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我们为基于Kaplan-Meier的最近的邻居和内核存活率估计值建立了第一个非矩形误差界限,其中特征向量位于度量空间中。我们的边界意味着这些非参数估计器的强度速率,并且最多可与对数因子匹配有条件的CDF估计的现有下限。我们的证明策略还为纳尔逊 - 阿伦累积危害估计量的最近的邻居和内核变体提供了非矩形保证。我们在四个数据集上实验比较这些方法。我们发现,对于内核存活率估计量,核心的一个不错的选择是使用随机生存森林学习的。
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Many scientific and engineering challenges-ranging from personalized medicine to customized marketing recommendations-require an understanding of treatment effect heterogeneity. In this paper, we develop a non-parametric causal forest for estimating heterogeneous treatment effects that extends Breiman's widely used random forest algorithm. In the potential outcomes framework with unconfoundedness, we show that causal forests are pointwise consistent for the true treatment effect, and have an asymptotically Gaussian and centered sampling distribution. We also discuss a practical method for constructing asymptotic confidence intervals for the true treatment effect that are centered at the causal forest estimates. Our theoretical results rely on a generic Gaussian theory for a large family of random forest algorithms. To our knowledge, this is the first set of results that allows any type of random forest, including classification and regression forests, to be used for provably valid statistical inference. In experiments, we find causal forests to be substantially more powerful than classical methods based on nearest-neighbor matching, especially in the presence of irrelevant covariates.
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We consider the problem of estimating a multivariate function $f_0$ of bounded variation (BV), from noisy observations $y_i = f_0(x_i) + z_i$ made at random design points $x_i \in \mathbb{R}^d$, $i=1,\ldots,n$. We study an estimator that forms the Voronoi diagram of the design points, and then solves an optimization problem that regularizes according to a certain discrete notion of total variation (TV): the sum of weighted absolute differences of parameters $\theta_i,\theta_j$ (which estimate the function values $f_0(x_i),f_0(x_j)$) at all neighboring cells $i,j$ in the Voronoi diagram. This is seen to be equivalent to a variational optimization problem that regularizes according to the usual continuum (measure-theoretic) notion of TV, once we restrict the domain to functions that are piecewise constant over the Voronoi diagram. The regression estimator under consideration hence performs (shrunken) local averaging over adaptively formed unions of Voronoi cells, and we refer to it as the Voronoigram, following the ideas in Koenker (2005), and drawing inspiration from Tukey's regressogram (Tukey, 1961). Our contributions in this paper span both the conceptual and theoretical frontiers: we discuss some of the unique properties of the Voronoigram in comparison to TV-regularized estimators that use other graph-based discretizations; we derive the asymptotic limit of the Voronoi TV functional; and we prove that the Voronoigram is minimax rate optimal (up to log factors) for estimating BV functions that are essentially bounded.
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Performance of machine learning algorithms depends critically on identifying a good set of hyperparameters. While recent approaches use Bayesian optimization to adaptively select configurations, we focus on speeding up random search through adaptive resource allocation and early-stopping. We formulate hyperparameter optimization as a pure-exploration nonstochastic infinite-armed bandit problem where a predefined resource like iterations, data samples, or features is allocated to randomly sampled configurations. We introduce a novel algorithm, Hyperband, for this framework and analyze its theoretical properties, providing several desirable guarantees. Furthermore, we compare Hyperband with popular Bayesian optimization methods on a suite of hyperparameter optimization problems. We observe that Hyperband can provide over an order-of-magnitude speedup over our competitor set on a variety of deep-learning and kernel-based learning problems.
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A flexible method is developed to construct a confidence interval for the frequency of a queried object in a very large data set, based on a much smaller sketch of the data. The approach requires no knowledge of the data distribution or of the details of the sketching algorithm; instead, it constructs provably valid frequentist confidence intervals for random queries using a conformal inference approach. After achieving marginal coverage for random queries under the assumption of data exchangeability, the proposed method is extended to provide stronger inferences accounting for possibly heterogeneous frequencies of different random queries, redundant queries, and distribution shifts. While the presented methods are broadly applicable, this paper focuses on use cases involving the count-min sketch algorithm and a non-linear variation thereof, to facilitate comparison to prior work. In particular, the developed methods are compared empirically to frequentist and Bayesian alternatives, through simulations and experiments with data sets of SARS-CoV-2 DNA sequences and classic English literature.
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我们研究了回归中神经网络(NNS)的模型不确定性的方法。为了隔离模型不确定性的效果,我们专注于稀缺训练数据的无噪声环境。我们介绍了关于任何方法都应满足的模型不确定性的五个重要的逃亡者。但是,我们发现,建立的基准通常无法可靠地捕获其中一些逃避者,即使是贝叶斯理论要求的基准。为了解决这个问题,我们介绍了一种新方法来捕获NNS的模型不确定性,我们称之为基于神经优化的模型不确定性(NOMU)。 NOMU的主要思想是设计一个由两个连接的子NN组成的网络体系结构,一个用于模型预测,一个用于模型不确定性,并使用精心设计的损耗函数进行训练。重要的是,我们的设计执行NOMU满足我们的五个Desiderata。由于其模块化体系结构,NOMU可以为任何给定(先前训练)NN提供模型不确定性,如果访问其培训数据。我们在各种回归任务和无嘈杂的贝叶斯优化(BO)中评估NOMU,并具有昂贵的评估。在回归中,NOMU至少和最先进的方法。在BO中,Nomu甚至胜过所有考虑的基准。
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我们开发了一种新的原则性算法,用于估计培训数据点对深度学习模型的行为的贡献,例如它做出的特定预测。我们的算法估计了AME,该数量量衡量了将数据点添加到训练数据子集中的预期(平均)边际效应,并从给定的分布中采样。当从均匀分布中采样子集时,AME将还原为众所周知的Shapley值。我们的方法受因果推断和随机实验的启发:我们采样了训练数据的不同子集以训练多个子模型,并评估每个子模型的行为。然后,我们使用套索回归来基于子集组成共同估计每个数据点的AME。在稀疏假设($ k \ ll n $数据点具有较大的AME)下,我们的估计器仅需要$ O(k \ log n)$随机的子模型培训,从而改善了最佳先前的Shapley值估算器。
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Testing the significance of a variable or group of variables $X$ for predicting a response $Y$, given additional covariates $Z$, is a ubiquitous task in statistics. A simple but common approach is to specify a linear model, and then test whether the regression coefficient for $X$ is non-zero. However, when the model is misspecified, the test may have poor power, for example when $X$ is involved in complex interactions, or lead to many false rejections. In this work we study the problem of testing the model-free null of conditional mean independence, i.e. that the conditional mean of $Y$ given $X$ and $Z$ does not depend on $X$. We propose a simple and general framework that can leverage flexible nonparametric or machine learning methods, such as additive models or random forests, to yield both robust error control and high power. The procedure involves using these methods to perform regressions, first to estimate a form of projection of $Y$ on $X$ and $Z$ using one half of the data, and then to estimate the expected conditional covariance between this projection and $Y$ on the remaining half of the data. While the approach is general, we show that a version of our procedure using spline regression achieves what we show is the minimax optimal rate in this nonparametric testing problem. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach both in terms of maintaining Type I error control, and power, compared to several existing approaches.
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We study non-parametric estimation of the value function of an infinite-horizon $\gamma$-discounted Markov reward process (MRP) using observations from a single trajectory. We provide non-asymptotic guarantees for a general family of kernel-based multi-step temporal difference (TD) estimates, including canonical $K$-step look-ahead TD for $K = 1, 2, \ldots$ and the TD$(\lambda)$ family for $\lambda \in [0,1)$ as special cases. Our bounds capture its dependence on Bellman fluctuations, mixing time of the Markov chain, any mis-specification in the model, as well as the choice of weight function defining the estimator itself, and reveal some delicate interactions between mixing time and model mis-specification. For a given TD method applied to a well-specified model, its statistical error under trajectory data is similar to that of i.i.d. sample transition pairs, whereas under mis-specification, temporal dependence in data inflates the statistical error. However, any such deterioration can be mitigated by increased look-ahead. We complement our upper bounds by proving minimax lower bounds that establish optimality of TD-based methods with appropriately chosen look-ahead and weighting, and reveal some fundamental differences between value function estimation and ordinary non-parametric regression.
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