Different people speak with diverse personalized speaking styles. Although existing one-shot talking head methods have made significant progress in lip sync, natural facial expressions, and stable head motions, they still cannot generate diverse speaking styles in the final talking head videos. To tackle this problem, we propose a one-shot style-controllable talking face generation framework. In a nutshell, we aim to attain a speaking style from an arbitrary reference speaking video and then drive the one-shot portrait to speak with the reference speaking style and another piece of audio. Specifically, we first develop a style encoder to extract dynamic facial motion patterns of a style reference video and then encode them into a style code. Afterward, we introduce a style-controllable decoder to synthesize stylized facial animations from the speech content and style code. In order to integrate the reference speaking style into generated videos, we design a style-aware adaptive transformer, which enables the encoded style code to adjust the weights of the feed-forward layers accordingly. Thanks to the style-aware adaptation mechanism, the reference speaking style can be better embedded into synthesized videos during decoding. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method is capable of generating talking head videos with diverse speaking styles from only one portrait image and an audio clip while achieving authentic visual effects. Project Page: https://github.com/FuxiVirtualHuman/styletalk.
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Speech-driven 3D facial animation has been widely explored, with applications in gaming, character animation, virtual reality, and telepresence systems. State-of-the-art methods deform the face topology of the target actor to sync the input audio without considering the identity-specific speaking style and facial idiosyncrasies of the target actor, thus, resulting in unrealistic and inaccurate lip movements. To address this, we present Imitator, a speech-driven facial expression synthesis method, which learns identity-specific details from a short input video and produces novel facial expressions matching the identity-specific speaking style and facial idiosyncrasies of the target actor. Specifically, we train a style-agnostic transformer on a large facial expression dataset which we use as a prior for audio-driven facial expressions. Based on this prior, we optimize for identity-specific speaking style based on a short reference video. To train the prior, we introduce a novel loss function based on detected bilabial consonants to ensure plausible lip closures and consequently improve the realism of the generated expressions. Through detailed experiments and a user study, we show that our approach produces temporally coherent facial expressions from input audio while preserving the speaking style of the target actors.
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Animating portraits using speech has received growing attention in recent years, with various creative and practical use cases. An ideal generated video should have good lip sync with the audio, natural facial expressions and head motions, and high frame quality. In this work, we present SPACE, which uses speech and a single image to generate high-resolution, and expressive videos with realistic head pose, without requiring a driving video. It uses a multi-stage approach, combining the controllability of facial landmarks with the high-quality synthesis power of a pretrained face generator. SPACE also allows for the control of emotions and their intensities. Our method outperforms prior methods in objective metrics for image quality and facial motions and is strongly preferred by users in pair-wise comparisons. The project website is available at https://deepimagination.cc/SPACE/
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我们提出了Styletalker,这是一种新颖的音频驱动的会说话的头部生成模型,可以从单个参考图像中综合一个会说话的人的视频,并具有准确的音频同步的唇形,逼真的头姿势和眼睛眨眼。具体而言,通过利用预验证的图像生成器和图像编码器,我们估计了会说话的头视频的潜在代码,这些代码忠实地反映了给定的音频。通过几个新设计的组件使这成为可能:1)一种用于准确唇部同步的对比性唇部同步鉴别剂,2)一种条件顺序的连续变异自动编码器,该差异自动编码器了解从唇部运动中解散的潜在运动空间,以便我们可以独立地操纵运动运动的运动。和唇部运动,同时保留身份。 3)自动回归事先增强,并通过标准化流量来学习复杂的音频到运动多模式潜在空间。配备了这些组件,Styletalker不仅可以在给出另一个运动源视频时以动作控制的方式生成说话的头视频,而且还可以通过从输入音频中推断出现实的动作,以完全由音频驱动的方式生成。通过广泛的实验和用户研究,我们表明我们的模型能够以令人印象深刻的感知质量合成会说话的头部视频,这些视频与输入音频相符,可以准确地唇部同步,这在很大程度上要优于先进的基线。
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虽然深度神经网络的最近进步使得可以呈现高质量的图像,产生照片 - 现实和个性化的谈话头部仍然具有挑战性。通过给定音频,解决此任务的关键是同步唇部运动,同时生成头部移动和眼睛闪烁等个性化属性。在这项工作中,我们观察到输入音频与唇部运动高度相关,而与其他个性化属性的较少相关(例如,头部运动)。受此启发,我们提出了一种基于神经辐射场的新颖框架,以追求高保真和个性化的谈话。具体地,神经辐射场将唇部运动特征和个性化属性作为两个解除态条件采用,其中从音频输入直接预测唇部移动以实现唇部同步的生成。同时,从概率模型采样个性化属性,我们设计了从高斯过程中采样的基于变压器的变差自动码器,以学习合理的和自然的头部姿势和眼睛闪烁。在几个基准上的实验表明,我们的方法比最先进的方法达到了更好的结果。
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Given a piece of text, a video clip and a reference audio, the movie dubbing (also known as visual voice clone V2C) task aims to generate speeches that match the speaker's emotion presented in the video using the desired speaker voice as reference. V2C is more challenging than conventional text-to-speech tasks as it additionally requires the generated speech to exactly match the varying emotions and speaking speed presented in the video. Unlike previous works, we propose a novel movie dubbing architecture to tackle these problems via hierarchical prosody modelling, which bridges the visual information to corresponding speech prosody from three aspects: lip, face, and scene. Specifically, we align lip movement to the speech duration, and convey facial expression to speech energy and pitch via attention mechanism based on valence and arousal representations inspired by recent psychology findings. Moreover, we design an emotion booster to capture the atmosphere from global video scenes. All these embeddings together are used to generate mel-spectrogram and then convert to speech waves via existing vocoder. Extensive experimental results on the Chem and V2C benchmark datasets demonstrate the favorable performance of the proposed method. The source code and trained models will be released to the public.
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面对面对话期间的响应声是社会互动的关键要素,在心理学研究中得到了很好的建立。通过非言语信号响应扬声器的话语,语调或行为实时,听众展示了它们如何从事对话。在这项工作中,我们构建了响应声侦听器数据集(RLD),从公共资源收集的对话视频语料库,其中包括67个扬声器,76个听众,具有三种不同的态度。我们将响应声聆听头生成任务定义为具有运动的运动和表达式的非言语头的合成,包括扬声器的音频和视觉信号。与言语驱动的手势或谈话主管不同,我们在这项任务中介绍了更多的模态,希望有利于几个研究领域,包括人类互动,视频到视频转换,跨模型理解和生成。此外,我们释放了一种态度调节的听力头生成基线。项目页面:\ url {https://project.mhzhou.com/rld}。
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虽然先前以语音为导向的说话面部生成方法在改善合成视频的视觉质量和唇部同步质量方面取得了重大进展,但它们对唇部运动的关注较少,从而极大地破坏了说话面部视频的真实性。是什么导致运动烦恼,以及如何减轻问题?在本文中,我们基于最先进的管道对运动抖动问题进行系统分析,该管道使用3D面表示桥接输入音频和输出视频,并通过一系列有效的设计来改善运动稳定性。我们发现,几个问题可能会导致综合说话的面部视频中的烦恼:1)输入3D脸部表示的烦恼; 2)训练推导不匹配; 3)视频帧之间缺乏依赖建模。因此,我们提出了三种有效的解决方案来解决此问题:1)我们提出了一个基于高斯的自适应平滑模块,以使3D面部表征平滑以消除输入中的抖动; 2)我们在训练中对神经渲染器的输入数据增加了增强的侵蚀,以模拟推理中的变形以减少不匹配; 3)我们开发了一个音频融合的变压器生成器,以模拟视频帧之间的依赖性。此外,考虑到没有现成的指标来测量说话面部视频中的运动抖动,我们设计了一个客观的度量标准(运动稳定性指数,MSI),可以通过计算方差加速度的倒数来量化运动抖动。广泛的实验结果表明,我们方法对运动稳定的面部视频生成的优越性,其质量比以前的系统更好。
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This work addresses the problem of generating 3D holistic body motions from human speech. Given a speech recording, we synthesize sequences of 3D body poses, hand gestures, and facial expressions that are realistic and diverse. To achieve this, we first build a high-quality dataset of 3D holistic body meshes with synchronous speech. We then define a novel speech-to-motion generation framework in which the face, body, and hands are modeled separately. The separated modeling stems from the fact that face articulation strongly correlates with human speech, while body poses and hand gestures are less correlated. Specifically, we employ an autoencoder for face motions, and a compositional vector-quantized variational autoencoder (VQ-VAE) for the body and hand motions. The compositional VQ-VAE is key to generating diverse results. Additionally, we propose a cross-conditional autoregressive model that generates body poses and hand gestures, leading to coherent and realistic motions. Extensive experiments and user studies demonstrate that our proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art performance both qualitatively and quantitatively. Our novel dataset and code will be released for research purposes at https://talkshow.is.tue.mpg.de.
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现有的语音克隆(VC)任务旨在将段落文本转换为具有参考音频指定的所需语音的语音。这显着提高了人工语音应用的发展。然而,也存在许多情景,这些方案不能被这些VC任务更好地反映,例如电影配音,这需要语音与与电影图一致的情绪。为了填补这个差距,在这项工作中,我们提出了一个名为Visual Voice Cloning(V2C)的新任务,该任务试图将文本段落转换为具有由参考视频指定的参考音频和所需情绪指定的所需语音的语音。为了促进该领域的研究,我们构建数据集,V2C动画,并根据现有的最先进(SOTA)VC技术提出强大的基线。我们的数据集包含10,217个动画电影剪辑,覆盖各种类型的类型(例如,喜剧,幻想)和情感(例如,快乐,悲伤)。我们进一步设计了一组名为MCD-DTW-SL的评估度量,这有助于评估地面真理语音和合成的相似性。广泛的实验结果表明,即使是SOTA VC方法也不能为我们的V2C任务产生令人满意的演讲。我们希望拟议的新任务与建设的数据集和评估度量一起将促进语音克隆领域的研究和更广泛的视野和语言社区。
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In this paper, we introduce a simple and novel framework for one-shot audio-driven talking head generation. Unlike prior works that require additional driving sources for controlled synthesis in a deterministic manner, we instead probabilistically sample all the holistic lip-irrelevant facial motions (i.e. pose, expression, blink, gaze, etc.) to semantically match the input audio while still maintaining both the photo-realism of audio-lip synchronization and the overall naturalness. This is achieved by our newly proposed audio-to-visual diffusion prior trained on top of the mapping between audio and disentangled non-lip facial representations. Thanks to the probabilistic nature of the diffusion prior, one big advantage of our framework is it can synthesize diverse facial motion sequences given the same audio clip, which is quite user-friendly for many real applications. Through comprehensive evaluations on public benchmarks, we conclude that (1) our diffusion prior outperforms auto-regressive prior significantly on almost all the concerned metrics; (2) our overall system is competitive with prior works in terms of audio-lip synchronization but can effectively sample rich and natural-looking lip-irrelevant facial motions while still semantically harmonized with the audio input.
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Previous studies have explored generating accurately lip-synced talking faces for arbitrary targets given audio conditions. However, most of them deform or generate the whole facial area, leading to non-realistic results. In this work, we delve into the formulation of altering only the mouth shapes of the target person. This requires masking a large percentage of the original image and seamlessly inpainting it with the aid of audio and reference frames. To this end, we propose the Audio-Visual Context-Aware Transformer (AV-CAT) framework, which produces accurate lip-sync with photo-realistic quality by predicting the masked mouth shapes. Our key insight is to exploit desired contextual information provided in audio and visual modalities thoroughly with delicately designed Transformers. Specifically, we propose a convolution-Transformer hybrid backbone and design an attention-based fusion strategy for filling the masked parts. It uniformly attends to the textural information on the unmasked regions and the reference frame. Then the semantic audio information is involved in enhancing the self-attention computation. Additionally, a refinement network with audio injection improves both image and lip-sync quality. Extensive experiments validate that our model can generate high-fidelity lip-synced results for arbitrary subjects.
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在本文中,我们探讨了一个有趣的问题,即从$ 8 \ times8 $ Pixel视频序列中获得什么。令人惊讶的是,事实证明很多。我们表明,当我们处理此$ 8 \ times8 $视频带有正确的音频和图像先验时,我们可以获得全长的256 \ times256 $视频。我们使用新颖的视听UPPRAPLING网络实现了极低分辨率输入的$ 32 \ times $缩放。音频先验有助于恢复元素面部细节和精确的唇形,而单个高分辨率目标身份图像先验为我们提供了丰富的外观细节。我们的方法是端到端的多阶段框架。第一阶段会产生一个粗糙的中间输出视频,然后可用于动画单个目标身份图像并生成逼真,准确和高质量的输出。我们的方法很简单,并且与以前的超分辨率方法相比,表现非常好($ 8 \ times $改善了FID得分)。我们还将模型扩展到了谈话视频压缩,并表明我们在以前的最新时间上获得了$ 3.5 \ times $的改进。通过广泛的消融实验(在论文和补充材料中)对我们网络的结果进行了彻底的分析。我们还在我们的网站上提供了演示视频以及代码和模型:\ url {http://cvit.iiit.ac.in/research/project/projects/cvit-projects/talking-face-vace-video-upsmpling}。
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