Within the glassy liquids community, the use of Machine Learning (ML) to model particles' static structure in order to predict their future dynamics is currently a hot topic. The actual state of the art consists in Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) (Bapst 2020) which, beside having a great expressive power, are heavy models with numerous parameters and lack interpretability. Inspired by recent advances (Thomas 2018), we build a GNN that learns a robust representation of the glass' static structure by constraining it to preserve the roto-translation (SE(3)) equivariance. We show that this constraint not only significantly improves the predictive power but also allows to reduce the number of parameters while improving the interpretability. Furthermore, we relate our learned equivariant features to well-known invariant expert features, which are easily expressible with a single layer of our network.
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3D相关的电感偏见,例如翻译不变性和旋转率偏差,对于在3D原子图(例如分子)上运行的图形神经网络是必不可少的。受到变压器在各个领域的成功的启发,我们研究了如何将这些电感偏置纳入变压器。在本文中,我们提出了Equibrouner,这是一个图形神经网络,利用了变压器体系结构的强度,并结合了基于不可减至表示(IRREPS)的$ SE(3)/e(3)$ - 均值功能。 IRREPS在通道尺寸中的编码均值信息而不使图形结构复杂化。简单性使我们能够通过用eproimiant对应物替换原始操作来直接合并它们。此外,为了更好地适应3D图,我们提出了一种新颖的模棱两可的图形注意力,该图都考虑了内容和几何信息,例如IRRERPS特征中包含的相对位置。为了提高注意力的表现力,我们用多层感知器的注意力取代了点产品的注意力,并包括非线性消息传递。我们在两个量子性能预测数据集(QM9和OC20)上进行基准测试。对于QM9,在接受相同数据分区训练的模型中,Equibourer在12个回归任务中的11个中取得了最佳结果。对于OC20,在使用IS2RE数据和IS2RS数据的培训设置下,Equibourer对最先进的模型进行了改进。复制所有主要结果的代码将很快获得。
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这项工作介绍了神经性等因素的外部潜力(NEQUIP),E(3) - 用于学习分子动力学模拟的AB-INITIO计算的用于学习网状体电位的e(3)的神经网络方法。虽然大多数当代对称的模型使用不变的卷曲,但仅在标量上采取行动,Nequip采用E(3) - 几何张量的相互作用,举起Quivariant卷曲,导致了更多的信息丰富和忠实的原子环境代表。该方法在挑战和多样化的分子和材料集中实现了最先进的准确性,同时表现出显着的数据效率。 Nequip优先于现有型号,最多三个数量级的培训数据,挑战深度神经网络需要大量培训套装。该方法的高数据效率允许使用高阶量子化学水平的理论作为参考的精确潜力构建,并且在长时间尺度上实现高保真分子动力学模拟。
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Steerable convolutional neural networks (CNNs) provide a general framework for building neural networks equivariant to translations and other transformations belonging to an origin-preserving group $G$, such as reflections and rotations. They rely on standard convolutions with $G$-steerable kernels obtained by analytically solving the group-specific equivariance constraint imposed onto the kernel space. As the solution is tailored to a particular group $G$, the implementation of a kernel basis does not generalize to other symmetry transformations, which complicates the development of group equivariant models. We propose using implicit neural representation via multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) to parameterize $G$-steerable kernels. The resulting framework offers a simple and flexible way to implement Steerable CNNs and generalizes to any group $G$ for which a $G$-equivariant MLP can be built. We apply our method to point cloud (ModelNet-40) and molecular data (QM9) and demonstrate a significant improvement in performance compared to standard Steerable CNNs.
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建模原子系统的能量和力是计算化学中的一个基本问题,有可能帮助解决世界上许多最紧迫的问题,包括与能源稀缺和气候变化有关的问题。这些计算传统上是使用密度函数理论进行的,这在计算上非常昂贵。机器学习有可能从天数或小时到秒从天数大幅提高这些计算的效率。我们建议球形通道网络(SCN)对原子能量和力进行建模。 SCN是一个图神经网络,节点代表原子并边缘其相邻原子。原子嵌入是使用球形谐波表示的一组球形函数,称为球形通道。我们证明,通过基于3D边缘方向旋转嵌入式,可以在保持消息的旋转模糊性的同时使用更多信息。虽然均衡性是理想的属性,但我们发现,通过在消息传递和聚合中放松这种约束,可以提高准确性。我们在大规模开放催化剂2020数据集中展示了最新的结果,这些数据集在能源和力量预测中,用于许多任务和指标。
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Graph neural networks have recently achieved great successes in predicting quantum mechanical properties of molecules. These models represent a molecule as a graph using only the distance between atoms (nodes). They do not, however, consider the spatial direction from one atom to another, despite directional information playing a central role in empirical potentials for molecules, e.g. in angular potentials. To alleviate this limitation we propose directional message passing, in which we embed the messages passed between atoms instead of the atoms themselves. Each message is associated with a direction in coordinate space. These directional message embeddings are rotationally equivariant since the associated directions rotate with the molecule. We propose a message passing scheme analogous to belief propagation, which uses the directional information by transforming messages based on the angle between them. Additionally, we use spherical Bessel functions and spherical harmonics to construct theoretically well-founded, orthogonal representations that achieve better performance than the currently prevalent Gaussian radial basis representations while using fewer than 1 /4 of the parameters. We leverage these innovations to construct the directional message passing neural network (DimeNet). DimeNet outperforms previous GNNs on average by 76 % on MD17 and by 31 % on QM9. Our implementation is available online. 1
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我们在从傅立叶角度得出的同质空间上引入了一个统一的框架。我们解决了卷积层之前和之后的特征场的情况。我们通过利用提起的特征场的傅立叶系数的稀疏性来提出通过傅立叶域的统一推导。当同质空间的稳定子亚组是一个紧凑的谎言组时,稀疏性就会出现。我们进一步通过元素定位元素非线性引入了一种激活方法,并通过均等卷积抬起并投射回现场。我们表明,其他将特征视为稳定器亚组中傅立叶系数的方法是我们激活的特殊情况。$ SO(3)$和$ SE(3)$进行的实验显示了球形矢量场回归,点云分类和分子完成中的最新性能。
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我们提出了E3NN,这是一个通用框架,用于创建E(3)e术训练功能,也称为欧几里得神经网络。E3NN自然地在几何和几何张量上进行操作,这些几何和几何张量描述了3D中的系统,并在坐标系统的变化下可预测地转换。E3NN的核心是诸如张力生产类别或球形谐波函数之类的等效操作,这些功能可以组成,以创建更复杂的模块,例如卷积和注意机制。E3NN的这些核心操作可用于有效地阐明张量球场网络,3D可通道的CNN,Clebsch-Gordan Networks,SE(3)变压器和其他E(3)E(3)Equivariant网络。
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了解晕星连接是基本的,以提高我们对暗物质的性质和性质的知识。在这项工作中,我们构建一个模型,鉴于IT主机的星系的位置,速度,恒星群体和半径的位置。为了捕获来自星系属性的相关性及其相位空间的相关信息,我们使用图形神经网络(GNN),该网络设计用于使用不规则和稀疏数据。我们从宇宙学和天体物理学中培训了我们在Galaxies上的模型,从宇宙学和天体物理学与机器学习模拟(骆驼)项目。我们的模型,占宇宙学和天体物理的不确定性,能够用$ \ SIM 0.2欧元的准确度来限制晕群。此外,在一套模拟上培训的GNN能够在用利用不同的代码的模拟上进行测试时保留其精度的一部分精度。 GNN的Pytorch几何实现在HTTPS://github.com/pablovd/halographnet上公开可用于github上
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在计算化学和材料科学中,创建快速准确的力场是一项长期挑战。最近,已经证明,几个直径传递神经网络(MPNN)超过了使用其他方法在准确性方面构建的模型。但是,大多数MPNN的计算成本高和可伸缩性差。我们建议出现这些局限性,因为MPNN仅传递两体消息,从而导致层数与网络的表达性之间的直接关系。在这项工作中,我们介绍了MACE,这是一种使用更高的车身订单消息的新型MPNN模型。特别是,我们表明,使用四体消息将所需的消息传递迭代数减少到\ emph {两},从而导致快速且高度可行的模型,达到或超过RMD17的最新准确性,3BPA和ACAC基准任务。我们还证明,使用高阶消息会导致学习曲线的陡峭程度改善。
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我们设计了一种新型的前馈神经网络。相对于统一组$ u(n)$,它是均等的。输入和输出可以是$ \ mathbb {c}^n $的向量,并具有任意尺寸$ n $。我们的实施中不需要卷积层。我们避免因傅立叶样转换中的高阶项截断而导致错误。可以使用简单的计算有效地完成每一层的实现。作为概念的证明,我们已经对原子运动动力学的预测给出了经验结果,以证明我们的方法的实用性。
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The principle of equivariance to symmetry transformations enables a theoretically grounded approach to neural network architecture design. Equivariant networks have shown excellent performance and data efficiency on vision and medical imaging problems that exhibit symmetries. Here we show how this principle can be extended beyond global symmetries to local gauge transformations. This enables the development of a very general class of convolutional neural networks on manifolds that depend only on the intrinsic geometry, and which includes many popular methods from equivariant and geometric deep learning.We implement gauge equivariant CNNs for signals defined on the surface of the icosahedron, which provides a reasonable approximation of the sphere. By choosing to work with this very regular manifold, we are able to implement the gauge equivariant convolution using a single conv2d call, making it a highly scalable and practical alternative to Spherical CNNs. Using this method, we demonstrate substantial improvements over previous methods on the task of segmenting omnidirectional images and global climate patterns.
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Proteins play a central role in biology from immune recognition to brain activity. While major advances in machine learning have improved our ability to predict protein structure from sequence, determining protein function from structure remains a major challenge. Here, we introduce Holographic Convolutional Neural Network (H-CNN) for proteins, which is a physically motivated machine learning approach to model amino acid preferences in protein structures. H-CNN reflects physical interactions in a protein structure and recapitulates the functional information stored in evolutionary data. H-CNN accurately predicts the impact of mutations on protein function, including stability and binding of protein complexes. Our interpretable computational model for protein structure-function maps could guide design of novel proteins with desired function.
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A wide range of techniques have been proposed in recent years for designing neural networks for 3D data that are equivariant under rotation and translation of the input. Most approaches for equivariance under the Euclidean group $\mathrm{SE}(3)$ of rotations and translations fall within one of the two major categories. The first category consists of methods that use $\mathrm{SE}(3)$-convolution which generalizes classical $\mathbb{R}^3$-convolution on signals over $\mathrm{SE}(3)$. Alternatively, it is possible to use \textit{steerable convolution} which achieves $\mathrm{SE}(3)$-equivariance by imposing constraints on $\mathbb{R}^3$-convolution of tensor fields. It is known by specialists in the field that the two approaches are equivalent, with steerable convolution being the Fourier transform of $\mathrm{SE}(3)$ convolution. Unfortunately, these results are not widely known and moreover the exact relations between deep learning architectures built upon these two approaches have not been precisely described in the literature on equivariant deep learning. In this work we provide an in-depth analysis of both methods and their equivalence and relate the two constructions to multiview convolutional networks. Furthermore, we provide theoretical justifications of separability of $\mathrm{SE}(3)$ group convolution, which explain the applicability and success of some recent approaches. Finally, we express different methods using a single coherent formalism and provide explicit formulas that relate the kernels learned by different methods. In this way, our work helps to unify different previously-proposed techniques for achieving roto-translational equivariance, and helps to shed light on both the utility and precise differences between various alternatives. We also derive new TFN non-linearities from our equivalence principle and test them on practical benchmark datasets.
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有效地预测分子相互作用具有通过多个数量级的加速分子动力学的可能性,从而彻底改变化学模拟。图表神经网络(GNNS)最近显示了这项任务的巨大成功,超越了基于固定分子核的经典方法。然而,它们仍然从理论角度出现非常有限,因为常规GNN不能区分某些类型的图表。在这项工作中,我们在理论和实践之间缩小了这种差距。我们表明,具有指示边缘嵌入和两个跳消息传递的GNN是必然的近似器,用于翻译的预测,并且等于排列和旋转。然后,我们利用这些见解和多种结构改进来提出通过神经网络(GemNet)的几何消息。我们展示了拟议的多次消融研究变化的好处。 GEMNET在Coll,MD17和OC20数据集上优于34%,41%和20%的先前模型,并在最具挑战性分子上表现尤其好。我们的实现可在线获取。
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