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This report summarizes the work carried out by the authors during the Twelfth Montreal Industrial Problem Solving Workshop, held at Universit\'e de Montr\'eal in August 2022. The team tackled a problem submitted by CBC/Radio-Canada on the theme of Automatic Text Simplification (ATS).
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创新是经济和社会发展的主要驱动力,有关多种创新的信息嵌入了专利和专利申请的半结构化数据中。尽管在专利数据中表达的创新的影响和新颖性很难通过传统手段来衡量,但ML提供了一套有希望的技术来评估新颖性,汇总贡献和嵌入语义。在本文中,我们介绍了Harvard USPTO专利数据集(HUPD),该数据集是2004年至2004年之间提交给美国专利商业办公室(USPTO)的大型,结构化和多用途的英语专利专利申请。 2018年。HUPD拥有超过450万张专利文件,是可比的Coldia的两到三倍。与以前在NLP中提出的专利数据集不同,HUPD包含了专利申请的发明人提交的版本(不是授予专利的最终版本),其中允许我们在第一次使用NLP方法进行申请时研究专利性。它在包含丰富的结构化元数据以及专利申请文本的同时也很新颖:通过提供每个应用程序的元数据及其所有文本字段,数据集使研究人员能够执行一组新的NLP任务,以利用结构性协变量的变异。作为有关HUPD的研究类型的案例研究,我们向NLP社区(即专利决策的二元分类)介绍了一项新任务。我们还显示数据集中提供的结构化元数据使我们能够对此任务进行概念转移的明确研究。最后,我们演示了如何将HUPD用于三个其他任务:专利主题领域的多类分类,语言建模和摘要。
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Training learnable metrics using modern language models has recently emerged as a promising method for the automatic evaluation of machine translation. However, existing human evaluation datasets in text simplification are limited by a lack of annotations, unitary simplification types, and outdated models, making them unsuitable for this approach. To address these issues, we introduce the SIMPEVAL corpus that contains: SIMPEVAL_ASSET, comprising 12K human ratings on 2.4K simplifications of 24 systems, and SIMPEVAL_2022, a challenging simplification benchmark consisting of over 1K human ratings of 360 simplifications including generations from GPT-3.5. Training on SIMPEVAL_ASSET, we present LENS, a Learnable Evaluation Metric for Text Simplification. Extensive empirical results show that LENS correlates better with human judgment than existing metrics, paving the way for future progress in the evaluation of text simplification. To create the SIMPEVAL datasets, we introduce RANK & RATE, a human evaluation framework that rates simplifications from several models in a list-wise manner by leveraging an interactive interface, which ensures both consistency and accuracy in the evaluation process. Our metric, dataset, and annotation toolkit are available at https://github.com/Yao-Dou/LENS.
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与简单英语的德国同行“莱希特·斯普拉奇(Leichte Sprache)”是一种旨在促进复杂的书面语言的受监管语言,否则不同的人群将无法访问。我们为简单德语 - 德语提供了一个新的与句子一致的单语语料库。它包含多个使用自动句子对准方法对齐的文档对准源。我们根据手动标记的对齐文档子集评估我们的对齐方式。通过F1得分衡量的句子对齐质量超过了先前的工作。我们根据CC BY-SA和MIT许可证的随附代码发布数据集。
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Grammatical Error Correction (GEC) is the task of automatically detecting and correcting errors in text. The task not only includes the correction of grammatical errors, such as missing prepositions and mismatched subject-verb agreement, but also orthographic and semantic errors, such as misspellings and word choice errors respectively. The field has seen significant progress in the last decade, motivated in part by a series of five shared tasks, which drove the development of rule-based methods, statistical classifiers, statistical machine translation, and finally neural machine translation systems which represent the current dominant state of the art. In this survey paper, we condense the field into a single article and first outline some of the linguistic challenges of the task, introduce the most popular datasets that are available to researchers (for both English and other languages), and summarise the various methods and techniques that have been developed with a particular focus on artificial error generation. We next describe the many different approaches to evaluation as well as concerns surrounding metric reliability, especially in relation to subjective human judgements, before concluding with an overview of recent progress and suggestions for future work and remaining challenges. We hope that this survey will serve as comprehensive resource for researchers who are new to the field or who want to be kept apprised of recent developments.
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传统上,文本简化被视为单语翻译任务,其中源文本及其简化的对应物之间的句子是对齐的。但是,尤其是对于更长的输入文档,总结文本(或完全删除相关内容)在简化过程中起重要作用,目前在现有数据集中尚未反映出该过程。同时,非英语语言的资源通常很少,并且对于培训新解决方案而言是过分的。为了解决这个问题,我们对可以共同总结和简化长源文档的系统提出了核心要求。我们进一步描述了基于德国Wikipedia和德国儿童词典“ Klexikon”的新数据集的创建,用于简化和摘要,包括近2900个文档。我们发布了一个与文档一致的版本,特别突出了摘要方面,并提供了统计证据,表明此资源也非常适合简化。代码和数据可在GitHub上找到:https://github.com/dennlinger/klexikon
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Recent lay language generation systems have used Transformer models trained on a parallel corpus to increase health information accessibility. However, the applicability of these models is constrained by the limited size and topical breadth of available corpora. We introduce CELLS, the largest (63k pairs) and broadest-ranging (12 journals) parallel corpus for lay language generation. The abstract and the corresponding lay language summary are written by domain experts, assuring the quality of our dataset. Furthermore, qualitative evaluation of expert-authored plain language summaries has revealed background explanation as a key strategy to increase accessibility. Such explanation is challenging for neural models to generate because it goes beyond simplification by adding content absent from the source. We derive two specialized paired corpora from CELLS to address key challenges in lay language generation: generating background explanations and simplifying the original abstract. We adopt retrieval-augmented models as an intuitive fit for the task of background explanation generation, and show improvements in summary quality and simplicity while maintaining factual correctness. Taken together, this work presents the first comprehensive study of background explanation for lay language generation, paving the path for disseminating scientific knowledge to a broader audience. CELLS is publicly available at: https://github.com/LinguisticAnomalies/pls_retrieval.
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为了实现长文档理解的构建和测试模型,我们引入质量,具有中文段的多项选择QA DataSet,具有约5,000个令牌的平均长度,比典型的当前模型更长。与经过段落的事先工作不同,我们的问题是由阅读整个段落的贡献者编写和验证的,而不是依赖摘要或摘录。此外,只有一半的问题是通过在紧缩时间限制下工作的注释器来应答,表明略读和简单的搜索不足以一直表现良好。目前的模型在此任务上表现不佳(55.4%),并且落后于人类性能(93.5%)。
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The recent success of large language models for text generation poses a severe threat to academic integrity, as plagiarists can generate realistic paraphrases indistinguishable from original work. However, the role of large autoregressive transformers in generating machine-paraphrased plagiarism and their detection is still developing in the literature. This work explores T5 and GPT-3 for machine-paraphrase generation on scientific articles from arXiv, student theses, and Wikipedia. We evaluate the detection performance of six automated solutions and one commercial plagiarism detection software and perform a human study with 105 participants regarding their detection performance and the quality of generated examples. Our results suggest that large models can rewrite text humans have difficulty identifying as machine-paraphrased (53% mean acc.). Human experts rate the quality of paraphrases generated by GPT-3 as high as original texts (clarity 4.0/5, fluency 4.2/5, coherence 3.8/5). The best-performing detection model (GPT-3) achieves a 66% F1-score in detecting paraphrases.
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Natural Language Generation (NLG) has improved exponentially in recent years thanks to the development of sequence-to-sequence deep learning technologies such as Transformer-based language models. This advancement has led to more fluent and coherent NLG, leading to improved development in downstream tasks such as abstractive summarization, dialogue generation and data-to-text generation. However, it is also apparent that deep learning based generation is prone to hallucinate unintended text, which degrades the system performance and fails to meet user expectations in many real-world scenarios. To address this issue, many studies have been presented in measuring and mitigating hallucinated texts, but these have never been reviewed in a comprehensive manner before. In this survey, we thus provide a broad overview of the research progress and challenges in the hallucination problem in NLG. The survey is organized into two parts: (1) a general overview of metrics, mitigation methods, and future directions; and (2) an overview of task-specific research progress on hallucinations in the following downstream tasks, namely abstractive summarization, dialogue generation, generative question answering, data-to-text generation, machine translation, and visual-language generation. This survey serves to facilitate collaborative efforts among researchers in tackling the challenge of hallucinated texts in NLG.
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We report on novel investigations into training models that make sentences concise. We define the task and show that it is different from related tasks such as summarization and simplification. For evaluation, we release two test sets, consisting of 2000 sentences each, that were annotated by two and five human annotators, respectively. We demonstrate that conciseness is a difficult task for which zero-shot setups with large neural language models often do not perform well. Given the limitations of these approaches, we propose a synthetic data generation method based on round-trip translations. Using this data to either train Transformers from scratch or fine-tune T5 models yields our strongest baselines that can be further improved by fine-tuning on an artificial conciseness dataset that we derived from multi-annotator machine translation test sets.
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State-of-the-art text simplification (TS) systems adopt end-to-end neural network models to directly generate the simplified version of the input text, and usually function as a blackbox. Moreover, TS is usually treated as an all-purpose generic task under the assumption of homogeneity, where the same simplification is suitable for all. In recent years, however, there has been increasing recognition of the need to adapt the simplification techniques to the specific needs of different target groups. In this work, we aim to advance current research on explainable and controllable TS in two ways: First, building on recently proposed work to increase the transparency of TS systems, we use a large set of (psycho-)linguistic features in combination with pre-trained language models to improve explainable complexity prediction. Second, based on the results of this preliminary task, we extend a state-of-the-art Seq2Seq TS model, ACCESS, to enable explicit control of ten attributes. The results of experiments show (1) that our approach improves the performance of state-of-the-art models for predicting explainable complexity and (2) that explicitly conditioning the Seq2Seq model on ten attributes leads to a significant improvement in performance in both within-domain and out-of-domain settings.
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This paper addresses the quality issues in existing Twitter-based paraphrase datasets, and discusses the necessity of using two separate definitions of paraphrase for identification and generation tasks. We present a new Multi-Topic Paraphrase in Twitter (MultiPIT) corpus that consists of a total of 130k sentence pairs with crowdsoursing (MultiPIT_crowd) and expert (MultiPIT_expert) annotations using two different paraphrase definitions for paraphrase identification, in addition to a multi-reference test set (MultiPIT_NMR) and a large automatically constructed training set (MultiPIT_Auto) for paraphrase generation. With improved data annotation quality and task-specific paraphrase definition, the best pre-trained language model fine-tuned on our dataset achieves the state-of-the-art performance of 84.2 F1 for automatic paraphrase identification. Furthermore, our empirical results also demonstrate that the paraphrase generation models trained on MultiPIT_Auto generate more diverse and high-quality paraphrases compared to their counterparts fine-tuned on other corpora such as Quora, MSCOCO, and ParaNMT.
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