benchmarks as varied as question answering and text summarization. We provide a simple new prompting strategy that leads to yet another supposedly "super-human" result, this time outperforming humans at common sense ethical reasoning (as measured by accuracy on a subset of the ETHICS dataset). Unfortunately, we find that relying on average performance to judge capabilities can be highly misleading. LLM errors differ systematically from human errors in ways that make it easy to craft adversarial examples, or even perturb existing examples to flip the output label. We also observe signs of inverse scaling with model size on some examples, and show that prompting models to "explain their reasoning" often leads to alarming justifications of unethical actions. Our results highlight how human-like performance does not necessarily imply human-like understanding or reasoning.
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We present a method for controlling a swarm using its spectral decomposition -- that is, by describing the set of trajectories of a swarm in terms of a spatial distribution throughout the operational domain -- guaranteeing scale invariance with respect to the number of agents both for computation and for the operator tasked with controlling the swarm. We use ergodic control, decentralized across the network, for implementation. In the DARPA OFFSET program field setting, we test this interface design for the operator using the STOMP interface -- the same interface used by Raytheon BBN throughout the duration of the OFFSET program. In these tests, we demonstrate that our approach is scale-invariant -- the user specification does not depend on the number of agents; it is persistent -- the specification remains active until the user specifies a new command; and it is real-time -- the user can interact with and interrupt the swarm at any time. Moreover, we show that the spectral/ergodic specification of swarm behavior degrades gracefully as the number of agents goes down, enabling the operator to maintain the same approach as agents become disabled or are added to the network. We demonstrate the scale-invariance and dynamic response of our system in a field relevant simulator on a variety of tactical scenarios with up to 50 agents. We also demonstrate the dynamic response of our system in the field with a smaller team of agents. Lastly, we make the code for our system available.
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In this paper, we address the problem of safe trajectory planning for autonomous search and exploration in constrained, cluttered environments. Guaranteeing safe navigation is a challenging problem that has garnered significant attention. This work contributes a method that generates guaranteed safety-critical search trajectories in a cluttered environment. Our approach integrates safety-critical constraints using discrete control barrier functions (DCBFs) with ergodic trajectory optimization to enable safe exploration. Ergodic trajectory optimization plans continuous exploratory trajectories that guarantee full coverage of a space. We demonstrate through simulated and experimental results on a drone that our approach is able to generate trajectories that enable safe and effective exploration. Furthermore, we show the efficacy of our approach for safe exploration of real-world single- and multi- drone platforms.
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Large pretrained Transformer-based language models like BERT and GPT have changed the landscape of Natural Language Processing (NLP). However, fine tuning such models still requires a large number of training examples for each target task, thus annotating multiple datasets and training these models on various downstream tasks becomes time consuming and expensive. In this work, we propose a simple extension of the Prototypical Networks for few-shot text classification. Our main idea is to replace the class prototypes by Gaussians and introduce a regularization term that encourages the examples to be clustered near the appropriate class centroids. Experimental results show that our method outperforms various strong baselines on 13 public and 4 internal datasets. Furthermore, we use the class distributions as a tool for detecting potential out-of-distribution (OOD) data points during deployment.
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功能配准算法表示点云为函数(例如,空间占用场),避免了常规最小二乘Quares注册算法中不可靠的对应估计。但是,现有的功能注册算法在计算上很昂贵。此外,在基于CAD模型的对象本地化等任务中,必须使用未知量表的注册能力,但是功能注册中没有这种支持。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种比例不变的线性时间复杂性功能配准算法。我们通过使用正顺序基函数在功能之间的L2距离之间有效地近似实现线性时间复杂性。正统基函数的使用导致与最小二乘配准兼容的公式。受益于最小二乘的公式,我们使用翻译反转不变测量的理论来解除尺度估计,从而实现规模不变的注册。我们在标准的3D注册基准上评估了所提出的算法,称为FLS(功能最小二乘),显示FLS的数量级比最先进的功能配准算法快,而无需损害准确性和鲁棒性。 FLS还胜过基于最小二乘的最小二乘注册算法,其精度和鲁棒性具有已知和未知量表。最后,我们证明将FLS应用于具有不同密度和部分重叠的寄存点云,同一类别中不同对象的点云以及带有嘈杂RGB-D测量值的真实世界对象的点云。
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事实证明,在强化学习中使用人类示范可以显着提高剂性能。但是,任何要求人手动“教”该模型的要求与强化学习的目标有些相反。本文试图通过使用通过简单使用的虚拟现实模拟收集的单个人类示例来帮助进行RL培训,以最大程度地减少人类参与学习过程的参与,同时仍保留了绩效优势。我们的方法增加了一次演示,以产生许多类似人类的演示,与深层确定性的政策梯度和事后的经验重播(DDPG + HER)相结合时,可以显着改善对简单任务的训练时间,并允许代理商解决复杂的任务(Block Block堆叠)DDPG +她一个人无法解决。该模型使用单个人类示例实现了这一重要的训练优势,需要少于一分钟的人类输入。
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COX比例危害模型是用于预测给定临床或遗传协变量患者的预期寿命的生存分析的规范方法 - 它是其原始形式的线性模型。近年来,已经提出了几种将COX模型推广到神经网络的方法,但是这些方法在数字上都不是正确的,并且在计算上都没有。我们提出了FastCPH,这是一种以线性时间运行的新方法,并支持绑扎事件的标准Breslow和EFRON方法。我们还证明了FastCPH与Lassonet的性能,Lassonet是一种神经网络,可通过特征稀疏性(生存数据集)提供解释性。最终过程是有效的,选择有用的协变量,并优于现有的Coxph方法。
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