In deep learning, neural networks serve as noisy channels between input data and its representation. This perspective naturally relates deep learning with the pursuit of constructing channels with optimal performance in information transmission and representation. While considerable efforts are concentrated on realizing optimal channel properties during network optimization, we study a frequently overlooked possibility that neural networks can be initialized toward optimal channels. Our theory, consistent with experimental validation, identifies primary mechanics underlying this unknown possibility and suggests intrinsic connections between statistical physics and deep learning. Unlike the conventional theories that characterize neural networks applying the classic mean-filed approximation, we offer analytic proof that this extensively applied simplification scheme is not valid in studying neural networks as information channels. To fill this gap, we develop a corrected mean-field framework applicable for characterizing the limiting behaviors of information propagation in neural networks without strong assumptions on inputs. Based on it, we propose an analytic theory to prove that mutual information maximization is realized between inputs and propagated signals when neural networks are initialized at dynamic isometry, a case where information transmits via norm-preserving mappings. These theoretical predictions are validated by experiments on real neural networks, suggesting the robustness of our theory against finite-size effects. Finally, we analyze our findings with information bottleneck theory to confirm the precise relations among dynamic isometry, mutual information maximization, and optimal channel properties in deep learning.
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我们研究了重整化组(RG)和深神经网络之间的类比,其中随后的神经元层类似于沿RG的连续步骤。特别地,我们通过在抽取RG下明确计算在DIMIMATION RG下的一个和二维insing模型中的相对熵或kullback-leibler发散,以及作为深度的函数的前馈神经网络中的相对熵或kullback-leibler发散。我们观察到单调增加到参数依赖性渐近值的定性相同的行为。在量子场理论方面,单调增加证实了相对熵和C定理之间的连接。对于神经网络,渐近行为可能对机器学习中的各种信息最大化方法以及解开紧凑性和概括性具有影响。此外,虽然我们考虑的二维误操作模型和随机神经网络都表现出非差异临界点,但是对任何系统的相位结构的相对熵看起来不敏感。从这个意义上讲,需要更精细的探针以充分阐明这些模型中的信息流。
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Understanding the functional principles of information processing in deep neural networks continues to be a challenge, in particular for networks with trained and thus non-random weights. To address this issue, we study the mapping between probability distributions implemented by a deep feed-forward network. We characterize this mapping as an iterated transformation of distributions, where the non-linearity in each layer transfers information between different orders of correlation functions. This allows us to identify essential statistics in the data, as well as different information representations that can be used by neural networks. Applied to an XOR task and to MNIST, we show that correlations up to second order predominantly capture the information processing in the internal layers, while the input layer also extracts higher-order correlations from the data. This analysis provides a quantitative and explainable perspective on classification.
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The logit outputs of a feedforward neural network at initialization are conditionally Gaussian, given a random covariance matrix defined by the penultimate layer. In this work, we study the distribution of this random matrix. Recent work has shown that shaping the activation function as network depth grows large is necessary for this covariance matrix to be non-degenerate. However, the current infinite-width-style understanding of this shaping method is unsatisfactory for large depth: infinite-width analyses ignore the microscopic fluctuations from layer to layer, but these fluctuations accumulate over many layers. To overcome this shortcoming, we study the random covariance matrix in the shaped infinite-depth-and-width limit. We identify the precise scaling of the activation function necessary to arrive at a non-trivial limit, and show that the random covariance matrix is governed by a stochastic differential equation (SDE) that we call the Neural Covariance SDE. Using simulations, we show that the SDE closely matches the distribution of the random covariance matrix of finite networks. Additionally, we recover an if-and-only-if condition for exploding and vanishing norms of large shaped networks based on the activation function.
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我们认为越来越复杂的矩阵去噪和贝叶斯最佳设置中的文章学习模型,在挑战性的政权中,在矩阵推断出与系统尺寸线性的排名增加。这与大多数现有的文献相比,与低秩(即常数级别)制度相关的文献相反。我们首先考虑一类旋转不变的矩阵去噪,使用来自随机矩阵理论的标准技术来计算的互动信息和最小均方误差。接下来,我们分析了字典学习的更具挑战性模式。为此,我们将复制方法与随机矩阵理论一起介绍了复制品方法的新组合,共同矩阵理论,Coined光谱副本方法。它允许我们猜测隐藏表示与字典学习问题的嘈杂数据之间的相互信息的变分形式,以及定量最佳重建误差的重叠。所提出的方法从$ \ theta(n ^ 2)$(矩阵条目)到$ \ theta(n)$(特征值或奇异值)减少自由度的数量,并产生的互信息的库仑气体表示让人想起物理学中的矩阵模型。主要成分是使用Harishchandra-Itzykson-Zuber球形积分,结合新的复制对称解耦Ansatz,在特定重叠矩阵的特征值(或奇异值)的概率分布的水平上。
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这项正在进行的工作旨在为统计学习提供统一的介绍,从诸如GMM和HMM等经典模型到现代神经网络(如VAE和扩散模型)缓慢地构建。如今,有许多互联网资源可以孤立地解释这一点或新的机器学习算法,但是它们并没有(也不能在如此简短的空间中)将这些算法彼此连接起来,或者与统计模型的经典文献相连现代算法出现了。同样明显缺乏的是一个单一的符号系统,尽管对那些已经熟悉材料的人(如这些帖子的作者)不满意,但对新手的入境造成了重大障碍。同样,我的目的是将各种模型(尽可能)吸收到一个用于推理和学习的框架上,表明(以及为什么)如何以最小的变化将一个模型更改为另一个模型(其中一些是新颖的,另一些是文献中的)。某些背景当然是必要的。我以为读者熟悉基本的多变量计算,概率和统计以及线性代数。这本书的目标当然不是​​完整性,而是从基本知识到过去十年中极强大的新模型的直线路径或多或少。然后,目标是补充而不是替换,诸如Bishop的\ emph {模式识别和机器学习}之类的综合文本,该文本现在已经15岁了。
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经常性神经网络(RNNS)是强大的动态模型,广泛用于机器学习(ML)和神经科学。之前的理论作品集中在具有添加剂相互作用的RNN上。然而,门控 - 即乘法 - 相互作用在真神经元中普遍存在,并且也是ML中最佳性能RNN的中心特征。在这里,我们表明Gating提供灵活地控制集体动态的两个突出特征:i)时间尺寸和ii)维度。栅极控制时间尺度导致新颖的稳定状态,网络用作灵活积分器。与以前的方法不同,Gating允许这种重要功能而没有参数微调或特殊对称。门还提供一种灵活的上下文相关机制来重置存储器跟踪,从而补充存储器功能。调制维度的栅极可以诱导新颖的不连续的混沌转变,其中输入将稳定的系统推向强的混沌活动,与通常稳定的输入效果相比。在这种转变之上,与添加剂RNN不同,关键点(拓扑复杂性)的增殖与混沌动力学的外观解耦(动态复杂性)。丰富的动态总结在相图中,从而为ML从业者提供了一个原理参数初始化选择的地图。
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量子哈密顿学习和量子吉布斯采样的双重任务与物理和化学中的许多重要问题有关。在低温方案中,这些任务的算法通常会遭受施状能力,例如因样本或时间复杂性差而遭受。为了解决此类韧性,我们将量子自然梯度下降的概括引入了参数化的混合状态,并提供了稳健的一阶近似算法,即量子 - 固定镜下降。我们使用信息几何学和量子计量学的工具证明了双重任务的数据样本效率,因此首次将经典Fisher效率的开创性结果推广到变异量子算法。我们的方法扩展了以前样品有效的技术,以允许模型选择的灵活性,包括基于量子汉密尔顿的量子模型,包括基于量子的模型,这些模型可能会规避棘手的时间复杂性。我们的一阶算法是使用经典镜下降二元性的新型量子概括得出的。两种结果都需要特殊的度量选择,即Bogoliubov-Kubo-Mori度量。为了从数值上测试我们提出的算法,我们将它们的性能与现有基准进行了关于横向场ISING模型的量子Gibbs采样任务的现有基准。最后,我们提出了一种初始化策略,利用几何局部性来建模状态的序列(例如量子 - 故事过程)的序列。我们从经验上证明了它在实际和想象的时间演化的经验上,同时定义了更广泛的潜在应用。
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The study of feature propagation at initialization in neural networks lies at the root of numerous initialization designs. An assumption very commonly made in the field states that the pre-activations are Gaussian. Although this convenient Gaussian hypothesis can be justified when the number of neurons per layer tends to infinity, it is challenged by both theoretical and experimental works for finite-width neural networks. Our major contribution is to construct a family of pairs of activation functions and initialization distributions that ensure that the pre-activations remain Gaussian throughout the network's depth, even in narrow neural networks. In the process, we discover a set of constraints that a neural network should fulfill to ensure Gaussian pre-activations. Additionally, we provide a critical review of the claims of the Edge of Chaos line of works and build an exact Edge of Chaos analysis. We also propose a unified view on pre-activations propagation, encompassing the framework of several well-known initialization procedures. Finally, our work provides a principled framework for answering the much-debated question: is it desirable to initialize the training of a neural network whose pre-activations are ensured to be Gaussian?
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我们开发了一种多尺度方法,以从实验或模拟中观察到的物理字段或配置的数据集估算高维概率分布。通过这种方式,我们可以估计能量功能(或哈密顿量),并有效地在从统计物理学到宇宙学的各个领域中生成多体系统的新样本。我们的方法 - 小波条件重新归一化组(WC-RG) - 按比例进行估算,以估算由粗粒磁场来调节的“快速自由度”的条件概率的模型。这些概率分布是由与比例相互作用相关的能量函数建模的,并以正交小波为基础表示。 WC-RG将微观能量函数分解为各个尺度上的相互作用能量之和,并可以通过从粗尺度到细度来有效地生成新样品。近相变,它避免了直接估计和采样算法的“临界减速”。理论上通过结合RG和小波理论的结果来解释这一点,并为高斯和$ \ varphi^4 $字段理论进行数值验证。我们表明,多尺度WC-RG基于能量的模型比局部电位模型更通用,并且可以在所有长度尺度上捕获复杂的多体相互作用系统的物理。这是针对反映宇宙学中暗物质分布的弱透镜镜头的,其中包括与长尾概率分布的长距离相互作用。 WC-RG在非平衡系统中具有大量的潜在应用,其中未知基础分布{\ it先验}。最后,我们讨论了WC-RG和深层网络体系结构之间的联系。
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Given the increasingly intricate forms of partial differential equations (PDEs) in physics and related fields, computationally solving PDEs without analytic solutions inevitably suffers from the trade-off between accuracy and efficiency. Recent advances in neural operators, a kind of mesh-independent neural-network-based PDE solvers, have suggested the dawn of overcoming this challenge. In this emerging direction, Koopman neural operator (KNO) is a representative demonstration and outperforms other state-of-the-art alternatives in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Here we present KoopmanLab, a self-contained and user-friendly PyTorch module of the Koopman neural operator family for solving partial differential equations. Beyond the original version of KNO, we develop multiple new variants of KNO based on different neural network architectures to improve the general applicability of our module. These variants are validated by mesh-independent and long-term prediction experiments implemented on representative PDEs (e.g., the Navier-Stokes equation and the Bateman-Burgers equation) and ERA5 (i.e., one of the largest high-resolution data sets of global-scale climate fields). These demonstrations suggest the potential of KoopmanLab to be considered in diverse applications of partial differential equations.
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近似消息传递(AMP)是解决高维统计问题的有效迭代范式。但是,当迭代次数超过$ o \ big(\ frac {\ log n} {\ log log \ log \ log n} \时big)$(带有$ n $问题维度)。为了解决这一不足,本文开发了一个非吸附框架,用于理解峰值矩阵估计中的AMP。基于AMP更新的新分解和可控的残差项,我们布置了一个分析配方,以表征在存在独立初始化的情况下AMP的有限样本行为,该过程被进一步概括以进行光谱初始化。作为提出的分析配方的两个具体后果:(i)求解$ \ mathbb {z} _2 $同步时,我们预测了频谱初始化AMP的行为,最高为$ o \ big(\ frac {n} {\ mathrm {\ mathrm { poly} \ log n} \ big)$迭代,表明该算法成功而无需随后的细化阶段(如最近由\ citet {celentano2021local}推测); (ii)我们表征了稀疏PCA中AMP的非反应性行为(在尖刺的Wigner模型中),以广泛的信噪比。
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深度神经网络对于违抗理论治疗是臭名昭着的。然而,当每个层中的参数的数量倾向于无穷大时,网络功能是高斯过程(GP)和定量预测描述是可能的。高斯近似允许制定用于选择超参数的标准,例如权重和偏差的差异,以及学习率。这些标准依赖于为深神经网络定义的临界概念。在这项工作中,我们描述了一种新的诊断(理论上和凭经验)这种关键性的新方法。为此,我们介绍了网络的部分雅各者,定义为在Lay $ L_0 <L $中的Preactivation中的Preactivation中的常见率。当网络架构涉及许多不同的层时,这些数量特别有用。我们讨论了部分雅可比人的各种属性,例如他们的缩放,深度和与神经切线内核(NTK)的关系。我们派生了部分雅典人的复发关系,并利用它们来分析深层MLP网络的关键性(且没有)Playernorm。我们发现归一化层改变了超参数和临界指数的最佳值。我们认为在应用开始时,PlayerNorm更稳定,而不是由于相关深度较大的激活。
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切成薄片的相互信息(SMI)定义为在随机变量的一维随机投影之间的平均值(MI)项。它是对经典MI依赖的替代度量,该量子保留了许多特性,但更可扩展到高维度。但是,对SMI本身和其估计率的定量表征取决于环境维度,这对于理解可伸缩性至关重要,仍然晦涩难懂。这项工作将原始的SMI定义扩展到$ K $ -SMI,该定义将预测视为$ k $维二维子空间,并提供了有关其依赖性尺寸的多方面帐户。在2-Wasserstein指标中使用差分熵连续性的新结果,我们对Monte Carlo(MC)基于$ K $ -SMI的估计的错误得出了尖锐的界限,并明确依赖于$ K $和环境维度,揭示了他们与样品数量的相互作用。然后,我们将MC Integrator与神经估计框架相结合,以提供端到端$ K $ -SMI估算器,为此建立了最佳的收敛率。随着尺寸的增长,我们还探索了人口$ k $ -smi的渐近学,从而为高斯近似结果提供了在适当的力矩范围下衰减的残差。我们的理论通过数值实验验证,并适用于切片Infogan,该切片完全提供了$ k $ -smi的可伸缩性问题的全面定量说明,包括SMI作为特殊情况,当$ k = 1 $。
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了解不同网络架构的能力和局限性对机器学习的根本重要性。高斯工艺的贝叶斯推断已被证明是一种可行的方法,用于研究无限层宽度的反复和深网络,$ n \ infty $。在这里,我们通过采用来自无序系统的统计物理学的建立方法,从第一个原则开始的架构的统一和系统的衍生均衡和系统的推导。该理论阐明了,虽然平均场方程关于其时间结构不同,但是当读出分别在单个时间点或层拍摄时,它们却产生相同的高斯核。贝叶斯推理应用于分类,然后预测两种架构的相同性能和能力。在数值上,我们发现朝向平均场理论的收敛通常对复发网络的速度较慢,而不是对于深网络,并且收敛速度仅取决于前面的重量的参数以及时间步骤的参数。我们的方法公开了高斯进程,但系统扩展的最低阶数为1 / N $。因此,形式主义铺平了调查有限宽度$ N $的经常性和深层架构之间的根本差异。
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A fundamental problem in neural network research, as well as in many other disciplines, is finding a suitable representation of multivariate data, i.e. random vectors. For reasons of computational and conceptual simplicity, the representation is often sought as a linear transformation of the original data. In other words, each component of the representation is a linear combination of the original variables. Well-known linear transformation methods include principal component analysis, factor analysis, and projection pursuit. Independent component analysis (ICA) is a recently developed method in which the goal is to find a linear representation of nongaussian data so that the components are statistically independent, or as independent as possible. Such a representation seems to capture the essential structure of the data in many applications, including feature extraction and signal separation. In this paper, we present the basic theory and applications of ICA, and our recent work on the subject.
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