The Government of Kerala had increased the frequency of supply of free food kits owing to the pandemic, however, these items were static and not indicative of the personal preferences of the consumers. This paper conducts a comparative analysis of various clustering techniques on a scaled-down version of a real-world dataset obtained through a conjoint analysis-based survey. Clustering carried out by centroid-based methods such as k means is analyzed and the results are plotted along with SVD, and finally, a conclusion is reached as to which among the two is better. Once the clusters have been formulated, commodities are also decided upon for each cluster. Also, clustering is further enhanced by reassignment, based on a specific cluster loss threshold. Thus, the most efficacious clustering technique for designing a food kit tailored to the needs of individuals is finally obtained.
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We review clustering as an analysis tool and the underlying concepts from an introductory perspective. What is clustering and how can clusterings be realised programmatically? How can data be represented and prepared for a clustering task? And how can clustering results be validated? Connectivity-based versus prototype-based approaches are reflected in the context of several popular methods: single-linkage, spectral embedding, k-means, and Gaussian mixtures are discussed as well as the density-based protocols (H)DBSCAN, Jarvis-Patrick, CommonNN, and density-peaks.
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Self-attentive transformer models have recently been shown to solve the next item recommendation task very efficiently. The learned attention weights capture sequential dynamics in user behavior and generalize well. Motivated by the special structure of learned parameter space, we question if it is possible to mimic it with an alternative and more lightweight approach. We develop a new tensor factorization-based model that ingrains the structural knowledge about sequential data within the learning process. We demonstrate how certain properties of a self-attention network can be reproduced with our approach based on special Hankel matrix representation. The resulting model has a shallow linear architecture and compares competitively to its neural counterpart.
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The proliferation of smartphones has accelerated mobility studies by largely increasing the type and volume of mobility data available. One such source of mobility data is from GPS technology, which is becoming increasingly common and helps the research community understand mobility patterns of people. However, there lacks a standardized framework for studying the different mobility patterns created by the non-Work, non-Home locations of Working and Nonworking users on Workdays and Offdays using machine learning methods. We propose a new mobility metric, Daily Characteristic Distance, and use it to generate features for each user together with Origin-Destination matrix features. We then use those features with an unsupervised machine learning method, $k$-means clustering, and obtain three clusters of users for each type of day (Workday and Offday). Finally, we propose two new metrics for the analysis of the clustering results, namely User Commonality and Average Frequency. By using the proposed metrics, interesting user behaviors can be discerned and it helps us to better understand the mobility patterns of the users.
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可以将多任务学习(MTL)范例追溯到Caruana(1997)的早期纸张中,其中表示可以使用来自多个任务的数据,其目的是在独立地学习每个任务的旨在获得更好的性能。 MTL与相互矛盾的目标的解决方案需要在它们中进行折衷,这通常超出了直线组合可以实现的。理论上原则和计算有效的策略正在寻找不受他人主导的解决方案,因为它在帕累托分析中解决了它。多任务学习环境中产生的多目标优化问题具有特定的功能,需要adhoc方法。对这些特征的分析和新的计算方法的提议代表了这项工作的重点。多目标进化算法(MOEAS)可以容易地包括优势的概念,因此可以分析。 MOEAS的主要缺点是关于功能评估的低样本效率。此缺点的关键原因是大多数进化方法不使用模型来近似于目标函数。贝叶斯优化采用基于代理模型的完全不同的方法,例如高斯过程。在本文中,输入空间中的解决方案表示为封装功能评估中包含的知识的概率分布。在这种概率分布的空间中,赋予由Wassersein距离给出的度量,可以设计一种新的算法MOEA / WST,其中模型不直接在目标函数上,而是在输入空间中的对象的中间信息空间中被映射成直方图。计算结果表明,MoEA / WST提供的样品效率和帕累托集的质量明显优于标准MoEa。
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In the field of psychopathology, Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) methodological advancements have offered new opportunities to collect time-intensive, repeated and intra-individual measurements. This way, a large amount of data has become available, providing the means for further exploring mental disorders. Consequently, advanced machine learning (ML) methods are needed to understand data characteristics and uncover hidden and meaningful relationships regarding the underlying complex psychological processes. Among other uses, ML facilitates the identification of similar patterns in data of different individuals through clustering. This paper focuses on clustering multivariate time-series (MTS) data of individuals into several groups. Since clustering is an unsupervised problem, it is challenging to assess whether the resulting grouping is successful. Thus, we investigate different clustering methods based on different distance measures and assess them for the stability and quality of the derived clusters. These clustering steps are illustrated on a real-world EMA dataset, including 33 individuals and 15 variables. Through evaluation, the results of kernel-based clustering methods appear promising to identify meaningful groups in the data. So, efficient representations of EMA data play an important role in clustering.
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This article explores and analyzes the unsupervised clustering of large partially observed graphs. We propose a scalable and provable randomized framework for clustering graphs generated from the stochastic block model. The clustering is first applied to a sub-matrix of the graph's adjacency matrix associated with a reduced graph sketch constructed using random sampling. Then, the clusters of the full graph are inferred based on the clusters extracted from the sketch using a correlation-based retrieval step. Uniform random node sampling is shown to improve the computational complexity over clustering of the full graph when the cluster sizes are balanced. A new random degree-based node sampling algorithm is presented which significantly improves upon the performance of the clustering algorithm even when clusters are unbalanced. This framework improves the phase transitions for matrix-decomposition-based clustering with regard to computational complexity and minimum cluster size, which are shown to be nearly dimension-free in the low inter-cluster connectivity regime. A third sampling technique is shown to improve balance by randomly sampling nodes based on spatial distribution. We provide analysis and numerical results using a convex clustering algorithm based on matrix completion.
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当节点具有人口统计属性时,概率图形模型中社区结构的推理可能不会与公平约束一致。某些人口统计学可能在某些检测到的社区中过度代表,在其他人中欠代表。本文定义了一个新的$ \ ell_1 $ -regulared伪似然方法,用于公平图形模型选择。特别是,我们假设真正的基础图表​​中存在一些社区或聚类结构,我们寻求从数据中学习稀疏的无向图形及其社区,使得人口统计团体在社区内相当代表。我们的优化方法使用公平的人口统计奇偶校验定义,但框架很容易扩展到其他公平的定义。我们建立了分别,连续和二进制数据的高斯图形模型和Ising模型的提出方法的统计一致性,证明了我们的方法可以以高概率恢复图形及其公平社区。
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食品图像分类是基于图像的饮食评估的基础,以预测食物类别。由于现实生活中有许多不同的食品类别,因此传统模型无法达到足够高的准确性。个性化分类器旨在在很大程度上提高每个人的食物图像分类的准确性。但是,缺乏公共个人食品消费数据被证明是培训此类模型的挑战。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个新颖的框架,以模拟个人食品消耗数据模式,利用修改后的马尔可夫链模型和自我监督的学习。我们的方法能够从有限的初始数据中创建准确的未来数据模式,并且我们的模拟数据模式可以与初始数据模式密切相关。此外,我们使用动态的时间翘曲距离和Kullback-Leibler Divergence作为指标来评估我们方法对公共食品-101数据集中的有效性。我们的实验结果表明,与随机模拟和原始马尔可夫链方法相比,表现出色。
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Both clustering and outlier detection play an important role for meteorological measurements. We present the AWT algorithm, a clustering algorithm for time series data that also performs implicit outlier detection during the clustering. AWT integrates ideas of several well-known K-Means clustering algorithms. It chooses the number of clusters automatically based on a user-defined threshold parameter, and it can be used for heterogeneous meteorological input data as well as for data sets that exceed the available memory size. We apply AWT to crowd sourced 2-m temperature data with an hourly resolution from the city of Vienna to detect outliers and to investigate if the final clusters show general similarities and similarities with urban land-use characteristics. It is shown that both the outlier detection and the implicit mapping to land-use characteristic is possible with AWT which opens new possible fields of application, specifically in the rapidly evolving field of urban climate and urban weather.
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多臂匪徒(MAB)提供了一种原则性的在线学习方法,以达到探索和剥削之间的平衡。由于表现出色和反馈学习低,没有学习在多种情况下采取行动,因此多臂匪徒在诸如推荐系统等应用程序中引起了广泛的关注。同样,在推荐系统中,协作过滤(CF)可以说是推荐系统中最早,最具影响力的方法。至关重要的是,新用户和不断变化的推荐项目池是推荐系统需要解决的挑战。对于协作过滤,经典方法是训练模型离线,然后执行在线测试,但是这种方法无法再处理用户偏好的动态变化,即所谓的冷启动。那么,如何在没有有效信息的情况下有效地向用户推荐项目?为了解决上述问题,已经提出了一个基于多臂强盗的协作过滤推荐系统,名为BanditMF。 BANDITMF旨在解决多军强盗算法和协作过滤中的两个挑战:(1)如何在有效信息稀缺的条件下解决冷启动问题以进行协作过滤,(2)强大社会关系域中的强盗算法问题是由独立估计与每个用户相关的未知参数并忽略用户之间的相关性引起的。
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隐式反馈经常用于开发个性化的推荐服务,因为其无处不在和现实世界中的可访问性。为了有效地利用此类信息,大多数研究都采用成对排名方法对构建的培训三胞胎(用户,正面项目,负项目),并旨在区分每个用户的正面项目和负面项目。但是,这些方法中的大多数都同样对待所有训练三胞胎,这忽略了不同的正或负项目之间的微妙差异。另一方面,即使其他一些作品利用用户行为的辅助信息(例如,停留时间)来捕获这种微妙的差异,但很难获得这样的辅助信息。为了减轻上述问题,我们提出了一个名为Triplet重要性学习(TIL)的新型培训框架,该框架可以自适应地学习训练三胞胎的重要性得分。我们为重要性得分生成的两种策略设计了两种策略,并将整个过程作为双层优化,这不需要任何基于规则的设计。我们将提出的训练程序与基于图形神经网络(GNN)基于图形的推荐模型的几个矩阵分解(MF)集成在一起,证明了我们的框架的兼容性。通过使用与许多最先进方法的三个现实世界数据集进行比较,我们表明我们所提出的方法在top-k推荐方面的召回@k方面优于3-21 \%的最佳现有模型。
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推荐系统是帮助用户以个性化方式找到信息过载的兴趣项目,使用关于各用户的需求和偏好的知识。在会话推荐方法中,这些需求和偏好由系统中的交互式多匝对话框中的。文献中的一种常见方法来驱动这些对话框是逐步向用户逐步询问他们关于期望和不期望的项目特征或关于单个项目的偏好。在这种情况下,在该上下文中的核心研究目标是效率,在找到令人满意的项目之前对所需交互的数量进行评估。这通常是通过对向用户询问的最佳下一个问题的推断来实现。如今,对对话效率的研究几乎完全是经验的,旨在说明,例如,选择问题的一个策略优于给定的应用程序中的另一个策略。通过这项工作,我们将实证研究补充了理论,域名的对话建议的独立模型。该模型旨在涵盖一系列应用方案,使我们能够以正式的方式调查会话方法的效率,特别是关于设计最佳相互作用策略的计算复杂性。通过如此理论分析,我们表明,找到高效的会话策略是NP - 硬,并且在PSPace中,但对于特定类型的目录,上限降低到Polylogspace。从实际的角度来看,该结果意味着目录特征可以强烈影响个人对话策略的效率,因此在设计新策略时应考虑。从真实世界派生的数据集的初步实证分析与我们的研究结果对齐。
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