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传统的推荐系统面临两个长期存在的障碍,即数据稀疏性和冷启动问题,这些问题促进了跨域建议(CDR)的出现和发展。 CDR的核心思想是利用从其他领域收集的信息来减轻一个域中的两个问题。在过去的十年中,许多努力进行了跨域建议。最近,随着深度学习和神经网络的发展,出现了许多方法。但是,关于CDR的系统调查数量有限,尤其是关于最新提出的方法以及他们解决的建议方案和建议任务。在本调查文件中,我们首先提出了跨域建议的两级分类法,该分类法对不同的建议方案和建议任务进行了分类。然后,我们以结构化的方式介绍并总结了不同建议方案下的现有跨域推荐方法。我们还组织了常用的数据集。我们通过提供有关该领域的几个潜在研究方向来结束这项调查。
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社交媒体营销在向广泛的受众群体推广品牌和产品价值方面起着至关重要的作用。为了提高其广告收入,诸如Facebook广告之类的全球媒体购买平台不断减少品牌有机帖子的覆盖范围,推动品牌在付费媒体广告上花费更多。为了有效地运行有机和付费社交媒体营销,有必要了解受众,调整内容以适合其兴趣和在线行为,这是不可能大规模手动进行的。同时,各种人格类型分类方案(例如Myers-Briggs人格类型指标)使得通过以统一和结构化的方式对受众行为进行分类,可以在更广泛的范围内揭示人格特质和用户内容偏好之间的依赖性。研究界尚待深入研究这个问题,而到目前为止,尚未广泛使用和全面评估,而不同人格特征对内容建议准确性的影响水平尚未得到广泛的利用和全面评估。具体而言,在这项工作中,我们通过应用一种新型人格驱动的多视图内容推荐系统,研究人格特征对内容推荐模型的影响,称为人格内容营销推荐引擎或Persic。我们的实验结果和现实世界案例研究不仅表明Persic执行有效的人格驱动的多视图内容建议,而且还允许采用可行的数字广告策略建议,当部署时能够提高数字广告效率超过420 %与原始的人类指导方法相比。
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受到计算机愿景和语言理解的深度学习的巨大成功的影响,建议的研究已经转移到发明基于神经网络的新推荐模型。近年来,我们在开发神经推荐模型方面目睹了显着进展,这概括和超越了传统的推荐模型,由于神经网络的强烈代表性。在本调查论文中,我们从建议建模与准确性目标的角度进行了系统审查,旨在总结该领域,促进研究人员和从业者在推荐系统上工作的研究人员和从业者。具体而具体基于推荐建模期间的数据使用,我们将工作划分为协作过滤和信息丰富的建议:1)协作滤波,其利用用户项目交互数据的关键来源; 2)内容丰富的建议,其另外利用与用户和项目相关的侧面信息,如用户配置文件和项目知识图; 3)时间/顺序推荐,其考虑与交互相关的上下文信息,例如时间,位置和过去的交互。在为每种类型审查代表性工作后,我们终于讨论了这一领域的一些有希望的方向。
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标签感建议是通过标记行为预测用户个性化项目的任务。对于具有Last.FM或Movielens等标记功能的许多应用程序至关重要。最近,许多努力致力于通过图形卷积网络(GCN)改进引人注目的推荐系统(TRS),这已成为一般建议的新最新技术。但是,某些解决方案是直接从GCN继承而没有理由的,这很难缓解标签引入的稀疏性,模棱两可和冗余问题,从而增加了培训和退化建议性能的困难。在这项工作中,我们旨在简化GCN的设计,以使其更简洁。我们提出了一个新颖的标签推荐模型,名为Light Folksonomy图协作滤波(LFGCF),该模型仅包括必需的GCN组件。具体而言,LFGCF首先从用户分配标签和项目标记的用户记录中构造了人们图形。然后,我们利用汇总的简单设计来学习人们对人物学图的高级表示形式,并使用在多个层中学习的嵌入的加权总和进行信息更新。我们共享标签嵌入,以弥合用户和项目之间的信息差距。此外,提出了一个名为Transrt的正规化功能,以更好地描述用户的偏好和项目功能。对三个现实世界数据集的广泛超参数实验和消融研究表明,LFGCF使用的参数较少,并且显着优于大多数基线的Tag-Aware Top-N建议。
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To offer accurate and diverse recommendation services, recent methods use auxiliary information to foster the learning process of user and item representations. Many SOTA methods fuse different sources of information (user, item, knowledge graph, tags, etc.) into a graph and use Graph Neural Networks to introduce the auxiliary information through the message passing paradigm. In this work, we seek an alternative framework that is light and effective through self-supervised learning across different sources of information, particularly for the commonly accessible item tag information. We use a self-supervision signal to pair users with the auxiliary information associated with the items they have interacted with before. To achieve the pairing, we create a proxy training task. For a given item, the model predicts the correct pairing between the representations obtained from the users that have interacted with this item and the assigned tags. This design provides an efficient solution, using the auxiliary information directly to enhance the quality of user and item embeddings. User behavior in recommendation systems is driven by the complex interactions of many factors behind the decision-making processes. To make the pairing process more fine-grained and avoid embedding collapse, we propose an intent-aware self-supervised pairing process where we split the user embeddings into multiple sub-embedding vectors. Each sub-embedding vector captures a specific user intent via self-supervised alignment with a particular cluster of tags. We integrate our designed framework with various recommendation models, demonstrating its flexibility and compatibility. Through comparison with numerous SOTA methods on seven real-world datasets, we show that our method can achieve better performance while requiring less training time. This indicates the potential of applying our approach on web-scale datasets.
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大多数现有推荐系统仅基于评级数据,并且他们忽略了可能会增加建议质量的其他信息来源,例如文本评论或用户和项目特征。此外,这些系统的大多数仅适用于小型数据集(数千个观察)并且无法处理大型数据集(具有数百万观察结果)。我们提出了一种推荐人算法,该算法将评级建模技术(即潜在因子模型)与基于文本评论(即潜在Dirichlet分配)的主题建模方法组合,并且我们扩展了算法,使其允许添加额外的用户和项目 - 对系统的特定信息。我们使用具有不同大小的Amazon.com数据集来评估算法的性能,对应于23个产品类别。将建筑模型与四种其他型号进行比较后,我们发现将患有评级的文本评语相结合,导致更好的建议。此外,我们发现为模型添加额外的用户和项目功能会提高其预测精度,这对于中型和大数据集尤其如此。
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In recent years, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), which can naturally integrate node information and topological structure, have been demonstrated to be powerful in learning on graph data. These advantages of GNNs provide great potential to advance social recommendation since data in social recommender systems can be represented as user-user social graph and user-item graph; and learning latent factors of users and items is the key. However, building social recommender systems based on GNNs faces challenges. For example, the user-item graph encodes both interactions and their associated opinions; social relations have heterogeneous strengths; users involve in two graphs (e.g., the useruser social graph and the user-item graph). To address the three aforementioned challenges simultaneously, in this paper, we present a novel graph neural network framework (GraphRec) for social recommendations. In particular, we provide a principled approach to jointly capture interactions and opinions in the user-item graph and propose the framework GraphRec, which coherently models two graphs and heterogeneous strengths. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework GraphRec.
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In recent years, deep neural networks have yielded immense success on speech recognition, computer vision and natural language processing. However, the exploration of deep neural networks on recommender systems has received relatively less scrutiny. In this work, we strive to develop techniques based on neural networks to tackle the key problem in recommendation -collaborative filtering -on the basis of implicit feedback.Although some recent work has employed deep learning for recommendation, they primarily used it to model auxiliary information, such as textual descriptions of items and acoustic features of musics. When it comes to model the key factor in collaborative filtering -the interaction between user and item features, they still resorted to matrix factorization and applied an inner product on the latent features of users and items.By replacing the inner product with a neural architecture that can learn an arbitrary function from data, we present a general framework named NCF, short for Neural networkbased Collaborative Filtering. NCF is generic and can express and generalize matrix factorization under its framework. To supercharge NCF modelling with non-linearities, we propose to leverage a multi-layer perceptron to learn the user-item interaction function. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets show significant improvements of our proposed NCF framework over the state-of-the-art methods. Empirical evidence shows that using deeper layers of neural networks offers better recommendation performance.
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Social recommender systems (SocialRS) simultaneously leverage user-to-item interactions as well as user-to-user social relations for the task of generating item recommendations to users. Additionally exploiting social relations is clearly effective in understanding users' tastes due to the effects of homophily and social influence. For this reason, SocialRS has increasingly attracted attention. In particular, with the advance of Graph Neural Networks (GNN), many GNN-based SocialRS methods have been developed recently. Therefore, we conduct a comprehensive and systematic review of the literature on GNN-based SocialRS. In this survey, we first identify 80 papers on GNN-based SocialRS after annotating 2151 papers by following the PRISMA framework (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis). Then, we comprehensively review them in terms of their inputs and architectures to propose a novel taxonomy: (1) input taxonomy includes 5 groups of input type notations and 7 groups of input representation notations; (2) architecture taxonomy includes 8 groups of GNN encoder, 2 groups of decoder, and 12 groups of loss function notations. We classify the GNN-based SocialRS methods into several categories as per the taxonomy and describe their details. Furthermore, we summarize the benchmark datasets and metrics widely used to evaluate the GNN-based SocialRS methods. Finally, we conclude this survey by presenting some future research directions.
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The increasing reliance on online communities for healthcare information by patients and caregivers has led to the increase in the spread of misinformation, or subjective, anecdotal and inaccurate or non-specific recommendations, which, if acted on, could cause serious harm to the patients. Hence, there is an urgent need to connect users with accurate and tailored health information in a timely manner to prevent such harm. This paper proposes an innovative approach to suggesting reliable information to participants in online communities as they move through different stages in their disease or treatment. We hypothesize that patients with similar histories of disease progression or course of treatment would have similar information needs at comparable stages. Specifically, we pose the problem of predicting topic tags or keywords that describe the future information needs of users based on their profiles, traces of their online interactions within the community (past posts, replies) and the profiles and traces of online interactions of other users with similar profiles and similar traces of past interaction with the target users. The result is a variant of the collaborative information filtering or recommendation system tailored to the needs of users of online health communities. We report results of our experiments on an expert curated data set which demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach over the state of the art baselines with respect to accurate and timely prediction of topic tags (and hence information sources of interest).
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多臂匪徒(MAB)提供了一种原则性的在线学习方法,以达到探索和剥削之间的平衡。由于表现出色和反馈学习低,没有学习在多种情况下采取行动,因此多臂匪徒在诸如推荐系统等应用程序中引起了广泛的关注。同样,在推荐系统中,协作过滤(CF)可以说是推荐系统中最早,最具影响力的方法。至关重要的是,新用户和不断变化的推荐项目池是推荐系统需要解决的挑战。对于协作过滤,经典方法是训练模型离线,然后执行在线测试,但是这种方法无法再处理用户偏好的动态变化,即所谓的冷启动。那么,如何在没有有效信息的情况下有效地向用户推荐项目?为了解决上述问题,已经提出了一个基于多臂强盗的协作过滤推荐系统,名为BanditMF。 BANDITMF旨在解决多军强盗算法和协作过滤中的两个挑战:(1)如何在有效信息稀缺的条件下解决冷启动问题以进行协作过滤,(2)强大社会关系域中的强盗算法问题是由独立估计与每个用户相关的未知参数并忽略用户之间的相关性引起的。
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