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人类注释是不完美的,尤其是在初级实践者生产的时候。多专家共识通常被认为是黄金标准,而这种注释协议太昂贵了,无法在许多现实世界中实施。在这项研究中,我们提出了一种完善人类注释的方法,称为神经注释细化(接近)。它基于可学习的隐式函数,该函数将潜在向量解码为表示形状。通过将外观整合为隐式函数的输入,可以固定注释人工制品的外观可见。我们的方法在肾上腺分析的应用中得到了证明。我们首先表明,可以在公共肾上腺细分数据集上修复扭曲的金标准。此外,我们开发了一个新的肾上腺分析(ALAN)数据集,其中拟议的附近,每个病例都由专家分配的肾上腺及其诊断标签(正常与异常)组成。我们表明,经过近距离修复的形状训练的型号比原始的肾上腺更好地诊断肾上腺。 Alan数据集将是开源的,具有1,594个用于肾上腺诊断的形状,它是医学形状分析的新基准。代码和数据集可在https://github.com/m3dv/near上找到。
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Segmentation of lung tissue in computed tomography (CT) images is a precursor to most pulmonary image analysis applications. Semantic segmentation methods using deep learning have exhibited top-tier performance in recent years. This paper presents a fully automatic method for identifying the lungs in three-dimensional (3D) pulmonary CT images, which we call it Lung-Net. We conjectured that a significant deeper network with inceptionV3 units can achieve a better feature representation of lung CT images without increasing the model complexity in terms of the number of trainable parameters. The method has three main advantages. First, a U-Net architecture with InceptionV3 blocks is developed to resolve the problem of performance degradation and parameter overload. Then, using information from consecutive slices, a new data structure is created to increase generalization potential, allowing more discriminating features to be extracted by making data representation as efficient as possible. Finally, the robustness of the proposed segmentation framework was quantitatively assessed using one public database to train and test the model (LUNA16) and two public databases (ISBI VESSEL12 challenge and CRPF dataset) only for testing the model; each database consists of 700, 23, and 40 CT images, respectively, that were acquired with a different scanner and protocol. Based on the experimental results, the proposed method achieved competitive results over the existing techniques with Dice coefficient of 99.7, 99.1, and 98.8 for LUNA16, VESSEL12, and CRPF datasets, respectively. For segmenting lung tissue in CT images, the proposed model is efficient in terms of time and parameters and outperforms other state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, this model is publicly accessible via a graphical user interface.
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Recently, implicit neural representations have gained popularity for learning-based 3D reconstruction. While demonstrating promising results, most implicit approaches are limited to comparably simple geometry of single objects and do not scale to more complicated or large-scale scenes. The key limiting factor of implicit methods is their simple fullyconnected network architecture which does not allow for integrating local information in the observations or incorporating inductive biases such as translational equivariance. In this paper, we propose Convolutional Occupancy Networks, a more flexible implicit representation for detailed reconstruction of objects and 3D scenes. By combining convolutional encoders with implicit occupancy decoders, our model incorporates inductive biases, enabling structured reasoning in 3D space. We investigate the effectiveness of the proposed representation by reconstructing complex geometry from noisy point clouds and low-resolution voxel representations. We empirically find that our method enables the fine-grained implicit 3D reconstruction of single objects, scales to large indoor scenes, and generalizes well from synthetic to real data.
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准确的几何表示对于开发有限元模型至关重要。尽管通常只有很少的数据在准确细分精美特征,例如缝隙和薄结构方面,虽然只有很少的数据就有良好的深度学习分割方法。随后,分段的几何形状需要劳动密集型手动修改,以达到可用于模拟目的的质量。我们提出了一种使用转移学习来重复使用分段差的数据集的策略,并结合了交互式学习步骤,其中数据对数据进行微调导致解剖上精确的分割适合模拟。我们使用改良的多平台UNET,该UNET使用下髋关节分段和专用损耗函数进行预训练,以学习间隙区域和后处理,以纠正由于旋转不变性而在对称类别上的微小不准确性。我们证明了这种可靠但概念上简单的方法,采用了临床验证的髋关节扫描扫描的临床验证结果。代码和结果3D模型可在以下网址提供:\ url {https://github.com/miccai2022-155/autoseg}
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自动化的腹部多器官分割是计算机辅助诊断腹部器官相关疾病的至关重要但具有挑战性的任务。尽管许多深度学习模型在许多医学图像分割任务中取得了显着的成功,但由于腹部器官的不同大小以及它们之间的含糊界限,腹部器官的准确分割仍然具有挑战性。在本文中,我们提出了一个边界感知网络(BA-NET),以分段CT扫描和MRI扫描进行腹部器官。该模型包含共享编码器,边界解码器和分割解码器。两个解码器都采用了多尺度的深度监督策略,这可以减轻可变器官尺寸引起的问题。边界解码器在每个量表上产生的边界概率图被用作提高分割特征图的注意。我们评估了腹部多器官细分(AMOS)挑战数据集的BA-NET,并获得了CT扫描的多器官分割的平均骰子分数为89.29 $ \%$,平均骰子得分为71.92 $ \%$ \%$ \% MRI扫描。结果表明,在两个分割任务上,BA-NET优于NNUNET。
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With the advent of deep neural networks, learning-based approaches for 3D reconstruction have gained popularity. However, unlike for images, in 3D there is no canonical representation which is both computationally and memory efficient yet allows for representing high-resolution geometry of arbitrary topology. Many of the state-of-the-art learningbased 3D reconstruction approaches can hence only represent very coarse 3D geometry or are limited to a restricted domain. In this paper, we propose Occupancy Networks, a new representation for learning-based 3D reconstruction methods. Occupancy networks implicitly represent the 3D surface as the continuous decision boundary of a deep neural network classifier. In contrast to existing approaches, our representation encodes a description of the 3D output at infinite resolution without excessive memory footprint. We validate that our representation can efficiently encode 3D structure and can be inferred from various kinds of input. Our experiments demonstrate competitive results, both qualitatively and quantitatively, for the challenging tasks of 3D reconstruction from single images, noisy point clouds and coarse discrete voxel grids. We believe that occupancy networks will become a useful tool in a wide variety of learning-based 3D tasks.
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用于图像分割的深卷卷卷神经网络不会明确学习标签结构,并且可能会在类似树状结构(例如气道或血管)分割的圆柱形结构中产生不正确的结构(例如,具有断开的圆柱形结构)的分割。在本文中,我们提出了一种新型的标签改进方法,以从初始分割中纠正此类错误,并隐含地包含有关标签结构的信息。该方法具有两个新颖的部分:1)生成合成结构误差的模型,以及2)产生合成分割(带有误差)的标签外观仿真网络,其外观与实际初始分段相似。使用这些合成分割和原始图像,对标签改进网络进行了训练,以纠正错误并改善初始分割。该方法对两个分割任务进行了验证:来自胸部计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描和大脑3D CT血管造影(CTA)图像的脑血管分割的气道分割。在这两种应用中,我们的方法都大大优于标准的3D U-NET和其他先前的改进方法。当使用其他未标记的数据进行模型培训时,改进甚至更大。在消融研究中,我们证明了所提出方法的不同组成部分的值。
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迄今为止,迄今为止,众所周知,对广泛的互补临床相关任务进行了全面比较了医学图像登记方法。这限制了采用研究进展,以防止竞争方法的公平基准。在过去五年内已经探讨了许多新的学习方法,但优化,建筑或度量战略的问题非常适合仍然是开放的。 Learn2reg涵盖了广泛的解剖学:脑,腹部和胸部,方式:超声波,CT,MRI,群体:患者内部和患者内部和监督水平。我们为3D注册的培训和验证建立了较低的入境障碍,这帮助我们从20多个独特的团队中汇编了65多个单独的方法提交的结果。我们的互补度量集,包括稳健性,准确性,合理性和速度,使得能够独特地位了解当前的医学图像登记现状。进一步分析监督问题的转移性,偏见和重要性,主要是基于深度学习的方法的优越性,并将新的研究方向开放到利用GPU加速的常规优化的混合方法。
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主要的神经影像学研究推动了1.0 mm以下的3T MRI采集分辨率,以改善结构定义和形态学。然而,只有很少的时间 - 密集的自动化图像分析管道已被验证为高分辨率(雇用)设置。另一方面,有效的深度学习方法很少支持多个固定分辨率(通常1.0 mm)。此外,缺乏标准的杂交数据分辨率以及具有足够覆盖的扫描仪,年龄,疾病或遗传方差的多样化数据的有限可用性会带来额外的,未解决的挑战培训网络。将分辨率独立于基于深度学习的分割,即在一系列不同的体素大小上以其本地分辨率进行分辨率的能力,承诺克服这些挑战,但目前没有这种方法。我们现在通过向决议独立的分割任务(VINN)引入VINOSEIZED独立的神经网络(VINN)来填补这个差距,并呈现FastSurfervinn,(i)建立并实施决议独立,以获得深度学习作为同时支持0.7-1.0 mm的第一种方法分割,(ii)显着优于跨决议的最先进方法,(iii)减轻雇用数据集中存在的数据不平衡问题。总体而言,内部分辨率 - 独立性相互益处雇用和1.0 mm MRI分割。通过我们严格验证的FastSurfervinn,我们将为不同的神经视线镜分析分发一个快速工具。此外,VINN架构表示更广泛应用的有效分辨率的分段方法
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神经隐式功能的最新发展已在高质量的3D形状重建方面表现出巨大的成功。但是,大多数作品将空间分为形状的内部和外部,从而将其代表力量限制为单层和水密形状。这种局限性导致乏味的数据处理(将非紧密的原始数据转换为水密度),以及代表现实世界中一般对象形状的无能。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新颖的方法来表示一般形状,包括具有多层表面的非水平形状和形状。我们介绍了3D形状(GIF)的一般隐式函数,该功能建模了每两个点之间的关系,而不是点和表面之间的关系。 GIF没有将3D空间分为预定义的内部区域,而是编码是否将两个点分开。 Shapenet上的实验表明,在重建质量,渲染效率和视觉保真度方面,GIF的表现优于先前的最先进方法。项目页面可从https://jianglongye.com/gifs获得。
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视觉变形金刚(VIT)S表现出可观的全球和本地陈述的自我监督学习表现,可以转移到下游应用程序。灵感来自这些结果,我们介绍了一种新的自我监督学习框架,具有用于医学图像分析的定制代理任务。具体而言,我们提出:(i)以新的3D变压器为基础的型号,被称为往返变压器(Swin Unet),具有分层编码器,用于自我监督的预训练; (ii)用于学习人类解剖学潜在模式的定制代理任务。我们展示了来自各种身体器官的5,050个公共可用的计算机断层扫描(CT)图像的提出模型的成功预培训。通过微调超出颅穹窿(BTCV)分割挑战的预先调整训练模型和来自医疗细分牌组(MSD)数据集的分割任务,通过微调训练有素的模型来验证我们的方法的有效性。我们的模型目前是MSD和BTCV数据集的公共测试排行榜上的最先进的(即第1号)。代码:https://monai.io/research/swin-unetr.
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Owing to the success of transformer models, recent works study their applicability in 3D medical segmentation tasks. Within the transformer models, the self-attention mechanism is one of the main building blocks that strives to capture long-range dependencies, compared to the local convolutional-based design. However, the self-attention operation has quadratic complexity which proves to be a computational bottleneck, especially in volumetric medical imaging, where the inputs are 3D with numerous slices. In this paper, we propose a 3D medical image segmentation approach, named UNETR++, that offers both high-quality segmentation masks as well as efficiency in terms of parameters and compute cost. The core of our design is the introduction of a novel efficient paired attention (EPA) block that efficiently learns spatial and channel-wise discriminative features using a pair of inter-dependent branches based on spatial and channel attention. Our spatial attention formulation is efficient having linear complexity with respect to the input sequence length. To enable communication between spatial and channel-focused branches, we share the weights of query and key mapping functions that provide a complimentary benefit (paired attention), while also reducing the overall network parameters. Our extensive evaluations on three benchmarks, Synapse, BTCV and ACDC, reveal the effectiveness of the proposed contributions in terms of both efficiency and accuracy. On Synapse dataset, our UNETR++ sets a new state-of-the-art with a Dice Similarity Score of 87.2%, while being significantly efficient with a reduction of over 71% in terms of both parameters and FLOPs, compared to the best existing method in the literature. Code: https://github.com/Amshaker/unetr_plus_plus.
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Training parts from ShapeNet. (b) t-SNE plot of part embeddings. (c) Reconstructing entire scenes with Local Implicit Grids Figure 1:We learn an embedding of parts from objects in ShapeNet [3] using a part autoencoder with an implicit decoder. We show that this representation of parts is generalizable across object categories, and easily scalable to large scenes. By localizing implicit functions in a grid, we are able to reconstruct entire scenes from points via optimization of the latent grid.
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Implicit fields have been very effective to represent and learn 3D shapes accurately. Signed distance fields and occupancy fields are the preferred representations, both with well-studied properties, despite their restriction to closed surfaces. Several other variations and training principles have been proposed with the goal to represent all classes of shapes. In this paper, we develop a novel and yet fundamental representation by considering the unit vector field defined on 3D space: at each point in $\mathbb{R}^3$ the vector points to the closest point on the surface. We theoretically demonstrate that this vector field can be easily transformed to surface density by applying the vector field divergence. Unlike other standard representations, it directly encodes an important physical property of the surface, which is the surface normal. We further show the advantages of our vector field representation, specifically in learning general (open, closed, or multi-layered) surfaces as well as piecewise planar surfaces. We compare our method on several datasets including ShapeNet where the proposed new neural implicit field shows superior accuracy in representing any type of shape, outperforming other standard methods. The code will be released at https://github.com/edomel/ImplicitVF
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