Continuous long-term monitoring of motor health is crucial for the early detection of abnormalities such as bearing faults (up to 51% of motor failures are attributed to bearing faults). Despite numerous methodologies proposed for bearing fault detection, most of them require normal (healthy) and abnormal (faulty) data for training. Even with the recent deep learning (DL) methodologies trained on the labeled data from the same machine, the classification accuracy significantly deteriorates when one or few conditions are altered. Furthermore, their performance suffers significantly or may entirely fail when they are tested on another machine with entirely different healthy and faulty signal patterns. To address this need, in this pilot study, we propose a zero-shot bearing fault detection method that can detect any fault on a new (target) machine regardless of the working conditions, sensor parameters, or fault characteristics. To accomplish this objective, a 1D Operational Generative Adversarial Network (Op-GAN) first characterizes the transition between normal and fault vibration signals of (a) source machine(s) under various conditions, sensor parameters, and fault types. Then for a target machine, the potential faulty signals can be generated, and over its actual healthy and synthesized faulty signals, a compact, and lightweight 1D Self-ONN fault detector can then be trained to detect the real faulty condition in real time whenever it occurs. To validate the proposed approach, a new benchmark dataset is created using two different motors working under different conditions and sensor locations. Experimental results demonstrate that this novel approach can accurately detect any bearing fault achieving an average recall rate of around 89% and 95% on two target machines regardless of its type, severity, and location.
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Objective: Despite numerous studies proposed for audio restoration in the literature, most of them focus on an isolated restoration problem such as denoising or dereverberation, ignoring other artifacts. Moreover, assuming a noisy or reverberant environment with limited number of fixed signal-to-distortion ratio (SDR) levels is a common practice. However, real-world audio is often corrupted by a blend of artifacts such as reverberation, sensor noise, and background audio mixture with varying types, severities, and duration. In this study, we propose a novel approach for blind restoration of real-world audio signals by Operational Generative Adversarial Networks (Op-GANs) with temporal and spectral objective metrics to enhance the quality of restored audio signal regardless of the type and severity of each artifact corrupting it. Methods: 1D Operational-GANs are used with generative neuron model optimized for blind restoration of any corrupted audio signal. Results: The proposed approach has been evaluated extensively over the benchmark TIMIT-RAR (speech) and GTZAN-RAR (non-speech) datasets corrupted with a random blend of artifacts each with a random severity to mimic real-world audio signals. Average SDR improvements of over 7.2 dB and 4.9 dB are achieved, respectively, which are substantial when compared with the baseline methods. Significance: This is a pioneer study in blind audio restoration with the unique capability of direct (time-domain) restoration of real-world audio whilst achieving an unprecedented level of performance for a wide SDR range and artifact types. Conclusion: 1D Op-GANs can achieve robust and computationally effective real-world audio restoration with significantly improved performance. The source codes and the generated real-world audio datasets are shared publicly with the research community in a dedicated GitHub repository1.
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Gathering properly labelled, adequately rich, and case-specific data for successfully training a data-driven or hybrid model for structural health monitoring (SHM) applications is a challenging task. We posit that a Transfer Learning (TL) method that utilizes available data in any relevant source domain and directly applies to the target domain through domain adaptation can provide substantial remedies to address this issue. Accordingly, we present a novel TL method that differentiates between the source's no-damage and damage cases and utilizes a domain adaptation (DA) technique. The DA module transfers the accumulated knowledge in contrasting no-damage and damage cases in the source domain to the target domain, given only the target's no-damage case. High-dimensional features allow employing signal processing domain knowledge to devise a generalizable DA approach. The Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) architecture is adopted for learning since its optimization process accommodates high-dimensional inputs in a zero-shot setting. At the same time, its training objective conforms seamlessly with the case of no-damage and damage data in SHM since its discriminator network differentiates between real (no damage) and fake (possibly unseen damage) data. An extensive set of experimental results demonstrates the method's success in transferring knowledge on differences between no-damage and damage cases across three strongly heterogeneous independent target structures. The area under the Receiver Operating Characteristics curves (Area Under the Curve - AUC) is used to evaluate the differentiation between no-damage and damage cases in the target domain, reaching values as high as 0.95. With no-damage and damage cases discerned from each other, zero-shot structural damage detection is carried out. The mean F1 scores for all damages in the three independent datasets are 0.978, 0.992, and 0.975.
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本文提出了一个低成本且高度准确的ECG监测系统,用于针对可穿戴移动传感器的个性化早期心律不齐检测。对个性化心电图监测的早期监督方法需要异常和正常的心跳来训练专用分类器。但是,在真实的情况下,个性化算法嵌入了可穿戴设备中,这种训练数据不适合没有心脏障碍史的健康人。在这项研究中,(i)我们对通过稀疏字典学习获得的健康信号空间进行了无空间分析,并研究了如何简单的无效空间投影或基于最小二乘的规范性分类方法可以降低计算复杂性,而无需牺牲牺牲计算的复杂性。与基于稀疏表示的分类相比,检测准确性。 (ii)然后,我们引入了基于稀疏表示的域适应技术,以便将其他现有用户的异常和正常信号投射到新用户的信号空间上,使我们能够训练专用的分类器而无需​​新用户的任何异常心跳。因此,无需合成异常的心跳产生,可以实现零射学习。在基准MIT-BIH ECG数据集上执行的一组大量实验表明,当该基于域的基于域的训练数据生成器与简单的1-D CNN分类器一起使用时,该方法以明显的差距优于先前的工作。 (iii)然后,通过组合(i)和(ii),我们提出了一个整体分类器,以进一步提高性能。这种零射门心律失常检测的方法的平均准确性水平为98.2%,F1得分为92.8%。最后,使用上述创新提出了一个个性化的节能ECG监测计划。
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最近的智能故障诊断(IFD)的进展大大依赖于深度代表学习和大量标记数据。然而,机器通常以各种工作条件操作,或者目标任务具有不同的分布,其中包含用于训练的收集数据(域移位问题)。此外,目标域中的新收集的测试数据通常是未标记的,导致基于无监督的深度转移学习(基于UDTL为基础的)IFD问题。虽然它已经实现了巨大的发展,但标准和开放的源代码框架以及基于UDTL的IFD的比较研究尚未建立。在本文中,我们根据不同的任务,构建新的分类系统并对基于UDTL的IFD进行全面审查。对一些典型方法和数据集的比较分析显示了基于UDTL的IFD中的一些开放和基本问题,这很少研究,包括特征,骨干,负转移,物理前导等的可转移性,强调UDTL的重要性和再现性 - 基于IFD,整个测试框架将发布给研究界以促进未来的研究。总之,发布的框架和比较研究可以作为扩展界面和基本结果,以便对基于UDTL的IFD进行新的研究。代码框架可用于\ url {https:/}。
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无监督的域适应(UDA)显示出近年来工作条件下的轴承故障诊断的显着结果。但是,大多数UDA方法都不考虑数据的几何结构。此外,通常应用全局域适应技术,这忽略了子域之间的关系。本文通过呈现新的深亚域适应图卷积神经网络(DSAGCN)来解决提到的挑战,具有两个关键特性:首先,采用图形卷积神经网络(GCNN)来模拟数据结构。二,对抗域适应和局部最大平均差异(LMMD)方法同时应用,以对准子域的分布并降低相关子域和全局域之间的结构差异。 CWRU和Paderborn轴承数据集用于验证DSAGCN方法的比较模型之间的效率和优越性。实验结果表明,将结构化子域与域适应方法对准,以获得无监督故障诊断的准确数据驱动模型。
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第五代(5G)网络和超越设想巨大的东西互联网(物联网)推出,以支持延长现实(XR),增强/虚拟现实(AR / VR),工业自动化,自主驾驶和智能所有带来的破坏性应用一起占用射频(RF)频谱的大规模和多样化的IOT设备。随着频谱嘎嘎和吞吐量挑战,这种大规模的无线设备暴露了前所未有的威胁表面。 RF指纹识别是预约的作为候选技术,可以与加密和零信任安全措施相结合,以确保无线网络中的数据隐私,机密性和完整性。在未来的通信网络中,在这项工作中,在未来的通信网络中的相关性,我们对RF指纹识别方法进行了全面的调查,从传统观点到最近的基于深度学习(DL)的算法。现有的调查大多专注于无线指纹方法的受限制呈现,然而,许多方面仍然是不可能的。然而,在这项工作中,我们通过解决信号智能(SIGINT),应用程序,相关DL算法,RF指纹技术的系统文献综述来缓解这一点,跨越过去二十年的RF指纹技术的系统文献综述,对数据集和潜在研究途径的讨论 - 必须以百科全书的方式阐明读者的必要条件。
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在工业应用中,电动机的故障近一半是由于滚动元件轴承(REB)的退化引起的。因此,准确估算REB的剩余使用寿命(RUL)对于确保机械系统的可靠性和安全至关重要。为了应对这一挑战,基于模型的方法通常受到数学建模的复杂性的限制。另一方面,传统的数据驱动方法需要巨大的努力来提取降解功能并构建健康指数。在本文中,提出了一个新颖的在线数据驱动框架,以利用深度卷积神经网络(CNN)的采用来预测轴承的统治。更具体地说,训练轴承的原始振动首先是使用Hilbert-huang变换(HHT)处理的,并将新型的非线性降解指标构建为学习标签。然后使用CNN来识别提取的降解指示器和训练轴承振动之间的隐藏模式,这使得可以自动估计测试轴承的降解。最后,通过使用$ \ epsilon $ -Support向量回归模型来预测测试轴承的规定。与最先进的方法相比,提出的规则估计框架的出色性能通过实验结果证明。提出的CNN模型的一般性也通过转移到经历不同操作条件的轴承来验证。
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脑电图(EEG)解码旨在识别基于非侵入性测量的脑活动的神经处理的感知,语义和认知含量。当应用于在静态,受控的实验室环境中获取的数据时,传统的EEG解码方法取得了适度的成功。然而,开放世界的环境是一个更现实的环境,在影响EEG录音的情况下,可以意外地出现,显着削弱了现有方法的鲁棒性。近年来,由于其在特征提取的卓越容量,深入学习(DL)被出现为潜在的解决方案。它克服了使用浅架构提取的“手工制作”功能或功能的限制,但通常需要大量的昂贵,专业标记的数据 - 并不总是可获得的。结合具有域特定知识的DL可能允许开发即使具有小样本数据,也可以开发用于解码大脑活动的鲁棒方法。虽然已经提出了各种DL方法来解决EEG解码中的一些挑战,但目前缺乏系统的教程概述,特别是对于开放世界应用程序。因此,本文为开放世界EEG解码提供了对DL方法的全面调查,并确定了有前途的研究方向,以激发现实世界应用中的脑电图解码的未来研究。
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大量的数据和创新算法使数据驱动的建模成为现代行业的流行技术。在各种数据驱动方法中,潜在变量模型(LVM)及其对应物占主要份额,并在许多工业建模领域中起着至关重要的作用。 LVM通常可以分为基于统计学习的经典LVM和基于神经网络的深层LVM(DLVM)。我们首先讨论经典LVM的定义,理论和应用,该定义和应用既是综合教程,又是对经典LVM的简短申请调查。然后,我们对当前主流DLVM进行了彻底的介绍,重点是其理论和模型体系结构,此后不久就提供了有关DLVM的工业应用的详细调查。上述两种类型的LVM具有明显的优势和缺点。具体而言,经典的LVM具有简洁的原理和良好的解释性,但是它们的模型能力无法解决复杂的任务。基于神经网络的DLVM具有足够的模型能力,可以在复杂的场景中实现令人满意的性能,但它以模型的解释性和效率为例。旨在结合美德并减轻这两种类型的LVM的缺点,并探索非神经网络的举止以建立深层模型,我们提出了一个新颖的概念,称为“轻量级Deep LVM(LDLVM)”。在提出了这个新想法之后,该文章首先阐述了LDLVM的动机和内涵,然后提供了两个新颖的LDLVM,并详尽地描述了其原理,建筑和优点。最后,讨论了前景和机会,包括重要的开放问题和可能的研究方向。
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Using Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems with extensive sensing arrangements on every civil structure can be costly and impractical. Various concepts have been introduced to alleviate such difficulties, such as Population-based SHM (PBSHM). Nevertheless, the studies presented in the literature do not adequately address the challenge of accessing the information on different structural states (conditions) of dissimilar civil structures. The study herein introduces a novel framework named Structural State Translation (SST), which aims to estimate the response data of different civil structures based on the information obtained from a dissimilar structure. SST can be defined as Translating a state of one civil structure to another state after discovering and learning the domain-invariant representation in the source domains of a dissimilar civil structure. SST employs a Domain-Generalized Cycle-Generative (DGCG) model to learn the domain-invariant representation in the acceleration datasets obtained from a numeric bridge structure that is in two different structural conditions. In other words, the model is tested on three dissimilar numeric bridge models to translate their structural conditions. The evaluation results of SST via Mean Magnitude-Squared Coherence (MMSC) and modal identifiers showed that the translated bridge states (synthetic states) are significantly similar to the real ones. As such, the minimum and maximum average MMSC values of real and translated bridge states are 91.2% and 97.1%, the minimum and the maximum difference in natural frequencies are 5.71% and 0%, and the minimum and maximum Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC) values are 0.998 and 0.870. This study is critical for data scarcity and PBSHM, as it demonstrates that it is possible to obtain data from structures while the structure is actually in a different condition or state.
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Process monitoring and control are essential in modern industries for ensuring high quality standards and optimizing production performance. These technologies have a long history of application in production and have had numerous positive impacts, but also hold great potential when integrated with Industry 4.0 and advanced machine learning, particularly deep learning, solutions. However, in order to implement these solutions in production and enable widespread adoption, the scalability and transferability of deep learning methods have become a focus of research. While transfer learning has proven successful in many cases, particularly with computer vision and homogenous data inputs, it can be challenging to apply to heterogeneous data. Motivated by the need to transfer and standardize established processes to different, non-identical environments and by the challenge of adapting to heterogeneous data representations, this work introduces the Domain Adaptation Neural Network with Cyclic Supervision (DBACS) approach. DBACS addresses the issue of model generalization through domain adaptation, specifically for heterogeneous data, and enables the transfer and scalability of deep learning-based statistical control methods in a general manner. Additionally, the cyclic interactions between the different parts of the model enable DBACS to not only adapt to the domains, but also match them. To the best of our knowledge, DBACS is the first deep learning approach to combine adaptation and matching for heterogeneous data settings. For comparison, this work also includes subspace alignment and a multi-view learning that deals with heterogeneous representations by mapping data into correlated latent feature spaces. Finally, DBACS with its ability to adapt and match, is applied to a virtual metrology use case for an etching process run on different machine types in semiconductor manufacturing.
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The monitoring of machine conditions in a plant is crucial for production in manufacturing. A sudden failure of a machine can stop production and cause a loss of revenue. The vibration signal of a machine is a good indicator of its condition. This paper presents a dataset of vibration signals from a lab-scale machine. The dataset contains four different types of machine conditions: normal, unbalance, misalignment, and bearing fault. Three machine learning methods (SVM, KNN, and GNB) evaluated the dataset, and a perfect result was obtained by one of the methods on a 1-fold test. The performance of the algorithms is evaluated using weighted accuracy (WA) since the data is balanced. The results show that the best-performing algorithm is the SVM with a WA of 99.75\% on the 5-fold cross-validations. The dataset is provided in the form of CSV files in an open and free repository at
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卷积神经网络(CNN)由于其强大的特征提取和分类功能而广泛用于机械系统的故障诊断。但是,CNN是一个典型的黑盒模型,CNN决策的机制尚不清楚,这限制了其在高可授权要求的故障诊断方案中的应用。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个新颖的可解释的神经网络,称为时频网(TFN),其中物理上有意义的时频变换(TFT)方法被嵌入传统的卷积层中,作为自适应预处理层。这个称为时频卷积(TFCONV)层的预处理层受到精心设计的内核函数的约束,以提取与故障相关的时间频率信息。它不仅改善了诊断性能,而且还揭示了频域中CNN预测的逻辑基础。不同的TFT方法对应于TFCONV层的不同内核函数。在这项研究中,考虑了四种典型的TFT方法来制定TFN,并且通过三个机械故障诊断实验证明了它们的有效性和解释性。实验结果还表明,所提出的TFCONV层可以很容易地推广到具有不同深度的其他CNN。 TFN的代码可在上获得。
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