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Real-world robotic grasping can be done robustly if a complete 3D Point Cloud Data (PCD) of an object is available. However, in practice, PCDs are often incomplete when objects are viewed from few and sparse viewpoints before the grasping action, leading to the generation of wrong or inaccurate grasp poses. We propose a novel grasping strategy, named 3DSGrasp, that predicts the missing geometry from the partial PCD to produce reliable grasp poses. Our proposed PCD completion network is a Transformer-based encoder-decoder network with an Offset-Attention layer. Our network is inherently invariant to the object pose and point's permutation, which generates PCDs that are geometrically consistent and completed properly. Experiments on a wide range of partial PCD show that 3DSGrasp outperforms the best state-of-the-art method on PCD completion tasks and largely improves the grasping success rate in real-world scenarios. The code and dataset will be made available upon acceptance.
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我们提出了多视图表演者(MVP) - 从一系列时间顺序的视图中完成3D形状完成的新体系结构。MVP通过使用称为表演者的线性注意变压器来完成此任务。我们的模型允许当前对场景的观察到以前的观察,以更准确地填充。过去观察的历史通过紧凑的关联内存来压缩,该记忆近似于现代连续的霍普菲尔德内存,但至关重要的是与历史长度无关。我们将模型与几个基线进行比较,以便随着时间的推移完成形状完成,这证明了MVP提供的概括。据我们所知,MVP是第一个多重视图体素重建方法,它不需要对多个深度视图进行注册,也需要第一个基于因果变压器的模型进行3D形状完成。
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Being able to grasp objects is a fundamental component of most robotic manipulation systems. In this paper, we present a new approach to simultaneously reconstruct a mesh and a dense grasp quality map of an object from a depth image. At the core of our approach is a novel camera-centric object representation called the "object shell" which is composed of an observed "entry image" and a predicted "exit image". We present an image-to-image residual ConvNet architecture in which the object shell and a grasp-quality map are predicted as separate output channels. The main advantage of the shell representation and the corresponding neural network architecture, ShellGrasp-Net, is that the input-output pixel correspondences in the shell representation are explicitly represented in the architecture. We show that this coupling yields superior generalization capabilities for object reconstruction and accurate grasp quality estimation implicitly considering the object geometry. Our approach yields an efficient dense grasp quality map and an object geometry estimate in a single forward pass. Both of these outputs can be used in a wide range of robotic manipulation applications. With rigorous experimental validation, both in simulation and on a real setup, we show that our shell-based method can be used to generate precise grasps and the associated grasp quality with over 90% accuracy. Diverse grasps computed on shell reconstructions allow the robot to select and execute grasps in cluttered scenes with more than 93% success rate.
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Recent 3D-based manipulation methods either directly predict the grasp pose using 3D neural networks, or solve the grasp pose using similar objects retrieved from shape databases. However, the former faces generalizability challenges when testing with new robot arms or unseen objects; and the latter assumes that similar objects exist in the databases. We hypothesize that recent 3D modeling methods provides a path towards building digital replica of the evaluation scene that affords physical simulation and supports robust manipulation algorithm learning. We propose to reconstruct high-quality meshes from real-world point clouds using state-of-the-art neural surface reconstruction method (the Real2Sim step). Because most simulators take meshes for fast simulation, the reconstructed meshes enable grasp pose labels generation without human efforts. The generated labels can train grasp network that performs robustly in the real evaluation scene (the Sim2Real step). In synthetic and real experiments, we show that the Real2Sim2Real pipeline performs better than baseline grasp networks trained with a large dataset and a grasp sampling method with retrieval-based reconstruction. The benefit of the Real2Sim2Real pipeline comes from 1) decoupling scene modeling and grasp sampling into sub-problems, and 2) both sub-problems can be solved with sufficiently high quality using recent 3D learning algorithms and mesh-based physical simulation techniques.
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Grasp learning has become an exciting and important topic in robotics. Just a few years ago, the problem of grasping novel objects from unstructured piles of clutter was considered a serious research challenge. Now, it is a capability that is quickly becoming incorporated into industrial supply chain automation. How did that happen? What is the current state of the art in robotic grasp learning, what are the different methodological approaches, and what machine learning models are used? This review attempts to give an overview of the current state of the art of grasp learning research.
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Generating grasp poses is a crucial component for any robot object manipulation task. In this work, we formulate the problem of grasp generation as sampling a set of grasps using a variational autoencoder and assess and refine the sampled grasps using a grasp evaluator model. Both Grasp Sampler and Grasp Refinement networks take 3D point clouds observed by a depth camera as input. We evaluate our approach in simulation and real-world robot experiments. Our approach achieves 88% success rate on various commonly used objects with diverse appearances, scales, and weights. Our model is trained purely in simulation and works in the real world without any extra steps. The video of our experiments can be found here.
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在以人为本的环境中工作的机器人需要知道场景中存在哪种物体,以及如何掌握和操纵不同情况下的各种对象,以帮助人类在日常任务中。因此,对象识别和抓握是此类机器人的两个关键功能。最先进的解决物体识别并将其抓握为两个单独的问题,同时都使用可视输入。此外,在训练阶段之后,机器人的知识是固定的。在这种情况下,如果机器人面临新的对象类别,则必须从划痕中重新培训以结合新信息而无需灾难性干扰。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个深入的学习架构,具有增强的存储器能力来处理开放式对象识别和同时抓握。特别地,我们的方法将物体的多视图作为输入,并共同估计像素 - 方向掌握配置以及作为输出的深度和旋转不变表示。然后通过元主动学习技术使用所获得的表示用于开放式对象识别。我们展示了我们掌握从未见过的对象的方法的能力,并在模拟和现实世界中使用非常少数的例子在现场使用很少的例子快速学习新的对象类别。
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Point cloud completion is a generation and estimation issue derived from the partial point clouds, which plays a vital role in the applications in 3D computer vision. The progress of deep learning (DL) has impressively improved the capability and robustness of point cloud completion. However, the quality of completed point clouds is still needed to be further enhanced to meet the practical utilization. Therefore, this work aims to conduct a comprehensive survey on various methods, including point-based, convolution-based, graph-based, and generative model-based approaches, etc. And this survey summarizes the comparisons among these methods to provoke further research insights. Besides, this review sums up the commonly used datasets and illustrates the applications of point cloud completion. Eventually, we also discussed possible research trends in this promptly expanding field.
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同时对象识别和姿势估计是机器人安全与人类和环境安全相互作用的两个关键功能。尽管对象识别和姿势估计都使用视觉输入,但大多数最先进的问题将它们作为两个独立的问题解决,因为前者需要视图不变的表示,而对象姿势估计需要一个与观点有关的描述。如今,多视图卷积神经网络(MVCNN)方法显示出最新的分类性能。尽管已广泛探索了MVCNN对象识别,但对多视图对象构成估计方法的研究很少,而同时解决这两个问题的研究更少。 MVCNN方法中虚拟摄像机的姿势通常是预先定义的,从而绑定了这种方法的应用。在本文中,我们提出了一种能够同时处理对象识别和姿势估计的方法。特别是,我们开发了一个深度的对象不合时宜的熵估计模型,能够预测给定3D对象的最佳观点。然后将对象的视图馈送到网络中,以同时预测目标对象的姿势和类别标签。实验结果表明,从此类位置获得的观点足以达到良好的精度得分。此外,我们设计了现实生活中的饮料场景,以证明拟议方法在真正的机器人任务中的运作效果如何。代码可在线获得:github.com/subhadityamukherjee/more_mvcnn
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变压器在自然语言处理中的成功最近引起了计算机视觉领域的关注。由于能够学习长期依赖性,变压器已被用作广泛使用的卷积运算符的替代品。事实证明,这种替代者在许多任务中都取得了成功,其中几种最先进的方法依靠变压器来更好地学习。在计算机视觉中,3D字段还见证了使用变压器来增加3D卷积神经网络和多层感知器网络的增加。尽管许多调查都集中在视力中的变压器上,但由于与2D视觉相比,由于数据表示和处理的差异,3D视觉需要特别注意。在这项工作中,我们介绍了针对不同3D视觉任务的100多种变压器方法的系统和彻底审查,包括分类,细分,检测,完成,姿势估计等。我们在3D Vision中讨论了变形金刚的设计,该设计使其可以使用各种3D表示形式处理数据。对于每个应用程序,我们强调了基于变压器的方法的关键属性和贡献。为了评估这些方法的竞争力,我们将它们的性能与12个3D基准测试的常见非转化方法进行了比较。我们通过讨论3D视觉中变压器的不同开放方向和挑战来结束调查。除了提出的论文外,我们的目标是频繁更新最新的相关论文及其相应的实现:https://github.com/lahoud/3d-vision-transformers。
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We formulate grasp learning as a neural field and present Neural Grasp Distance Fields (NGDF). Here, the input is a 6D pose of a robot end effector and output is a distance to a continuous manifold of valid grasps for an object. In contrast to current approaches that predict a set of discrete candidate grasps, the distance-based NGDF representation is easily interpreted as a cost, and minimizing this cost produces a successful grasp pose. This grasp distance cost can be incorporated directly into a trajectory optimizer for joint optimization with other costs such as trajectory smoothness and collision avoidance. During optimization, as the various costs are balanced and minimized, the grasp target is allowed to smoothly vary, as the learned grasp field is continuous. In simulation benchmarks with a Franka arm, we find that joint grasping and planning with NGDF outperforms baselines by 63% execution success while generalizing to unseen query poses and unseen object shapes. Project page: https://sites.google.com/view/neural-grasp-distance-fields.
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在本文中,我们提出了一个基于变压器的架构,即TF-Grasp,用于机器人Grasp检测。开发的TF-Grasp框架具有两个精心设计的设计,使其非常适合视觉抓握任务。第一个关键设计是,我们采用本地窗口的注意来捕获本地上下文信息和可抓取对象的详细特征。然后,我们将跨窗户注意力应用于建模遥远像素之间的长期依赖性。对象知识,环境配置和不同视觉实体之间的关系汇总以进行后续的掌握检测。第二个关键设计是,我们构建了具有跳过连接的层次编码器架构,从编码器到解码器提供了浅特征,以启用多尺度功能融合。由于具有强大的注意力机制,TF-Grasp可以同时获得局部信息(即对象的轮廓),并建模长期连接,例如混乱中不同的视觉概念之间的关系。广泛的计算实验表明,TF-GRASP在康奈尔(Cornell)和雅克(Jacquard)握把数据集上分别获得了较高的结果与最先进的卷积模型,并获得了97.99%和94.6%的较高精度。使用7DOF Franka Emika Panda机器人进行的现实世界实验也证明了其在各种情况下抓住看不见的物体的能力。代码和预培训模型将在https://github.com/wangshaosun/grasp-transformer上找到
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We present a unified and compact representation for object rendering, 3D reconstruction, and grasp pose prediction that can be inferred from a single image within a few seconds. We achieve this by leveraging recent advances in the Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) literature that learn category-level priors and fine-tune on novel objects with minimal data and time. Our insight is that we can learn a compact shape representation and extract meaningful additional information from it, such as grasping poses. We believe this to be the first work to retrieve grasping poses directly from a NeRF-based representation using a single viewpoint (RGB-only), rather than going through a secondary network and/or representation. When compared to prior art, our method is two to three orders of magnitude smaller while achieving comparable performance at view reconstruction and grasping. Accompanying our method, we also propose a new dataset of rendered shoes for training a sim-2-real NeRF method with grasping poses for different widths of grippers.
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