给定一系列自然语言描述,我们的任务是生成与文本相对应的3D人类动作,并遵循指令的时间顺序。特别是,我们的目标是实现一系列动作的综合,我们将其称为时间动作组成。文本条件运动合成中的艺术现状仅采用单个动作或单个句子作为输入。这部分是由于缺乏包含动作序列的合适训练数据,但这也是由于其非自动进取模型公式的计算复杂性,该计算的规模不能很好地扩展到长序列。在这项工作中,我们解决了这两个问题。首先,我们利用了最近的Babel运动文本集合,该收藏品具有广泛的标记作用,其中许多作用以它们之间的过渡为顺序。接下来,我们设计了一种基于变压器的方法,该方法在动作中进行非自动打击,但在动作序列中进行自动加工。与多个基线相比,这种层次配方在我们的实验中被证明有效。我们的方法被称为“为人类动作的时间动作组成”教授,为各种各样的动作和语言描述中的时间构成产生了现实的人类动作。为了鼓励从事这项新任务的工作,我们将代码用于研究目的,以$ \ href {toch.is.tue.mpg.de} {\ textrm {我们的网站}} $。
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Can we make virtual characters in a scene interact with their surrounding objects through simple instructions? Is it possible to synthesize such motion plausibly with a diverse set of objects and instructions? Inspired by these questions, we present the first framework to synthesize the full-body motion of virtual human characters performing specified actions with 3D objects placed within their reach. Our system takes as input textual instructions specifying the objects and the associated intentions of the virtual characters and outputs diverse sequences of full-body motions. This is in contrast to existing work, where full-body action synthesis methods generally do not consider object interactions, and human-object interaction methods focus mainly on synthesizing hand or finger movements for grasping objects. We accomplish our objective by designing an intent-driven full-body motion generator, which uses a pair of decoupled conditional variational autoencoders (CVAE) to learn the motion of the body parts in an autoregressive manner. We also optimize for the positions of the objects with six degrees of freedom (6DoF) such that they plausibly fit within the hands of the synthesized characters. We compare our proposed method with the existing methods of motion synthesis and establish a new and stronger state-of-the-art for the task of intent-driven motion synthesis. Through a user study, we further show that our synthesized full-body motions appear more realistic to the participants in more than 80% of scenarios compared to the current state-of-the-art methods, and are perceived to be as good as the ground truth on several occasions.
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We tackle the problem of generating long-term 3D human motion from multiple action labels. Two main previous approaches, such as action- and motion-conditioned methods, have limitations to solve this problem. The action-conditioned methods generate a sequence of motion from a single action. Hence, it cannot generate long-term motions composed of multiple actions and transitions between actions. Meanwhile, the motion-conditioned methods generate future motions from initial motion. The generated future motions only depend on the past, so they are not controllable by the user's desired actions. We present MultiAct, the first framework to generate long-term 3D human motion from multiple action labels. MultiAct takes account of both action and motion conditions with a unified recurrent generation system. It repetitively takes the previous motion and action label; then, it generates a smooth transition and the motion of the given action. As a result, MultiAct produces realistic long-term motion controlled by the given sequence of multiple action labels. The code will be released.
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人类运动建模对于许多现代图形应用非常重要,这些应用通常需要专业技能。为了消除外行的技能障碍,最近的运动生成方法可以直接产生以自然语言为条件的人类动作。但是,通过各种文本输入,实现多样化和细粒度的运动产生,仍然具有挑战性。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了MotionDiffuse,这是第一个基于基于文本模型的基于文本驱动的运动生成框架,该框架证明了现有方法的几种期望属性。 1)概率映射。 MotionDiffuse不是确定性的语言映射,而是通过一系列注入变化的步骤生成动作。 2)现实的综合。 MotionDiffuse在建模复杂的数据分布和生成生动的运动序列方面表现出色。 3)多级操作。 Motion-Diffuse响应有关身体部位的细粒度指示,以及随时间变化的文本提示,任意长度运动合成。我们的实验表明,Motion-Diffuse通过说服文本驱动运动产生和动作条件运动的运动来优于现有的SOTA方法。定性分析进一步证明了MotionDiffuse对全面运动产生的可控性。主页:https://mingyuan-zhang.github.io/projects/motiondiffuse.html
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“我们怎样才能通过简单地告诉他们,从动画电影剧本或移动机器人的3D角色我们希望他们做什么?” “我们如何非结构化和复杂的可以造一个句子,仍然从其生成合理的运动?”这些都是需要在长期得到回答,因为领域仍然处于起步阶段的问题。通过这些问题的启发,我们提出了产生成分操作的新技术,它可以处理复杂的输入句子。我们的产量是描绘在输入句子中的动作三维姿态序列。我们提出了一个分级二流顺序模型,探讨对应于给定的运动自然语言中的句子和三维姿态序列之间的精细联合级映射。我们学习运动的两个集管表示 - 每一个上半身下半身动作。我们的模型可以生成简短的句子描述单个动作以及长组成的句子描述多个连续叠加行动似是而非的姿势序列。我们评估的公开可用的KIT运动语言数据集含有与人类标注的句子3D姿势数据我们提出的模型。实验结果表明,我们的模型以50%的余量前进的状态的最先进的在客观评价基于文本的运动的合成。基于用户研究定性评价表明我们的合成运动被认为是最接近地面实况动作捕捉短期和组成句子。
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We study a challenging task, conditional human motion generation, which produces plausible human motion sequences according to various conditional inputs, such as action classes or textual descriptors. Since human motions are highly diverse and have a property of quite different distribution from conditional modalities, such as textual descriptors in natural languages, it is hard to learn a probabilistic mapping from the desired conditional modality to the human motion sequences. Besides, the raw motion data from the motion capture system might be redundant in sequences and contain noises; directly modeling the joint distribution over the raw motion sequences and conditional modalities would need a heavy computational overhead and might result in artifacts introduced by the captured noises. To learn a better representation of the various human motion sequences, we first design a powerful Variational AutoEncoder (VAE) and arrive at a representative and low-dimensional latent code for a human motion sequence. Then, instead of using a diffusion model to establish the connections between the raw motion sequences and the conditional inputs, we perform a diffusion process on the motion latent space. Our proposed Motion Latent-based Diffusion model (MLD) could produce vivid motion sequences conforming to the given conditional inputs and substantially reduce the computational overhead in both the training and inference stages. Extensive experiments on various human motion generation tasks demonstrate that our MLD achieves significant improvements over the state-of-the-art methods among extensive human motion generation tasks, with two orders of magnitude faster than previous diffusion models on raw motion sequences.
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受到远见与语言之间的牢固联系的启发,我们的论文旨在探索文本中的3D人类全身动作的产生,以及其互惠任务,分别用于文本2Motion和Motion2Text, 。为了应对现有的挑战,尤其是为了使同一文本产生多个不同的动作,并避免了不良生产的琐碎的静止姿势序列,我们提出了使用运动令牌(一种离散和紧凑的运动表示)的使用。当将动作和文本信号视为运动和文本令牌时,这提供了一个级别的游戏地面。此外,我们的Motion2Text模块被整合到我们的文本2Motion训练管道的反对准过程中,在该管道中,合成文本与输入文本的显着偏差将受到较大的培训损失的惩罚;从经验上讲,这证明可以有效地提高性能。最后,通过将神经模型调整为机器翻译(NMT)的两种动作方式和文本之间的映射,可以促进。离散运动令牌上分布的这种自回归建模进一步使来自输入文本的姿势序列(可变长度)的非确定性产生。我们的方法是灵活的,可以用于Text2Motion和Motion2Text任务。在两个基准数据集上进行的经验评估证明了我们在这两个任务上的卓越性能在各种最新方法上。项目页面:https://ericguo5513.github.io/tm2t/
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我们的目标是从规定的行动类别中解决从规定的行动类别创造多元化和自然人动作视频的有趣但具有挑战性的问题。关键问题在于能够在视觉外观中综合多种不同的运动序列。在本文中通过两步过程实现,该两步处理维持内部3D姿势和形状表示,Action2Motion和Motion2Video。 Action2Motion随机生成规定的动作类别的合理的3D姿势序列,该类别由Motion2Video进行处理和呈现,以形成2D视频。具体而言,Lie代数理论从事人类运动学的物理法之后代表自然人动作;开发了一种促进输出运动的分集的时间变化自动编码器(VAE)。此外,给定衣服人物的额外输入图像,提出了整个管道以提取他/她的3D详细形状,并在视频中呈现来自不同视图的合理运动。这是通过改进从单个2D图像中提取3D人类形状和纹理,索引,动画和渲染的现有方法来实现这一点,以形成人类运动的2D视频。它还需要3D人类运动数据集的策策和成果进行培训目的。彻底的经验实验,包括消融研究,定性和定量评估表现出我们的方法的适用性,并展示了解决相关任务的竞争力,其中我们的方法的组成部分与最先进的方式比较。
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我们提出了一种使用变异隐式神经表示(INR)的动作条件人类运动产生方法。变分形式主义可以使INR的动作条件分布,从中可以轻松地采样表示形式以产生新的人类运动序列。我们的方法通过构造提供可变的长度序列生成,因为INR的一部分已针对随时间嵌入的整个任意长度进行了优化。相反,以前的作品报告了建模可变长度序列的困难。我们证实,使用变压器解码器的方法优于人类Act12,NTU-RGBD和UESTC数据集的所有相关方法,从现实主义和生成动作的多样性方面。令人惊讶的是,即使我们使用MLP解码器的方法也始终优于最先进的基于变压器的自动编码器。特别是,我们表明,在现实主义和多样性方面,我们方法生成的可变长度运动比最先进方法产生的固定长度运动更好。 https://github.com/pacerv/implicitmotion上的代码。
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We introduce Action-GPT, a plug and play framework for incorporating Large Language Models (LLMs) into text-based action generation models. Action phrases in current motion capture datasets contain minimal and to-the-point information. By carefully crafting prompts for LLMs, we generate richer and fine-grained descriptions of the action. We show that utilizing these detailed descriptions instead of the original action phrases leads to better alignment of text and motion spaces. Our experiments show qualitative and quantitative improvement in the quality of synthesized motions produced by recent text-to-motion models. Code, pretrained models and sample videos will be made available at https://actiongpt.github.io
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Generating controllable and editable human motion sequences is a key challenge in 3D Avatar generation. It has been labor-intensive to generate and animate human motion for a long time until learning-based approaches have been developed and applied recently. However, these approaches are still task-specific or modality-specific\cite {ahuja2019language2pose}\cite{ghosh2021synthesis}\cite{ferreira2021learning}\cite{li2021ai}. In this paper, we propose ``UDE", the first unified driving engine that enables generating human motion sequences from natural language or audio sequences (see Fig.~\ref{fig:teaser}). Specifically, UDE consists of the following key components: 1) a motion quantization module based on VQVAE that represents continuous motion sequence as discrete latent code\cite{van2017neural}, 2) a modality-agnostic transformer encoder\cite{vaswani2017attention} that learns to map modality-aware driving signals to a joint space, and 3) a unified token transformer (GPT-like\cite{radford2019language}) network to predict the quantized latent code index in an auto-regressive manner. 4) a diffusion motion decoder that takes as input the motion tokens and decodes them into motion sequences with high diversity. We evaluate our method on HumanML3D\cite{Guo_2022_CVPR} and AIST++\cite{li2021learn} benchmarks, and the experiment results demonstrate our method achieves state-of-the-art performance. Project website: \url{https://github.com/zixiangzhou916/UDE/
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之前在为人类运动提供合理的限制方面发挥着重要作用。以前的作品在不同情况下遵循各种范式的运动前锋,导致缺乏多功能性。在本文中,我们首先总结了先前运动的不可或缺的特性,并因此设计了一种学习多功能运动的框架,其模拟人类运动的固有概率分布。具体地,对于有效的先前表示学习,我们提出了全局方向归一化,以在原始运动数据空间中删除冗余环境信息。此外,将基于序列的基于段的频率引导引入编码阶段。然后,我们采用去噪培训方案以可学习的方式从输入运动数据中解散环境信息,以产生一致和可区分的表示。在三个不同的任务中嵌入我们的运动前嵌入我们的运动,我们进行了广泛的实验,并且定量和定性结果均表现出我们之前运动的多功能性和有效性。我们的型号和代码可在https://github.com/jchenxu/human-motion-porion -prior上获得。
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我们提出了一个隐式神经表示,以学习运动运动运动的时空空间。与以前代表运动为离散顺序样本的工作不同,我们建议将广泛的运动空间随着时间的流逝表达为连续函数,因此名称为神经运动场(NEMF)。具体来说,我们使用神经网络来学习此功能,以用于杂项运动集,该动作旨在以时间坐标为$ t $的生成模型和用于控制样式的随机矢量$ z $。然后,将模型作为变异自动编码器(VAE)进行训练,并带有运动编码器来采样潜在空间。我们使用多样化的人类运动数据集和四倍的数据集训练模型,以证明其多功能性,并最终将其部署为通用运动,然后再解决任务 - 静态问题,并在不同的运动生成和编辑应用中显示出优势,例如运动插值,例如运动插值,例如 - 上映和重新散布。可以在我们的项目页面上找到更多详细信息:https://cs.yale.edu/homes/che/projects/nemf/
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Conventional methods for human motion synthesis are either deterministic or struggle with the trade-off between motion diversity and motion quality. In response to these limitations, we introduce MoFusion, i.e., a new denoising-diffusion-based framework for high-quality conditional human motion synthesis that can generate long, temporally plausible, and semantically accurate motions based on a range of conditioning contexts (such as music and text). We also present ways to introduce well-known kinematic losses for motion plausibility within the motion diffusion framework through our scheduled weighting strategy. The learned latent space can be used for several interactive motion editing applications -- like inbetweening, seed conditioning, and text-based editing -- thus, providing crucial abilities for virtual character animation and robotics. Through comprehensive quantitative evaluations and a perceptual user study, we demonstrate the effectiveness of MoFusion compared to the state of the art on established benchmarks in the literature. We urge the reader to watch our supplementary video and visit https://vcai.mpi-inf.mpg.de/projects/MoFusion.
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