We propose the Encoder-Recurrent-Decoder (ERD) model for recognition and prediction of human body pose in videos and motion capture. The ERD model is a recurrent neural network that incorporates nonlinear encoder and decoder networks before and after recurrent layers. We test instantiations of ERD architectures in the tasks of motion capture (mocap) generation, body pose labeling and body pose forecasting in videos. Our model handles mocap training data across multiple subjects and activity domains, and synthesizes novel motions while avoiding drifting for long periods of time. For human pose labeling, ERD outperforms a per frame body part detector by resolving left-right body part confusions. For video pose forecasting, ERD predicts body joint displacements across a temporal horizon of 400ms and outperforms a first order motion model based on optical flow. ERDs extend previous Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) models in the literature to jointly learn representations and their dynamics. Our experiments show such representation learning is crucial for both labeling and prediction in space-time. We find this is a distinguishing feature between the spatio-temporal visual domain in comparison to 1D text, speech or handwriting, where straightforward hard coded representations have shown excellent results when directly combined with recurrent units [31] .
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Human motion modelling is a classical problem at the intersection of graphics and computer vision, with applications spanning human-computer interaction, motion synthesis, and motion prediction for virtual and augmented reality. Following the success of deep learning methods in several computer vision tasks, recent work has focused on using deep recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to model human motion, with the goal of learning time-dependent representations that perform tasks such as short-term motion prediction and long-term human motion synthesis. We examine recent work, with a focus on the evaluation methodologies commonly used in the literature, and show that, surprisingly, state-of-the-art performance can be achieved by a simple baseline that does not attempt to model motion at all. We investigate this result, and analyze recent RNN methods by looking at the architectures, loss functions, and training procedures used in state-of-the-art approaches. We propose three changes to the standard RNN models typically used for human motion, which result in a simple and scalable RNN architecture that obtains state-of-the-art performance on human motion prediction.
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本文认为共同解决估计3D人体的高度相关任务,并从RGB图像序列预测未来的3D运动。基于Lie代数姿势表示,提出了一种新的自投影机制,自然保留了人类运动运动学。通过基于编码器 - 解码器拓扑的序列到序列的多任务架构进一步促进了这一点,这使我们能够利用两个任务共享的公共场所。最后,提出了一个全球细化模块来提高框架的性能。我们的方法称为PoMomemet的效力是通过消融测试和人文3.6M和Humaneva-I基准的实证评估,从而获得与最先进的竞争性能。
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Figure 1: Given challenging in-the-wild videos, a recent state-of-the-art video-pose-estimation approach [31] (top), fails to produce accurate 3D body poses. To address this, we exploit a large-scale motion-capture dataset to train a motion discriminator using an adversarial approach. Our model (VIBE) (bottom) is able to produce realistic and accurate pose and shape, outperforming previous work on standard benchmarks.
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From an image of a person in action, we can easily guess the 3D motion of the person in the immediate past and future. This is because we have a mental model of 3D human dynamics that we have acquired from observing visual sequences of humans in motion. We present a framework that can similarly learn a representation of 3D dynamics of humans from video via a simple but effective temporal encoding of image features. At test time, from video, the learned temporal representation give rise to smooth 3D mesh predictions. From a single image, our model can recover the current 3D mesh as well as its 3D past and future motion. Our approach is designed so it can learn from videos with 2D pose annotations in a semi-supervised manner. Though annotated data is always limited, there are millions of videos uploaded daily on the Internet. In this work, we harvest this Internet-scale source of unlabeled data by training our model on unlabeled video with pseudo-ground truth 2D pose obtained from an off-the-shelf 2D pose detector. Our experiments show that adding more videos with pseudo-ground truth 2D pose monotonically improves 3D prediction performance. We evaluate our model, Human Mesh and Motion Recovery (HMMR), on the recent challenging dataset of 3D Poses in the Wild and obtain state-of-the-art performance on the 3D prediction task without any fine-tuning. The project website with video, code, and data can be found at https://akanazawa.github.io/ human_dynamics/.
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我们的目标是从规定的行动类别中解决从规定的行动类别创造多元化和自然人动作视频的有趣但具有挑战性的问题。关键问题在于能够在视觉外观中综合多种不同的运动序列。在本文中通过两步过程实现,该两步处理维持内部3D姿势和形状表示,Action2Motion和Motion2Video。 Action2Motion随机生成规定的动作类别的合理的3D姿势序列,该类别由Motion2Video进行处理和呈现,以形成2D视频。具体而言,Lie代数理论从事人类运动学的物理法之后代表自然人动作;开发了一种促进输出运动的分集的时间变化自动编码器(VAE)。此外,给定衣服人物的额外输入图像,提出了整个管道以提取他/她的3D详细形状,并在视频中呈现来自不同视图的合理运动。这是通过改进从单个2D图像中提取3D人类形状和纹理,索引,动画和渲染的现有方法来实现这一点,以形成人类运动的2D视频。它还需要3D人类运动数据集的策策和成果进行培训目的。彻底的经验实验,包括消融研究,定性和定量评估表现出我们的方法的适用性,并展示了解决相关任务的竞争力,其中我们的方法的组成部分与最先进的方式比较。
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“我们怎样才能通过简单地告诉他们,从动画电影剧本或移动机器人的3D角色我们希望他们做什么?” “我们如何非结构化和复杂的可以造一个句子,仍然从其生成合理的运动?”这些都是需要在长期得到回答,因为领域仍然处于起步阶段的问题。通过这些问题的启发,我们提出了产生成分操作的新技术,它可以处理复杂的输入句子。我们的产量是描绘在输入句子中的动作三维姿态序列。我们提出了一个分级二流顺序模型,探讨对应于给定的运动自然语言中的句子和三维姿态序列之间的精细联合级映射。我们学习运动的两个集管表示 - 每一个上半身下半身动作。我们的模型可以生成简短的句子描述单个动作以及长组成的句子描述多个连续叠加行动似是而非的姿势序列。我们评估的公开可用的KIT运动语言数据集含有与人类标注的句子3D姿势数据我们提出的模型。实验结果表明,我们的模型以50%的余量前进的状态的最先进的在客观评价基于文本的运动的合成。基于用户研究定性评价表明我们的合成运动被认为是最接近地面实况动作捕捉短期和组成句子。
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人类姿势预测是一个充满挑战的问题,涉及复杂的人体运动和姿势动态。在环境中有多个人的情况下,一个人的运动也可能受到他人的运动和动态运动的影响。尽管以前有一些针对多人动态姿势预测问题的作品,但它们通常将整个姿势序列作为时间序列(忽略关节之间的基本关系)建模,或者仅一次输出一个人的未来姿势序列。在本文中,我们提出了一种新方法,称为社会运动变压器(SOM形态),用于多人3D姿势预测。我们的变压器架构独特地将人类运动输入作为关节序列而不是时间序列建模,从而使我们能够对关节进行注意,同时预测并联每个关节的整个未来运动序列。我们表明,通过这种问题重新进行,Somoformer自然会通过使用场景中所有人的关节作为输入查询来扩展到多人场景。我们的模型使用学识渊博的嵌入来表示关节,人身份和全球地位的类型,了解关节之间和人之间的关系,更强烈地参加了来自同一或附近的人的关节。 Somoformer的表现优于SOMOF基准以及CMU-MOCAP和MUPOTS-3D数据集的长期运动预测的最先进方法。出版后将提供代码。
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A core challenge for an agent learning to interact with the world is to predict how its actions affect objects in its environment. Many existing methods for learning the dynamics of physical interactions require labeled object information. However, to scale real-world interaction learning to a variety of scenes and objects, acquiring labeled data becomes increasingly impractical. To learn about physical object motion without labels, we develop an action-conditioned video prediction model that explicitly models pixel motion, by predicting a distribution over pixel motion from previous frames. Because our model explicitly predicts motion, it is partially invariant to object appearance, enabling it to generalize to previously unseen objects. To explore video prediction for real-world interactive agents, we also introduce a dataset of 59,000 robot interactions involving pushing motions, including a test set with novel objects. In this dataset, accurate prediction of videos conditioned on the robot's future actions amounts to learning a "visual imagination" of different futures based on different courses of action. Our experiments show that our proposed method produces more accurate video predictions both quantitatively and qualitatively, when compared to prior methods.
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由于价格合理的可穿戴摄像头和大型注释数据集的可用性,在过去几年中,Egintric Vision(又名第一人称视觉-FPV)的应用程序在过去几年中蓬勃发展。可穿戴摄像机的位置(通常安装在头部上)允许准确记录摄像头佩戴者在其前面的摄像头,尤其是手和操纵物体。这种内在的优势可以从多个角度研究手:将手及其部分定位在图像中;了解双手涉及哪些行动和活动;并开发依靠手势的人类计算机界面。在这项调查中,我们回顾了使用以自我为中心的愿景专注于手的文献,将现有方法分类为:本地化(其中的手或部分在哪里?);解释(手在做什么?);和应用程序(例如,使用以上为中心的手提示解决特定问题的系统)。此外,还提供了带有手基注释的最突出的数据集的列表。
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Models based on deep convolutional networks have dominated recent image interpretation tasks; we investigate whether models which are also recurrent, or "temporally deep", are effective for tasks involving sequences, visual and otherwise. We develop a novel recurrent convolutional architecture suitable for large-scale visual learning which is end-to-end trainable, and demonstrate the value of these models on benchmark video recognition tasks, image description and retrieval problems, and video narration challenges. In contrast to current models which assume a fixed spatio-temporal receptive field or simple temporal averaging for sequential processing, recurrent convolutional models are "doubly deep" in that they can be compositional in spatial and temporal "layers". Such models may have advantages when target concepts are complex and/or training data are limited. Learning long-term dependencies is possible when nonlinearities are incorporated into the network state updates. Long-term RNN models are appealing in that they directly can map variable-length inputs (e.g., video frames) to variable length outputs (e.g., natural language text) and can model complex temporal dynamics; yet they can be optimized with backpropagation. Our recurrent long-term models are directly connected to modern visual convnet models and can be jointly trained to simultaneously learn temporal dynamics and convolutional perceptual representations. Our results show such models have distinct advantages over state-of-the-art models for recognition or generation which are separately defined and/or optimized.
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We present a new method for generating controllable, dynamically responsive, and photorealistic human animations. Given an image of a person, our system allows the user to generate Physically plausible Upper Body Animation (PUBA) using interaction in the image space, such as dragging their hand to various locations. We formulate a reinforcement learning problem to train a dynamic model that predicts the person's next 2D state (i.e., keypoints on the image) conditioned on a 3D action (i.e., joint torque), and a policy that outputs optimal actions to control the person to achieve desired goals. The dynamic model leverages the expressiveness of 3D simulation and the visual realism of 2D videos. PUBA generates 2D keypoint sequences that achieve task goals while being responsive to forceful perturbation. The sequences of keypoints are then translated by a pose-to-image generator to produce the final photorealistic video.
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