图形神经网络(GNN)由于从图形结构数据中学习表示能力而引起了很多关注。尽管GNN在许多域中成功地应用了,但GNN的优化程度较低,并且在节点分类的性能很大程度上受到了长尾节点学位分布的影响。本文着重于通过归一化提高GNN的性能。详细说明,通过研究图中的节点度的长尾巴分布,我们提出了一种新颖的GNN归一化方法,该方法称为RESNORM(\ textbf {res}将长尾巴分布纳入正常分布,通过\ textbf {norm} alization)。 RESNOR的$比例$操作重塑节点标准偏差(NSTD)分布,以提高尾部节点的准确性(\ textit {i}。\ textit {e}。,低度节点)。我们提供了理论解释和经验证据,以理解上述$ scale $的机制。除了长期的分销问题外,过度光滑也是困扰社区的基本问题。为此,我们分析了标准偏移的行为,并证明了标准移位是重量矩阵上的预处理,从而增加了过度平滑的风险。考虑到过度光滑的问题,我们为Resnorm设计了一个$ Shift $操作,以低成本的方式模拟了特定于学位的参数策略。广泛的实验验证了重新分类对几个节点分类基准数据集的有效性。
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过度平滑是一个具有挑战性的问题,这会降低深图卷积网络(GCNS)的性能。然而,用于缓解过度平滑问题的现有研究缺乏一般性或有效性。在本文中,我们分析了过度平滑问题背后的潜在问题,即特征 - 多样性退化,梯度消失和模型重量衰减。灵感来自于此,我们提出了一个简单而有效的即插即用模块,速度,缓解过度平滑。具体地,对于GCN模型的每个中间层,随机地(或基于节点度)选择节点以通过直接向非线性函数馈送它们的输入特征来跳过卷积操作。分析,1)跳过卷积操作可以防止特征失去多样性; 2)“跳过”节点使能梯度直接传递回来,从而减轻梯度消失和模型权重过腐蚀问题。为了展示Skipnode的优越性,我们对九个流行的数据集进行了广泛的实验,包括同性恋和异化图,在两个典型的任务上具有不同的图表大小:节点分类和链路预测。具体而言,1)SkipNode具有适应不同数据集和任务的各种基于GCN的模型的普遍性。 2)Skipnode优于最近最先进的反平滑插头 - 播放模块,即DropEdge和Dropnode,在不同的设置中。代码将在GitHub上公开提供。
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Graph neural networks have shown significant success in the field of graph representation learning. Graph convolutions perform neighborhood aggregation and represent one of the most important graph operations. Nevertheless, one layer of these neighborhood aggregation methods only consider immediate neighbors, and the performance decreases when going deeper to enable larger receptive fields. Several recent studies attribute this performance deterioration to the over-smoothing issue, which states that repeated propagation makes node representations of different classes indistinguishable. In this work, we study this observation systematically and develop new insights towards deeper graph neural networks. First, we provide a systematical analysis on this issue and argue that the key factor compromising the performance significantly is the entanglement of representation transformation and propagation in current graph convolution operations. After decoupling these two operations, deeper graph neural networks can be used to learn graph node representations from larger receptive fields. We further provide a theoretical analysis of the above observation when building very deep models, which can serve as a rigorous and gentle description of the over-smoothing issue. Based on our theoretical and empirical analysis, we propose Deep Adaptive Graph Neural Network (DAGNN) to adaptively incorporate information from large receptive fields. A set of experiments on citation, coauthorship, and co-purchase datasets have confirmed our analysis and insights and demonstrated the superiority of our proposed methods. CCS CONCEPTS• Mathematics of computing → Graph algorithms; • Computing methodologies → Artificial intelligence; Neural networks.
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图形神经网络(GNN)在各种图挖掘任务中取得了巨大的成功。但是,当GNN堆叠着许多层时,总是观察到急剧性能降解。结果,大多数GNN仅具有浅层建筑,这限制了它们的表现力和对深社区的开发。最近的研究将深度GNN的性能降低归因于\ textit {过度平滑}的问题。在本文中,我们将传统的图形卷积操作分为两个独立操作:\ textit {passagation}(\ textbf {p})和\ textit {transformation}(\ textbf {t})。可以分为传播深度($ d_p $)和转换深度($ d_t $)。通过广泛的实验,我们发现深度GNNS性能下降的主要原因是\ textit {model dygradation}问题是由大$ d_t $而不是\ textit {过度平滑}问题引起的,主要是由大$ d_p $引起的。 。此外,我们提出\ textIt {自适应初始残留}(air),一个与各种GNN架构兼容的插件模块,以减轻\ textit {model {model dradation degradation}问题和\ textit {textit {过度敏感}问题同时。六个现实世界数据集的实验结果表明,配备空气的GNN胜过大多数具有浅层建筑的GNN,这是由于大型$ d_p $和$ d_t $的好处,而与空气相关的时间成本则可以忽略。
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Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) are a powerful deep learning approach for graph-structured data. Recently, GCNs and subsequent variants have shown superior performance in various application areas on real-world datasets. Despite their success, most of the current GCN models are shallow, due to the over-smoothing problem.In this paper, we study the problem of designing and analyzing deep graph convolutional networks. We propose the GCNII, an extension of the vanilla GCN model with two simple yet effective techniques: Initial residual and Identity mapping. We provide theoretical and empirical evidence that the two techniques effectively relieves the problem of over-smoothing. Our experiments show that the deep GCNII model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on various semi-and fullsupervised tasks. Code is available at https: //github.com/chennnM/GCNII.
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Over-fitting and over-smoothing are two main obstacles of developing deep Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) for node classification. In particular, over-fitting weakens the generalization ability on small dataset, while over-smoothing impedes model training by isolating output representations from the input features with the increase in network depth. This paper proposes DropEdge, a novel and flexible technique to alleviate both issues. At its core, DropEdge randomly removes a certain number of edges from the input graph at each training epoch, acting like a data augmenter and also a message passing reducer. Furthermore, we theoretically demonstrate that DropEdge either reduces the convergence speed of over-smoothing or relieves the information loss caused by it. More importantly, our DropEdge is a general skill that can be equipped with many other backbone models (e.g. GCN, ResGCN, GraphSAGE, and JKNet) for enhanced performance. Extensive experiments on several benchmarks verify that DropEdge consistently improves the performance on a variety of both shallow and deep GCNs. The effect of DropEdge on preventing over-smoothing is empirically visualized and validated as well. Codes are released on https://github.com/DropEdge/DropEdge.
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最近,图形神经网络(GNN)通过利用图形结构和节点特征的知识来表现出图表表示的显着性能。但是,他们中的大多数都有两个主要限制。首先,GNN可以通过堆叠更多的层来学习高阶结构信息,但由于过度光滑的问题,无法处理较大的深度。其次,由于昂贵的计算成本和高内存使用情况,在大图上应用这些方法并不容易。在本文中,我们提出了节点自适应特征平滑(NAFS),这是一种简单的非参数方法,该方法构建了没有参数学习的节点表示。 NAFS首先通过特征平滑提取每个节点及其不同啤酒花的邻居的特征,然后自适应地结合了平滑的特征。此外,通过不同的平滑策略提取的平滑特征的合奏可以进一步增强构建的节点表示形式。我们在两个不同的应用程序方案上对四个基准数据集进行实验:节点群集和链接预测。值得注意的是,具有功能合奏的NAFS优于这些任务上最先进的GNN,并减轻上述大多数基于学习的GNN对应物的两个限制。
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图形神经网络已成为从图形结构数据学习的不可缺少的工具之一,并且它们的实用性已在各种各样的任务中显示。近年来,建筑设计的巨大改进,导致各种预测任务的性能更好。通常,这些神经架构在同一层中使用可知的权重矩阵组合节点特征聚合和特征转换。这使得分析从各种跳过的节点特征和神经网络层的富有效力来挑战。由于不同的图形数据集显示在特征和类标签分布中的不同级别和异常级别,因此必须了解哪些特征对于没有任何先前信息的预测任务是重要的。在这项工作中,我们将节点特征聚合步骤和深度与图形神经网络分离,并经验分析了不同的聚合特征在预测性能中发挥作用。我们表明,并非通过聚合步骤生成的所有功能都很有用,并且通常使用这些较少的信息特征可能对GNN模型的性能有害。通过我们的实验,我们表明学习这些功能的某些子集可能会导致各种数据集的性能更好。我们建议使用Softmax作为常规器,并从不同跳距的邻居聚合的功能的“软选择器”;和L2 - GNN层的标准化。结合这些技术,我们呈现了一个简单浅的模型,特征选择图神经网络(FSGNN),并经验展示所提出的模型比九个基准数据集中的最先进的GNN模型实现了可比或甚至更高的准确性节点分类任务,具有显着的改进,可达51.1%。
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图表神经网络(GNNS)在各种机器学习任务中获得了表示学习的提高。然而,应用邻域聚合的大多数现有GNN通常在图中的图表上执行不良,其中相邻的节点属于不同的类。在本文中,我们示出了在典型的异界图中,边缘可以被引导,以及是否像是处理边缘,也可以使它们过度地影响到GNN模型的性能。此外,由于异常的限制,节点对来自本地邻域之外的类似节点的消息非常有益。这些激励我们开发一个自适应地学习图表的方向性的模型,并利用潜在的长距离相关性节点之间。我们首先将图拉普拉斯概括为基于所提出的特征感知PageRank算法向数字化,该算法同时考虑节点之间的图形方向性和长距离特征相似性。然后,Digraph Laplacian定义了一个图形传播矩阵,导致一个名为{\ em diglaciangcn}的模型。基于此,我们进一步利用节点之间的通勤时间测量的节点接近度,以便在拓扑级别上保留节点的远距离相关性。具有不同级别的10个数据集的广泛实验,同意级别展示了我们在节点分类任务任务中对现有解决方案的有效性。
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have attracted increasing attention in recent years and have achieved excellent performance in semi-supervised node classification tasks. The success of most GNNs relies on one fundamental assumption, i.e., the original graph structure data is available. However, recent studies have shown that GNNs are vulnerable to the complex underlying structure of the graph, making it necessary to learn comprehensive and robust graph structures for downstream tasks, rather than relying only on the raw graph structure. In light of this, we seek to learn optimal graph structures for downstream tasks and propose a novel framework for semi-supervised classification. Specifically, based on the structural context information of graph and node representations, we encode the complex interactions in semantics and generate semantic graphs to preserve the global structure. Moreover, we develop a novel multi-measure attention layer to optimize the similarity rather than prescribing it a priori, so that the similarity can be adaptively evaluated by integrating measures. These graphs are fused and optimized together with GNN towards semi-supervised classification objective. Extensive experiments and ablation studies on six real-world datasets clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed model and the contribution of each component.
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图形神经网络(GNN)是用于建模图数据的流行机器学习方法。许多GNN在同质图上表现良好,同时在异质图上表现不佳。最近,一些研究人员将注意力转移到设计GNN,以通过调整消息传递机制或扩大消息传递的接收场来设计GNN。与从模型设计的角度来减轻异性疾病问题的现有作品不同,我们建议通过重新布线结构来从正交角度研究异质图,以减少异质性并使传统GNN的表现更好。通过全面的经验研究和分析,我们验证了重新布线方法的潜力。为了充分利用其潜力,我们提出了一种名为Deep Hertophilly Graph Rewiring(DHGR)的方法,以通过添加同粒子边缘和修剪异质边缘来重新线图。通过比较节点邻居的标签/特征 - 分布的相似性来确定重新布线的详细方法。此外,我们为DHGR设计了可扩展的实现,以确保高效率。 DHRG可以轻松地用作任何GNN的插件模块,即图形预处理步骤,包括同型和异性的GNN,以提高其在节点分类任务上的性能。据我们所知,这是研究图形的第一部重新绘图图形的作品。在11个公共图数据集上进行的广泛实验证明了我们提出的方法的优势。
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A central challenge of building more powerful Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) is the oversmoothing phenomenon, where increasing the network depth leads to homogeneous node representations and thus worse classification performance. While previous works have only demonstrated that oversmoothing is inevitable when the number of graph convolutions tends to infinity, in this paper, we precisely characterize the mechanism behind the phenomenon via a non-asymptotic analysis. Specifically, we distinguish between two different effects when applying graph convolutions -- an undesirable mixing effect that homogenizes node representations in different classes, and a desirable denoising effect that homogenizes node representations in the same class. By quantifying these two effects on random graphs sampled from the Contextual Stochastic Block Model (CSBM), we show that oversmoothing happens once the mixing effect starts to dominate the denoising effect, and the number of layers required for this transition is $O(\log N/\log (\log N))$ for sufficiently dense graphs with $N$ nodes. We also extend our analysis to study the effects of Personalized PageRank (PPR) on oversmoothing. Our results suggest that while PPR mitigates oversmoothing at deeper layers, PPR-based architectures still achieve their best performance at a shallow depth and are outperformed by the graph convolution approach on certain graphs. Finally, we support our theoretical results with numerical experiments, which further suggest that the oversmoothing phenomenon observed in practice may be exacerbated by the difficulty of optimizing deep GNN models.
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved promising performance on a wide range of graph-based tasks. Despite their success, one severe limitation of GNNs is the over-smoothing issue (indistinguishable representations of nodes in different classes). In this work, we present a systematic and quantitative study on the over-smoothing issue of GNNs. First, we introduce two quantitative metrics, MAD and MADGap, to measure the smoothness and oversmoothness of the graph nodes representations, respectively. Then, we verify that smoothing is the nature of GNNs and the critical factor leading to over-smoothness is the low information-to-noise ratio of the message received by the nodes, which is partially determined by the graph topology. Finally, we propose two methods to alleviate the oversmoothing issue from the topological view: (1) MADReg which adds a MADGap-based regularizer to the training objective; (2) AdaEdge which optimizes the graph topology based on the model predictions. Extensive experiments on 7 widely-used graph datasets with 10 typical GNN models show that the two proposed methods are effective for relieving the over-smoothing issue, thus improving the performance of various GNN models.
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图形神经网络(GNN)在学习强大的节点表示中显示了令人信服的性能,这些表现在保留节点属性和图形结构信息的强大节点表示中。然而,许多GNNS在设计有更深的网络结构或手柄大小的图形时遇到有效性和效率的问题。已经提出了几种采样算法来改善和加速GNN的培训,但他们忽略了解GNN性能增益的来源。图表数据中的信息的测量可以帮助采样算法来保持高价值信息,同时消除冗余信息甚至噪声。在本文中,我们提出了一种用于GNN的公制引导(MEGUIDE)子图学习框架。 MEGUIDE采用两种新颖的度量:功能平滑和连接失效距离,以指导子图采样和迷你批次的培训。功能平滑度专为分析节点的特征而才能保留最有价值的信息,而连接失败距离可以测量结构信息以控制子图的大小。我们展示了MEGUIDE在多个数据集上培训各种GNN的有效性和效率。
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