最佳运输(OT)理论描述了定义和选择在许多可能的选择中,将概率度量映射到另一个概率的最有效方法。该理论主要用于估计,给定一对源和目标概率测量$(\ MU,\ nu)$,这是一个可以有效地将$ \ mu $映射到$ \ nu $的参数化映射$ t_ \ theta $。在许多应用程序中,例如预测细胞对治疗的响应,数据测量$ \ mu,\ nu $(未处理/处理过的单元的功能)定义了最佳运输问题并非孤立地出现,但与上下文$ c $相关联(治疗)。为了说明并将该上下文纳入OT估计,我们介绍了Condot,一种使用上下文标签$ C_I $标记的几对测量$(\ mu_i,\ nu_i)$使用几对测量$(\ mu_i,\ nu_i)$。我们的目标是从标记对的数据集$ \ {(c_i,((\ mu_i,\ nu_i))中提取%\})\} $学习全局映射$ \ mathcal {t} _ {\ theta} $,不仅是预期的适合数据集中的所有对$ \ {((c_i,(\ mu_i,\ nu_i)))\} $,即$,但应概括以产生有意义的地图$ \ Mathcal {t} _ {\ theta}(c _ {\ text {new}})$在未看到的上下文上调节的$ c _ {\ text {new}} $。我们的方法利用并为部分输入凸神经网络提供了新颖的用法,为此我们引入了受高斯近似启发的强大而有效的初始化策略。我们仅使用对所述扰动的作用观察到遗传或治疗性扰动对单个细胞的任意组合对单个细胞的任意组合的影响的能力。
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考虑随时间演变的粒子群,通过快照监测,使用在连续时间戳的群体内采样的粒子。仅提供对这些快照的访问,我们可以重建这些粒子的单个轨迹吗?这个问题在我们时代的许多重要科学挑战中,特别是单细胞基因组学。在本文中,我们建议将人口动态模拟为欧洲因果乔丹 - 古德莱尔 - 奥托(JKO)的措施的实现:JKO计划陷入困境,即在时间T + 1的人口采取的新配置是交易的新配置在它减少能量的情况下,群体的更好配置,同时保持关闭(在Wasserstein距离)到在T.中观察到的先前配置。我们在这项工作中的目标是学习这样的能源给定数据。为此,我们提出了JKONET,一种计算的神经结构(以端到端可分子的方式),JKO流量给出了参数化能量和初始配置点。与更直接的前进方法相比,我们展示了JKONET配件程序的良好性能和稳健性。
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Single-cell transcriptomics enabled the study of cellular heterogeneity in response to perturbations at the resolution of individual cells. However, scaling high-throughput screens (HTSs) to measure cellular responses for many drugs remains a challenge due to technical limitations and, more importantly, the cost of such multiplexed experiments. Thus, transferring information from routinely performed bulk RNA HTS is required to enrich single-cell data meaningfully. We introduce chemCPA, a new encoder-decoder architecture to study the perturbational effects of unseen drugs. We combine the model with an architecture surgery for transfer learning and demonstrate how training on existing bulk RNA HTS datasets can improve generalisation performance. Better generalisation reduces the need for extensive and costly screens at single-cell resolution. We envision that our proposed method will facilitate more efficient experiment designs through its ability to generate in-silico hypotheses, ultimately accelerating drug discovery.
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Latent variable models such as the Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) have become a go-to tool for analyzing biological data, especially in the field of single-cell genomics. One remaining challenge is the interpretability of latent variables as biological processes that define a cell's identity. Outside of biological applications, this problem is commonly referred to as learning disentangled representations. Although several disentanglement-promoting variants of the VAE were introduced, and applied to single-cell genomics data, this task has been shown to be infeasible from independent and identically distributed measurements, without additional structure. Instead, recent methods propose to leverage non-stationary data, as well as the sparse mechanism shift assumption in order to learn disentangled representations with a causal semantic. Here, we extend the application of these methodological advances to the analysis of single-cell genomics data with genetic or chemical perturbations. More precisely, we propose a deep generative model of single-cell gene expression data for which each perturbation is treated as a stochastic intervention targeting an unknown, but sparse, subset of latent variables. We benchmark these methods on simulated single-cell data to evaluate their performance at latent units recovery, causal target identification and out-of-domain generalization. Finally, we apply those approaches to two real-world large-scale gene perturbation data sets and find that models that exploit the sparse mechanism shift hypothesis surpass contemporary methods on a transfer learning task. We implement our new model and benchmarks using the scvi-tools library, and release it as open-source software at \url{https://github.com/Genentech/sVAE}.
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计算分布之间的最佳传输(OT)耦合在机器学习中起着越来越重要的作用。虽然可以将OT问题求解为线性程序,但添加熵平滑项会导致求解器对离群值更快,更强大,可区分且易于并行化。 Sinkhorn固定点算法是这些方法的基石,结果,已经进行了多次尝试以缩短其运行时,例如退火,动量或加速度。本文的前提是,\ textit {initialization}的sindhorn算法受到了相对较少的关注,可能是由于两个先入为主的:由于正规化的ot问题是凸的,因此可能不值得制定量身定制的初始化,因为\ textit {\ textit { }保证工作;其次,由于sindhorn算法在端到端管道中通常是区分的,因此数据依赖性初始化可能会通过展开迭代而获得的偏差梯度估计。我们挑战了这种传统的观点,并表明精心选择的初始化可能会导致巨大的加速,并且不会偏向梯度,这些梯度是通过隐式分化计算的。我们详细介绍如何使用1D或高斯设置中的已知结果从封闭形式或近似OT解决方案中恢复初始化。我们从经验上表明,这些初始化可以在现成的情况下使用,几乎没有调整,并且导致各种OT问题的速度持续加速。
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渐变流是一种强大的工具,用于优化一般度量空间中的功能,包括赋予WasserseIn度量标准的概率空间。解决这种优化问题的典型方法依赖于它与最佳运输的动态配方的连接和庆祝的Jordan-KinderLehrer-Otto(JKO)方案。然而,该制剂涉及优化凸起功能,这是具有挑战性的,尤其是高维度。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种依赖于最近引入的输入 - 凸神经网络(ICNN)的方法,以参加凸起功能的空间,以便近似JKO方案,以及在享受收敛保证的措施中设计功能。我们推出了这种JKO-ICNN框架的计算上有效的实现,并通过了解具有已知解决方案的低维局部微分方程的近似解的可行性和有效性。我们还通过对分子发现的受控生成的实验展示其在高维应用中的可行性。
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Wasserstein BaryCenter是一种原理的方法来表示给定的一组概率分布的加权平均值,利用由最佳运输所引起的几何形状。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新颖的可扩展算法,以近似于旨在在机器学习中的高维应用的Wassersein重构。我们所提出的算法基于Wassersein-2距离的Kantorovich双重制定以及最近的神经网络架构,输入凸神经网络,其已知参数化凸函数。我们方法的显着特征是:i)仅需要来自边缘分布的样本; ii)与现有方法不同,它代表了具有生成模型的重心,因此可以在不查询边际分布的情况下从重心产生无限样品; III)它与一个边际案例中的生成对抗性模型类似。我们通过在多个实验中将其与最先进的方法进行比较来证明我们的算法的功效。
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The Sinkhorn algorithm (arXiv:1306.0895) is the state-of-the-art to compute approximations of optimal transport distances between discrete probability distributions, making use of an entropically regularized formulation of the problem. The algorithm is guaranteed to converge, no matter its initialization. This lead to little attention being paid to initializing it, and simple starting vectors like the n-dimensional one-vector are common choices. We train a neural network to compute initializations for the algorithm, which significantly outperform standard initializations. The network predicts a potential of the optimal transport dual problem, where training is conducted in an adversarial fashion using a second, generating network. The network is universal in the sense that it is able to generalize to any pair of distributions of fixed dimension. Furthermore, we show that for certain applications the network can be used independently.
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We introduce an optimal transport-based model for learning a metric tensor from cross-sectional samples of evolving probability measures on a common Riemannian manifold. We neurally parametrize the metric as a spatially-varying matrix field and efficiently optimize our model's objective using a simple alternating scheme. Using this learned metric, we can nonlinearly interpolate between probability measures and compute geodesics on the manifold. We show that metrics learned using our method improve the quality of trajectory inference on scRNA and bird migration data at the cost of little additional cross-sectional data.
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分位数回归(QR)是一个强大的工具,用于估计目标变量$ \ mathrm {y} $的一个或多个条件分位数给定的解释功能$ \ boldsymbol {\ mathrm {x}}} $。 QR的一个限制是,由于其目标函数的提出,它仅针对标量目标变量定义,并且由于分位数的概念对多元分布没有标准定义。最近,由于通过最佳传输将分位数概念对多变量分布的有意义的概括,提出了矢量分位数回归(VQR)作为矢量值目标变量的QR扩展。尽管它优雅,但VQR可以说是由于几个限制而在实践中不适用:(i)假设目标$ \ boldsymbol {\ mathrm {y}} $给定功能$ \ boldsymbol {\ mathrm {\ mathrm {\ mathrm {\ mathrm { {x}} $; (ii)即使在目标维度,回归分位数或特征数量的数量方面,它的确切配方也是棘手的,即使对于适度的问题,并且其放松的双重配方可能违反了估计的分位数的单调性; (iii)当前不存在VQR的快速或可扩展求解器。在这项工作中,我们完全解决了这些局限性,即:(i)将VQR扩展到非线性情况,显示出对线性VQR的实质性改进; (ii)我们提出{矢量单调重排},该方法可确保VQR估计的分位数函数是单调函数; (iii)我们为线性和非线性VQR提供快速的GPU加速求解器,这些求解器保持固定的内存足迹,并证明它们扩展到数百万个样品和数千个分位数; (iv)我们发布了求解器的优化Python软件包,以广泛使用VQR在现实世界应用中的使用。
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Agent-based modeling (ABM) is a well-established paradigm for simulating complex systems via interactions between constituent entities. Machine learning (ML) refers to approaches whereby statistical algorithms 'learn' from data on their own, without imposing a priori theories of system behavior. Biological systems -- from molecules, to cells, to entire organisms -- consist of vast numbers of entities, governed by complex webs of interactions that span many spatiotemporal scales and exhibit nonlinearity, stochasticity and intricate coupling between entities. The macroscopic properties and collective dynamics of such systems are difficult to capture via continuum modelling and mean-field formalisms. ABM takes a 'bottom-up' approach that obviates these difficulties by enabling one to easily propose and test a set of well-defined 'rules' to be applied to the individual entities (agents) in a system. Evaluating a system and propagating its state over discrete time-steps effectively simulates the system, allowing observables to be computed and system properties to be analyzed. Because the rules that govern an ABM can be difficult to abstract and formulate from experimental data, there is an opportunity to use ML to help infer optimal, system-specific ABM rules. Once such rule-sets are devised, ABM calculations can generate a wealth of data, and ML can be applied there too -- e.g., to probe statistical measures that meaningfully describe a system's stochastic properties. As an example of synergy in the other direction (from ABM to ML), ABM simulations can generate realistic datasets for training ML algorithms (e.g., for regularization, to mitigate overfitting). In these ways, one can envision various synergistic ABM$\rightleftharpoons$ML loops. This review summarizes how ABM and ML have been integrated in contexts that span spatiotemporal scales, from cellular to population-level epidemiology.
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There is intense interest in applying machine learning to problems of causal inference in fields such as healthcare, economics and education. In particular, individual-level causal inference has important applications such as precision medicine. We give a new theoretical analysis and family of algorithms for predicting individual treatment effect (ITE) from observational data, under the assumption known as strong ignorability. The algorithms learn a "balanced" representation such that the induced treated and control distributions look similar. We give a novel, simple and intuitive generalization-error bound showing that the expected ITE estimation error of a representation is bounded by a sum of the standard generalization-error of that representation and the distance between the treated and control distributions induced by the representation. We use Integral Probability Metrics to measure distances between distributions, deriving explicit bounds for the Wasserstein and Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) distances. Experiments on real and simulated data show the new algorithms match or outperform the state-of-the-art.
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本文介绍了一种新的基于仿真的推理程序,以对访问I.I.D. \ samples的多维概率分布进行建模和样本,从而规避明确建模密度函数或设计Markov Chain Monte Carlo的通常方法。我们提出了一个称为可逆的Gromov-monge(RGM)距离的新概念的距离和同构的动机,并研究了RGM如何用于设计新的转换样本,以执行基于模拟的推断。我们的RGM采样器还可以估计两个异质度量度量空间之间的最佳对齐$(\ cx,\ mu,c _ {\ cx})$和$(\ cy,\ cy,\ nu,c _ {\ cy})$从经验数据集中,估计的地图大约将一个量度$ \ mu $推向另一个$ \ nu $,反之亦然。我们研究了RGM距离的分析特性,并在轻度条件下得出RGM等于经典的Gromov-Wasserstein距离。奇怪的是,与Brenier的两极分解结合了连接,我们表明RGM采样器以$ C _ {\ cx} $和$ C _ {\ cy} $的正确选择诱导了强度同构的偏见。研究了有关诱导采样器的收敛,表示和优化问题的统计率。还展示了展示RGM采样器有效性的合成和现实示例。
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