作为一种相对较新的运动形式,电子竞技提供了无与伦比的数据可用性。尽管游戏发动机生成的大量数据,但提取它们并验证其完整性以实用和科学用途的目的是具有挑战性的。我们的工作旨在通过提供来自Starcraft II电子竞技锦标赛的原始文件和预处理的文件来向更广泛的科学界开放电子竞技。这些文件可用于统计和机器学习建模任务,并与各种基于实验室的测量(例如行为测试,脑成像)相关。我们已经收集了公开可用的游戏发动机,生成了比赛的“重播”,并使用低级应用程序编程界面(API)Parser库进行了数据提取和清理。此外,我们开源并发布了在创建数据集过程中开发的所有自定义工具。这些工具包括Pytorch和Pytorch Lightning API抽象来加载和建模数据。我们的数据集包含自2016年以来的主要和Premiere Starcraft II锦标赛的重播。为了准备数据集,我们处理了55个锦标赛的“ replaypacks”,其中包含17930个带有游戏状态信息的文件。根据对可用的星际争霸II数据集的初步调查,我们观察到我们的数据集是其出版物后最大的星际争霸II电子竞技数据的最大可用来源。对提取数据的分析有望在各种受监督和自我监督的任务中进行进一步的人工智能(AI),机器学习(ML),心理学,人工互动(HCI)和与运动有关的研究。
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Alphazero,Leela Chess Zero和Stockfish Nnue革新了计算机国际象棋。本书对此类引擎的技术内部工作进行了完整的介绍。该书分为四个主要章节 - 不包括第1章(简介)和第6章(结论):第2章引入神经网络,涵盖了所有用于构建深层网络的基本构建块,例如Alphazero使用的网络。内容包括感知器,后传播和梯度下降,分类,回归,多层感知器,矢量化技术,卷积网络,挤压网络,挤压和激发网络,完全连接的网络,批处理归一化和横向归一化和跨性线性单位,残留层,剩余层,过度效果和底漆。第3章介绍了用于国际象棋发动机以及Alphazero使用的经典搜索技术。内容包括minimax,alpha-beta搜索和蒙特卡洛树搜索。第4章展示了现代国际象棋发动机的设计。除了开创性的Alphago,Alphago Zero和Alphazero我们涵盖Leela Chess Zero,Fat Fritz,Fat Fritz 2以及有效更新的神经网络(NNUE)以及MAIA。第5章是关于实施微型α。 Shexapawn是国际象棋的简约版本,被用作为此的示例。 Minimax搜索可以解决六ap峰,并产生了监督学习的培训位置。然后,作为比较,实施了类似Alphazero的训练回路,其中通过自我游戏进行训练与强化学习结合在一起。最后,比较了类似α的培训和监督培训。
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体育由于其全球影响力和影响力丰富的预测任务,是部署机器学习模型的令人兴奋的领域。但是,由于其规模,准确性和可访问性,传统运动的数据通常不适合研究使用。为了解决这些问题,我们转向电子竞技,这是一个越来越多的域,它涵盖了类似于传统体育的视频游戏。由于电子竞技数据是通过服务器日志而不是外围传感器获取的,因此电子竞技提供了一个独特的机会来获得大量清洁和详细的时空数据,类似于传统运动中收集的数据。为了解析电子竞技数据,我们开发了AWPY,这是一个开源电子竞技游戏日志解析库,可以从游戏日志中提取玩家轨迹和动作。使用AWPY,我们可以从1,558个游戏日志中解析86万动作,79万游戏帧和417K轨迹,从专业的反击比赛中创建电子竞技轨迹和动作(ESTA)数据集。埃斯塔(ESTA)是迄今为止最大,最颗粒状的公共运动数据集之一。我们使用ESTA来开发基准,以使用特定于玩家的信息进行赢得预测。 ESTA数据可在https://github.com/pnxenopoulos/esta上获得,并且AWPY通过PYPI公开。
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Machine Learning for Source Code (ML4Code) is an active research field in which extensive experimentation is needed to discover how to best use source code's richly structured information. With this in mind, we introduce JEMMA, an Extensible Java Dataset for ML4Code Applications, which is a large-scale, diverse, and high-quality dataset targeted at ML4Code. Our goal with JEMMA is to lower the barrier to entry in ML4Code by providing the building blocks to experiment with source code models and tasks. JEMMA comes with a considerable amount of pre-processed information such as metadata, representations (e.g., code tokens, ASTs, graphs), and several properties (e.g., metrics, static analysis results) for 50,000 Java projects from the 50KC dataset, with over 1.2 million classes and over 8 million methods. JEMMA is also extensible allowing users to add new properties and representations to the dataset, and evaluate tasks on them. Thus, JEMMA becomes a workbench that researchers can use to experiment with novel representations and tasks operating on source code. To demonstrate the utility of the dataset, we also report results from two empirical studies on our data, ultimately showing that significant work lies ahead in the design of context-aware source code models that can reason over a broader network of source code entities in a software project, the very task that JEMMA is designed to help with.
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源代码对于研究人员重现方法并复制人工智能(AI)论文的结果至关重要。一些组织和研究人员手动收集具有可用源代码的AI论文,以对AI社区做出贡献。但是,手动收集是一项劳动密集型且耗时的任务。为了解决此问题,我们提出了一种方法,可以自动识别具有可用源代码的论文并提取其源代码存储库URL。通过这种方法,我们发现,从2010年到2019年发布的10个最高AI会议的常规论文中有20.5%被确定为具有可用源代码的论文,并且这些源代码存储库中有8.1%不再可访问。我们还创建了XMU NLP Lab ReadMe数据集,这是用于源代码文档研究的标记已读数文件的最大数据集。通过此数据集,我们发现了很多读书文件没有提供的安装说明或使用教程。此外,对AI会议论文的源代码的一般图片进行了大规模的综合统计分析。提出的解决方案还可以超越AI会议论文,以分析来自期刊和会议的其他科学论文,以阐明更多领域。
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创新是经济和社会发展的主要驱动力,有关多种创新的信息嵌入了专利和专利申请的半结构化数据中。尽管在专利数据中表达的创新的影响和新颖性很难通过传统手段来衡量,但ML提供了一套有希望的技术来评估新颖性,汇总贡献和嵌入语义。在本文中,我们介绍了Harvard USPTO专利数据集(HUPD),该数据集是2004年至2004年之间提交给美国专利商业办公室(USPTO)的大型,结构化和多用途的英语专利专利申请。 2018年。HUPD拥有超过450万张专利文件,是可比的Coldia的两到三倍。与以前在NLP中提出的专利数据集不同,HUPD包含了专利申请的发明人提交的版本(不是授予专利的最终版本),其中允许我们在第一次使用NLP方法进行申请时研究专利性。它在包含丰富的结构化元数据以及专利申请文本的同时也很新颖:通过提供每个应用程序的元数据及其所有文本字段,数据集使研究人员能够执行一组新的NLP任务,以利用结构性协变量的变异。作为有关HUPD的研究类型的案例研究,我们向NLP社区(即专利决策的二元分类)介绍了一项新任务。我们还显示数据集中提供的结构化元数据使我们能够对此任务进行概念转移的明确研究。最后,我们演示了如何将HUPD用于三个其他任务:专利主题领域的多类分类,语言建模和摘要。
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社交媒体有可能提供有关紧急情况和突然事件的及时信息。但是,在每天发布的数百万帖子中找到相关信息可能很困难,并且开发数据分析项目通常需要时间和技术技能。这项研究提出了一种为分析社交媒体的灵活支持的方法,尤其是在紧急情况下。引入了可以采用社交媒体分析的不同用例,并讨论了从大量帖子中检索信息的挑战。重点是分析社交媒体帖子中包含的图像和文本,以及一组自动数据处理工具,用于过滤,分类和使用人类的方法来支持数据分析师的内容。这种支持包括配置自动化工具的反馈和建议,以及众包收集公民的投入。通过讨论Crowd4SDG H2020欧洲项目中开发的三个案例研究来验证结果。
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评论是源代码的重要组成部分,是文档的主要来源。这引起了人们对使用大量注释的兴趣训练或评估消耗或生产它们的工具,例如生成甲骨文,甚至是从注释中生成代码,或自动生成代码摘要。这项工作大部分对评论的结构和质量做出了强烈的假设,例如假设它们主要由适当的英语句子组成。但是,我们对这些用例的现有评论的实际质量知之甚少。评论通常包含在其他类型的文本中看不到的独特结构和元素,并且从中过滤或提取信息需要额外的谨慎。本文探讨了来自GitHub的840个最受欢迎的开源项目和Srilab数据集的8422个项目的Python评论的内容和质量,并且Na \“ Ive vs.深入过滤的影响都可以使用现有注释来用于使用现有注释。培训和评估产生评论的系统。
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Recent work pre-training Transformers with self-supervised objectives on large text corpora has shown great success when fine-tuned on downstream NLP tasks including text summarization. However, pre-training objectives tailored for abstractive text summarization have not been explored. Furthermore there is a lack of systematic evaluation across diverse domains. In this work, we propose pre-training large Transformer-based encoder-decoder models on massive text corpora with a new selfsupervised objective. In PEGASUS, important sentences are removed/masked from an input document and are generated together as one output sequence from the remaining sentences, similar to an extractive summary. We evaluated our best PEGASUS model on 12 downstream summarization tasks spanning news, science, stories, instructions, emails, patents, and legislative bills. Experiments demonstrate it achieves state-of-the-art performance on all 12 downstream datasets measured by ROUGE scores. Our model also shows surprising performance on low-resource summarization, surpassing previous state-of-the-art results on 6 datasets with only 1000 examples. Finally we validated our results using human evaluation and show that our model summaries achieve human performance on multiple datasets.
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Did you know that over 70 million of Dota2 players have their in-game data freely accessible? What if such data is used in malicious ways? This paper is the first to investigate such a problem. Motivated by the widespread popularity of video games, we propose the first threat model for Attribute Inference Attacks (AIA) in the Dota2 context. We explain how (and why) attackers can exploit the abundant public data in the Dota2 ecosystem to infer private information about its players. Due to lack of concrete evidence on the efficacy of our AIA, we empirically prove and assess their impact in reality. By conducting an extensive survey on $\sim$500 Dota2 players spanning over 26k matches, we verify whether a correlation exists between a player's Dota2 activity and their real-life. Then, after finding such a link ($p\!<\!0.01$ and $\rho>0.3$), we ethically perform diverse AIA. We leverage the capabilities of machine learning to infer real-life attributes of the respondents of our survey by using their publicly available in-game data. Our results show that, by applying domain expertise, some AIA can reach up to 98% precision and over 90% accuracy. This paper hence raises the alarm on a subtle, but concrete threat that can potentially affect the entire competitive gaming landscape. We alerted the developers of Dota2.
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数字技术的发展和体育运动的日益普及激发了创新者,通过引入幻想体育平台FSP,将体育倾向的用户带到一个全新的不同层次上。数据科学和分析的应用在现代世界中无处不在。数据科学和分析打开门,以获得更深入的理解和帮助,以帮助决策过程。我们坚信,我们可以采用数据科学来预测FSP上的获胜幻想板球团队,Dream 11.我们建立了一个预测模型,可以预测潜在游戏中玩家的性能。我们结合了贪婪和背包算法的组合,开出了11名球员的组合,创建了一支幻想板球团队,这是最重要的统计赔率,即最大的团队成为最强的团队,从而使我们有更大的机会赢得梦想中的赌注。 11 FSP。我们使用Pycaret Python库来帮助我们理解并采用最佳回归算法来进行问题陈述,以做出精确的预测。此外,我们使用Plotly Python图书馆为我们提供了对团队的视觉见解,并且玩家通过计算前瞻性游戏的统计和主观因素来表演。交互作用图帮助我们提高了我们的预测模型的建议。您要么赢得大,赢得小巧,要么根据预期游戏中为您的幻想团队选出的球员的表现而失去赌注,而我们的模型增加了您赢得大的可能性。
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The International Workshop on Reading Music Systems (WoRMS) is a workshop that tries to connect researchers who develop systems for reading music, such as in the field of Optical Music Recognition, with other researchers and practitioners that could benefit from such systems, like librarians or musicologists. The relevant topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to: Music reading systems; Optical music recognition; Datasets and performance evaluation; Image processing on music scores; Writer identification; Authoring, editing, storing and presentation systems for music scores; Multi-modal systems; Novel input-methods for music to produce written music; Web-based Music Information Retrieval services; Applications and projects; Use-cases related to written music. These are the proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems, held in Alicante on the 23rd of July 2021.
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过场动物是许多视频游戏不可或缺的一部分,但是它们的创作既昂贵又耗时,并且需要许多游戏开发人员缺乏的技能。尽管AI已被利用为半自动过场动画的生产,但结果通常缺乏专业人类董事特征的样式的内部一致性和统一性。我们用Cine-AI克服了这一缺点,Cine-AI是一种开源程序性摄影工具集,能够以杰出的人类导演的风格生成游戏中过场动画。 Cine-AI在流行的游戏引擎团结中实现,具有新颖的时间轴和情节板界面,用于设计时间操纵,并结合运行时摄影自动化。通过两项使用定量和定性措施的用户研究,我们证明了Cine-AI产生过过过场动物,这些过场动物与目标主管正确关联,同时提供高于平均水平的可用性。我们的导演模仿数据集可公开使用,可以由用户和电影爱好者扩展。
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在人类可能希望从这些系统中学习,与它们合作或作为合作伙伴互动的情况下,可以捕获类似人类行为的AI系统越来越有用。为了开发以人为导向的AI系统,预测人类行为(而不是预测最佳行动)的问题受到了广泛关注。现有的工作集中在总体意义上捕获人类行为,这可能会限制任何特定个人可以从与这些系统互动中获得的收益。我们通过开发国际象棋中人类行为的高度准确的预测模型来扩展这一工作。国际象棋是探索人类互动的一个丰富领域,因为它结合了一套独特的属性:AI系统在多年前实现了超人类的表现,但人类仍然与他们以及对手和准备工具紧密互动,并且有一种关于单个玩家游戏的大量记录数据。从迈亚(Maia)开始,该版本的Alphazero经过了对人类人群的培训,我们证明我们可以通过应用一系列微调方法来显着提高特定玩家的举动的预测准确性。此外,我们的个性化模型可用于执行风格测定法 - 预测谁采取了一组给定的动作 - 表明他们在个人层面上捕获了人类的决策。我们的工作展示了一种使AI系统更好地与个人行为保持一致的方法,这可能会导致人类互动的大量改善。
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多模型对现实世界应用的承诺激发了可视化和理解其内部力学的研究,其最终目标是使利益相关者能够可视化模型行为,执行模型调试并促进对机器学习模型的信任。但是,现代的多模型模型通常是黑盒神经网络,这使得了解其内部力学变得具有挑战性。我们如何能在这些模型中可视化多模式相互作用的内部建模?我们的论文旨在通过提出Multiviz来填补这一空白,这是一种通过将可解释性问题分为4个阶段来分析多模型模型行为的方法:(1)单峰的重要性:每种模式如何有助于下游建模和预测,(2)交叉交叉。 - 模式相互作用:不同模态如何相互关系,(3)多模式表示:如何在决策级特征中表示单峰和跨模式的交互作用,以及(4)多模式预测:决策级特征如何组成以制造一个预言。 Multiviz旨在在不同的模式,模型,任务和研究领域进行操作。通过对6个现实世界任务的8个训练模型的实验,我们表明,Multiviz中的互补阶段共同使用户能够(1)模拟模型预测,(2)将可解释的概念分配给功能,(3)对模型错误分析执行错误分析,(4)使用错误分析到调试模型的见解。 Multiviz公开可用,将定期使用新的解释工具和指标进行更新,并欢迎社区的意见。
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The International Workshop on Reading Music Systems (WoRMS) is a workshop that tries to connect researchers who develop systems for reading music, such as in the field of Optical Music Recognition, with other researchers and practitioners that could benefit from such systems, like librarians or musicologists. The relevant topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to: Music reading systems; Optical music recognition; Datasets and performance evaluation; Image processing on music scores; Writer identification; Authoring, editing, storing and presentation systems for music scores; Multi-modal systems; Novel input-methods for music to produce written music; Web-based Music Information Retrieval services; Applications and projects; Use-cases related to written music. These are the proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems, held in Delft on the 2nd of November 2019.
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The number of scientific publications continues to rise exponentially, especially in Computer Science (CS). However, current solutions to analyze those publications restrict access behind a paywall, offer no features for visual analysis, limit access to their data, only focus on niches or sub-fields, and/or are not flexible and modular enough to be transferred to other datasets. In this thesis, we conduct a scientometric analysis to uncover the implicit patterns hidden in CS metadata and to determine the state of CS research. Specifically, we investigate trends of the quantity, impact, and topics for authors, venues, document types (conferences vs. journals), and fields of study (compared to, e.g., medicine). To achieve this we introduce the CS-Insights system, an interactive web application to analyze CS publications with various dashboards, filters, and visualizations. The data underlying this system is the DBLP Discovery Dataset (D3), which contains metadata from 5 million CS publications. Both D3 and CS-Insights are open-access, and CS-Insights can be easily adapted to other datasets in the future. The most interesting findings of our scientometric analysis include that i) there has been a stark increase in publications, authors, and venues in the last two decades, ii) many authors only recently joined the field, iii) the most cited authors and venues focus on computer vision and pattern recognition, while the most productive prefer engineering-related topics, iv) the preference of researchers to publish in conferences over journals dwindles, v) on average, journal articles receive twice as many citations compared to conference papers, but the contrast is much smaller for the most cited conferences and journals, and vi) journals also get more citations in all other investigated fields of study, while only CS and engineering publish more in conferences than journals.
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